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/lit/ - Literature

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14290737 No.14290737 [Reply] [Original]

>dad walks into room
>randomly starts looking at the books on my bookshelf
>sees my copy of the Iliad, points to the name "Homer" and says "Look, the Simpsons."
>keeps looking
>How's that pronounced "René Gee-nun?"
>keeps looking
>"Okay I'm lost. Phenomenumenology? That word does nothing for me."
>"It's hard to explain, dad."
>"The word spirit makes it ominous,"
>keeps looking
>"All's quiet on the Western Front sucks"
>keeps looking
>Who's this Hermann Hesse guy and why do you have four of his books?
>keeps looking
>pulls out Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung et al
>filps through it looking for pictures
>there are very few
>noticed that he stopped and stared one of a naked fertility goddess for a bit
>"But why symbols? That has nothing to do with psychology."
>sits there and flips through the book for another 10 or so minutes before we leave

>> No.14290747

the chad dad vs the virgin manchild

>> No.14290755

>pulls out Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung et al
>filps through it looking for pictures
>there are very few
i am actually in the process of reading that book and i can tell you that a good third of the book is pictures

>> No.14290759

Bet he barebacked his mom after that

>> No.14290761

>But why symbols? That has nothing to do with psychology

>> No.14290764

Holy based

>> No.14290768

>>"All's quiet on the Western Front sucks"
dude recommended that to me, is it good?

>> No.14290770

But of course he didn't have time to read, he was too busy plowing your mom. Same reason I don't btw.

>> No.14290779

I wish I had a wife to plow :(

>> No.14290821

I just flipped through it. You're right that there actually are a lot of pictures. But it's still not a whole lot if you open the book imagining it to be a sort of encyclopedia of symbols with an explanation of each symbol next to it.

I'll have you know that my parents are divorced. The only person plowing my mom is Tyrone, and occasionally his friend, Jamal.

>> No.14290845

yes, it's good

>> No.14290874


>> No.14290885

>Yoo-liss-iss? Like the president?

>> No.14290890

that book isnt about Grant? i genuinely thought it was

>> No.14290896

>noticed that he stopped and stared one of a naked fertility goddess for a bit

You actually reminded me that when I was a kid, I had a book on Rome with naked people in it and he yelled at me because he thought it was pornography.

>> No.14292151

>But it's still not a whole lot if you open the book imagining it to be a sort of encyclopedia of symbols with an explanation of each symbol next to it.
Why would You imagine something this retarded?

>> No.14292347

>reading Paradise Lost in the park
>drunk guy sits next to me
>”Those are a lot of words”
>”Is it a lot of words?”
>drunk guy leaves

>> No.14292359

Based chad dad dabbing on his pseud son

>> No.14293725

no but it does mention him once or twice

>> No.14294645
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>Pentecostal mom walks into room
>Finds my copy of the Westminster Confession

>> No.14294668


>> No.14294701

Remove this thread before I tell your mom.

>> No.14294718

Your books suck pseud

>> No.14294817

>dad appreciates my love of lit and we talk about books and philosophy often
dadlets will never understand

>> No.14294868
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imagine having a father

>> No.14294884

You don't want to be white in 2019 trust me.

>> No.14294911

>What anon imagines happening when he buys books.txt
There is nothing sadder than a man reading to impress and regurgitate instead of reading to learn, better or enjoy oneself.

>> No.14295155
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>> No.14295204

Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his entire aeroplane. "With a private jet, you can go anywhere you want", he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.14296196

ok this is epic include me in the screencap reddit

>> No.14296730

OP your dad sounds like an absolute chad

>> No.14297524

Cool story, bro
It is, unless you are poltard.

>> No.14298049

wish my dad cared about my interests as much as yours does

>> No.14298058

he wanted you to read it to him

>> No.14298064

>Who's this Hermann Hesse guy and why do you have four of his books?
Good question.

>> No.14298079

>>"Okay I'm lost. Phenomenumenology? That word does nothing for me."
>>"It's hard to explain, dad."
holy fuckbrianlet faggot loser your dad should rape you

>> No.14298091

>at the bank, waiting
>old man sits next to me
>Can you read those small letters?
>How can you? You wear glasses, just like me. * pulls phone * I can't read from this distance, so I have to hold my phone high
>my vision is not that low and I got my glasses recently
>I see
>old man leaves
I like talking to old people. It doesn't make me anxious for some reason.

>> No.14298095

ohh..that was a ritual anon. all his gestures as he said all that automatically told your mind not to use anything it might get from those readings.

old people feel threatened by unknown stuff that might give new knowledge to new generations, so they use these and other techniques to neutralize new material from interfering with the hierarchical order that keeps social order.

your mind is on for a tough battle.

>> No.14298192

>dad dosen't walk into my room because he never cared and now is dead
I don't know how to continue from here.

>> No.14298193

You know your moments of autism are much closer to the void than if you were talking to a younger person. The elderly will die and your autistic moments die with them.

>> No.14298195

Chaddad has understood Nietzsche philosophy without having ever read a page.

>> No.14298330


>> No.14298658

boomer, please

>> No.14298669
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>dad only reads capeshit

>> No.14299204
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>dad tries to bond with son who ignores him and sits on his computer forums instead

>> No.14299247


The man sounds like my own father when he tried to make small talk with me and show some interest in my stuff that he didn't underestand, maybe he just wants to get close to OP, he stopped doing that kind of stuff with me when I got into woodworking (which he loves) and now we bond and chat over that.

Spend some time doing stuff with your old man OP.

>> No.14299278

It was me. I wanted you to read it to me. That way, every Monday, we can pick up where we left off.

>> No.14299285

ernst junger is better

>> No.14299366
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My mom is insistent that she gets me Christmas gifts and I never know what to ask for, so I usually ask for books. I think over the years she's become slightly bemused by my increasingly esoteric requests. Starting off with things like "Oh, maybe a collection of Maupassant stories," to Céline, to Ernst Junger's The Worker or Calasso's The Unnamable Present this year.

>> No.14299420
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I wish I had a Dad

>> No.14300549

Having a dad is very very cucked, gay, and bluepilled. He constantly bangs your mom so you never get a turn, and then he makes you suck his dick on top of that.

>> No.14300587

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.14300876

Yeah? And I wish I hadn't. Why? Because he is a drinker.. And a fiend.

>> No.14300905


A model of how not to be is a role-model as well.

>> No.14300936

And on top of that, actually having a job

>> No.14301045

What actually happened
>dad kicks open my door
>"How you doing son? Still inside reading those books I see. Lets have a looksy then."
>Sees Iliad
>"I watched the movie, didn't think it was that good"
>Sees Rene Gueonon
>"Crisis of the modern world, is it about how nowadays people in their 20s just sit inside on their computers all day doing nothing meaningful? Just kidding son"
>"Got any Tom Clancy books?"
>Sees Man and his symbols
>"Cauw look at this tities son, now this is my kind of book."
>"Hey, so, remember that girl Stacy that you went to HS with. I met her at a bar and she's downstairs at the minute. Can you stay in your room she's got a really daddy complex if you know what I mean"
>slaps son on the back
>proceededs to audibly plow Stacy creating confused feelings in the son

>> No.14301449


>Dad kicks open my door
>Sees René Guénon
>"Son why is the skeleton of a quintessential French traditionalist in your room? I'm calling the cops."
>Get arrested for grave robbery

>> No.14301474

>dad sees my copy of the catechism
>we both make fun of protestants
Dads are cool

>> No.14301704

This, emphasis on GAY. You literally came out of the guy's cock, why would you ever want to meet him? Also if he's gone you can bang your mom all you want.

>> No.14301779

Check for in 9 months if you get a lil bro.


>> No.14302425

>dad walks into my room
>"the measure of a man is not made by looking at his bookshelf"
>what cunt?
>"I'm sayingthat you aren't smart or an intellectual just because you have "important" books on your shelf which you've never read
>cry and threaten to move out of home
>dad laughs and throws me the real estate classifieds
>"hit the road queer"
Books for this feel