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14285764 No.14285764 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this today. What should I expect? Actual good book or some pretentious bullshit?

>> No.14285774

how's about you fucking read the thing then come back and tell us about it.

>> No.14285795


>> No.14285858

Just asking for an opinion...

>> No.14285929

It’s garbage. It’s pretty much like how the autists on here describe Infinite Jest (except that book is actually good).

>> No.14285951


>> No.14286133

Personally I loved how it started out. Really drew me in. However, it quickly became a snoozefest. I think if it were half as long it would be a great book.

>> No.14286143

I enjoyed it

>> No.14286532

It's pretty good. I constantly think about it.

>> No.14286585

There are reviews on Goodreads saying this book will haunt you for days and do not read it alone.
Is it a clusterfuck? Does it have a lot of metaphors, hidden meanings and confused timeline?

>> No.14286743

are you underage