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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 127 KB, 1882x187, Damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14284563 No.14284563 [Reply] [Original]

What were some posts made on here that simply struck you in a way that made you believe the poster had literary skill?

>> No.14284577
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>> No.14284582


>> No.14284646
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, lit nigger book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14284667

that nigger sleazecore pic, can' find it tho

>> No.14285108


>> No.14285114

Looks like you wrote that yourself. It is awful. No surprise there, cumbrain

>> No.14285118

Yes, you did write it yourself, as evidenced by only three replies. Very low IQ and shit tier. 0/10

>> No.14285136

is this Celine?

>> No.14285141
File: 40 KB, 1878x182, wine aunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14285176

Someone post the wombinic vapors post

>> No.14285186

yeah but replace it with jews, judaized, ass reamed jewish, jewby, hymie

>> No.14285190

I know what you're talking about but can't find it because I'm not exactly phrasing it right. It was very unique

>> No.14285224

describe it better, sounds familiar

>> No.14285240

>his name is homophynous with "more cummies," triggering their biological imperative just hearing "Mu Ra Ka Mi" agitates their wombonic vapors, causing them to rise up, clouding the woman's vision, she reaches out and instinctively grabs the book, powered by hysterical winds her body lumbers over to the checkout counter. Before she realizes it, she is at home in the bath reading iq84 with a glass of chardonnay

>> No.14286037

kekked. Would read a novella written by these lads.

>> No.14286193

a bit much, really

>> No.14286596

Why are you so pleased with your lame redditpost?

>> No.14286599

This thread was on its way to death. Thanks for the bump, you absolute retard

>> No.14286602

wah wah cry somewhere else you fag, later dude

>> No.14286607

Have a bump :)

>> No.14286673

Does anyone have the screencap of the Italianon who gave us a lecture on Italian postmodernism and Gruppo 63?

>> No.14286730

This is so good it actually inspired me to practice writing.

>> No.14286735
File: 423 KB, 792x1193, I'm a Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14286738
File: 304 KB, 1021x919, Trump Strong Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14286750

It's from one of Dostoyevsky's unpublished diary entries

>> No.14286764

I was ITT.

>> No.14286838

All of these are very and undoubtedly cringe

>> No.14286858

I'm cringing at the fact that you came into this thread with expectations for anything higher

>> No.14286925

It's the only way to live with myself for still browsing here :(

>> No.14286927

I don’t get this one, who is the strong man and why does it keep repeating how strong he is? This goes nowhere. Also why is there a pic of trump attached?

>> No.14286928


>> No.14286937

This was a "describe the picture in your finest prose" post and that was the picture it was describing. If you don't understand why it keeps repeating then I'm afraid nothing anyone says will be able to help you.

>> No.14287233

cringe doesn't mean anything anymore. all of existence is cringe so just like what you like and pull your cunt out of your ass

>> No.14287239

cringe post

>> No.14287261


>> No.14287383

Does anyone have the post about the autist anon living in the countryside alone. May have had something about an aéroplane?

>> No.14287399

cringe life

>> No.14287447
File: 528 KB, 1659x2208, D57F15DE-A5A5-4999-9A9D-A3C715C220D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14287462

/lit/ will never top this. ever. it's our magnum opus.

>> No.14287467

I have no idea why this is so gripping.

>> No.14287478

I think about the like "'With a car, you can go anywhere you want' he said to himself, out loud." all the goddamn time

>> No.14287544

He even mistaked the song title. 2/10

>> No.14287553

i dont really understand why /lit/ loves this so much

>> No.14287654

cause /lit/ is dumb

>> No.14287689

damn did sean penn write this?

>> No.14287696

You don't like it because discord trannies don't like the word nigger

>> No.14287715

>implying i dont like it because it has nigger in it
>implying i dont like it
/lit/ really is dumb

>> No.14287918

Why the fuck does the gas station have the price of milk on its sign?

>> No.14287938

What meter is this written in? Meatclambic Pentameter?

>> No.14287950

i like this, even if you were samefagging

>> No.14287966

you're wrong but ok

>> No.14287994

because here in the US the dairy lobby has programmed an obsession with milk into our culture

>> No.14289230

This pasta gets me every time.

>> No.14289278

It's almost a mantra for an autogynephilic moment, it's incredible. Tough times draw a powerful amperage from the artist.

>> No.14289326
File: 190 KB, 960x960, abisad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is good

>> No.14289356
File: 125 KB, 1892x279, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14289374

>It's almost a mantra for an autogynephilic moment
elaborate? im not reading that wall

>> No.14289426

>having posters on your bedroom wall after the age of 17

>> No.14289427
File: 122 KB, 1259x443, nature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14289434

Were not alike, Anon. I'd happily peruse walls of text like people finger satin or shuffle shag carpet. The Anon who wrote that "wall" laid beautiful ornamental masonry that seems all dredged from the same sparkling pond's submerged marble.

>> No.14289559

I've been looking for this image for weeks

>> No.14290686
File: 173 KB, 1367x319, xtreme dicklength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14290773
File: 293 KB, 1697x202, ouchc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14291048

I think he's trying to say that the writer of that pasta is sexually attracted to themself as a women

>> No.14291088

beautiful, had an involuntary orgasm whilst reading this

>> No.14291090

It's begins, "I'm a woman," and then proceeds to inhabit that woman's life sagas, her thought processes, her priorities, values, her psychology and emotions wrapped up in those sagas, crashing through to the audience getting to be both the bitch and the "bitched-at" at the end where the voice switches from a sort of disassociated first person to being in high confrontational mode that helps crystallize the character we're dwelling inside.

>> No.14291098

It really takes off after the "WOW." I start sweating and recalling bitches I've known and loved.

>> No.14291107
File: 1.36 MB, 1152x1449, 1575524377253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14291119

Saved, also felt this when I visited America.

>> No.14291143


First one is actually good, then it devolves into 'muh racism' as if Canada is different.

As a Euro living in Canada, you're both insane.

>> No.14291156

should i move back to my eastern european shithole?
i unironically think my parents coming here after the ussr collapse was the worst fucking decision ever.

>> No.14291161

as an american i would rather live any other place on this planet than here
the very ground of this country is cursed, the people are demons, save yourself and maybe you have a chance when this whole thing comes crashing down

>> No.14291165


Go on vacation fist. Changing your nationality is like getting a face tattoo, draw it on with a sharpie first and see how you like it.'

This is assuming you've never been there, if you have, then why are you asking?

>> No.14291183

that's a tough one
its surprisingly easy to relocate to the Caribbean

>> No.14291214

Bye, Felicia

>> No.14291262

i have, i like it a lot better. everything here is fucking shit, i can't even put it into words right now.

i want to go back, but i will basically be telling my now widowed mother that everything which they have sacrificed for me to have me born in a "great western democracy" was all for nothing.
my father even told me coming here was a mistake.

If i want to go back, i must give up my studies here which werent even going well to befin with and then i will have to completely break my mother.

Would it comfort you if I told you I lived in New York City? Do you see why I hate it here?

>> No.14291263

Sorry i forgot to tag you

>> No.14291268

canada has significantly less racial tension than the US, the only comparable example is quebec/anglo conflict. On other issues though I agree we're just as retarded as the US, id say moreso in a few ways

>> No.14291274

Have you lived anywhere else? A faggot like you would not be accepted anywhere in the long run.

>> No.14291282

America is basically built on Indian burial grounds, And the native inhabitants were themselves wiped out by the hundreds of thousands by strange diseases, leaving only the occasional campfire story warning of the strange beasts lurking in the shadows. The original American racial stock was made of heretical cults of religious fanatics, who were driven out of Europe for their satanic ideology, and it was with their arrival in the Americas that across the country densely populated urban centers suddenly became abandoned overnight.

I’ll let you do the math, but the roots of America’s degeneration go way deeper than politics

>> No.14291286

the united states is a very big place. i suspect most of the people critical on it's decadence usually refer to american urban culture.

Living in new york city, it is as if i spent the whole of my life in sodom and gommarah

>> No.14291290

>original American racial stock was made of heretical cults of religious fanatics,
not really, at least not most of it

>> No.14291468

please weigh in some thoughts anon pls. i am fucking suicidal here and only just now realized that i can fucking go baxk and have a fresh start.

i just dont know what to do regarding college

>> No.14291525

Finish college. Finish strong and well. Only then decide if you go back

>> No.14291552

This is correct, finish your education. It will be considered high status and you'll have an easier time getting a stable job and income if you move to Europe.

>> No.14291559
File: 131 KB, 818x644, 1444876196876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14291565

Still mad at him. (ima girl btw)

>> No.14291567

You are both correct.

i forgot to mention that i sorta havent shown up to classes in a month because i go to a shitty fucking CC where everyone acts like this vid
because i never gave a shit in highschool.
add in some depresso and strong strong suicidal urges
yeah thats why i didnt go to class for so long. I kinda fucked up.

>> No.14291574

The "with a car" line is fucking hilarious and pure genius but parts of this fucking reek

>> No.14291599

>At the same time, their blacks shamelessly plagiarize ancient Egyptian artwork

>> No.14291622

It's a bit obvious it's a discord brigaded piece

>> No.14291644


>americans incapable of producing great artwork

>> No.14291653

Nothing literary. Sorry.

>> No.14291676

why are you depressed and suicidal. Would you mind giving a quick rundown?

>> No.14291739
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1493910889763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want to blogpost but whatever, fuck it. I wanna get this shit off my chest anyway.

I was despondent in highschool. General teenage angst. low self worth, no girlfriend. (Horrible rejection, fucked me to this day) I did poorly in school, and got into a shitty community college. I was just kinda lost, still nothing that couldn't be overcome.

All of the sudden. Bam curveball. Dad dies and i bury him. i dont let it kill me too bad because i was into stocism. (Still havent grieved properly to this day.)

All of the sudden I get my hands on money because social security helps out.
I invest money into chink stocks, i.e baidu and ali baba. It actually goes well. Then Trump imposes tarrifs on china. I get fucked out of a grand.
"Damn," I say to myself. "I lost a lot of money. How am I going to make it back?"

I buy a shit ton of drugs off the darkweb. Soft stuff, only weed and psychedelics. Plan was to sell them in college and make money off the side.

College is riddled with the worst people to be around, I could not make any friends. I am a completely different type of person than that of the student body. Couple with that the fact that I hate socializing, just fucking disaster. My highschool was among the top in the city, so most people were engineering spergs and now i miss that.

So I'm in college, sitting on a ton of drugs that I cant sell. I'm depressed. Suicidal. Not a day goes by where I don't contemplate ending it all. Smoke a lottaaaaaaa weed. Still feel like shit.

CC just gives meaningless work to weed out the weak links in the first year.
"Why the fuck should i do any of this elementary shit when i dont even want to live."

So I Start skipping small classes that i dont have to show up to pass since it's easy middle school tier work

Skipping classes, turns into skipping days, into skipping weeks. I stayed home, no one to talk to. Spent almost the entirety of last month, shitposting and play hearts of iron. Now Here I am.
I made some stupid decisions. I accept that and I take full responsibility. Fuck was I to do man. I was in a garbage fucking place. I'm not even 19 yet. I'm a stupid fucking idiot kid.

But ya, those are my demons. And no one really knows

>> No.14291753

The "with a car" line can only arise as a dionysian release after a bitter, ugly contemplation. Pleb tier opinion.

>> No.14291762
File: 20 KB, 638x547, 1549208639063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeeze anon, he said a QUICK rundown.

Stop taking drugs, get a job, don't give up. More than anything else you need the stability of a routine. Once you've got the resources that come from a paycheck and a place to be every day that is a productive use of most of your time it's easier to sort out the six or seven hours a day you have to yourself.

"but working for the man is shit"

Sure is, but is it better or worse than what you are now? Up to you.

>> No.14291770

No I love the first part the buildup is necessary I just hate the "Sweet dreams are made of these reverberates his car" line and adding "(merited)" was completely unnecessary. Still really good tho

>> No.14291793

>he said quick
hah, quick as i can make it. there's some other shit that sucks but they're more trivial so mentioning them isnt worth the effort

I don't think you're wrong at all, probably will have to wage cuck too after i tell my mother i havent shown up to class for a month.

wont make me feel better, I know the type of person i am. wagecucking for me is a death sentence. shoulda not cut class for a month i guess. maybe if I at least gone to a fucking CUNY...

it's 5 in the morning. I'm going to get some sleep. I wakeup in 2 hours. I'll respond to other replies then. Night to you all. Or mornin, whatever.

>> No.14291795

>Stop taking drugs, get a job, don't give up. More than anything else you need the stability of a routine.
This anon is right, you aren't in the right state of mind to be in school. Drop out and get a job. You're very young, you have lots of time to go back to school. A job will also help socialize you in an environment very different from school. The things you're doing now are whack and have to stop, and you clearly can't be relied on to do that as a pure effort of self-discipline while you're alone at home all the time, rotting.

>> No.14291822
File: 92 KB, 1177x558, 1572011126347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14291828

Some one post some epic book reviews

>> No.14291860

Pick up some volunteer gig on the side that will train you. Red Cross or volunteer firefighting.
It will give you something to do on the weekends, looks good on your resume, and gives you training and experience in all kinds of different skills. Find something small you enjoy and make progress at it. Working isn’t terrible, but you need structure and a direction in life otherwise everything feels stagnant and repetative.

>> No.14292190 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191205-074224_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doing much of anything anon, in the literal sense. The druga arent actually a problem in that there is no dependency or anything. Just something I happen to have and indulge in from time to time. Of course, not touching the stuff at all.

You would be suprised at the difficulty of securing even a minimum wage job, even still it's something I must do
>Pick up some volunteer gig on the side that will train you. Red Cross or volunteer firefighting.
>drivers license
>certification course completion
>prior experience
completely out of the realm of possibility. I hold none of these things. Pic related is the least demanding in terms of qualifications. Also I can't find any sort of ad for volunteer firefighting.

Again, with jobs my only option is minimum wage, and even that requires a lot of effort in simply being called in for an interview.

>> No.14292203 [DELETED] 

Thank you both btw

>> No.14292218
File: 1.01 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191205-074224_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doing much of anything anon, in the literal sense. The drugs arent actually a problem in that there is no dependency or anything. Just something I happen to have and indulge in from time to time. Of course, not touching the stuff at all would be even better.

You would be suprised at the difficulty of securing even a minimum wage job, still it's something I must do
>Pick up some volunteer gig on the side that will train you. Red Cross or volunteer firefighting.
>drivers license
>certification course completion
>prior experience
completely out of the realm of possibility. I hold none of these things. Pic related is the least demanding in terms of qualifications. I also can't find any sort of ad for volunteer firefighting here.

Again, with jobs my only option is minimum wage shit, and even that requires a lot of effort in simply being called in for an interview.

Thank you both btw.

>> No.14292930

ThTs the point of finding an organization that will train you. CPR takes literally an afternoon and I don’t have a drivers license either but it hasn’t stopped me yet

>> No.14293151

On second thought, yeah, totes cringe, like a type of cringe surpassing even a chinlet zoomer flailing a Joker dance preamble to his bold asking to Prom of "his lady if she doth consent," a soaring raven-locked Jewess of a two higher castes to the zoomer, where upon his rejection he indicts all vaginas within ear shot by grisly pseudo-anatomy, ITT lurk cringes vastly more intense, dwarfing even an amber shatter of florrid boomer unhinged at a fast food point of sale, sputtering the few non-slur words that come to mind, or even the untameable older bachelor or the "busy" professional woman, yes this thread is considerably more crushingly cringey than all and I fear my face is gripped in a permanent awkward Rictus unable to shake free and forget.

>> No.14293412

this but unironically

>> No.14293772

I don't care (im a boy btw)

Do you see how stupid you sound?

>> No.14293808

cringe but redpilled

>> No.14293816

Do you wonder why women always keep their shoes on around you? Or tuck their feet out of view beneath them or behind a cushion or pillow or gut bulge?

>> No.14293992

i dunno man, they usually do the opposite and stick their feet in my mouth

>> No.14294055

huh, from the line or two i read i thought it was poking fun at women

>> No.14294068

I've seen this posted on so many other boards by now.

It's brilliant in all the ways.

>> No.14294134

Okay, this thread is confirming that /lit/ is unironically the wildest board on 4chan.

>> No.14294164

Imagine being this mad.

>> No.14294206

>Implying I have a foot fetish based on zero evidence.
Do you know how stupid you sound? (I use Arch btw)

>> No.14294229

hard to explain why it's funny. it rides an uncanny line between irony and sincerity, good and bad writing.

>> No.14294232

>worst than the schizos posting on /sci/
thats a bold statement

>> No.14294263 [DELETED] 

I don't think Mennonite is an ethnicity.

>> No.14294522

>anime picture
yea NOT reading that shit

>> No.14295154

i think its pretty funny, but i dont think it has very much literary merit

>> No.14295174
File: 174 KB, 1070x457, wombonic vapors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14295299
File: 814 KB, 2836x1232, Screen Shot 2019-12-05 at 4.20.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last two posts of this rant were omitted from the screenshot

>> No.14295366

Not the most appropriate pic possible, but good enough
Good stuff though, saved

>> No.14295409

this was shit and all those replies were samefagging

>> No.14295554

yea no shit

>> No.14295674
File: 72 KB, 604x687, 1453710767819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds a little like me, although I hate drugs, did well in high school, and was in a top 50 university. I got depressed as fuck, dropped out of everything at 19, and ended up doing nothing but play video games for 6 years. I'm in my late twenties now and have finally completed my degree and gained full-time employment in my field. The sooner you turn things around the better.

You're young and presumably healthy, with plenty of time to turn things around. There are heaps of people in their early 30s who have 'done everything right' with regard to education and employment but they've pissed all their money onto credit cards and car loans and are in an awful position. You should get a job and do some hard work. As other anons have said, the routine is useful and it might just give you the perspective you need to value the opportunities that education will offer you. There's nothing better than an 11 hour shift of solid labour, surrounded by people in their 30s and 40s for whom this is their only prospect, to make you get serious about the prospect of getting your degree.

>> No.14295725

There are always places looking for people. Try looking for work that's at terrible hours - places where you have to start work at 2am. In the country where I live, these places are always looking to give people a chance and hope they are reliable.

>> No.14295757

touch call. as a asian student who lived here since middle school and moved back and forth between my homeland and burgerland, im ready to go back, after making some shekels here and there. with my credentials, i would be taking about 20~30% paycut, but whatever. but eastern euro could be a difficult call. but all in all, this place is fucking falling apart, and you should be ready to go back, like preppers, except to your homeland instead of "wilderness". but i still speak my native tongue fluently, lived through their institutions, etc, so i think im in a better shoe than yours. actually, as i wrote this, my mind changed - you should go back. simple as.

>> No.14295815

also, are you from catholic eastern europe or orthodox one? basically, you should
1. do /SIG/ and get a life
2. get a good american degree. everything is americanized everywhere - american degree from flagship state school, which isnt even difficult, is likely to have more weight than whatever-country's-capital-state-technical-university, even though they are probably more apt in what they do.
3. try to pick up your native tongue, and the heritage back
4. make shekels here, esp if you are from EE - enough to buy couple nice houses, which shouldnt be too difficult after 3~5 years of wage-slavery

>> No.14295925

I would read this front to back laughing my ass off and immediately burn it afterwards.

>> No.14295934
File: 84 KB, 880x640, 1569762722777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright mate, I was in a similar situation to you, I still am not a "happy person" but I was able to conquer most of my demons well enough to finish my degrees, get a job and all of that nonsense.
The first thing you need to do is stop (or at least heavily cut back on) using drugs. I know, easier said than done, but having that burden is going to make everything else very difficult.
Come up with a plan to stop using it, taper down, set specific goals. e.g Something like: on week 1 cut down consumption by 20%, week 2, 40% and so on. Doesn't have to be exactly that, but make sure you have a plan and you're documenting it thoroughly. Punish yourself in some way if you fail, reward yourself if you succeed.
I was addicted to benzos throughout my first couple years of undergrad, I know it's hard to get off drugs, but it is fully doable. You're lucky that it's only weed, but that does not mean it will be easy. Consider the pain as penance. Ironically it gives you something to look forward to, as withdrawal will not last forever, and you know you will return to normalcy eventually. In a way my withdrawal was therapeutic, it felt like I was accomplishing something by merely not partaking in it, think about it in such a way to give yourself some self-pride. Sweating like a madman in class during withdrawals, and the near seizure state I was in lent me some humility as well, realize that other people don't care that much about what you're doing, they have their own issues.
Know that you're not the only person on campus who is lonely, I'm not saying you need to go and make new friends, but know that you are not alone in at least that fact.
You're your own person, you do not need to play by the same rules and fulfill the same criteria as everyone else, do not berate yourself constantly with your supposed shortcomings. Yesterday is yesterday and today is today, carpe diem, amor fati etc. Find your own fulfillment and stop constantly comparing yourself to others.

>> No.14295945

>bilingual spanish is a plus

>> No.14296268
File: 580 KB, 1659x2208, 1575477915968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a little twist

>> No.14296277


>> No.14296569

someone please just nuke us already

>> No.14296592


>> No.14296596


>> No.14296645

>n a way my withdrawal was therapeutic, it felt like I was accomplishing something by merely not partaking in it
this is truth. At one point in my life I was an overweight NEET and simply not eating alleviated the sense that I was wasting my time, accomplishing nothing. I could always think, well at least I have this, and it was enough to keep me from losing it.

>> No.14296666

omfg dying

>> No.14296685
File: 188 KB, 569x571, 1459735313538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he STILL hasn't published the finished product

>> No.14296714
File: 122 KB, 280x284, clay_egoorb_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably go to bed now.

>> No.14296725
File: 991 KB, 1024x745, pleased joj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He starte to fuck her pretty hard and with some violense

Heard that in the voice of a European foreign exchange student. Lol'd pretty hard.

>> No.14296734
File: 32 KB, 441x329, depressed babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat ending

>> No.14296776

>the only thing I've ever written on here that got any notice or appreciation was something I farted out in a minute or so for a laugh
A strange feeling

>> No.14296777
File: 62 KB, 400x300, 1523902368567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm fucking depressed now.

>> No.14296787
File: 472 KB, 1324x407, screenshot.380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that this poster had literary skill but its the only post ive screenshot from this board so far

>> No.14296938

This is outsider art.

>> No.14297386
File: 7 KB, 238x250, B391F8B7-F869-4F55-BDDC-D5F97B84CED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.

>> No.14298407

>i unironically think my parents coming here after the ussr collapse was the worst fucking decision ever.
I'm in same boat. I still feel like I have to say. Who's going to take me seriously in Russia that I'm Russian if I was born in America?

>> No.14298826
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>> No.14298906
File: 1.66 MB, 1149x1937, fixxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it mate

>> No.14299070


>> No.14299222

Anyone got the "anti nihilist nihilism" post?

>> No.14299364
File: 580 KB, 1202x1600, 28xntycsvkp31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was on /tv/ but still

>> No.14300041

9/10 made me think

>> No.14300065

Try moving away from New York City first

>> No.14300078

based and holdenpilled

>> No.14300081

Anon, I'm a slav in NYC - do you have discord?

>> No.14300112

Move to Canada. You can still buy a plot of land on Haida Gwaii and enjoy remarkable biodiversity, cozy Pacific Northwest weather, some of the lowest population density on Earth (the only populated areas being clusters of ex-slave owning aristocrats who still hang on proudly to their culture and legal autonomy), and enough wildlife to basically be able to sustain yourself.

Faustian Culture only really finds itself on the frontiers and the wilderness, everything else is decedent by definition.

>> No.14300932

>buy a plot of land on Haida Gwaii
How much does this cost? What career can you have out there?

>> No.14300996

Anyone have the one about the anti-anti-nihilist or whatever it was
He stopped caring so much that all he can do now is move his eyes and currently has a team of people studying him

>> No.14301092

Thanks, I've been looking for this.

>> No.14301185
File: 19 KB, 612x201, anti nihilist nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.14301326

Better than anything of 200 words or more you have ever written, or will ever write. Post something unironic you've written, do you have anything?

>> No.14302045


>> No.14302135

based thanks

>> No.14302155
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based chad 1/2

>> No.14302160
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based chad 2/2

>> No.14302172

Cringe highscool blogpost

>> No.14302185

this guy sounds like he masturbates to pictures of his abs

>> No.14302188

Woah man your so cool. You totally dominated that nerd. Fucking alpha as fuck bro. Silverback gorrilla mother fucker.

>> No.14302202

because it's absurd, and the only way to deal with the state of our clown world is to laugh at absurdity

>> No.14302212

Years ago I would've thought something like this was a troll, but 4chan's become so irredeemably shit I don't know what to think anymore

>> No.14302215

This leaf is a mega pseud.

>> No.14302249


>> No.14302258

lol, i was certain he was a troll when i first read it, but in the comments that came after he came to defend himself and it became clear he was absolutely serious

>> No.14302303

this is spot on, as an australian who moved to america

>> No.14302365

Definitely, but is he wrong?

>> No.14302390

A big part of depression is the tension from your perceived status in life colliding with the reality. And a period of misery and feeling lost will bring your reality back to where it should be.

You're young, have nothing and have achieved nothing. This is your current truth. You need to fully own that.

From there, if you're honest with yourself, you can start to build. And then it gets easier and you'll feel better.

As a sign, when you stop feeling pity for yourself and instead just think about your next goals, you'll have internalised an important adjustment.

Good luck!

>> No.14302402

Was that directed to the butterfly creature who befouls some threads here?

>> No.14302487
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>> No.14302488

yes, all of his takes are insular and rubelike. the only thing he got right was the part about americans and god-given rights, and how all americans distrust the government

>> No.14302504
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>> No.14302511
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>> No.14302521
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>> No.14302527
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>> No.14302530

someone please post this to his twitter

>> No.14302535

my favorite in the thread so far
honorable mention to the one written by the prostitute

>> No.14302537
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>> No.14302554

midwit post

>> No.14302576
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A regular Kierkegaard in the making.

>> No.14302593

perfect ending

>> No.14302602

made me laugh out loud

>> No.14302605

this is one of my favorite ever 4chan posts.
>they get upset at 27 different violations of the normie social code
>the fact that they would get upset if i said nigger is like a normie stink in the air
>why his brain has internalized rules for other people's shoes
lmao. It's such a brilliant view of how autists see social conventions, and the thing is he's not wrong, social conventions are in fact arbitrary nonsense, but even being able to see that is autism in the first place, and their purpose of social cohesion and dynamics is lost on the autist mind.

>> No.14302613
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>> No.14302738

This is missing the Pharaoh (1999) reply

>> No.14302810

Do you have it?

>> No.14302824

it's just an anon asking if he wants to play Counterstrike and he replies 'No i only play Pharaoh (1999)'

>> No.14302836

Giggled hard at this one.

>> No.14304009

Use literally any other word instead and this board wouldn’t give a shit, even if the text is actually good

>> No.14304107

True 2012 kino

>> No.14305397

This guy makes the crude mistake many times of assuming the bizarre machinations of the American power-elite in invading countries the average American on the street couldn’t give less of a shit about reflects on the average American person. It’s like saying, “You know that Kim Jong Un guy? Yeah, he’s done some fucked up stuff. He’s a fascist. So fuck North Koreans, they’re all fascists.” No, in fact, a lot of Americans are simply apathetic about what their government is doing, for better or worse, because they feel at the mercy of large institutions and intelligence agencies carrying out shady shit without their say in it. Of course, you get the idiot “patriots” who’ll support every backwards psychopathic “world-policing” invasion this country undertakes, but it’s not like they’re the majority.

The commentary on African-American culture is truly applicable only to a subset of violence-glorifying culture, and I do think it’s applicable, and even saying this is becoming increasingly controversial today due to America’s increasingly retarded race-relations in some respect. But this guy outright says “African-Americans are all the exact same,” making me wonder what’s going on in his head and if he’s never met black Americans or if he’s just getting his idea of them from rap music and pop culture?

I like some other parts, though, like about the sexual culture and some parts of the commentary on race relations. But overall his thought process is sloppy, which I instantly intuited from the third paragraph when he criticized Americans for assuming freedom is corrupted by as opposed to guaranteed by government and social institutions. As if it’s not right to be fearful of tyrannical government control? Especially now, with the full-on 1984-style PATRIOT Act and NSA surveillance? This guy seems really full of himself and his opinions about everything, he has some points but it’s way too easy to just go, “Awesome, this guy is so cool!!! He takes down the Americans and even the stupid blacks and Jews!!!!”

Finally if you’ve read up to this point I’d like to say I don’t know why I wasted my time writing this, the Internet is a hellhole and an intelligence-agency honeypot. You’ve gotten nothing from reading this, go outside. Let’s hope we can break this habit of talking about our useless opinions for fleeting attention and dopamine hits.

>> No.14305603


>> No.14305834

I think he was saying black Americans and white Americans are the same.
>But overall his thought process is sloppy, which I instantly intuited from the third paragraph when he criticized Americans for assuming freedom is corrupted by as opposed to guaranteed by government and social institutions. As if it’s not right to be fearful of tyrannical government control? Especially now, with the full-on 1984-style PATRIOT Act and NSA surveillance?
Seems like you're just demonstrating his point.

>> No.14306928
File: 408 KB, 1887x829, making fun of butterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14307174

use any other word and the book would read even more like the stream of thought of a schizophrenic

>> No.14307255


>> No.14307343


>> No.14307441

>words have specific meanings
wow i had no idea dude it figures that the people on the literature board would have such deep insights into the nature of language as this this totally changes my whole worldview

>> No.14307525

It's mimicking Trump's pattern of speech.

>> No.14307883

What's up with the ending though, just fucking ends

>> No.14308312

yeah thats what I was thinking too. I was reading it and I reached the end and it just ended.

>> No.14308330

Dont b a dick you know what I mean

>> No.14308359

Why's everyone call that book iq48 and not 1Q48? Some kind of... unconscious-self self-awareness.

>> No.14308393
File: 313 KB, 300x182, 1522302065306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baby i knew you would cum for me, because i fuck many women, in real life

>> No.14308575

if there was infrared available, you'd see the warm smears of the tripfag

>> No.14308703
File: 138 KB, 524x618, 1548922616639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how the dichotomy doesn't chafe you. I think it does, but you've learned to live with it, right? That's good. Like an itchy sweater or something? Okay. Well I can't lift my arms in my fucking sweater and I need to. I have work to do. I don't care what side I'm on. I don't fit either one and I have work to do. So I'm going to inhabit one side and completely deform it because I can't be bothered with pronouns. The new ones are clunky. And at this point I just don't give a shit.

Do you think I care? I did. Seems important to society, but now I don't. I don't fucking care. You think it's some sort of invention of mine I've concocted for attention, but that's just not true. I don't want to expend energy playing pretend with all this fucking work to do. Maybe if I didn't have the work, I'd play along. But work comes first and I don't have any remaining fucks to give for traditional gender roles.

My question to you is why the fuck are you so impressionable? Theoretically I should be able to identify as a sentient banana without completely reforming society. But I can't? Why?

>> No.14309186
File: 37 KB, 574x424, haland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically have no idea what point you are trying to convey

>> No.14309409

The best part for me is how distraught he is about not being able to say nigger specifically in the context of a literature board

>> No.14309427 [DELETED] 

My sense of self is predicated on a job, not a gender. My self-worth is derived from how well I perform this job, not my given gender role. If my gender interferes with my job (and it has), I will cast it off. I was born with a job, I will fulfill that job, and then I can die.

>> No.14309435

what does that have to do with the post you replied to

>> No.14309455

The "that was not on the carpet before" broke the illusion, but it's still enjoyable

>> No.14309536


>> No.14309578

“With some violence” is a kino phrase

Reminds me of this James Salter line in one of his novels, “They made love like a violent crime.”

>> No.14309686
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>> No.14309765

it's common knowledge that you're not supposed to take phd program offers in philosophy that will entail you incurring any debt
op of this was either a troll or an idiot

>> No.14309881
File: 99 KB, 602x420, lfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Londonfrog!

>> No.14310246

how is your sweater different from mine? learn to live with it bud, it aint that bad. what's worse is causing the suffering of others, hurting the planet, etc.

>> No.14310258

Londonfrog is a faggot

>> No.14310263
File: 4 KB, 358x122, Screenshot_2019-12-05 fit - How the fuck do i workout so i can handle having s - Fitness - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14311171

there's a cline of self betterment i enjoy finding in his posts

>> No.14312775

