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14283911 No.14283911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The free market is more efficie-

>> No.14283934

>starving to death before finishing your post
what a shame

>> No.14283938

?? if retards want to pay $12/gal for something they can get for free that's their right as consumer.

>> No.14283943


>> No.14283949
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>> No.14283953

It's more efficient as a whole of course. There are going to be redundancies in particular instances, but that's simply because efficiency in this regard isn't the goal of capitalism. Making money is the goal of capitalism.

>> No.14284005

I don’t understand your point.

>> No.14284012

You are a brainlet then

>> No.14284021

Well you see, OP thinks capitalism is inefficient because he doesn't understand it.

>> No.14284027

"variety bad"
a strange point that is very popular among boomers ive seen it brought up by both Sanders and Houellebecq. they whined about there being too many choices of deodarant and shampoo or some shit and for some reason that bad

>> No.14284086

Not OP, but it's a bit harder to defend the "variety" in bottled water when it's little more than than local tap water. You're right, but you're not getting at what OP was making fun of.

>> No.14284089

im american, and i cannot get clean, filtered drinking water for free

>> No.14284101

I'm a capitalist but I think water should probably remain nationalized.

>> No.14284109

fiji is really good water
if you want to drink your commie tapwater then drink yourself

>> No.14284113

Acqua Panna is objectively better than everything

>> No.14284119

Ah but there's the catch. Marketing and advertisement is tasked with artificially instigating demands when there were none. Ever see Mad Men? Nobody wanted or needed bottled water until the bottled water industry spread various talked about how their tapwater is purer and mountain springy than regular tapwater.

>> No.14284122

Haven’t been on /lit/ in years. Has it been overrun with zoomer consumer faggots?

>> No.14284129

meant to say fairytales, but apparently I'm having a stroke

>> No.14284132

The demand is artificially created, based retard.

>> No.14284136


>> No.14284140

You think people in other countries don't pay for tap water?

People who use more public water should pay more into the public pool, it's only fair.

>> No.14284145

>Be hot outside
>Sell someone water
>Nobody would do it out of the goodness of their hearts
How is this wrong?

>> No.14284151

Boomers being consumerist faggots is obvious. I just assume boomers stay on their containment board and are barely aware /lit/ exists.

>> No.14284163


>> No.14284165


>> No.14284167

Competing brands selling literal water creating false notions of superiority over each other is obviously pretty inefficient, based retard.

>> No.14284176
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>mfw in the year 2019 /pol/ is more redpilled on capitalism than /lit/ is

Okay now this is just sad.

>> No.14284181

I get my purified water for 25 cents a gallon from a machine in my neighborhood instead of buying bottles of water like a retard faggot.

>> No.14284187

Was just thinking this. The IQ of this board dropped 30 points since the last time I was here.

>> No.14284194
File: 308 KB, 1820x2048, uzfqkud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Coca-Cola
>Sell no less than 81 different varieties of water worldwide
>Selling 81 kinds of the same product in different packaging is the most efficient allocation of resources according to the free market

>> No.14284202


>> No.14284210

Evian tastes weird to me desu, rest are the same

>> No.14284212

maximizing "efficiency" is bugbrain praxis
if you give a shit about MUH EFFICIENCY then you aren't even human. you're a machine, a little robot with wires and circuits where his soul should be.

>> No.14284222

ASSfags have ruined this board.

>> No.14284223

That’s a weird way of saying of being a non thinking consumerist faggot is not bug brain

>> No.14284228

Nobody said the point of capitalism is efficiency. It tends towards efficiency in price only, which often times has knock on effects in material usage and the like, but efficiency was never the goal.

>> No.14284239
File: 15 KB, 240x372, Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth_Mises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Efficiency is the ostensible advantage of capitalism over a planned economy.

If capitalism is in fact completely inefficient then it's worth going back to the drawing board on whether a planned economy could actually be preferable.

>> No.14284264

Do you have a sense of the actual mechanism behind the unintended effects?

>> No.14284299

Is there a word for capitalism at the domestic level, with competition occurring even at the local level without worrying about losing out to Walmart at the end? Inb4 national socialism because I'm not advocating shared ownership.

>> No.14284310

how much of stupid you should be to not understand that you pay for time, filtering and delivery? Are you expecting the government to produce and deliver water for free, or may be to drive 100km to a closest water source by yourself and filter it by yourself, also fuck people who need soft or mineral water because of health issues?

I swear the water meme is most annoying thing people take from orange social programming website.

have you tried to think that not all places have such machines before trying to offend people who live there?

some brands ARE superior because they use different filtering and cleaning techniques and their water is of different composition. Have you ever tried to read tapwater labels?

What a bunch of edgy binary-world retards.

>> No.14284330

tap water isn't free in america. its also filled with poison.

>> No.14284335

Small-business ownly capitalism doesn't really exist as a system that would allow small private enterprises would eventually have those grow into big ones.

There is however mutualism which is kind of like that. Mutualism is an anarchist philosophy that isn't clearly socialist or capitalist, it aims for each person to control their own individual means production and have the economy function through a principle of reciprocity (how exactly that would work and to what extent this can include money is fiercely debated). It essentially wants a society of small craftsmen, artists, tradesmen and professionals that won't develop a real bourgeois class.

There's also distributism which is really popular with a lot of left-wing Christian movements, it's much less radical though. It essentially wants the state to ensure widespread distribution of wealth by supporting family businesses and worker co-ops while having strong legal protections against monopolies and the growth of large corporations.

>> No.14284342

No I expect the government to nationalise it all and let the 100% tax rate pay for it.

>> No.14284368
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>an anarchist philosophy
>it aims
>It essentially wants
theory kek

>> No.14284370

I've actually been taste testing various high end waters. None of the good ones are in that picture.

Oh, btw, I have a hyper developed body awareness thanks to years of yoga and meditation. Yes, your water matters.

>> No.14284402

>have you tried to think that not all places have such machines before trying to offend people who live there?
If people weren’t retarded and getting cucked by your based water bottle companies trying to make an extra shekel then there’d be plenty of demand for RO machines all over America

>some brands ARE superior because they use different filtering and cleaning techniques and their water is of different composition. Have you ever tried to read tapwater labels?
Absolutely bug-brain pilled

>> No.14284404

You're on a board about books, which tend to be pretty theoretical
There is in fact an entire board dedicated to politics that you'd probably love

>> No.14284418

But tell me, how do we independently verify the efficiency of pricing in capitalism? All I ever get when I talk to business school types is that "the market" results in some prices, and those prices are efficient because they're the result of "the market."

>> No.14284430


>> No.14284431

Lmao this post made me realise anti-fluride conspiracy is actually a psyop by beverage companies

>> No.14284438

no one stops people from buying RO, in fact people in more rural areas are buying filters and get cucked even more than with bottled water because filters are of poor quality and required to be replaced every 1-2 weeks but there's no way to survive without them because bottled water is not easily accessible.

>calls me bug-brain but provides no argument
you're full of shit.

>> No.14284443

That doesn’t make any sense. You can easily get an RO filter installed under your sink or just goto most grocery stores where they have RO water machines for dirt cheap.

>> No.14284444

I have a filter on my fridge that lasts for 6 months or 500 gallons, whichever comes first.

>> No.14284446

only bug brained plebs can't taste the difference between different water sources. keep drinking that fresh tap, bud.

>> No.14284447

You must have misunderstood my question. I'm not asking, what are the ludicrous simplifications from which business school types assert market efficiency. I'm asking for an independent verification procedure. Some way that I can satisfy myself, after the fact and in the real world (that is to say, empirically) that prices are efficient.

>> No.14284449

Keep buying your $4 a bottle Fiji water, cuck.

>> No.14284452

This nigger actually thinks the $5 water tastes better than the $2 water.

>> No.14284460

yeah that shitty carbon filter will surely remove all the fluoride, chlorine, chloramine, lead, chromium-6, and VOCs!

>> No.14284464

>replacing a RO filter every 1-2 weeks
What in the fuck are you talking about? Your bullshit rationalizations for your cucked brain barely deserve a response.

>> No.14284469

i distill my water you nigger
yes. you realize the two dollar water is just "filtered" tap water?

>> No.14284476


>> No.14284478

I dont know the name of it but there is a psychological effect where people who spent more money on something assign greater value to it even was the same product with different packaging

>> No.14284479

Yes and that's why I just drink the tap water.

>> No.14284484
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Less than $1 a gallon

>> No.14284486

lol, no.
well enjoy being turned into a braindead feminized faggot.

>> No.14284493

My filters have a 4.5 star rating with thousands of reviews and are proven to filter water. Cope, bucko.

>> No.14284514

spring water is not immune to chemical leeching from runoff and boomers burying their motor oil when they're done with it, plus you're dealing with a plastic bottle.
good goy

>> No.14284518

You know modern first world air is really bad for you? It's full of all kinds of pollutants and chemicals, it's proven that 100% of gay people in the United States reported their feelings after exposure to air.

For the low, low price of $5 I can sell you a 5sq litre bag of 100% pure mountain air that's guaranteed to not make you gay. Be a smart consumer, not like the dumb sheep consuming poorfag (((government air)))

>> No.14284521

>plastic bottles
enjoy your testicle cancer

>> No.14284526

false equivalence, and yes, city air is bad for you.

>> No.14284556
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>false equivalence, and yes, it's not a false equivalence
You realise if city air is bad for you then the market for packaged air is just as legit as the market for bottled water if we're to assume tap water is bad for you.

>> No.14284566

its not practically possible to switch your air supply without moving location, but its very possible and rather easy to switch to pure water

>> No.14284589
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That doesn't mean the equivalence is false, just that the barrier to packaged air being a viable market is much higher. If the quality of air were to become intolerably poor then packaged air could be a viable market, as it is in big Chinese cities.

Also most people who drink bottled water don't completely forgo tap water, they just prefer it when possible. Like how in China people don't wear oxygen tanks 24/7 but they will suck air from a can.

>> No.14284616

kek wtf world are we even living in at this point

>> No.14284630

Weirdly enough I was thinking about this today after seeing an image of a supermarket and it reminded me of going to one a few days ago. There's a good amount of variety but it's really an illusion. It's all shit. It's just sugar and salt most of the time. Junk food is absolutely terrible for you. All the sodas are horrible. Sure, there's choice but it's all garbage so what's the point? Why do we need fifty different brands of sugar water (owned by the same parent company)? Why do we need one hundred different chocolate chip biscuits (owned by same aforementioned parent company)? What the fuck does variety matter if it's all the same fucking thing that does the exact same fucking thing?

>> No.14284648

Illusion of choice makes us forgot our enslavement and the absurdity of our world.

>> No.14284685

I don't understand how people are fooled by this.

>> No.14284698

A combination of being scarily stupid and willfully ignorant. Basically most people are retarded assholes.

>> No.14284705
File: 68 KB, 550x330, late night talk show hosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck does variety matter if it's all the same fucking thing that does the exact same fucking thing?
i wonder the same thing about late night talk shows

>> No.14284770

I want to
I want to be someone else or I'll explode

>> No.14284782


It's not a right to create monopolies around something which would be much more efficiently distributed as a non-scarce minimum. Water is functional, unlike drinks like beer or wine which are subject to taste and style, and therefore are scarce due to their originality. The fact that there are "water sommeliers" makes me sick. If somebody ever tells me they have a preference of water brands I automatically assume they are sociopath.

>> No.14284811

>If somebody ever tells me they have a preference of water brands I automatically assume they are sociopath.
They are.