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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 152 KB, 1400x1050, Arthur fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14283040 No.14283040 [Reply] [Original]

>/pol/ is about to publish on the internet their very first book
>/lit/, the literature board, never did that

What have we failed bros? how come a bunch of stormfags dweebs beaut us at our own game?

>> No.14283060

We've written books before. There was a failed project this summer about burgerpunk, but before that there were some PoMo projects, cant remember what they were about though. Pretty shit if I recall it

>> No.14283061

/lit/ has several books newfag

>> No.14283064


>> No.14283067


>> No.14283072

Not translation projects tho

>> No.14283086


>> No.14283089

That's because only pseuds read translations

>> No.14283105

Imagine working on a project with /lit/ard commie trannies

>> No.14283110

i have to ask:
what happened to the nigger book? did it ever get published? did the author ever come back? i've been wanting to read it ever since i heard about it

>> No.14283122
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*clears throat*

>> No.14283136

/lit/ wrote at least 5-6 books now.
Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra volumes 1-3
L'anomie ou le tumulte des tapirs
The Bible 2 (did this one ever materialise?)

>> No.14284134

Did you miss the /lit/ quarterly?

>> No.14284152

where can I find /pol/'s book? i wanna cringe

>> No.14284156

What's the /pol/'s book?

>> No.14284209

Lit Quarterly 2 coming out at the end of the month.

>> No.14284288

It's a German exercise book. We did it with help from /fit/. You can either go to /pol/ or reddit to find the whole thing. I can link the discord if you're interested

>> No.14284296

nice. not him btw, but link the discord, I need a new server

>> No.14284308

That's interesting, I have thought of learning German, such important and sophisticated languages.
Hopefully the book isn't full of Nazi idioms.

>> No.14284352

I think by "excersize" he means the physical variety. It is /fit/ after all.

>> No.14284973

what about that one guy's book where like 79.6% of it was just the word nigger

>> No.14284984


>> No.14284988

They wrote a book about Islam too.

>> No.14285003
File: 94 KB, 1077x812, tundra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great reviews

>> No.14285005

Was it any good?

>> No.14285022
File: 379 KB, 500x775, The Last Binge Ever Volume 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, we published The Last Binge Ever Volumes 1 & 2 this past summer. Aka the definitive works of our lost generation.

You can read them here:

The Last Binge Ever Volume 1:

Volume 2:

There are even official ebook versions of both volumes if you google for them. You can download them off on smashwords

>> No.14285026

It was alright, a little disappointing. It was really just an "Islam for Dummies" type of book. Nothing too insightful that I didnt already know. I do find it ironic (((/pol/))) hadn't written one on Judaism.

>> No.14285042

I forgot libgen link

>> No.14285132

You could be contributing.

>> No.14285137

There's also a "/lit/ writers" e-zine on pastebin. It has like 100 volumes.

>> No.14285139
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1528605236447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible 2
I missed this one, quick rundown?

>> No.14285142
File: 75 KB, 615x615, 1565640891267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. /pol/tard newfag trying to promote his board's shitty translation project again
at least do some research first before making such a pathetic thread

>> No.14285146
File: 697 KB, 1080x1266, 1564254956532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat digits. However, you should have translated the Wehrmacht fitness manual and not the pleb army.

>> No.14285198


>> No.14285201

/pol/ wrote a book because theyre the only ones retarded enough to hinge their entire identity on an anime picture board. I refuse to think of this /lit/ as anything more than a novelty, much like going to the zoo and watching the gorillas.

>> No.14286088



What happened to this one?

>> No.14286091

Delete this thread, dumb poltard idiot

>> No.14286092

I support and do not discourage fellow /lit/izens from collaboration between themselves I think it's good but it's not for everyone and you're otherwise correct.

>> No.14286106

Forgot to add insincere false-flagging cunt, the sperm your mother didn't swallow

>> No.14286108

i've started translating my favorite story from Kolyma tales, must get back to it, but i'd need an editor who's not ESL

>> No.14286149
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not publishing translating but still im not aware of /lit/ translating anything

>> No.14286153

I've translated some Chaucer into English

>> No.14286156

Don't forget Londonfrog's Selected Works

>> No.14286169



>> No.14286188

>muh newfag
This thread is clearly bait

>> No.14286189

Grow up

>> No.14286542

The Tumult of the Niggers

>> No.14286678
File: 214 KB, 612x792, burgerpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019... i am forgotten

>> No.14286697

Cringe, stopped after 5 pages

>> No.14286712

I can't find it and it irks me to no end.
They made a fake cover for it that's evocative of a sega-genesis game's box.

>> No.14286727

It was called The Complete Works of God II
the document was more or less complete (as in, long enough) but I don't it ever materialized. Don't know if the doc is still there, or was simply vandalized

>> No.14286739

Judging by the first google docs link I found in the archive, it's gone.

>> No.14286827

Hypersphere is literally in MOMA

>> No.14286898

I would have expected more teamwork from /lit/ since we are on the same boat,come here and help us translate this shit.

>> No.14287121

is this the same as ulysses infinite rainbows/turtles all the way down?

>> No.14287139

Stay on your cancerous Yankee boomerboard, faggot.

>> No.14287164
File: 20 KB, 451x169, goodreadsstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody can bullshit through 80k+ words, add a shitty royalty-free cover image, and publish. I have published 100k+ worth of erotica and romance on Kindle, including a paperback with another on the way. I am sure this board is full of self-publishers who have written more than any other board combined (except for that /v/ guy's Smash Bro fanfic).

They are doing it for the lulz, and I doubt anyone other than those who browse /pol/ will buy their book. They are able to advertise their agenda shamelessly, because, well, it's /pol/. That book is going to be a shitty manifesto book and you know it.

>> No.14287178

>even /r9k/ published a book
/lit/ in full damage control

>> No.14287207

>you can either go to /pol/ or reddit

>> No.14287732
File: 138 KB, 660x330, dunning-kruger-0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an example of dunning-Kruger's effect in real life.
a lot of people here are well read which means they have a good sense of what is good and what is bad and they are more conscious of their mediocrity thus less likely to write anything since they don't want to be a naive cringe midwit.
r9faggots and poltards have never read a single book of value so writing is easier for them since they are more confident in publishing their meme shitty novella about caressing feet and burning niggers or their translation of army instructions made for soldiers (very easy and simple language).

>> No.14287736

>boards "write" "books"
extremely low-iq thread

>> No.14287987
File: 6 KB, 221x228, yeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof and yikespilled

>> No.14288041

I don't think so, no