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14282520 No.14282520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I am curious about learning more on this, any book suggestion? Doesn't have to be an entire book addressed to this subject, written as a part of the book will do too.

>> No.14282562

the rational male rollo tomassi

the book is a #000000 tier blackpill though and once youve read it you cant unread it

>> No.14282567


>> No.14282576
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I want books about why I'm sexually aroused by physically unreachable anime women and not 3d ones

>> No.14282578

I read parts of that book, but found that more of an incellic rant. Any other book that approaches the issue with more compassion?

>> No.14282592

The problem is the sexist women find sexy is not going to be the kind of sexist you find on 4chan. For example they mean sexist in the sort of aggressive way, like telling them what to do, saying women are bad at x/y/z.
Now contrast with producing entire polemics dedicated to objectively demonstrate how women are responsible for all the worlds ills, they are vile automata capable only of dissimilitude who’s existence is predicated entirely upon the metaphorical “gun” they have pointed at civilisation with respects to reproduction. Let me tell you the latter isn’t sexy in the slightest.

>> No.14282611

the entire article is bogus. women just find chad attractive. they dont care if he sexist,'woke',abusive,felon,pedophile,hitler etc they just care about whether hes chad or not

>> No.14282618

the article is written by a PhD doc

>> No.14282633

seconding this

>> No.14282634

This is probably true
from the article
>They recognize that it may be more beneficial to have a partner who is committed to them and willing to sacrifice for them and their family than it is to have a “woke” feminist man who wants them to be independent.
>/pol/tards ever having the means to sacrifice for someone else or being committed to anything but their own misery

>> No.14282646

At some point we're going to realize that normal people simply shouldn't have unlimited access to knowledge and that books are better left to wise monks (committed to celibacy) who will guide society from a distance.

Yes, but chad is "sexist" according to bugmen, because chad doesn't hang out with feminists and SJWs.

>> No.14282649

it literally uses Guardian opinion articles as a source

>> No.14282654

That book is redpill PUA level trash. Stop confusing the redpill with the blackpill, newfag scum.

>> No.14282660

Who cares what women think?

>> No.14282672

This, just b urself

>> No.14282673

you can get a PhD in anything, they arent inherently impressive, and even if they were its not like they magically make everything you say reputable

>> No.14282685

The biggest redpill about women is knowing that they want to be raped.

>> No.14282686

but PhD does give weight to your opinion, right?

>> No.14282700

Rational Male is often recommended. alternatively you can just scour his website for free articles, since it seems that the book is mainly just rehashing of his articles in a form that is better edited and formatted to craft something more cohesive
the problem of Rollo, and many other similar authors/figures, is that it never quite explains how to get over the "blackpill" phase
>rollo says, roughly speaking, there arent real blackpills, there are just people stuck in the blackpill (depression, frustration, anger, etc) phase
no one can quite explain how to ascend the post-redpill malaise
>most of your life was built around a set of foundations. your motivation, values, and goals were all geared toward that direction.
>suddenly your foundation has been shattered, and most of what you built has come crashing down.
>while youre free to now build something new, the truth is that youre currently sitting in a pile of rubble
>something something Nietzsche on the death of God
>"most people are shite at crafting their own meaning/purpose"

depends on how you define PUA. most people give PUA a general definition of something akin to
>"if you wear X, say Y, and follow formula Z, i guarantee you'll get laid"
you wouldnt call a mentorship on fashion (here are the general guidelines to fashion, such as color pairing, etc) "PUA level trash" even though better fashion can help with your chances in sex and dating

this is true, but the mere fact that there are very, very few "woke" Chads makes me think many traits and/or ways of thinking making someone "woke" is incompatible (or at the very least, an impediment) to being a Chad
the only "woke" Chad i can think of is Russell Brand

>> No.14282705

if its in a relevant and not retarded discipline, otherwise it may have the opposite effect
what does the dude in OP's pic have a phd in?

>> No.14282714

Lots of hollywood could be considered "woke" chads, but who know which are geunine or not. In the wild I havent encountered any

>> No.14282740

Chads are genetic.

>> No.14282755

yeah, i think thats one of the problems of finding woke Chads and having to resort to an extremely narrow, "elite" echelon such as actors, singers, etc
no knows if they are genuine, and no one is sure if they would appear more "Chad" if they didnt have their wokeness (the influence of their fame/money/looks far exceeds the dampening of their wokeness)
i also have never encountered a "woke" Chad, but then again im a 4channer that doesnt meet or interact with that many people

not sure how much weight the argument that "Chad is genetic" holds
see, Tupac
>before my fame, i was a skinny young nigga these bitches wouldnt give half their time to
>now that im a rich rapper, they cant get off my dick

>> No.14282759
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Classic masculinity.
It will be a big trend in the next decade.

>> No.14282771

Tupac was a statusmaxxed Negro. That's not the same as Chad. Chad can be homeless and still get lots of female attention. Chads are born, not made.