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14278935 No.14278935 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most come brain book you have ever read

>> No.14279364
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>> No.14279367

My diary desu

>> No.14279383

Bruce Bethke's "Headcrash" goes a bit into that realm.

>> No.14279402

Portnoy's Complaint.

As far as I know Philip Roth invented the coomer.

>> No.14279729

probably this as far as what I've read.

>> No.14279738

Rifkin's Dilemma

>> No.14279958

The Bible. Only the most depraved kind of coomer could come up with something like that.

>> No.14280108

most 20th-21st century literature is nothing but coomer-core

>> No.14280119

we really needed another idiom about how being male is a terrible wrong thing to be and if you have male drives that's bad

dworkin was alive for srebrenica lmao

>> No.14280131

also don't try to become a woman if you like women, because liking women is a male thing and all male things are evil. only become a woman if your head is full of broken doll parts and screaming

>> No.14280132

Naked Launch


thats who i was thinking of! for someone so vehemently against pornography, her writing is oddly...pornographic. i got aroused reading excerpts

>> No.14280138

Sabbath's Theater or this >>14279402

>> No.14280140

what do you think about what i was saying, though, about how "coomer" just means "male", and etc.

i mean obviously you can say it doesn't and talk about "female c-words", just as the redditor can say he meant n_____s in the sense of "obnoxious people" but c'mon

>> No.14280148

and (lol) naked lunch is an interesting choice because it's not erotic at all, but it IS a book about being a man who's being hunted in an environment that's intentionally designed to hurt him by depriving him of what he needs to live, which, ha ha

>> No.14280158

disembodied brain in a vat of stem cell slurry all I'M GOONA SENNND and it posts yet another -oomer meme

>> No.14280238

Houellebecq's twitter

>> No.14280489
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pls no ban, book cover is relevant to the thread

>> No.14280525

are these short stories? what perspective? who is the authouress?

>> No.14280606

It's obviously anything by Sade.
Can we stop having this thread everyday please?

>> No.14280707
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>> No.14280791

not until it has been utterly burned into you that the male orgasm is a shameful and degrading thing, and that the highest good is being turned into the castrated interface between humans/labor/materiel and honestly clinically retarded abstract entities

>> No.14281857

philosophy in the boudouir made me lose my half year nf

>> No.14281874

also, you have to embrace tumblr memes, even though you are a poster on 4chan.

you must be made to consume BPD white girl shit (just not literally because that's too sexual)

>> No.14281928


>> No.14281932
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probably this

>> No.14281969

pretending to be too dumb to understand posts doesn't work here

>> No.14282016

Take that back cunt exploration of sexuality is not cumbrain

>> No.14282025

"cumbrain" is a tumblr meme and a foid meme so it's only right that it be used to smear anything good

>> No.14282027

virgin here
be honest bros, is it really that good?

>> No.14282032
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It would be pathetic if a mod banned this. It's just a painting. It is literally nothing more than a reproduction of pigment and oil on a canvas.

>> No.14282050

cannot WAIT for the internet to become one long flat dead nightmare where the only content is people tearing apart each others' Hannibal fanfics

>> No.14282052

>God is a coomer
everything makes perfect sense now

>> No.14282054

I hate humans.

>> No.14282060

based mousy girl who got regressed from exposure to xenoestrogens

>> No.14282077

How the fuck am I supposed to keep track of this it's getting well out of order

>> No.14282083

It's quite nice if attached to someone you love

>> No.14282091

by spending a lot of time on the internet, like I do
alternatively, you could avoid ruining your mental health by doing that, but then you get to treat bullshit memes from permanently aggrieved political lesbians as coming from your ingroup

this situation is a real shit sandwich, all told

>> No.14282112

the way you find "someone you love" is you do an augean amount of uncompensated-especially-in-principle emotional labor for for an endless string of women who have literally no reason, cultural or political, not to abuse the shit out of you, and hope it pays off at some point

the most important thing to remember is that orgasm is to be solely in the service of women and at their discretion and if you don't believe that, well! you're just hurting yourself aren't you

also porn is trafficking over 9000 white girls under 9000 years of age and they're all made of dark matter which is why we cannot find them. so think about that when you're looking at your selective service card and really hoping we don't end up going to war with china

>> No.14282144
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>> No.14282151

also, for "crackhead" to become an official chan(tm) insult

>> No.14282206
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That one scene makes reading through this fucking tome worth it.

>> No.14282401
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dennis cooper, whose insider view of the sheer depravity of certain male homosexual tendencies is a refreshing counterpoint to the sanitized bourgeois domesticated gay that the corporate media is so fond of

>> No.14283006

what are you trying to prove dude

>> No.14283024

Portnoy's Complaint.
Not a book but graphic novels and worth mentioning since it fully embodies the coomer trope: The Playboy by Chester Brown and to a lesser degree Paying for It by the same author. As much as I have respect for his art his obsession with the flesh is the most I've ever seen.

>> No.14283045

Drakon by SM Stirling: best femdom premise and scenes in literature. A genetically enhanced superwoman trawls pre-Giuliani NYC after dark looking for bad boys to play with.

>> No.14283057

>that glowing brapper

>> No.14283087

>I hate humans.
>not linking to the blowjack poster

>> No.14283168

Find a nice girl, only pursue people you feel a real connection to.

>> No.14283347

>nice girl
>real connection

May as well be telling him to become gay. You absolutely do not want a woman for a real human connection.

>> No.14283363

Being obsessed with sex and orgasms and fetish is not a masculine trait

>> No.14283419

There was nothing 'sexual' about this book. It's way too clinical. More of a transgressive thing, but nothing sexual.

>> No.14283421


>> No.14283515

nah it's good with anyone lmao, the fuck you on

>> No.14284601
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This, but it was pretty heavy shit considering I was a young teen when I read it.

Also Anne Rice's Blackwood Farm and Lasher (ghost rape over the course of days, impregnation, miscarriages, birth).

>> No.14284932

addiction to pornography is not masculinity

>> No.14285314

Bouguereau drew some beautiful faces

>> No.14285801
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The intersection of sex and violence in Ballard's work is intimately tied to his own traumatic experiences during the war of seeing people killed and blown apart after bomb blasts and in the Jap internment camps. From what I've read and heard of Ballard, he found writing about these topics to be a kind of exploratory catharsis of the troubling themes of death and sex, an intimacy that could be safely explored in the exhibitionism of literature and film. If his writing on erotica is seen as technical or clinical, then this is one potential explanation as to why this is so.

>> No.14285853

or bourgeois are sex addicts like women

>> No.14286110

more like Queeftessence amirite

>> No.14286122

Nobody has read the book in your picture.

>> No.14287245
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God I wish I was raped by my hot middle school teacher.

>> No.14287258


>> No.14287265

"The Pussy" by Delicious Tacos available on sale now on Amazon.com

>> No.14287276

With a gf it is great, with a thot it is really disappointing.

>> No.14287591

based. but my incels have my sympathies, sex is by no means necessary

>> No.14287666

It's nice but not the answer to problems or best thing in the world
Honestly if I didn't have a gf I love rn, I'd probably become a monk and wouldn't mind giving it up entirely

>> No.14288187

The emotional implication is way more important than the physical sensation. If you don't care, then it doesn't do much of anything to you.

>> No.14288305

Yes it's fun with a rando here and there, but only as others have said in this thread is it fantastic with a woman who you love, and who loves you back. The enthusiasm, vigor, pleasure and giving from both sides is a million times better. It's also how human beings chemically bond with one another.

>> No.14288738
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A self-deprecating argument against being a roastie-obsessed cumbrain if anything.

>> No.14289371
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Used to have a crush on the girl on this cover back when i read it in 2008 for HS.
Book sucks btw, dont read it.

>> No.14289503

Sophie's Choice I fapped to tons, granted I didn't have internet at the time & skipped through most of the book, dog-earing the few coomer pages only.

>> No.14290645
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They're just hot novels is all.

>> No.14290660

u rite u rite

Or cunt-essence? Maybe it's a Chaucer reference - Quiont-essence?

>> No.14290693

Kill yourself.

>> No.14290712

The Bible
>Begat begat
>Constant obsession with daughters, incest, adultery
>Muh virgins
>Hardcore S/M throughout

>> No.14290743


>Ancient tribes were concerned with family lineage

Wow big surprise there

>> No.14290744

im gonna say big red son by DFW

>> No.14290808

Women are even more coomer than men. Which you'd know if you wasn't a virgin.

But still, don't be a coomer

>> No.14290859

>Alissa Nutting

>> No.14291792

eat my dick

>> No.14291814

When this board was flooded with c**mer threads I shilled it so hard. Nobody fucking cared.

>> No.14292012

>if you wasn't..
Please leave

>> No.14292054

As the image expamdes i read "tender was my welsh", which would probably be a pretty different book.