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1427798 No.1427798 [Reply] [Original]

What's your religion /lit/? (Or lack of)

I'm an agnostic-atheist.

>> No.1427812

Yep, atheist-agnostic here.

>> No.1427815

I'm Jewish.

>> No.1427816

I don't have a religion. I am however an atheist.

>> No.1427817

I believe in a God, but I also believe that I am he.

>> No.1427818

I choose to believe in nothing, and also to abhor atheism. There are too many idiots on both sides, especially in this backwards-ass town. So I just tune out all of their bullshit.

>> No.1427828

...so basically agnostic to sum it up?

>> No.1427829

This really seems to be the only logical thing to be. You can't prove or disprove god just like you can't or unicorns or other supernatural objects, so from rational, skeptical, logical viewpoint you choose to not believe in it.

>> No.1427832

I like my religion like I like my books. Strictly Christian. Everything else is a waste.

>> No.1427834

Only the blind can see God and we are all short sighted.

>> No.1427837
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>> No.1427839

>so from rational, skeptical, logical viewpoint you choose to not believe in it.
Then why do you need the term agnostic?

Contrary to popular belief, atheism isn't the militant disproving of god.

>> No.1427840

*Believing* in nothing is atheism. Atheism is the lack of any theistic beliefs. You need to separate humanistic bias from definition

>> No.1427841


From a rational point of view, the existence of a God or anything supernatural is very, very unlikely and so I believe there is no such thing.

This is called strong Atheism.

>> No.1427842

religiosity is bad thinking.

>> No.1427843

You're an atheist who doesn't know what the word means, is all. Retard.

>> No.1427846

Um, I don't think there's a significant difference between the concept of "God" as being a benevolent omni-powerfull overseer and the Idea that there is some fundemental law apon which all of reality functions. The essentail aspect of both is that they are ultimate. Therefore all athiests believe in god.

>> No.1427848

Culturally, catholic.

In practice, I'm probably more along the lines of a Unitarian Universalist.

I would argue, but on second thought I really don't give a fuck.
Me and Jesus are call with each other. I'm cool with that.
Have a nice day, my good man.

>> No.1427851

I'm a Deist.
Ya'll inferior.

>> No.1427852

I don't find them annoying, but they are fucking idiots. I suppose I am agnostic, but what I'm trying to say is I'll never discuss it in real life, with people I like. There's no point.
My mom is a dedicated Catholic, and she always asks me, "How can you live without faith?"
And I just shake my head, because I don't understand this abstract concept. How do these beliefs bring anyone comfort?

>> No.1427854


The essential difference is that the laws of the universe are natural and God is supernatural.

>> No.1427856

Agnostic atheist.

>> No.1427857
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>> No.1427858

Okay, you're getting testy and I'm not even insulting your beliefs. Sadly, this is a growing stereotype of atheists. Why are you fucking it up for all of us? Retard.

>> No.1427860
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Anti-theist all up in this bitch.

>> No.1427861

Why can't god work through nature?

>> No.1427863

...he didn't say anything testy, he corrected your warped definition.

>> No.1427864


doesn't matter either way and there are funner things than debating higher powers.

>> No.1427866

well obviously your awarness that those beliefs exist don't bring you comfort but if one were to GENUINELY believe them, well, I can't see how they wouldn't be comforting.

>> No.1427869


Agnosticism and atheism are not independent of each other.

The statement "I'm agnostic" implies no belief except that of "You cannot know whether or not there is a god". The statement "I'm an atheist" implies no belief except that of "I don't believe there is a god". So from my axiom of you cannot know whether or not there is a god, I then assume the belief that there is no god. This follows the basic reasoning of why I don't believe there are any unicorns or any other supernatural objects.

>> No.1427870

i'm a pedophi...

oh umm nvm

>> No.1427871

>>Little high schooler thinks that agnosticism and atheism are mutually exclusive, or better still that they even have anything to do with each other.

Agnosticism is a position about what can be known. Atheism is a position about what is real.

Totally different spectrum, you hipster phil 101 faggot

>> No.1427873

People like to know how they should live, and they like the idea that they're going to be eating rice pudding with golden spoons in heaven afterwards.

>> No.1427874

I'm an apatheist.

If there is a god, I don't care.
If there isn't, I still don't care.

Either way, doesn't change how I go about my day-to-day.

>> No.1427877


What a sad, primitive life you must lead.

>> No.1427879

Atheists do not necessarily believe in a perfectly ordered universe. Atheism is commonly accompanied by, or argued for with, the value of science, but there also exist nihilists, etc.

>> No.1427881



>> No.1427882

the content of your metaphysics doesn't really matter. how you get there and your attitude toward inquiry do matter though. religiosity to me means inordinate willingness to assert transcendentals without basis

>> No.1427885


You can't disprove God? Physics and Math disprove God every day.

>> No.1427886

>How do those beliefs bring people comfort

Because without that belief the world is a giant ball of shit which will soon collapse on itself. All life is a void with no meaning, and everything you do is a vain exercise in futility.
People are monsters
Loneliness never ends.
Nobody ends up okay.

I was an atheist for awhile. Long story.
Needless to say, I'm much happier now. Not that you would be. But atheism and all it implies inevitably leads to a pretty bleak outlook on life.
At least for me..

>> No.1427890


>Atheism is a position about what is real

Atheism is as real and certain as Christianity.

>> No.1427892

In other words, wishful thinking is better even though you know it's wrong. Well done.

>> No.1427896


>> No.1427899

>Physics and math disprove god every day

No they don't..
God isn't physical, looking for him in the physical is like looking for a mouse by tracking a bear.
I'm not even religious or anything, but Christ that was a stupid thing you typed.

>> No.1427900

Are you a dumbass or a troll? I said atheism is a position about what is real (that is, it's a position about God not being real). I didn't say atheism was the "real" worldview.

God you're fucking stupid.

>> No.1427901

Half-assed Neoplatonist

>> No.1427902

Or you realise that this is the only existence you have so you might as well make the most of it.

>> No.1427903

Buddhist, although I don't consider myself religious per se.

>> No.1427905


this whole thread if you hadn't noticed

>> No.1427907


Congratulations, you committed intellectual suicide.

>> No.1427910

platonists and transcendental rationalists are rather religious, sure. not all atheists are that though.

>> No.1427912

I don't claim to "know" anything.
I have my reasons for believing what I do, however.

And anyway, give me one good reason it's better to know the "truth" if all the truth gives you is another reason to off yourself.

>> No.1427916

No, no they have not. Math, physics, and all other science have discovered evidence that strongly goes against the existence god, but never anything that definitively disproves the concept. You can't disprove something that isn't testable. Sadly Christians use this for evidenced for god but they only make themselves the fool for their misunderstanding.

>> No.1427920
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I'm a Christian, and I try to follow the etymology of the word, as it literally means "little christ." Since he seemed to be pleasing in God's eyes, I am trying to be like him.
I do not abide by most of the Old Testament; it's called old for a reason and many of its principles were abolished by Jesus and his time period.
I do follow the New Testament, or attempt to.
I'm not perfect, but at least I do not make the mistake of many other Christians as well as atheists and become hostile at the mention of an opposing belief or lack there of. In that sense, I'm like a Quaker (Not the oats).
Finally, I do not allow religion to limit my views of this world; I study science fervently. I neglect no topic, and if something greatly challenges my belief, then I research it further.

>> No.1427922

>Or you realise that this is the only existence you have so you might as well make the most of it.

Read Ecclesiastes. It says the same thing.
Theists say the same thing.
Atheists say the same thing.

Fact of the matter is almost nobody does it.

>> No.1427925


I don't see what you mean with this. Why should a deity existing or not change the way in which I eat my cornflakes?

>> No.1427927


No your implication was that agnosticism is about what is "knowable" (true enough)
Then you said that Atheism is about what is "real" which in this instance is irrelevant since we cannot know one way or t'other, and which is only "right" or "real" if you are a gnostic atheist.
Atheism alone is by definition a lack of belief, not about what's "real".

People who say they are just "Atheist" piss me off. It's a little bit more complicated than that.

>> No.1427928


Atheistic because I claim no to believe in a god.
Agnostic because I know I cannot prove this to be true or false, or know if I am truly right. (Although I'm almost certain I am).

>> No.1427930

Scientific reductionist, naturalist, determinist, etc./Rationalist/Bright


>> No.1427932

>ctrl-f "ignostic"
>no results

/lit/, i am disappoint

>> No.1427934


You are what Christians should be like. I respect you, sir/miss.

>> No.1427940

This, but I usually don't mention my beliefs at all because I know someone's gonna get offended.
Second of all, my beliefs really aren't important to anyone, so I'll just stop talking now.

>> No.1427941
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>> No.1427945

A lack of belief... in what now? In God being real? Yeah. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.1427949

>Agnostic because I know I cannot prove this to be true or false, or know if I am truly right. (Although I'm almost certain I am).

Disbelief =/= absolute knowledge

Why do people feel the need to call themselves agnostic simply because they can't disprove god?

>> No.1427950
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>> No.1427953

Thank you, and I plan on learning whatever language the bible was originally written in (I think Hebrew?) since the whole translation process is a giant telephone game.

>> No.1427956

yes but my point is that religiosity is something people are innately prone to. Theoretical physics is important to athiests just as god is important to Charles Manson. Two ends to satisfy the same need.
The phycology behind people's intrest in this stuff is what is essential in my opinion. It's the root cause.

>> No.1427959

Atheist. Which I guess isn't really a religion.

>> No.1427961


The King James Bible's the closest you'll get to the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New. It was commissioned to be as much.

>> No.1427964
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>> No.1427966

Why spend your time learning hebrew, greek and latin when you can simply fold your hands and make a phone call with the man himself?

>> No.1427969

Burden of proof is on existence, brodawg. Don't be a coward, be a scientist.

>> No.1427972


Aren't you 8th graders back in school yet?

>> No.1427974

Atheist here.

>mfw people think atheists deal with absolutes

I can't afford to say "hey look, in terms of religion and its history yadda yadda yadda and I know that you can't know everything but yadda yadda yadda and uh the battle between theists and atheist and hurr durr and agnosticism atheist comes from the greek derp derp" everytime. I'm atheist, period. No, I don't believe in God.

Wow, how the fuck did this turn up to be so complicated? Just because you are taking a stance doesn't mean you are a radical arrogant motherfucker. I feel that most people here feel the same way as I am, but I choose not to use more words that could probably be misunderstood or sugar coating anything, by all means: I'm atheist.

>> No.1427979

>mfw I forgot my face and I'm leaving it blank now

>> No.1427985


For some reason I thought you were arguing for something else. I'll let you fill in the blanks.

I'll wind my neck in right now ...

>> No.1427987


>> No.1427991
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Atheist, though I scorn not the gods: despite their non existence in material terms they're no less potent, no less terrible. The one place the gods inarguably exist is in our minds where they are real beyond refute in all their grandeur and monstrosity.

>> No.1427995


>I choose to believe in nothing, and also to abhor atheism. There are too many idiots on both sides,

Christ I hate people like you. You have absolutely no comprehension of what it means to be an atheist. You think that atheism is a religion and that there's some kind of rule book you have to follow aside from not believing in God, whereas, if you already don't believe in God, then you're already an atheist by definition and you're just trying to isolate yourself from a label because you think you're derpsoedgyandunique.

>> No.1427996

Nope, burden of proof lies with whoever is trying to convince someone they're wrong.

>> No.1427997

I would say it seems like a fun endeavor and that I would enjoy the learning experience, and that I would further be able to use the language for other things, but I do believe that I would appear to be avoiding your point.
Personally, I do not believe that I have the faith for that, though I've admittedly never tried it (oh boy, the typical faith response!). However, I don't seem to mind it too much, and I'm sure God's voice, if I have heard it, was mixed up with my other thoughts.

>> No.1427998




>> No.1428002
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Christian atheist

Embrace Jesus, reject God

>> No.1428004


superior: http://naturalism.org/

>> No.1428007


>> No.1428008

burden lies with the positive claim. stupid.

>> No.1428019

Nope positive claims only carry the burden when they're not abstract matters of metaphysical meaninglessness. As it stands God and his existence or non-existence is irrelevant, so the position of positive or negative claim doesn't matter one iota.

>> No.1428020
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Christianity is just a theory

now what?

>> No.1428021


That's not really true. He had it right. What qualifies as a "positive" claim in many cases is quite arbitrary. The positive claim thing is only true when you're talking within the context of what a person should believe in.

>> No.1428029

Why do people believe in god? I don't get it.

I was always an atheist, even before I knew what it means.

>> No.1428030


religion is bullshit.

All of it.

If you still believe a deity exists, then I am very, very sorry.

>> No.1428037


>implying God = Religion

>> No.1428041

Only Jesus Camp faggots and muslim extremists think otherwise, pal.

>> No.1428043

raised muslim, converted to hinduism a couple years after i met my current (hindu) wife

>> No.1428044


You look at the universe and see chaos.
I look at it and see a vague sense of order.

In the end it's entirely a matter of perspective and nothing else.
I have other reasons but ultimately they probably don't matter to you anyway.

>> No.1428046


>> No.1428051

even if the claim is meaningless to you, it is not meaningless to theists, for whom god is, however incoherent, a serious metaphysical assertion.

>> No.1428054

I'm a Christian.

Why? Because I'm happy this way and it helps drive away the crushing loneliness that is my every day existence.
I'm not out to prove anything. I'm just trying to get through life.
I don't care if I die and find out I'm wrong.

That being said, Jesus was just a cool guy. I like him.

>> No.1428055



>> No.1428056

Nobody can bring an argument against this?

Come on, just try.

>> No.1428059

Catholic, deal with it.

>> No.1428061

except the topic question is not "who is right" but the existence of god. theism is not only a positive claim of god, it also involves the construction of the very idea of god. it obviously advances some content.

>> No.1428062


>> No.1428066

No its meaningless for theists too, they use it to justify other beliefs sure, but that's just sophistry.

>> No.1428067

Catholics > Eastern Orthodox > Jews >>>>>>> Other western religions

>> No.1428071

that's not a very aggressive epistemic attitude, so everyone except theists can recognize it. sure, it's a theory, but it's a bad one and rejected.

>> No.1428074

Unitarian Universalist with Quaker-ish and Gnostic beliefs and a hint of Taoism.

>> No.1428076
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>serious metaphysics

You do realize metaphysics is just the ordering of arbitrarily defined concepts that exist nowhere except the mind, right?

>> No.1428077

No, it matters, it was a genuine question. But I don't know why the entire creation issue emerged anyway, not to mention morals from religion (but this is another story). I mean, the universe is not complete chaos, we know that and we know how most of the things worked. In chemistry we got to the periodic table, in physics they are still trying to figure out a way to merge all the theories together, in biology we know about evolution. When we look at the universe at this level is preety easy to understand why its organized, it could not exist if it wasn't like that. This was the conclusion I got when I was a child, I guess(again, without realizing), "everything" "fits" because if it didn't fit then we would not see it at all.

I understand some cosmological views on the universe based on personal beliefs, like buddhism and the wheel of suffering and desire. I mean, it makes sense to get to these conclusions, they are a way of explaining how everything is in its place. But saying "someone" created everything to be this way? That's quite a giant leap.

>> No.1428078

>can't decide what he believes in!

You're like those flakey fucks who can't decide what their major is in college

>> No.1428079
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Are you aware that many of your traditions and rituals aren't even mentioned in the Bible and that the Catholic church used all this as a means of control, bringing a horrible reputation to the rest of the religion? (I.e. Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, etc.)
I'm Christian, but I believe the Catholic church is unable to read the New Testament for some reason.
Also, captcha... What?

>> No.1428085


Lolno. Catholicism is the most batshit mystical form of Christianity.

>> No.1428086

If that's your belief, then who was phone?

>> No.1428089

That's because the Catholic church built its own traditions based on the cultures of southern and northern western Europe.
In order for most of the people who lived in those regions to convert Christianity had to be adapted to the mold of an already-existing culture.

>> No.1428092

well, i'm going the speech act route of asserting a strong epistemic attitude here, so you can take your noncognitivism elsewhere.

>> No.1428094

However, Catholics also value education and self-teaching the most out of Christian faiths.

I guess The Church of England should get a reprieve as well for pretty much outright acknowledging that it's more of a political organization than a religious one.

>> No.1428095

I like that neat little summary, well put.

>> No.1428105

>most batshit form of Christianity

Actually you'd probably be thinking of Mormons or Southern Baptists (especially the end-times believers) for that one.

>> No.1428107

Nah, I just have very specific beliefs. It's actually the opposite of being undecided, it's being too decided to fit into one exact category.

Phone was jeebus, from inside house

>> No.1428113

Paleopagan druid. But I worship Ahura Mazda as well, go figure.

>> No.1428116


>Nah, I just have very specific beliefs. It's actually the opposite of being undecided, it's being too decided to fit into one exact category.

You'd think after spending that much time thinking like that, you'd realize that all religion is just made up nonsense that no one follows 100% to a T.

>> No.1428119

you obviously fail at reading as well as having no clue of modern analytic metaphysics, however stupid that shit is. the religious asserts god in the same modal neighborhood as other objects.

>> No.1428124

I drive a mazda, and since I'm practicing, I try to drive it over druid hipsters like you.

>> No.1428129
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"I'm an agnostic-atheist."

"You either got faith or you got unbelief and there aint no neutral ground."
-Bob Dylan

>> No.1428132

Agnostic humanist.

>> No.1428139

I'm not religious but I practice ceremonial magick and do believe that there is more than a little credence to works like The Goetia and Crowley's Book of the Law.

>> No.1428140


>Bob Dylan
>not an overrated lyricist

>> No.1428143


ur so clever i almost died

>> No.1428144

No they don't. They assert God is a necessary existence, everything else is contingent.

>> No.1428147

what happens when druids die? they become a tree or something?

>> No.1428150

And people think atheists = faith that there is no god. Not true. It means unbelief. "Why the fuck would I believe in that?" and no one answered straight. That's an atheist. And then religious people get butthurt.

>> No.1428156


If you knew anything about the religious beliefs I mentioned, you'd realize that your statement doesn't really apply since it's about feeling more than scripture or dogma.

>> No.1428158

I have a hard time believing the universe came into being out of some random accident, let's just leave it at that.

Anyway, my reasons for believing in god are completely irrelevant to you.
It's hard to explain and honestly, I just don't feel like it.

>> No.1428161
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>> No.1428165

>random accident

few people with an understanding of the big bang theory believe this, most just accept that they aren't exactly sure what happened

>> No.1428175

are you retarded? they assert that god exists, just like they assert a chair exists or, if you are liberal with existence and abstract objects, just like some people assert numbers exist. exist is the modal neighborhood here.

ok w/e please read beyond your ayer or whatever you were reading.

>> No.1428176

You believe things are simply because they are, generally.
The very fact that out of the millions of possible outcomes, everything came out this finely tuned just implies something to me.

>> No.1428177
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They assert that God is a part of the class without providing the evidence necessary for God to be a part of the class by a means other than an appeal to definition or arbitrary assignment.

>> No.1428185

Do you honestly believe Christians assert God exists as the type of entity that can be physically localized and touched and seen directly like a chair? God is a transcendent non-physical entity, lacks extension and temporality. That is a very different type of existence from that of a chair. And the modal status of God is necessary not contingent.

>> No.1428187

Personally I'm inclined towards the eternal cycle of the expanding/retracting universe. Recent research has shown evidence of pre-big bang existence of the universe, so I feel pretty comfortable.

>> No.1428189

That actually fits in perfectly with Hinduism, believe it or not.

>> No.1428202

Ok then. I understand you, most of the times I don't want to talk about it either. Talking about religion is hard, it's a subject filled with trolls and intolerance...

>random accident
But that's not at all what I'm saying... Things are about cause and consequence, you throw a rock it falls, you have sex and there comes a baby. It's harder to see but, you put hot water in a planet filled with nitrogen, carbon, oxigen and electricity and leave it there for a few BILLION years and suddenly dinossaurs. We know this, now. We didn't back then and yet we know that the universe came to existence at some point and we call that big bang and we know the consequences, we just don't know the cause. But why to fill that with an abstract idea of creation? And with it comes so much problems that are even harder to solve than just plain physics. Everything was an action of God back then, but we started figuring things out and now we don't know shit about how the big bang happened or how our conscience exist (solipsism), but at least we are trying, right?

>> No.1428203
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Stop it.

>> No.1428204

but all the other aspects of hinduism are ridiculous, now what?

>> No.1428214

Hey dude, some Christians believe that, honestly, don't talk for all Christians. And many many more did back in the days.

>> No.1428218
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>> No.1428223

The mormons do, I don't know of anyone else

>> No.1428228


well, the problem is that christians themselves don't have a definite idea of what god is, but they are still asserting it in a strong way. yea sure, before the burden of proof, they also have the burden of definition. either way, they have the burden of explaining and justifying their positive assertion.

>> No.1428229

agnostic-atheist if I'm being honest
deist if I'm lying to myself
nihilist if something occurs which is hard to participate with

>> No.1428273

Being a Pastor's son I was naturally brought up to be very religious- Christian camps, Sunday school, nightly prayer, ect.- and swallowed everything my parent's told me whole, as most children do. So basically from the time I was able to think I was ostentatiously dominated by Christian dogma in every shape and form. I asked the natural questions as a child: why doesn't god show us he exists? are my non-religious friends really going to hell? how does god know everything and is all powerful yet so much pain and suffering in the world exists? and so on, but every question had a ready answer and as a result I never was critical in thought on these matters, because every child trusts what his Father says. Then one day in 9th grade I got into a major argument with a friend over evolution and went home fuming because I couldn't prove to him how evolution doesn't exist, and went on to spend hours on my computer looking things up so I could prove to him the next day how utterly wrong he was.

>> No.1428274


The more I read about the "proof" that evolution didn't exist the more I realized how purposefully misunderstood the facts were and how illogical and weakly rationalized the excuses for the overwhelming evidence in favor of evolution were; in a matter of hours I slowly began to question my belief in creationism and consequently my faith in god- I guess you can say I had a revelation. At the end of my search I found myself ordering the book of the very person I was always told to not believe: The Greatest Show on Earth, by Richard Dawkins. After reading the book I completely was turned around on the matter of creation vs. evolution and began to have some serious doubts on my blind faith. This led me to read more books, such as Dialogues on Natural Religion by Hume, Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell, Studies in Pessimism by Schopenhauer to name a few. After a month or two of heavy contemplation on the matters of these books and many arguments with my Dad and church going friends I had completely abandoned my faith and became to describe myself as a Deist, which later turned into Agnostic-Atheist, which is where I am to this day. I may not today agree with all Richard Dawkins has to say but I have to be thankful of him for his inadvertent help in my freethought and for his help in my introduction into literature and philosophy, which are two very important objects in my life.

>> No.1428291

When I read this sort of story, I focus, I stick my hands together for a moment and clap.

>> No.1428301

I don't give a fuck about why we're here or what will there be after we pass
I only care about what we do while we are here.

>> No.1428305

Thank you, sir

>> No.1428306

Then you're an atheist.

>> No.1428323


Everybody loves an anecdote

>> No.1428334
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Apparently you were raised among stupid people, no wonder you lost faith.

>> No.1428345


>> No.1428401

>came into being
>random accident
All my rage. You don't even bother to fucking research the plausible theories in any accurate and comprehensible way (that say no such thing) but you still deny it and your best god-damn argument: "it's random from nothing." Jesus ice-skating Christ on the easy-cheese topping a Ritz fucking cracker.

>> No.1428424

Atheist, sort of Agnostic.

>> No.1428444

(agnostic atheist)

>> No.1428454

Not necessarily. "Doesn't care" doesn't equate to "doesn't believe".


>> No.1428455

Please, Christians, point out where you see the "nothing" in this cycle. The best you've got is we don't know what happens in the singularity, which is like telling a 5 year old because they don't understand Boyle the popcorn in the microwave must be magic.

>> No.1428494

liberating...not primitive you fag

>> No.1428505
File: 27 KB, 453x330, Picture1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late-he-ist here

fucking look at that time!

>> No.1428509

Except a singularity is by definition unknowable.

Second, you have a hypothesis not a theory, its not based on more proof than God did it.

Third, you're still supposing that the universe exists as an arbitrary array of contingent facts, which is frankly equivalent to being random. The universe still arises randomly and arbitrarily even if it arises from "something". And the appeal to infinite regress is frankly unsatisfactory as an explanation. Stuff exists because stuff always existed.

>> No.1428510


there's nothing liberating about ignoring reality. eventually it will come around to bite you in the ass.

>> No.1428518


>> No.1428519

I believe in dreams, mother earth, father time, the universe, etc. These phenomena make up my concept of God.

Science may tell me what the underlying mechanics of such phenomena are but the way that I experience them and form my reality from them, and ultimately the meaning that accompanies such experiences, is in no apparent way ruled by a natural law. Your algorithms and force diagrams can not provide me with profound symbols and metaphors that add a sense of purpose and direction to my life.

Why can't I have both science and mythology?

>> No.1428520

I'll believe you if you can tell me how much Pi is

>> No.1428526

>people thinking agnosticism isn't atheism

and to think you were better /lit/

then again, religion thread

>> No.1428528

Somewhere between 3.1 and 3.2

>> No.1428530

The closest term I've found is pantheism.

I feel I should type up a personal spiritual manifesto or something to clarify and solidify my stance, but for now it's something nebulous and I'm sure containing a few inconsistencies.
I get very embarrassed and fumbly when I try to explain it in person right now, as things like the beautiful intricacy of the universe, fundamental unity of all living things and the sacred rarity of every instant and being come up a lot.
I feel like it comes across as standard issue stupid hippie stoner bullcrap, which frustrates me because it's something I worked at for a long time and put a lot of thought into.
Carl Sagan played a big part in it. "We are a way for the Universe to know itself."

>> No.1428538
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>I feel I should type up a personal spiritual manifesto or something to clarify and solidify my stance

Please do, and post it here, we are waiting in anticipation.

>> No.1428545

Mainstream (meaning not a fundamentalist) Protestant Christian - Lutheran / Presbyterian

>> No.1428593

>ITT: Atheists, idiots who reply agnosticism when asked about their belief of god(s), and idiots who were brought up as a (insertreligion).

There are over 10,000 religions. Maybe more than that. All varying with themes related to each generation of new religions. All containing a deity. With these chances, none of them exist. None of their established laws can exist long-term.

In a few thousand years, all the modern religions practiced today will be part of the past, just as the beliefs of Neanderthals or other primitive or ancient religion had become.

This I can guarantee you. Go butthurt bonkers, you won't change anything.

>> No.1428597

.In a few thousand years, all the modern religions practiced today will be part of the past, just as the beliefs of Neanderthals or other primitive or ancient religion had become.This I can guarantee you. Go butthurt bonkers, you won't change anything.

I bet Epicurus thought so as well.

U mad you'll never live in an atheist world

>> No.1428610

I apologize if that came across as arrogant, maybe manifesto was a poor choice of words. I probably wouldn't show it to anybody who hadn't asked to see it.

If you're not being sarcastic, and are genuinely interested, I could drop a thread in a few days about it. Critique would probably be a good thing.

I don't know who Fakefro Frontalot is, so I'm not sure which meaning you intended.

>> No.1428617

I agree with all that, but there are religions without deities. Religion is a cosmological view of the universe based on a set of beliefs.

>> No.1428632

It also includes a social/ritual aspect as well

>> No.1428636

yes because no religon is over a few thousand years old. thats impossible

>> No.1428640

All the current major religions have been around for at least a couple thousand years.

In terms of ideology you can look back to ancient greece a few thousand years ago and modern society and see quite a few parallels.

What exactly will and what won't change over a few thousand years is not clear cut.

>> No.1428647

actually with our societys lust to record and catalog everything the chances of the current religons lasting thousands of years is much more likely

>> No.1428646 [DELETED] 

Christianity has already been around for a few thousand years.
Judaism has been around for more than a few thousand years, and Hinduism even longer than Judaism.
I can see them lasting for a few thousand more years if humans are still around.

>> No.1428652

I think he was talking of practicing religions, but yeah; thousands of years is just a bit short nowadays.

>> No.1428655

>singularity is unknowable.
See, Timmy, Boyle's Laws of Thermodynamics-- well, no, forget it... See, Timmy, the popcorn is magic, there's a little demon in the microwave...

>no more proof than God did it.
No. There is rational evidence for an expanding and contracting universe. There is also empirical evidence for an infinitely expanding universe. See, here in the real world, "proofs" are pieces of evidence linked logically to other pieces of evidence which can be verified. There are proofs for the Big Bang whether you view it as the event which began the universe or simply part of a cycle, it simply is not proven. That is a very important distinction.
>Third, you're still supposing that the universe exists as an arbitrary array of contingent facts, which is frankly equivalent to being random. The universe still arises randomly and arbitrarily even if it arises from "something".
I don't argue random. I argue "random accident." Physics is non-deterministic but not accidental, that's just a ridiculously simple-minded way of putting it.
>And the appeal to infinite regress is frankly unsatisfactory as an explanation. Stuff exists because stuff always existed.
>I judge scientific ideas with my emotions.

>> No.1428668

Today it's different. We will not lose track of what is happening anymore, we are going to be just as confuse as we are now. The entire world will be connected and no thought will emerge without being recorded. We just cannot enter another dark age or "forget" about an empire or country. Let's say something happends and Madagascar does not exist anymore. It would not take a few thousand years for someone to discover the ruins of the lost continent of Madagascar, we would not only know everything about it, but it would be news for the entire world too.

You say religions will last, I say the opposite will happen. Not that everyone will be atheist, because god is a natural (but irrational) response, but we will see all those religion institutions crumble in smaller ones. This is happening right now by the way. As mentioned before, most christians do not take the bible literally anymore, people are finding new excuses, each person has a different god. They don't burn you for this anymore.

not an english speaker

>> No.1428690

i see what you mean with the whole crumblings and what not, but i think the only thing that could get rid of some of the religons today would be an apocolypse and a new begining

>> No.1428692

>See, Timmy, Boyle's Laws of Thermodynamics-- well, no, forget it... See, Timmy, the popcorn is magic, there's a little demon in the microwave...
What do you think singularity means? "a singularity is in general a point at which a given mathematical object is not defined, or a point of an exceptional set where it fails to be well-behaved"

Second is it even theoretically possible to have empirical data on the proto-universal singularity, even if you generate some math it can never be validated?

Math don't work there, and empiricism can't happen. Its unknowable, not just unknown.

>No. There is rational evidence for an expanding and contracting universe. There is also empirical evidence for an infinitely expanding universe. See, here in the real world, "proofs" are pieces of evidence linked logically to other pieces of evidence which can be verified. There are proofs for the Big Bang whether you view it as the event which began the universe or simply part of a cycle, it simply is not proven. That is a very important distinction.
We have evidence for an expanding universe, one that has increased its rate of expansion. No evidence for a contracting universe. And certainly no evidence for a cyclical univere.

>I don't argue random. I argue "random accident." Physics is non-deterministic but not accidental, that's just a ridiculously simple-minded way of putting it.
It lacks intention therefore its all accidental, from the Latin for "to happen". Its an event without intention, what more do you want from an "accident"

>>I judge scientific ideas with my emotions.
Wrong its not a scientific idea cause it doesn't explain any observable fact, reality before the big bang or after a hypothetical big crunch is so far removed from an possible empirical knowledge as to make conjecture not even wrong. But when it comes to metaphysical bullshit, yes I do feel justified in judging with my emotions.

>> No.1428716

Didn't read the thread.
Not gonna get myself involved in the arguments that have undoubtedly happened in 183 posts.
I am an atheist.
My facebook "religious views" section says "none."

>> No.1428718
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>Implying everyone in North America can't be obliterated in the next hour or so
>Implying some shit like this won't happen in the following thousand years or so
>Implying files on computers don't diminish is quality over time
>Implying computers can't be easily destroyed
>Implying something like the burning of the Library of Alexandria can't and won't happen in the future
>Implying Madagascar is a continent

>> No.1428724

Roman Catholic.

>> No.1428768

A new beggining will probably bring us new religions...

>Implying everyone in North America can't be obliterated in the next hour or so
Who said anything about North America? Yes, it could but the rest of the world would remember it.
>Implying some shit like this won't happen in the following thousand years or so
Could happen, but maybe not. Diplomatic solutions are better, not because they are more peaceful, but because it's easier to rule from money and influence rather than guns. Win-win.
>Implying files on computers don't diminish is quality over time
Hurp. And probably yes, quality will be shit, but quantity will be enough and we only need a few experts on each subject. Knowledge as we know it is doomed. One more point to my theory that from now on, everything will be different.
>Implying computers can't be easily destroyed
One, two, a thousand, yes. Internet? Cloud computing? All the medias? You have to destroy all computers.
>Implying something like the burning of the Library of Alexandria can't and won't happen in the future
Think of all the books published every year. All of them have at least one copy on a public library. Think of all the information on the internet, all of it is onilne for everyone else to see. Again, you have to destroy A LOT to see some actual change on this subject. How many books were there in the world when Alexandria was burnt down? What was the percentage of knowledge there?
>Implying Madagascar is a continent
I did not imply that, I implied that if we did not live in a modern world and Madagascar was destroyed, then some faggot would call it "the lost continent" just like Atlantis faggots.

>> No.1428783

go read fight club or something

>> No.1428798
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>> No.1428821

>Implying files on computers don't diminish is quality over time
True. For example, FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

>> No.1428842

I'm an agnostic deist.

>> No.1428844

can I subscribe to your newsletter?

>> No.1428849

Reconstructed Proto-Indo-European. Hail *Dyēus Phter!

>> No.1428851

agnostic muslim

>> No.1428856


>> No.1428858

agnostic atheist

I refuse any dogmatic beliefs.

>> No.1428861

I'm Roman catholic.

Btw , quite funny to see how a board that likes boasting its intellectual superiority and its open-mindedness has a view on religion (~ 80% of the replies) that a 15 yo rebellious kid could have without ever thinking by himself.

>> No.1428862


>> No.1428864

they sound crap because they were ripped by amateurs and probably compiled by some douchebag on napster, not because they've, as you suggest, degraded so incredibly... Either that or your ear has become more refined as you've gotten older and you can now distinguish between a decent a shitty rip

>> No.1428865

You just replied to ancient troll copypasta.

>> No.1428866

oh... lawl ?

>> No.1428868


Can't you assume that a different opinion isn't always a troll you dumbass ?

>> No.1428870

I identify as a Deist. Primarily because I don't have the energy to be either an ardent theist, or a dedicated atheist.

>> No.1428871


>> No.1428875

Cult of Dionysus

>> No.1428880
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>rotational velocidensity

>> No.1428884

I am an Atheist. And if god is real, hes going to have to explain a few things to me

>> No.1428892

Like what? Why he doesn't rescue humanity every time they dig a hole and fall in it?

>> No.1428900


It's the only way to go.

>> No.1428907

Orthodox Christian.

>> No.1428914

Like why your penis is so small?

>> No.1428915


this made me laugh. +1 internets to you sir

>> No.1428918

Well, what's the deal with airline food?

>> No.1429498

Buddhist (Theravada)

>> No.1429508

Militant Agnostic.

I don't know. I don't care. And neither should anyone else.

(Though on the last census form I had to complete I listed "New Orthodox Reformed [last-name-here]ist")

>> No.1429512

nihilistic pantheist here

i say im an atheist though when people ask. or if its important i say christian

>> No.1429540

>if it's important I say christian
Pussy. Seriously, grow a spine and stand up for your supposed beliefs.

>> No.1429543


I don't think many job applications have "Nihilistic Pantheist" on them, which is I think what he means.

>> No.1429552
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I'm a Luciferian.

>> No.1429558

i believe i dont want to stand up for my beliefs. also, i dont even want people to believe what i believe, the world would be a worse place

>> No.1429563

Mormon, here!

>> No.1429564

You're a tinkertwat if you actually put that shit on your body.

>> No.1429569 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 300x346, Gaga Wants to Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a problem?

>> No.1429587

So write it in, most applications have a write in spot for an "other" option. My point is, it's revolting to me that someone would lie about their religious beliefs.

>> No.1429591

why is that revolting to you?

>> No.1429602

(see Plato)

>> No.1429695

confused mysticism besmirching the good name of philosophy since forever. amen.

>> No.1429709

Zen Theosophist who practices the Fourth Way and some Chaos magick

>> No.1429721

I'm a pragmatists I choose to believe whatever is most useful in any given situation. At times that's been Christianity, Atheism, Buddhism, once I was a devout pagan.

>> No.1429723

Agnostic atheistic anti-theist, reporting in.

>> No.1429725


Oh fuck off.

>> No.1429729
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Gaga thread?

>> No.1429739


Retard. It's copypasta.

>> No.1429747
File: 895 KB, 1611x926, 1281408787517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad /lit/?

>> No.1429748

I have no clue who that is.

>> No.1429755
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>> No.1429756

sure you dont

>> No.1429760
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>> No.1429762

Is Lady Gaga Catholic or what?

>> No.1429805

Muslim convert here. U jelly infadels?

>> No.1429875

TBH just because you can't understand God doesn't mean he isn't real. I often find this is the case with atheists/agnostics. Most of them are just dawkins fanboys and have never read the bible.

>> No.1429885

Agnostic master race

>> No.1429894

Yeah, more like agnostic-afraid-to-make-a-stand-because-he's-worried-what-people-will-think-of-him-tier

>> No.1429895

Atheist, but I kinda wish I wasn't. Sometimes I think it'd be nice to believe in something, IMO.

>> No.1429901

TBH I've read the whole bible, it contradicts itself a lot and is a load of bullshit that you can tell is written by people who had no idea about anything.
Science and the laws of the universe explain a lot more than you think and eradicate the need for a God. It's human nature to look for something like a God but we've outgrown it.
Lots of people have this vision of Dawkins as a really militant atheist but he's actually a humanist like me - meet him in real life and you'll see it's mostly the media's doing.

>> No.1429906
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>> No.1429908

I believe god is real, but I'm also an atheist.

>> No.1429911


>Sometimes I think it'd be nice to believe in something

Hopefully none of the options going...

>> No.1429917

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha

>> No.1429933

Agnostic since about 12. A friend invited me to her youth bible group; that shit backfired like a mutha! The couple leading the group had shit answers for all of my questions, which solidified the disquiet I was already feeling. I don't look down on religious people, I just personally don't need religion to be a good person/ be happy with life/etc..

>> No.1430143


>> No.1430149


>> No.1430158
File: 76 KB, 572x781, hagrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yer a wizard deep&edgy

>> No.1430162
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>> No.1430167

Asatru, but lately I've been having a crisis of faith.

>> No.1430170

secular jew

>> No.1430174

I like how the douche in that video thinks he knows what others believe.

I'm an agnostic in that I literally don't fucking know.
I go to church now and then, so I'm not going to be a moron and say I'm an atheist. But at the same time I'm very well aware of the fact that much of it is bullshit and there is a very good chance all of it is.
But still, can you really call me an atheist? Hell no.

>> No.1430197
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>Agnostics believe their view is a less severe view of disbelief

I stopped watching there. This retard needs a dictionary.
Whay are there so many retards that believe that Agnosticism is a half-way house between belief and disbelief?

>> No.1430270

>agnostic muslim

Enjoy being tortured in hell for your lack of faith in Allah

>> No.1430276


>> No.1430284

agnostics are confused and most are ignorant as to why.

>> No.1430298
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>> No.1430301

I'm a gnostic-atheist

>> No.1430906

i think I might be a post-modernist.

>> No.1430921

I'm a Qur'an aloner Muslim.

>> No.1430972

100% OG

>> No.1430978

Started off as a Hindu. Now, a kind of Non-Denominational Neo-Pagan. I have my own beliefs.

>> No.1430981

Sufi Islam

>> No.1431015


Death won't save you.
There is no way out.
Something horrible's waiting on the other side.

(just for me though)

>> No.1431035
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>269 posts and 34 image replies omitted.

>> No.1431051
