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File: 61 KB, 940x300, clyi17i5w2c31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14276439 No.14276439 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read more women. Who are the best women writers?

>> No.14276456

George Eliot is the best novelist. Dickinson is the best poet.

>> No.14276458

gb2 reddit


>> No.14276466

Just read Jane Austen and George Eliot and call it a day.

>> No.14276472

imagine being able to create new life but you just create shitty books instead. lol if you read anything by a woman

>> No.14276473


>> No.14276479

>I want to read more women.
Why would you want that lol

>> No.14276480

holy FUCK the left cannot meme. Even when they have a perfectly good template theyve stolen from Stonetoss they still fuck it up

>> No.14276493

Louise Erdrich, Joan Didion, Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.14276495
File: 257 KB, 1261x776, thewall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture, including lit, is downstream from biology.

>> No.14276499

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.14276503

omg, is it the same girl? i cant believe it

>> No.14276513

this is the most retarded image, she still looks beautiful at 30

>> No.14276517


>> No.14276519

If this chick lost weight, took a pic with that same hair, the same sexy "squint", the same hair, the same shitty resolution of the camera she'd look almost exactly like in the left pic. By the way she looks fucking hot on the right pic, I'd murder 3000000000000000 paki babies to sniff her goddess shithole.

Fuck you incel niggers.

>> No.14276526


>> No.14276527

But the one on the right looks better you fag

>> No.14276528

The laugh lines are a big turnoff, coupled with the slightly hollow cheeks makes her look more wrinkled than she is

>> No.14276536

Her hollow cheeks make me hard though

>> No.14276537

yeah, she sure does, femanon...

>> No.14276539

>turn off
stfu coomer

>> No.14276541

And O'Connor is the best short story writer.

>> No.14276542

Sure being rich helps but you can still see the age catching up and white women age like milk

>> No.14276545

she absolutely would not. If there were a way to make 30 year old women look 20 it would be the largest industry on earth

>> No.14276550

I don't know where I claimed she looked 20 or could look like it, I'm accusing the author of that .jpg file of being dishonest

>> No.14276554


Evelyn Waugh

>> No.14276557

Clarice Lispector
Alice Munro

>> No.14276564


>> No.14276571


>> No.14276576

not really. i mean every girl is going to look better at 20 than 30, but to claim that they all end up looking like hideous witches is retarded.

>> No.14276637
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>> No.14276665
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>> No.14276676
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>> No.14276683

Christiana Rossetti, Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Gaskell

>> No.14276688

>I want to read more women

>> No.14276700

Sarah Kane is one of my favorite playwrights. Check out Cleansed and Blasted.

>> No.14276706

The comics attempting to Mock Stonetoss uniformly vindicate him.

>> No.14276712


the virgin turd wave feminist:

>all ideas parroted from twitter
>only hates daddy because she intuits he is right in hating her
>thinks sexual arguments boil down to acquiescing to her favorite twitter tranny
>speaks english like a second language
>terminal tribalism whereby she forgives her acquaintances' depravity merely because they are women keeps her in permanent anomie and despair for which she blames men
>pretends to be "libertine" because she trivialized her sexuality just to be edgy and knows there is no going back
>claims one of her random acts of adultery was "rape" to be cool
>actually enjoys being degraded by the patriarchy because she thinks she deserves it for failing to fight it
>thinks philosophy is a virus columbus gave to rosa parks
>is physically repulsive

Keep the thread alive until I write the CHAD SECOND WAVE FEMINIST.

>> No.14276718

but that comic is right tho

>> No.14276720

lmao this literally is the perfect example of
>leftie memes

>Right memes
>kill niggs
>bottom text

>> No.14276800

Given society is completely controlled by white men, this cartoon vindicates the SJW narrative that we should reform society and reduce the power of white men, seeing as the status quo is making them unhappy

>> No.14276806

Victorian. The Bronte sisters. Laura Ingalls Wilder.

>> No.14276807

>Given society is completely controlled by white men
lmao what? all institutions are run by the globohomo jew-spic-nig alliance

>> No.14276812

Anne of Green gables and an Old Fashioned Girl. For easy reading, "When Calls the Heart".

>> No.14276818

All women should be killed after giving birth to two children.

>> No.14276824

Joan Didion is excellent.

>> No.14276844

on the contrary, only women who have given two children to the world should be allowed any kind of rights.

>> No.14276846

But they are the only ones with silky long hair and fair skin. Nothing replaces that. Nothing.

>> No.14276848

Or you could move to a country not controlled by white men, im sure it will be way nice lmao

>> No.14276849

Sylvia Plath, the Bell Jar is one of my favorite books.

>> No.14276873

That's a really good read, too

>> No.14276879
File: 330 KB, 950x1430, coronation6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women make the best film and literature?

>> No.14276886

Lol good point

>> No.14276891



>understands how the sexes relate to theology
>her father has done everything for her, hates him on principle anyway
>hates trannies in a particularly feminine way that men are not privy to
>at least bilingual
>not afraid to tell housewives to go to hell i needed
>her every climax is a mandala of unrepeatable qualia
>almost killed by a man, has seen the face of yaldabaoth
>will die with her conviction
>observers the good in man in plato et al.
>actually looks like a woman

>> No.14276893

Japan seems nice tbqh

>> No.14276902

nips have white skin, do they not?

>> No.14276943


>> No.14276951

The second guy is right, who is going to take care of the children if not their mothers? It's single, childless 30 year old wine aunts who should be killed

>> No.14276981

Yeah, most Islamic countries would provide the religious and national identity as well as the control over women and traditional values the picture complains are lacking in the West.

>> No.14276987

Madame Bovary made me understand why women are such disgusting traitors, who would leave you in a second in order to pursuit some fantasy in her head. If you aren't a Chad millionaire they'll always search for one, especially if they get a taste for a luxurious lifestyle.

>> No.14277196

Italy is based and is the archetype of the cryptomatriarchy.

>> No.14277279

>Given society is completely controlled by white men

Stop gaslighting

>> No.14277603
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>> No.14277632

they fuck over chad millionaires too nobody is safe. Not that men are any better the whole thing is an amoral game

>> No.14277652

I'll try my thing with Love and magic. See if it gets me anywhere.

>> No.14277662

>Given society is completely controlled by white men

you idiots need Marx.

>> No.14277676
File: 18 KB, 307x309, 1541555948771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know memes are supposed to be funny, right?
what in the actual fuck is this abomination?

>> No.14277736
File: 45 KB, 750x719, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true though, the one on the right makes me sad. She makes me feel the immense weight of life, I am articulate though most people internalise this on a subconscious level. I actually WANT to disagree with this image, as I'm in my 30s and realistically can't date a 20 year old, but damn even an 'ugly' 20 year old is good looking. They just have this innate vibrancy, this joyful glow.

>> No.14277767
File: 7 KB, 160x160, LtT8yNNb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Murasaki Shikibu
2. Jane Austen
3. George Eliot
4. Virginia Woolf
5. Emily Dickinson
6. Charlotte Brontë
7. Sappho
8. Flannery O'Connor
9. Toni Morrison
10. Doris Lessing
11. Gertrude Stein

>> No.14277771

Jane austen is really good, you might actually be a pleb if you cant enjoybher books

>> No.14277779

Murasaki Shikibu, Agatha Christie and... uh... that's it, really.

>> No.14277787

Joyce Carol Oates

>> No.14277882


>> No.14277928

Simone Weil and that's it

>> No.14277930

>leftist meme
>wall of text
It checks out

>> No.14278030


>> No.14278726

>I'm in my 30s and realistically can't date a 20 year old
Pathetic. You will never date a 20 year old because of these mental limitations you put on yourself.

>> No.14278733

Is Dickinson better than H.D.?
sorry, but you're coming off a tad bit as a pleb

>> No.14278746


>> No.14278751

I haven't read hardly any but Alice Munro is talented.

>> No.14278762

then why does it take a separate movement to address those issues? that's because feminists don't care about those things. OP
s pic is wrong...check and mate.

>> No.14278777

While I'd usually agree with the argument of this image, I am weighing in on the side saying the right is more attractive.

Perhaps that's because she doesn't look like a drugged out slut.

>> No.14278781

Much more compelling comparison.

>> No.14278784

Its controlled by jews and whites who have negative ingroup biases.

>> No.14278982
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>> No.14279000

The leftist who made this edit inadvertently made a subtle redpill in two ways. 1). The Left can't meme, but can only rant, lecture, or write walls of text with no punchline. 2). This shows feminists are intellectually dishonest when hardships of masculinity are brought up in the context of the sexes, and they just dodge the question whenever casualties or suicides are brought up.

>> No.14279003
File: 214 KB, 500x827, l-dont-know-why-im-crying-in-the-club-right-3845036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlotte Bronte. I'm reading Jane Eyre rn and the first. 90 or so pages are some of the best written, most emotional pages I've read.

>> No.14279009

That isn't dodging the question, the reason for those stats is literally given.

>> No.14279038

>Culture is downstream from biology
If you have nothing of substance to say but parroting reddit platitudes, just go back.

>> No.14279642

30 year old is better, but that's just my type.

Also to answer your question OP I personally really dig Flannery O'Conner. I don't know if she's one of the "best" but if you find one of her, few, books I'd pick one up. Unless you dislike Catholicism as a worldview / P.O.V.

>> No.14279659


>> No.14279661

where's the punchline?

>> No.14279697

Hildegard of Bingen
Julian of Norwich
Marie de France
Christine de Pizan
Marguerite de Navarre

>> No.14279907
File: 91 KB, 560x560, 873947A2-2C82-4A1C-BEB7-790DD603A5EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only true for white women.

>> No.14279933
File: 37 KB, 600x315, 50892AC0-4E18-42B8-9D3F-352E103E3072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian women too!

>> No.14279965

She's got some cream in her coffee

>> No.14279978

Yeah, she is most likely half black, but the “black don’t crack” meme seems to have more credence than the meme posted above.
Most black people, men and women, tend to look good for their age.
White celebrities are more likely to look different (male and female) as they age.

>> No.14280022

I like mixed girls desu. I think they're what stopped me from going full /pol/

>> No.14280457

Almost a hundred replies and no love for my girl, Katherine Mansfield?

>> No.14280497

I don't read women who use men's names.

>> No.14280511
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>> No.14280516



>> No.14280601

the meme itself is right wing

>> No.14280608
File: 725 KB, 677x572, woman feels he is wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to read more women
pic related

also this >>14276848

>> No.14280646

Yes, pic rel is never, ever done by men

>> No.14280671

All I want is an Emily Bronte gf desu

>> No.14280732
File: 38 KB, 792x517, vo28o1dossz31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.14280878

I can have sex with a 20 year old, but not date one. I had a conversation with my nephew the other day who is 19 and it made me exhausted.

>> No.14280883

it's pretty funny how they allowed themselves to be lumpenized like that

>> No.14280904

Hell yes, anon

>> No.14281068

Then it should be I'm in my 30s and realistically don't want to date a 20 year old

>> No.14281090

>being so triggered you don't recognize female (woman) writing

>> No.14281100

That's dumb and sums up why most people hate feminism, they just want to blame their problems on society or someone else rather than fixing themselves.

>> No.14281679

plz stop following neoliberal propaganda

>> No.14281681

shut the fuck up

>> No.14281710

Fucking brain dead faggot I will bash your head in I bench 4pl8 bitch

>> No.14281729

>impotent rage
i'd just rape you, just like your dad used to