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/lit/ - Literature

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14275431 No.14275431 [Reply] [Original]

Gal you met calls herself a Marxist and you come back to her apartment to see this wyd

>> No.14275437
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fuck her to death and dispose of the body in a dumpster

>> No.14275444

Who cares for the opinion of women?
pump and dump and go home to watch anime

>> No.14275449

I know how to read softcovers without creasing them. I have a few used books with creases in them too.
I wouldn’t do/say anything about it. Challenging her isn’t smart, especially since I’m trying to get into her pants

>> No.14275454

fuck her up the Zil lane then steal all her money and leave

>> No.14275455


>> No.14275456

oh great, we can read together
this is the best possible turn of events

>> No.14275469
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Trips of Truth

>> No.14275509

I bust, I won’t even contain myself I’ll just bust in my pants and ask her to marry me while the cum is fuuuuuck god

>> No.14275525

i will personally destroy all you /leftypol/ fags

>> No.14275527

Go back to /pol/ lit has always been leftist

>> No.14275534

>lit has always been leftist
sure thing newfag

>> No.14275548

Nigga what does it matter? It's not like she'll go start a revolution. Like chill my guy, political opinions mean nothing.

>> No.14275597

be impressed that she actually reads what she preaches then dick her down til she's third positionist

>> No.14275612

Tell her I'm poor and begin taking anything of value.

>> No.14275617

Newfag, stfu

>> No.14275628

stopped reading right there

>> No.14275632

Stop impersonating me

>> No.14275642

Where's Volume 3?

>> No.14275647

say "Baased gorl reading marx ccoool" then excuse myself, go jerk off in her bathroom, she opens the door, i say im sorry, she tells me to get the fuck out. I cry on the bus home.

>> No.14275653

You guys larping are pathetic

>> No.14275658

You guys larping are pathetic

>> No.14275659


>> No.14275669

Surprised they read vol 1. Chapter 1 mindfucked me hard enough

>> No.14275674

what a fucking pleb

>> No.14275682


Whoever rocks the cradle rules the world.

Find a Conservative Christian and have tons of babies.

>> No.14275692
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Tumblr is calling.

>> No.14275694

You're an anarchist and yet you call me a pleb.

>> No.14275702

i'm an ethno nationalist fascist you dumbass

>> No.14275709

>volume two left untouched
Sounds about right, that book is torture

>> No.14275710

lol are you one of the fascists that joined like 2 years ago?

>> No.14275716

sounds like waifu material

>> No.14275731

Shut it >>>/r/eddit newfag
I've been on /lit/ for 10 years. It has always been a contrarian board.

>> No.14275746

> been on lit for 10 years

I bet you don't even know what books were on the meme trilogy

>> No.14275785


>> No.14275801

no marxist has ever read the capital, i just dump this pseudo-intellectual whore

>> No.14275889

>he doesn't know that /leftypol/ was created by /lit/ fags

>> No.14275897

Depends on what volume 3 looks like, I wouldn't really hold her skipping vol, 2 against her though.

>> No.14276010

Take my name off already, bootlicker

Left leaning. Since the beginning. That’s one of the reasons it was so good.

>> No.14276087
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>t. newfaggot
neck urself.

>> No.14276103

Self described marxist chick is defintely a twitterthot. Id fug then ditch desu

>> No.14276124
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>defintely a twitterthot

There's a cure for that.

>> No.14276179
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illuminate her to Christ's love then impregnate her (within marriage)

>> No.14276207

Stop impersonating me.

>> No.14276213

samefagging gone wrong?? This is like the 5th time I've caught u butters. This is just sad.

>> No.14276220

Have sex incel

>> No.14276226

STFU fake butters

>> No.14276381

you'll be lonely for the rest of your life
enjoy this (you), it's the only kind of attention you seem to be able to get

>> No.14276386
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I actually like this fake butterfly more than the original one. As far as I'm concerned, this is the real one now.

>> No.14276425

the thicc penguins are impossible not to crease

>> No.14276430

Das rite. We is butterflies and shit.

>> No.14276471
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>> No.14277291
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>> No.14277383

Fuck her and tell her shes retarded and should read Sorel instead.

>> No.14277408

you have to go back >>>/reddit/

>> No.14277413


>> No.14278685

no one should read all 3 volumes anyway its torture

>> No.14278748

Look closer, retard.

>> No.14278754

I tell her we need to ban Americans from /lit/.

>> No.14278885

But Marxism will never click, and you will be left behind ideologically when the communist revolution happens.

>> No.14278913
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Gal you met calls herself a Marxist and you come back to her apartment to see this wyd

>> No.14278947

make it an anarchist revolution then, bakunin/kropotkin/proudhon are far easier reads than fucking capital

>> No.14278954

i come back to her apartment and see a tweet?

>> No.14278967

yeah if you're a club fisted barbarian maybe

>> No.14278979


>> No.14279241

Tranny lover

>> No.14279249

Tranny hater

>> No.14279254

alright, you've won! i'll filter butterfly...

>> No.14279273
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>Tranny hater

>> No.14279284
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>> No.14279438

Trips of truth

>> No.14279961

she has the tweet framed on her wall

>> No.14280540

Act out a zany rom-com in which we track down David Harvey so he can help explain Vol. 2 to us

>> No.14280550
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>> No.14280576

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

>> No.14280639

Slowly radicalize her while also fostering a loving and caring relationship and then show her the truth that communism is just the economic ideology of Islam and that only by following the path given to us in the quran can true communism be reached.

>> No.14280642

Maybe that Capital vol II is one of the newer style Penguin Classics where the spines don't crease but the pages are really squeaky.

>> No.14282316


>> No.14282340

stop posting

>> No.14282369
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show her how obsolete marxist/traditional leftist theory and praxis is, then show her the enlightened way of postleftism.

>> No.14282376

hittin it from the back

>> No.14282405
File: 63 KB, 800x526, david-foster-wallace-2d7939a867950051042d8032609ff97d55b73b19-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That worn-out spine says it all

>> No.14282423


>> No.14282481

Post left is just cringe retard anarchists who are anti work. Read Marx, and then realize Leninism isn’t the only continuity of Marxism. I’m a Marxist and post left, Stirner, anarchist praxis, etc. are all still very valuable to me.

>> No.14282489

Also wtf does this list have situationists on it. They were Marxist, not anarchist. What’s up with you people recuperating them?

>> No.14282502

I don't sleep with non left-communist women, no matter how hard they throw themselves at my herculean proletarian body