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14275319 No.14275319 [Reply] [Original]

>yeah dude, you can totally reconcile philosophy with religion, especially platonism with christianity,

>> No.14275392

>what is Gnosticism

>> No.14275397
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>inb4 seething orthodoxytards screching MUHHH HERESSYYY

>> No.14275423

Christians were the jihadis/rapefugees of their day. That’s the ugly truth that they wouldn’t like to admit.

It’s ironic that Christian “conservatives” are the ones speaking against the modern day jihadis-rapefugees invading Europe and breeding like rabbits and converting the downtrodden and incels with promises of a passive-aggressive revenge (eschatology, last judgement) against their social betters and a good life after this one, in short doing the same thing that the early Christians did.

>> No.14275439

>hurr durr you are religious extremist

>> No.14275466


>> No.14275468
File: 539 KB, 1401x1069, THEOLOGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theology is nothing but high-philosophy.
Knowledge only takes us to the queen of heaven, reason to the Nous, but thought can not take you to the Ineffable; all reality can only infer the highest diacosms not explain them.

>> No.14275474

philosophy is secular theology

>> No.14275481

I fully support religious extremism and am hoping for a glorious holy war between Christians and Muslims soon.
But dont be hypocritical and use liberal/appeals to emotion specifically against "Islamic extremism"

>> No.14275488
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Seethe harder

>> No.14275493

>glorious holy war between Christians and Muslims soon
both of them understand that the real enemy is the jew

>> No.14275498

The first glorious Holy War will be against the atheists and muslims that have penetrated through to the heart of Christendom.
Traitors hang first, then we defend against aggressors, then we spread the good news by the sword

>> No.14275500

As much as I would love for Christians and Muslims to team up against Judaism. It will never happen. The most likely scenario is Christian Zionists teaming up with Jewish Zionists against Muslims

>> No.14275507

Wahhabis would be on the Zionists side too probs

>> No.14275515

Epic larp 10/10

>> No.14275517

except the gods of other nations are angels and demons set by god to administer (some falling others being as they were meant), the other "gods" are real, just not allowed to be worshiped.

>> No.14275540

Why hasn’t it occurred to you that this is what’s going on now?
Capitalists, the heirs to judeochristians, are scheming against not just Islam, with the permanent wars, but life on earth. They’re bringing Armageddon by way of climate change.

>> No.14275543

Dumb tranny

>> No.14275556

Not only are Christians still like this, “conservatives” aren’t ironic, they’re hypocrites.

>> No.14275557

>complains about christians killing pagans
>"christians killing pagans are surely just larpers lmao"

>> No.14275563

The year is 2019 you fucking retard, no real chr*stians exist anymore

>> No.14275569

So you are ignorant? Good, you exposed yourself.

>> No.14275574

>no real christians exist anymore
>still bitches about muh evil murderous christians
Ok retard

>> No.14275585

>still bitches about muh evil murderous christians
I'm not op you dumb shit

>> No.14275598
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I dunno GR does it pretty well

>> No.14276027

sure, I'll totally believe you

>> No.14276041
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Hot take: theism is reconcilable with Nietzsche.