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/lit/ - Literature

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14274893 No.14274893 [Reply] [Original]

How to I read more? Every time I try to get into a book I get maybe half way through before getting bored and moving to something else or giving up entirely. I'm not a complete brainlet I'm just a zoomer who's attention span had been fucked by the internet.
Do I just need to quit the internet cold turkey? I've cut most of it already but am still trapped by 4chan and YouTube.

>> No.14274896

delete this thread and leave this board loser no one wants to hear about you being too retarded to read

we get this thread every day

>> No.14274913

I'm just looking for advice on how to fix my situation. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy.

>> No.14274973

Keep your devices away from you while reading, like in another room. If you’re reading on them, stop it, get physical books.

>> No.14274983

Physical books is a good tip. I'll try that.

>> No.14275015

How many books have you tried to read? How many genres have you tried to read?
Once you get immersed into the story, it is easy to read and you'll enjoy it just like how you probably have videogame genre or movie genre preferences.

>> No.14275045

I used to read lots as a child, but as of recently I've read very few. Last year I read maybe 3 books and I had to force myself through them. This year I don't think I've read any full length books completely.
Generally, I'm much more interested in the topics explored in non-fiction, but I'm also not well versed enough precursor texts for many of the books I want to read (esp in philosophy)
I *enjoy* most of the fiction I read, from any given genre, but even then I usually find an urge to read something else or quit by usually about half way through.

>> No.14275069

>tfw can't read as much anymore because of constant headaches and mental fog

Audiobooks were an unexpected godsend. OP, you can consider that while you get back into the swing of reading more frequently. Actually read what may seem interesting to you at the moment too.

>> No.14275150

What kind of length are these books? I've tried and failed to read alot of books, but have also enjoyed a finished that much more. When I started, maybe at your age, I tried to stick to under 200-300 pages until I could read fast enough and keep my attention.

>> No.14275151

it's ok to skim

>> No.14275167

Not only it's ok, it's also the only way to read much. Every famous author used to skim.

>> No.14275173
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I struggle with boredom as well. My concentration is 'good' insofar I can do something for an extend period of time without moving on to something else, but while I do the activity, there's this constant nagging boredom inside of me. Really prevents me from enjoying things.
I remember when I was a kid, I would get absolutely absorbed activities and profoundly enjoy myself. I wish I could get that back.

>> No.14275473

I know that feel, its a really horrible feeling

>> No.14275589

Literally set small, realistic goals every day. I make myself read a chapter every day otherwise I feel like a worthless piece of shit. Every day. Even if some chapters are only 3 pages long (in which case I read another chapter). Every day. The key is consistency.

>> No.14275723

Whatever you do, don't try and leave the internet. You'll be back, like before. Force yourself to get a few more physical books and try harder, getting there slowly by degrees, maybe never. If you have coombrain, read Fabio stories or ggd on ASSTR. https://youtu.be/mtAkPaChO6c