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File: 775 KB, 767x617, 490D094B-71A3-4F89-86C6-8A0C891D50AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14273974 No.14273974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

or the softening of society in general

>> No.14273986

What's the depression equivalent to "cringe"?

>> No.14273994

Every time I see a thanksgiving picture with one young person and a lot of old people it makes me really sad.

>> No.14274000

My Diary Desu.

>> No.14274017
File: 218 KB, 1280x1149, furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how they feel.

>> No.14274029

You can just see the disappointment in their faces

>> No.14274047

because it's a dying civilization
not having children is like cells forgoing mitosis, the body will quickly wither

>> No.14274050
File: 1.38 MB, 1952x2048, 1575258474636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this really makes me sad.
When I go home for a holiday, it is to see family. I want to see loved ones I haven't seen in awhile.
I dont show my dad a video game ive been playin when Im home for Thanksgiving. I joke with him about stuff, see some of the new stuff hes made with wood working, we watch a football game or two and some movies. When I was 4, I showed my Grandma ocarina of time, and she liked it because of some of the music. I could not imagine doing something like that at this person's age

I cannot imagine someone trying to do this bs to their loved ones. Is it just part of the death of the family unit? I really dont understand how things have been getting this bad

>> No.14274058
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>> No.14274062


>> No.14274074
File: 216 KB, 1400x2093, AEB56615-B128-43EF-ADED-F699528F1195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274078

we've reached peak civilization. future looks bleak, there's nothing left to strive towards, no point in having kids (in fact its financially disadvantageous to do so) or figuratively 'building' anything in the face of mega-corporations who can do it all faster and bigger

>> No.14274087

thanks namecuck

>> No.14274093
File: 17 KB, 262x381, Temple_of_the_Golden_Pavilion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, do I ever want to see it all burn to cinders!

>> No.14274094

Shudder, no, wilt is better. If not outright sobbing.

>> No.14274101

i have to post it


>> No.14274110


>> No.14274121

fuck bro, you just made me realize i grew up without any extended family my own age.

>> No.14274134

This can't possibly be real. This must be staged. These sorts of videos always are.

>> No.14274140

this is cringe cuz he's gay autistic and a weeb, literally.

this is not cringe except for the really fat guy. does the cameraman think he's better than these people? he was there too.

>> No.14274147

It's an edited video anon.

>> No.14274149

just realized that movie was burgerpunk kino

>> No.14274152
File: 127 KB, 548x614, 1476068929502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stayed in my room and played vidya when family came over this year
You guys are making me feel bad

>> No.14274156
File: 85 KB, 578x459, IMG_20191202_092323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that often that I relate to boomers on someone's family picture.

>> No.14274158

edited from what? somebody was there filming a guy swiping on tinder and going "haha yep this one's going in my cringe compilation"

>> No.14274162

you should be

>> No.14274167


>> No.14274168

What happens next?

>> No.14274170

if you care about any of this shit you're a pseud and a retard. fuck off back to /pol/ and cry about it there.

>> No.14274174

how do you know it was a cringe compilation and not a based compilation? maybe it’s a mirror for your own beliefs

>> No.14274175
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, leddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274177

kill yourself you worthless sack of shit

>> No.14274178

the worst part is this man isn't even naturay sογ-looking. he's relatively fit, good hairline, decent face if he shaved those pubes and changed the glasses. manly hands and good
skin - it's not your usual obese chinlet fedora tipper. I do hope he grows out of this phase and will look back at it like normal people today who were hipsters and vanillas in 2012.
hope he spends more time with his elders and finds the way.

>> No.14274180
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>> No.14274183

what the fuck is a vanilla

>> No.14274190

Which really fat guy?

Like Reggio‘s films, it’s supposed to be nonjudgmental. The viewer makes up their own mind as to what the spectacle means.

>> No.14274194


>> No.14274204

>how do you know it was a cringe compilation and not a based compilation?
Just a hunch

>> No.14274207

>Which really fat guy?

>> No.14274227

How tough are you OP?

>> No.14274236
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1554644239729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you can't enjoy yourself! You have to be a joyless, desolate "traditionalist" like me! No no no!

>> No.14274237

What OP carefully hid was the fact that this thread has mostly downvotes. Nobody believes this is normal behaviour, not even reddit. It’s not indicative of any societal trends, just one person being cringey. So stop fucking posting pics that are just a single instance of someone being weird and then throwing a tantrum about how western civilisation needs to be aborted.

>> No.14274238
File: 99 KB, 750x703, 1564902320878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274247
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274250

>haha not like me I only enjoy patrician things that have already released all of their products i also live in a hermitage in the mountains and forgo all worldly pleasures

>> No.14274261


>> No.14274260

idk what’s a good metric for toughness?

>> No.14274272

Do you eat your breakfast bowl of nails with or without milk?

>> No.14274282

I eat them with basedmilk

>> No.14274286

I unironically live in a small cabin in the woods with my wife. You can post cope all you want, but deep down I know my life is fucking awesome, and yours is cope.

>> No.14274291

How do you have internet nerd?

>> No.14274305

I actually don’t eat breakfast. just black coffee and water until about 2 pm then I graze with some low glycemic fruit and nuts until about 6 when I have my last high protein meal of the day

>> No.14274318

Satellite internet, not bad for shitposting, but two people can't watch netflix at the same time for example. I tried to get a physical line but the nearest ISP told me it would be thousands of dollars.

>> No.14274355

>i ran away from society's problems and now i act superior online

>> No.14274373

>going innawoods just to escape the fate of your wife cucking you

>> No.14274380

And you're so noble? What do you do about societies problems that is so great? Opting out is as valid of a choice as any.

>> No.14274400

if you're a bitch maybe. its okay to be a bitch, just don't act superior about it.

>> No.14274409

Based zoomer maymays BTFOing roastie consooomers

>> No.14274439

I don't know. civilizational decline, while others rise? my 'peak' theory is based off a very rudimentary understanding of Spengler and his notion of cyclical history. if you wanna follow the eternal "we are Rome!" trajectory then we're heading for political fragmentation, maybe a little civil war, and a brand-new Dark Age! luckily we can just move somewhere else nowadays

how do I upvote this post?

>> No.14274483

I grew up without any extended family my own age, and without like two neighbors my own age. It was awful.

>> No.14274551

>very rudimentary understanding of Spengler
Kek. Go back to /pol/ you shit. You are not /lit/

>> No.14274563

yes he is