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/lit/ - Literature

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14272147 No.14272147 [Reply] [Original]

I have made a list of what I want to read. I won't come back 'till I am done. Hopefully I will be less of a brainlet when I come back.
This is my last thread for some time so post your Journeys for inspo, anons.

See you all on the other side, Godspeed.

>> No.14272156

faggot frogposter

>> No.14272158

See you in five minutes

>> No.14272242

Well, I 'll try to stay away for a bit longer than that but still, so long.

>> No.14272267

I’ll see you there, Butterfly is preparing to be my concubine :3

>> No.14272363

Good luck, anon. You are an inspiration to us all.

>> No.14272378
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More power to you guys

>> No.14272414

Before you go, can you give us an idea of what's on your reading list?

>> No.14272437

I sorta did this. I disconnected from the internet for about two months.
Things I learned that may help: Don't force yourself to read. Always keep a book near you, but if you aren't feeling it and would rather just sit staring into space, do that. You'll start to resent the act of reading if you force yourself too often.
Don't force yourself to finish anything. Learning about a work can sometimes be more important than reading it from start to finish. Just because something is well known doesn't mean it's worth reading to the common man.

>> No.14272442

wait, you're unironically going to read books?

>> No.14272444

>I disconnected from the internet for about two months.
holy shit why has this literally never even occurred to me
thank you anon i am finally free, you niggers can all get fucked

>> No.14272462

Fuck off with your cute "we don't read books here just hate on things teehee xD" shit please you faggot

>> No.14272467

A mismash of the classic books on the wiki that I found interesting and some personal findings. Lots of philosphy like Nietzsche, the greeks. Poetry like the Iliad or the flower of evils. Some books in greek such as Erotokritos. One or two science books for good measure. I have a list of about 90 books. Will probably comeback here to discuss when I have read a bunch. Any suggestions are welcome.
Cheers, I have saved the advice and will definitely follow it. I also disconnected for some time and it was cool since your mind calms down, though you feel a bit disconnected from the people you know even though they're just a phone call away. I guess facebook is easier.

>> No.14272508

good luck buddy. make sure you exercise and eat clean and you'll see huge gains

>> No.14272519

give us the list

>> No.14272528

See => >>14272467
It's a lot of books from the wiki so nothing new

>> No.14272557

I have a similar project but I'm waiting for uni to end so I can start it.

It's not a reading list per se, but list of things I want to know because I think it will make me a better writer, reader and just a more cultured person in general. It includes for example reading about all the great religious traditions, about the history of all major countries and cultures, learning the mythology of past cultures, read on certain philosophical currents, understand certain aspects of the economy, read on the history of technology, etc.

It's basically a huge to-do/to-learn list that may lead to books, but not necessarily. Some could be achieve with some online research, but I'm worried about internet distractions.

>> No.14272589

Good choice, better to wait no it. Uni takes a lot of time if done right. Try to learn as much as you can and use all the opportunities at hand to come in contact with different people. Discuss various topics with them and unironically listen in class.

>> No.14272629

reading lists are cringe

>> No.14272645

I respect this endeavour and wish you luck friend

>> No.14272652

can i come with you

>> No.14272702
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Sure fren, make sure you bring your manuscripts

>> No.14272722
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nice! thanks fren
i should go and prepare my books then

>> No.14272789


>> No.14273004
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Have fun!

>> No.14273012
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About 2 and a half years ago I decided to start my literary journey. I wanted to read the most important books like Don Quixote, The Divine Comedy, Iliad, Odyssey, Metamorphoses, Aeneid, etc. I didn’t just read all these books back to back either, I read different stuff that interested me in between while also reading books for university and a book club. I wouldn’t lock myself in rigidly to some predetermined reading list. Have a few destinations in mind but give yourself some flexibility to pick up whatever takes your fancy. If a particular topic (like WWI or ancient mythology) becomes a focus for a few months, then don’t be afraid to delve in. The book club has prompted me to read stuff I never would have otherwise. If you can find a good book club where they read actual literature and not trendy, leftist rubbish then I’d heartily recommend it.

I don't want to sound reddit-tier, but I would recommend incorporating some audiobooks too. It will keep your costs down because you will obviously pirate them and it's also a way to make progress as you do other stuff, like exercising, cooking, cleaning, etc. It's just another way to feel like you’re staying on track with your reading journey, even if you go a few days where you’ve only read 10 pages or something. Audiobooks should obviously be secondary to reading physical books and are only appropriate for certain types of books. I would start walking regularly if you aren’t already. 1.5-2 hour walks at least once a week. Sometimes you should listen to audiobooks, other times you should just ruminate as you walk and listen to nature.