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File: 350 KB, 600x800, Greta_Thunberg_at_the_Parliament_(46705842745)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14271950 No.14271950 [Reply] [Original]

>Greta Thunberg is named author of the year for her published collection of speeches

>> No.14271964

Most an*los have that same retarded look

>> No.14272209

Was there an author more deserving this year?

>> No.14272219
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>this is what the nordic 'master race' looks like

>> No.14272231
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>> No.14272239
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>> No.14272243
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>> No.14272256
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>> No.14272287

Did she write those speeches?
>Teenage campaigner Greta Thunberg is named Waterstones' author of the year
Literally who?

>> No.14272361

Big book store chain in anglo land

>> No.14272379

Damn, that's a good way of tarnishing the opposition!

>> No.14272382

16 is legal here

>> No.14272395

she's old enough to consent to me penetrating her ass

>> No.14272408

truly /our girl/

>> No.14272427


>must buy carbon credits

Corporate approved activism, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.14272480

I always thought /pol/ was memeing when they portayed her as this 'eat the bugs and pay more taxes to change the weather' lunatic. I always kinda assumed she must have been making stronger arguements than that, even if they were being fed to her by adults.
But I guess this is another case of the saddest words of tounge and pen.

>> No.14272939

None, maybe ever. Which other author can you say literally saved the world?

>> No.14272966

gb2 you faggot

>> No.14272974

is this fake or did she just admit to being a potato head

>> No.14272983

>vaccine lover
Too many jokes in there for it not to be a fake.

>> No.14272988

I have a proposal for a new law. When speaking of accolades, neither impersonal constructions nor the passive voice may be used. So you cannot say "Greta Thunberg is named author of the year" or "Greta Thunberg has been named author of the year," nor can you say "Greta Thunberg considered author of the year." You have to say "Five random Jews whom nobody asked today issued a statement saying 'Greta Thunberg is author of the year'."

>> No.14273006

ecology professors can literally not stop shilling greta potatoberg
I tire of the impotent eco-modernism of the academic class... the challenge to them is "feeding a world of billions in a way respectful to the environment", and manifests itself in outlandish agricultural socialism and appeals to "educate the public", which invariably is embodied in misinforming propaganda to target urban women and their effete bicycle riding male "partners"
eat more onions, disgusting

>> No.14273133

...you know...i'd really love it if they could keep politics out of literature. i just want to read books. but hey, if the potato didn't win, their other choice would probably be just as bad anyway, i guess.

saddest thing of all is that "climate change" is total bullshit and ruins environmentalism's public image. pollution is a real, impactful, tangible effect. climate change is bogus, the earth has been hotter in periods and colder in periods, its temperature changes. pollution, soil erosion/depletion, nonrenewable resource depletion, microplastics, hormones in the water turning frogs gay, all of that is actually real. and now you can't say you care about the environment without people associating you with potato-dictator "eat the bugs" outright kikery. idk how anyone can be alive and not be blackpilled by this point.

fine, fuck it, let the whole planet drown in its own shit.
>"Five random Jews whom nobody asked today issued a statement saying 'Greta Thunberg is author of the year'."
eh, essentially.

>> No.14273135

>Five random Jews whom nobody asked today issued a statement saying

>> No.14273137
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>> No.14273141

>Caucasian methane

>> No.14273144
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Does 'Greta Thunberg' sound Anglo to you?

>> No.14273145

>nordic fetal race

>> No.14273150

why do people worship the climate goblin ?

>> No.14273152

She has such a punchable face

>> No.14273153

Does Farage sound Anglo to you?

>> No.14273154

she's kind of cute like a fat little hamster

>> No.14273160

Yes, since Nigel is an Anglo name.

>> No.14273166

Is she /n/ approved?

>> No.14273181

This is one of the most embarrassing things the left has ever tried to push. Do they really think a malnourished, mentally-ill girl suffering from foetal alcohol syndrome who believes she can see carbon with her naked eye and offers no solutions to any of the problems she misunderstands being paraded around by her unstable parents and Jewish handlers will make Americans eat bugs?

>> No.14273182

Almost all activism is not only corporate approved but corporate engineered.

>> No.14273190 [DELETED] 

I want to slide my hands over her chest. To caress her diminutive bosoms while she looks at me with a horrified mixture of excitement and disgust. To lick her from neck to jowl, kissing her mouth while her mongoloid eyes narrow in pleasure. Untying the tight braid of her hair, allowing a muddy curtain of gold to fall over her pasty, malnourished back. Pinch her nipples between two fingers while chastising her at the laughable size of her breasts, the product of a life of undernourishment.

>> No.14273198

I'm pretty sure there are other Farages dude. It's a French name anyway.

>> No.14273209

Yeah, I kind of read that into it. I was going to add that French surnames are quite common among Anglos anyway, much more common than -berg names.

>> No.14273256

Now you're recognizing why climate change is getting pushed so hard.

>> No.14273355

The same people who call Trump supporters a cult are giving this autistic Swede endless attention and praise, inviting her to speak at the United Nations, and plastering her face onto the side of buildings, all while pulling the "she's just a child" card whenever anyone criticizes her.

>> No.14273368
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>> No.14273406

A lot of that is WW sentiment though, plenty of bergs otherwise.

>> No.14273450

Fucking carbon credits...

I think the thing is that carbon credit systems are actually going to be fairly nuanced and protect environments in a number of ways (that's a somewhat optimistic idea tbf, but that's the general aim), so this seems a lot like an attempt to get in the ultrasimplified "buy carbon credits to buy [our] oil!!!" bullshit.

I think it's too late to push this for Europe, probably not the US though.

>> No.14273485

Lmao @ you thinking that carbon credits will have anything to do with protecting the environment.

>> No.14273511

Europe is gradually rolling out ones that are tailored to specific natural resources, like for example peat bogs and are able to at least partially prevent degradation to natural beauty and so on. Europe in general has more of a culture towards this unlike the USA.

>> No.14273530

To say something like that is incredibly ignorant, the United States has almost as much land in national parks as the entire landmass of the UK.
I won't pretend like this culture within the US hasn't been on the decline, but it still exists and even beyond national parks, there are still huge swaths of federally owned land that are used for grazing cattle.

>> No.14273534


Could it really be this simple??

>> No.14273564

Carbon credits, from what I understand, is basically money spent on planting trees or operating recycling programs, etc. I'd be willing to bet, however, that its likely going to wind up most of the cash is siphoned off into 'administrative' costs.

>> No.14273575

>To say something like that is incredibly ignorant, the United States has almost as much land in national parks as the entire landmass of the UK.
Quality quantity. Also UK is not all of Europe, and I'd even imagine by UK you're still thinking only London. No worries, I've met Americans before.

>I won't pretend like this culture within the US hasn't been on the decline, but it still exists and even beyond national parks, there are still huge swaths of federally owned land that are used for grazing cattle.
We have literal common land, not just permissive access.

>> No.14273580

It's more complex than that, but it looks like the narrative being pushed through above is pushing a much simpler idea more akin to carbon taxation.

>> No.14273612

Here are some actual numbers: the total area of US National Parks is around 211,000 square kilometers, the area of the UK (not counting overseas territories) is around 242,495 square kilometers.
The US Forest Service alone manages 780,000 km2, which makes it larger than any European nation save for Russia, Ukraine, the second largest European nation, is around 603,628 square kilometers.

>Quality quantity
I fail to see how completely untouched tracts of land can somehow be of lesser quality.
>We have literal common land, not just permissive access.
What does that mean exactly with respect to the peat bogs and how does that differ from a US national park?

>> No.14273658
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You underestimate the size of the United States.

>> No.14273669
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Can't forget Alaska.

>> No.14273674

>tfw she if the Queen of /lit/ and /n/

Is there anything Gretta can't do?

>> No.14273678
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>> No.14273695

They're fake tweets

>> No.14273705
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Qoomers really cannot fucking meme.

>> No.14273706

>making large amounts of food that prevents starvation is the same thing as causing famine
so this is the power of continental philosophy...

>> No.14273739

You seem to have a very strange view of your National Parks, they are not untouched wilderness (although that was Roosevelt's ideal and in turn impacted a lot on the African national parks often for worse). A lot of cheap land got turned into National Parks, so it includes former dumps/landfill/waste sites like the former Krejci dump in Ohio or more recently Hanford in Washington. There's also the connection to the reservations for the Indian nations that is way too complex to get into, but historically you've had podunk little tourist attraction mock villages in many of the parks too, as well as much of the land being taken from indigenous peoples by force for exploitation like mining, and THEN made into something that looks vaguely moral like nature preserves.

>What does that mean exactly with respect to the peat bogs and how does that differ from a US national park?
You're also talking about cattle grazing dude. Coincidentally, part of the economy of peat bogs is as a communally resource that can be exploited for grazing if drained, but my main point was that in the USA people don't really understand what commons are, whereas in Europe we really do. While the state is involved in common land rights, the idea of having de facto government owned land that people are merely allowed access to instead of actual commons would get up a lot of people's noses here and sounds a lot like sovietism tbqh.

>> No.14273741
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>> No.14273744

The irony is that this would actually be pretty fucking based.
Fuck America, the Boomer of the Universe.

>> No.14273746

You misunderstand my argument, although again National Parks in the US probably aren't what you think they are.

>> No.14273756
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>1D thinker

>> No.14273777

You spoke quite a bit while saying very little, you allude to some amount of national parks being landfills without any idea of exactly how many of them are actually that, you also mention "commons" again without actually saying how they differ from national parks, save only to complain about Americans finding the concept to be "sovietism." You complain that Americans don't understand "commons' but you seem to be unable to define them either exactly or roughly.

But for the sake of argument, let's assume a generous amount of this public land is completely destroyed, inhabitable, otherwise being exploited by private industry, or of no cultural or practical value to the public, a rough chunk of 80%.
That would still leave 156 square kilometers of public land that is of cultural value to the public, which is more landmass than most European nations have in their entirety.

>> No.14273778

none of these green nibbas will EVER mention the elephant in the room, vast human overpopulation and its solutions

>> No.14273790

>vast human overpopulation
this is not the case. Read.

>> No.14273804
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>the conditions that cause famine are in no way responsible for famine
How much glyphosate did you drink anon?

>> No.14273805

Overpopulated by what measure? How are you measuring this? In terms of land, food, and water there is more than enough for everyone currently alive and many more besides.
Over-consumption is the big problem, but that will naturally solve itself as prices spike on things that rely on rarer raw materials (assuming that the over consumption of those things doesn't cause some global warming catastrophe as so often warned about).

>> No.14273815

Why do you assume that? We probably disagree with your solutions which if Im right; from what Ive seen on this website is just
>genocide the browns race war now
Am I wrong?

>> No.14273817

Listen here sugartits, I don't let little girls from Sweden tell me what to do. This is AMERICA.

>> No.14273821

No. They think she will make the EU eat bugs.

And they are right to think this.

>> No.14273826
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Good fences make good neighbours.

>> No.14273830

That's changing the argument quite a bit isn't it? The cause of famine as complained about was from blockade, not the misuse of pesticide.
Furthermore, that quite was from 1949 and glyphosate was first synthesized in 1950, first patented for use in agriculture in 1970 and available in the market in 1974.
So Heidegger couldn't have been talking about glyphosate.

>> No.14273837

Overpopulation in conjunction with the technology which prolongs it is the primary driver of unsustainable consumption, pollution and destruction of ecologies. Why don't you read, brainlet?
refute me libtard
A squalid and world in which resources are rationed for teeming, redundant humanity is a world in which the human and all animals besides are zoo creatures. Worst possible outcome. Over-consumption as you put it and overpopulation are inextricably linked, and in nature are corrected only with a vast amount of starvation, violence and suffering that you see before the extinction of a species
Yes, you are wrong, that outcome is disgusting and horrific. We should eat sustainable food sources such as meal worms and moss instead

>> No.14273844

>le eat the bugs memes and genocide are the only possible solution to the problem

>> No.14273852

Go back, chapo tranny.

>> No.14273855

What are you on about? kek

>> No.14273861

She's a Swede, and a very typical one: Anti-white, cowardly, and a tool for Jews. Hopefully she gets a knife in the belly from some Eritrean when she returns home to the shit-colored ruin that used to be Stockholm.

>> No.14273866

>Over-consumption as you put it and overpopulation are inextricably linked, and in nature are corrected only with a vast amount of starvation, violence and suffering that you see before the extinction of a species
Regardless of what occurs in nature,t his is most certainly not the case for humanity.
We are seeing most developed countries having birth rates that are falling without starvation, violence or suffering (though this last point you could probably debate from the perspective of the human spirit). The quality of life in these places is good, they do not have resources rationed, and the populations are leveling off as we speak.

>> No.14273872

Read the original quote I was responding to you fucking moron. Are you incapable of following a chain of conversation?

>> No.14273901

>No worries, I've met Americans before.

SEETHING endangered species detected. Can't wait until Europe is just a petting zoo for the six white people left, and the shitskins start tearing down your monuments.

>> No.14273914

And these populations depend on absolutely destructive production practices, vast GM monocultures and artificial fertilisation, and will expect as many wasteful goods and services as Americans do as quality of life increases. Consumption demands will only increase and supply can certainly not increase forever.
Quality of life, population size, supply, environmental destruction. Reconfigure it however you like but if you want to retain quality of life and maintain the natural world there simply must be a sharp decline in population. Eco-modernism and the idea of environmentally friendly technologies are almost entirely fraudulent: everything we do effects the environment. "Green alternatives" are simply alternatively destructive in a way the fraudsters have not modeled and quantified for illiterate governors. The idea of some "green new deal" is St*phen P*nker tier, vapid retardation

>> No.14273936

Commons are nothing to do with land preservation/National Parks, it's to do with ownership and usage rights. Here's an example: Midsummer Common in Cambridge in the UK often has actual cattle grazing there (apparently a vet owns a house nearby and also owns a bunch of cows so uses it), Cambridge Common in Cambridge MA is a couple of memorials and a playground and most Americans have no idea why it is called a common or what a common is, whereas you will find them throughout Europe.

You think I am saying nothing, but my whole point is that there's this vast ideological gulf between Europe and the US on these sorts of issues. In Europe we want more nuanced ideas around conservation, and that partly comes from having a strong culture in relation to land usage and rights. Americans find this incredibly hard to understand. This is why I think we not only have better carbon credit systems being rolled out, I also think this is why the US is in danger of having an especially bad one. Here fracking never became a thing for example, there it's already had its heyday and gone and there's talk about doing it in the fucking National Parks (I guess just in case it works there). I think you guys are much more black and white than you realise in the sense that if it's a National Park (tm) it's therefore eco friendly untouched wilderness by definition and yeah who cares if we do a bit of waste dumping or turn it into a ski resort or frack there etc it's still a National Park (tm) and gee it's sure big. Whereas in Europe we don't care if it's a National Park or greenbelt or common land, we want it all to work well in its own way so we can continue to interact with our surroundings in our own European way. I'm not saying that always works well, look at Trump getting to build that golf course in Scotland (Salmond's a twat), I'm just saying it's extremely different here.

>> No.14273938

>can't take a screenshot
>impact font
>trying to hate fuck a minor because they had the audacity to do something about climate change
This is possibly the most boomer picture. Luckily you'll probably die of heart disease within 10 years.

>> No.14273942

>Consumption demands will only increase and supply can certainly not increase forever.
Only the latter is true, there's no reason that rising costs won't be able to depress demand for goods that require an inordinate amount of resources to produce, like cell phones or computers. People not being able to buy a new cell phone every year isn't going to cause starvation, violence, or suffering.
Europeans have nearly an equal quality of life to Americans (I think Western Europeans at least have a higher one), and they do not consume nearly as much as Americans do.

>> No.14273948

Dude, you live in a real melting pot. Also I'm very much a first or second gen third world immigrant in Western Europe. NATO lands are foreign lands.

>> No.14273949

>meal worms and most
That'll be an easy sell

>> No.14273950

Sometimes I feel exhausted too.
Always follow the money and look at what the government are actually willing to do, they'll tax carbon but not ban plastics for example. You know already but beware of both sides, for want of a better term, of the current politics.

>> No.14273970
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Heidegger is saying that there is a cause to Technology as a form, an essence which manifests itself in each presence or case. That which is revealed in the type is only mobilised through the figure as a whole.
Rationalisation sets apart that which it analyzes until that which is divided can no longer be distinguished. Essence is leveled until all that remains is the process - such enframing entails that any escape will only set upon territory in the same way, continuing the destructive process.
Technology is neutral, but unironically, in the horrific sense.

>> No.14273973

Our views on land ownership and usage are different, on that we can agree.
It seems to me you simply call parks commons and leave it that though, and you still ignore the fact that the parks and the Forest Service were established to take care of the land and preserve it for future generations.
Not that it always turns out that way, but the intent at least shows that the United States has a history of land conservation.

>> No.14273983

Yeah, but Heidegger is a retard.

>> No.14273984

That being the case, I'm surprised he didn't mention his books being printed among those other atrocities.

>> No.14273987

I'm sort of conflicted about her. On the one hand it seems that she genuinely believes in her cause and sacrifices her time and effort, on the other hand I can't really stand overly self-righteous people and how people fawn over them

>> No.14273988

also your post
proves my point >>14273844
that your inital question was disingenuous and trying to imply if the leftists dont do what you want they obviously dont care about the environment and its blatantly obvious you do this to manipulate public attitudes and yet I get the strange feeling you still complain about shills

>> No.14274004
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Stop using roads and anything reliant upon them.

>> No.14274005

Id say the climate activist have surpassed the deniers in religious zealousness at this point

>> No.14274007

>the saddest polar bear and penguin have been born in our lifetimes
Is this really the best the climatefags could come up with?

>> No.14274008

Probably 10 years ago now to the best of my recollection what I was told was there's enough food (then) for 9 billion people and that with increased production, such as farming in the Netherlands, that there really shouldn't be any kind of food shortages rather the problems, as they were then and before, are matters of distribution.
Apparently Australia at that time was producing enough food for 120 million, and this was under predominantly extensive agricultural practices.
I genuinely believe there is fear mongering in order to manipulate the behavior of the population, and if it's to let's say eat bugs then I'd be interested to know whom the bug farmers are.
If things are totally bad for pollution then those things need to be banned by law, and things which aren't necessarily totally bad don't need to be banned.
I think you may cut down trees, you may also plant trees. You may eat meat but not too much. I also.think these things tend to balance themselves out without tremendous interference from authority, people will eat less meat if it is more expensive because it is all actually grown organically and no more factory farms because it is cruel.
I don't want to eat moss or bugs, I might try locusts I'm not sure I think they may be land prawns, regardless I'd prefer to keep my own chickens and grow my own vegetables. I can catch my own fish also.
Sure, let's ban plastics and anything that might harm fish if it's poured down the sink.
And hello Claire if you're reading this. Hi.

>> No.14274009

You're right, but the cost of the environment by the time this happens will be terrible... if resources are limited to the point that goods can only be produced at exorbitant prices then food supply will be shattered at this time
I am not invested in political cause but I know "leftists" already use the cause of the environment to institute their socialist policies, they are not as educated on climatological issues as they claim, their solutions are abject subjection and the goal remains "to feed a world of 12 billion"

>> No.14274010

Definitely not. Even if wrong he was smarter than anyone here, and was at least capable of asking the right questions.

>> No.14274011

Tell me this is a real quote

>> No.14274022

>if resources are limited to the point that goods can only be produced at exorbitant prices then food supply will be shattered at this time
I don't think it takes very many smartphones to produce food as cheap as it is, that's the whole point of doing it at the scale it's at.

>> No.14274025

It's a Heidegger quote.
You would know this if you simply googled it.

>> No.14274037

I scrolled through her twitter for a bit, if she was tweeting like that she isnt anymore, mostly just pictures of her traveling around the world and retweets of people holding signs. It looks like someone is handling her twitter for her.

>> No.14274052


"When the population was subdivided into ethnic groups. Caucasians (48%) and Black (45%) had significantly more methane producers than Orientals (24%) and Indians (32%). "

>> No.14274056

good thing there are only billions more indians and orientals than caucasians

>> No.14274059
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>> No.14274060

And yet their brap is less than new world pinkies and darkies

>> No.14274080

I just wanna smell and worship her feet

>> No.14274120

Nice to see the blacks not at the bottom of a list for once

>> No.14274153

Based Nazi apologist.

>> No.14274159

kek fuck off theory apologist.

>> No.14274274

something is off about her like she seems she would end up growing old with dozens of cats surrounding her frightened from constant bickering about the climate and jews.

>> No.14274294

I'm not sure anon, I'm pretty smart

>> No.14275002

I thought it was linkola at first. Sounds like his kind of based

>> No.14275017

this, amerimutts must stop the corn fructose syrup

>> No.14275020
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>This is possibly the most boomer picture. Luckily you'll probably die of heart disease within 10 years.
Stupid American transvestite culturelet, Greta is a boomer favorite.

>> No.14275070

To more specific the biggest risk to the climate is population growth in the 3rd world, particularly Africa.

>> No.14275098

I mean modern literature is trash, so just give the award to a kid, who cares.

>> No.14275354

The cult of climate change is the absolute worst because they take something with a grain of truth and take it to such stupid levels. The world isn't going to stop eating meat, we're not going to stop driving cars, and "renewables" are a fucking scam. If you care about climate change then fucking get real.

The right is willing to build nuclear power plants, so why don't you compromise? The insanity coming from people like Greta only serve to turn away anyone who doesn't view the climate as the absolute top priority. I oppose funding for climate science purely out of spite because I care more about demographics. If my people die then the world can go to hell.

>> No.14275390

>all while pulling the "she's just a child" card whenever anyone criticizes her
And ignoring the fact that this makes it most likely her talking points are not her own, but those of her parents who parade her around and use her as a crying meat puppet. The phenomenon of Greta Thunberg is as much of a moral black mark as child pagentry, but with official UN approval.

>> No.14275402

If I get monopoly on Carbon Credit Usury, I'll accept this.

>> No.14275435


>> No.14275777

>/pol/ tard seethes at the implication that his way of life is horrible for mankind
Just stop talking you fucking mongoloid. We all know youve been one of those "deniers" up until a few months ago, and now you keep regurgitating the same old useless arguments of "we wont stop being fucking useless pricks and destroying our habitat for good"

>> No.14275802

I have never been a denier of the notion that the climate changes. I have and still deny that it's apocalyptic, which is a religious notion that some people absolutely need to be true. This is why they get angry at skepticism. If the points I've made are just tired old arguments, then why not respond to them? Tell me why we shouldn't build nuclear and tell me why I should even give a shit about our environment considering the fact that leftist policy is killing my people, with immigration being the easiest example. You can make me an ally.

>> No.14275834


>> No.14275860

Most of the food grown goes to feed animals. I don't even mean just Americans. The majority of food goes to feed creatures that are eaten. The damage to the environment to keep up with this demand is catastrophic. If Americans (and the rest of the world too so I'm not just shitting on burgers but let's be honest) could reduce their consumption and become more vegetarian it would really help. You're bombarded by BIG MEAT propaganda, though. Your food pyramid is corporate sponsored too. Americans have such a skewed look on everything. It's by design.

>> No.14275873

Is this the reaction you're actually seeing or is it the reaction you want to be happening? I think a few years ago people may have acted like this but in these days nobody is surprised to learn that awards like these are nothing more than tools for establishment and used to dictate "correct thinking" for the masses.

>> No.14275876

>We get fresh water form icebergs
You wat mate

>> No.14275878

>UN pet slave golem

>> No.14275880

It has always been like this.

The merit of a writer is not dependent on their skill or talent. It was always about which writer was thee most marketable at the time. awards, except a few, a glorified marketting tactics to increase sales.

>> No.14275885

No one gives a shite about Waterstones.

>> No.14275895

Vegetarians could actually convince a lot of people who are of the right if they would actually stop all this craziness surrounding climate change. The minute vegetarianism gets tied in with veganism, renewable energy, and the disaster fetishism, my ears close and I'm no longer sympathetic to your cause at all.

There's a news article and people are talking about it so it does have its intended effect.

>> No.14275922

No one cares what you think if you ignore problems and legitimate arguments because you get triggered by them. There is no craziness surrounding climate change. You're denying years and years of research (200 years ago they started talking about humans exacerbating climate change) in order to stick it to Jews or something out of some weird spite. Or it's just being willfully ignorant and stupid. Either way is quite bad and detrimental.

So what if her speeches win awards, though? Is it really bad and conspiratorial to say, "hej here are some literal scientific facts and data and here is some awareness of them instead of your normal denial and outright misinformation from corporations"?

Don't get me wrong. Corporations also leap on the train for popular causes due to disgusting capitalism and liberals (non American definition and actual real definition). So, it isn't a conspiracy that they would do that to make money.

>> No.14275931

I really wish i had the power to destroy the world by my own pollution and consumerism. Still, i'll make sure to drop as much plastic and burn as much oil as possible.

>> No.14275936

You have no idea what my views on climate change are other than the fact I don't think the world is going to end. The people that do believe this are crazy and the science does not support them. Greta is wrong because she is misinforming people and she is providing bad solutions. The world is not going to stop eating meat and they're not going to stop driving cars, and to believe this is the definition of insanity.

It is a disservice to all serious people who want real solutions. People like you and her have completely poisoned the well and if I didn't know any better, I would say that is by design.

>> No.14275939

>No one cares what you think if you ignore problems and legitimate arguments because you get triggered by them. There is no craziness surrounding climate change. You're denying years and years of research (200 years ago they started talking about humans exacerbating climate change) in order to stick it to Jews or something out of some weird spite. Or it's just being willfully ignorant and stupid. Either way is quite bad and detrimental
You should send this pedantry through a cringe sequestration machine, pedant.

>> No.14276855

I didn't know carbon credits were still a thing.

>> No.14276876

it's literally impossible to model the global climate, every ''''model'''' they've ever come up with is worthless

>> No.14277240

I'm genuinely starting to wonder if she thinks icebergs are sentient. That's such a weird thing to anthropomorphize.

>> No.14277250

this post is proof non-anglos are retards kek

>> No.14277267

jesus fucking christ you don't deserve anything you have

>> No.14277283


>> No.14277287

The anglo upper class is like half French or something.

>> No.14277289

It's a hourly government employee, Anon. They get paid to upset you.

>> No.14277622

Based. If the niggers, pajeets and chinks really are the future of human race then the future might as well be nuclear war

>> No.14277818

if you real want to save the planet ban airplanes

>> No.14277878

why is this so fucking funny

>> No.14277949

they're fake tweets, anon

>> No.14278007

>You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And that I refuse to believe.
>The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in 10 years only gives us a 50% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees [Celsius], and the risk of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control.
>Fifty percent may be acceptable to you. But those numbers do not include tipping points, most feedback loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or the aspects of equity and climate justice. They also rely on my generation sucking hundreds of billions of tons of your CO2 out of the air with technologies that barely exist.
>So a 50% risk is simply not acceptable to us — we who have to live with the consequences.
>To have a 67% chance of staying below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise – the best odds given by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] – the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on Jan. 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.
>How dare you pretend that this can be solved with just 'business as usual' and some technical solutions? With today's emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less than 8 1/2 years.
>There will not be any solutions or plans presented in line with these figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable. And you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is.

Utterly based.

>> No.14278063

do you know what anglo actually means

>> No.14278092
File: 542 KB, 922x667, Mercator projection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your problem is you're using the wrong map

>> No.14278128
File: 173 KB, 202x193, 7C535E34-CD13-4EE9-8A88-ACDA17087096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comfy feel when you realize Greta is right about the severity of the problem but that she doesn’t understand how the climate crisis will dissolve governments in the next 200 years and as massive insect/plant dieoffs occur, the remaining humans left from the famine will I stalk eco-fascist regimes to kill of undesirables and geoengineer the planet as we push towards space.
>no matter how much she kicks and screams, this is completely unavoidable

Things are looking bright lads, it just has to get a lot worse first.

>> No.14278202

You know the daily mail but don't know waterstones... jesus

>> No.14278239

It's all bullshit, just like when we were running out of oil or landfill space. Even if we were to suppose the science is good, you can't predict the future with any real accuracy. It's a fallacy to look at a graph suppose those trends are going to continue so it would be political malpractice to enact policy based on those trends. The same loonies that are harping on about climate change would have been happy to have banned oil consumption in the 70's and it would have been a disaster.

>> No.14278248

i'd award her something if you catch my drift

>> No.14278297


>> No.14278305

The world will crumble anon, we’re reaching our environmental carrying capacity at alarming speeds.

>> No.14278312

Your faith is religious

>> No.14278333

The oil and resource depletion only gets postponed as new deposits are found, that doesn't change that they are finite. Though yeah, I agree you can't predict the future with those graphs as the variables they're predicated on are numerous, some yet to be found, and everchanging.

>> No.14278419

violent penetration

>> No.14278511

would bang

>> No.14278607

My perspective is based in history.

>> No.14278627

why are americans obsessed with meat? bacon, steak, BBC, etc.

>> No.14278632

what do you guys even mean by 'damage to the environment'? Why do you care if some fish species goes extinct or whatever

>> No.14278638

Regardless of the growing population of developing countries, its actually the first world that uses a disproportionate amount of resources in relation to everyone else. A collapse scenario would fuck up the developing world much harder, though.

>> No.14278664

No shame in your game, Fleece.

>> No.14278707
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Frail eurotrash cant comprehend eating like a MAN

>> No.14278852
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>> No.14279155
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>> No.14279509
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>> No.14279543

Over population is a brown people problem

>> No.14279715

>have fewer kids for muh environment...says the shitlib
>no, not you, mr. african who will father 15 children
>no, not you, mr. indian, who will father 7 children
>YOU, yes YOU, white man, who will have 1.5 children
>stop that right now!

>> No.14279755
File: 1.73 MB, 2550x1722, sandniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14279799

greenpeace against the poor now?

>> No.14280012

Bæsed ünd rothpilled

>> No.14280088


>> No.14280099

Greenpeace has always hated the poor

>> No.14280163

Eating like a MAN doesn't require eating MEAT.
Usa culture is great and doesn't need it, even corn is more representative of usa identity.

>> No.14280221

Is someone in jail for this?

>> No.14280520

>massive insect/plant dieoffs occur

Worshiping bugs is terminal Catholicism. Repent.

>> No.14280810

many beautiful animals depend on insects to live

>> No.14280887

No one gonna post sauce?

>> No.14281251

>your normal denial and outright misinformation from corporations
In what ways could you be sure that it's not actually YOU who are misinformed by corporations and that it's not YOU who is in denial? Just a simple epistemological question.

>> No.14281273

yes the people living there

>> No.14281279

At least he didn't post the new Shadman pic of Greta.

>> No.14281290
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>> No.14281293

i miss back when shad wasn't getting mau-maued by twitblr

>> No.14282748
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>> No.14282769



climate change is a boomer invention btw

>> No.14283112

Wasn't her dad in the UN and his grandad in the CIA or some bioluminiscent shit like that?

>> No.14283137
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>> No.14283172


>> No.14283210

Even here you will get retards crying "noo there's still place, if only we all lived in pods and farmed bugs in modular Monsanto minifarms we could all fit in NY and keep pumping out niglets!"

>> No.14283224

The people who bring up space when overpopulation is mentioned are the absolute dumbest.

>> No.14283260

>Muh food production allows for 50 gorillion
Why do you retards always repeat this point like the NPCs you are, it's completely irrelevant. No, worse, it's relevant in the worst manner: more food allowa for yet more people.

>> No.14283262

Her dad is a fucking stage actor in Stockholm and her mother's a B-list opera singer.

>> No.14283264


>to do something

She advocated recently for people to buy carbon credits, which demonstrably do nothing. At best, she's a manipulated aspergers child and at worst a corporate stooge.

>> No.14283310

You can't just talk about Greta Thunberg's falling into a Lidingö kennel and being copulated with so gruesomely her eyes acquired then their haunting strabismic skew, no, it would be unconscionable to belabor how there and then no part of knot-puppet Greta was unavailable to hound after air-snapping hound, because I'm pretty certain that sort of thing never quite happened, although I spend very little time in Sweden, generally speaking. But if someone came up to you and insisted upon their mother's life that Greta Thunberg took Mastiff knot on the regular, or that she actually is a kind of chimera after being vaccinated against so many parvo, bordetella and canine influenzas that her genome is now spritzed with doggie DNA, or that her parents even endorsed the "curious" interspecies relations because they improved her school work, it would be tough to produce much evidence to the contrary unless you're already a seasoned private investigator authorized to operate on Swedish territory. And so it would be entirely up to you whether you in any way believe or endorse such apocrypha and anecdotes, doing one's best to ignore the frequency that you encounter these claims, that Greta Thunberg's canine period was simply a phase and that she now aspires to envelope equines and bovines and allegedly even the fuzzy sinewy forearms of HIV+ gay men or that Greta's parents regularly overdose the migrant prostitutes they invite into their red room and being such connected VIPs, the Swedish Government is more than happy to send each and every broken Thunberg sex toy whether human, animal or mineral into discrete medical incinerators, it's tough to say how much of it is true and one can only ever decide for her or xirself.

>> No.14283338
File: 142 KB, 800x554, linkola glowing eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your climate cult, imbecile. Nobody with 2 brain cells gives a shit about it. The machinations of global climate are far too complex for you or me or anyone to understand, model and predict, even more so if we consider human activity as an additional input. Nobody knows shit about it but it won't stop retards like you from swallowing the psyop in one piece and coming here and shitting it upon us. Literally celebrating your neoliberal masters and eating cockroaches to please them.
The worst part about this garbage is that it's a red herring, detracting from serious problems about which absolutely nothing will be done. Overpopulation, overconsumption, pollution, destruction of ecosystems, mass species extinction and loss of natural habitats, depletion of resources. These issues are looming above us and our the most unsustainable civilization in history, hidden by the satisfaction of soiboi activists like you that feel the earth is saved because you commuted to work on your pink bike. They speak disaster for the incoming decades, and the only thing we can pray for is that the natural world isn't left TOO fucked when industrial civilization finally comes crashing down.

>> No.14283366
File: 233 KB, 1447x920, nazi technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and geoengineer the planet as we push towards space.
We won't go to space, retard.

>> No.14283387

She may be old enough but she looks so young that it weirds me out

>> No.14283404

Based misanthropic fisherman.

>> No.14283413

Howdy! Nice digits

>> No.14283430

Yeah, she looks like she's 11, I shocked to learn that she was 16.

>> No.14283563

>suffocate the icebergs
Of course it's fake. Not sure how to feel about being the only one who noticed the holocaust joke. Just check her Twitter.

>> No.14283568

>These issues are looming above us and our the most unsustainable civilization in history, hidden by the satisfaction of soiboi activists like you that feel the earth is saved because you commuted to work on your pink bike.

>> No.14283576

>the holocaust joke
What did we miss, schizo-rabbi?

>> No.14283582

I'm guessing it's the vegan diet.

>> No.14283588

Her parents only love her because they love their power and she is their instrument.

>> No.14284066

We are already in space, retard.

>> No.14284164


>> No.14284179

I regret masturbating to her once

>> No.14284204

god I want to milk her tight norwegian cunt raw

>> No.14284224


>> No.14284230
File: 92 KB, 228x286, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need some space nigga

>> No.14284262

This would be based because the eu would realise how much they rely on trade with the states amongst other agreements that will likely be broken off. Not not America is all powerful or anything, the only thing that America should be punished for is their relationship with Israel.

>> No.14284278

All life is beautiful. Change my mind.

>> No.14284345

Agreed, need sauce on middle pic

>> No.14284397

I want to hike up that black dress and hold onto her tiny waist while I fuck the dumb thoughts out of her

>> No.14284416

Greta Thurnberg needs a good, hard fucking to set her straight. If we were in her native Sweden, where she is of legal age, I would take it upon myself to perform the requisite task.

I would warm her up by kissing her on the neck, playing with her diminutive ass and string-bean thighs. As I slip off her sustainably-farmed hemp underwear I would graze her oversized clitoris and mound, which she keeps immaculately shaven despite growing out her meager armpit hair. Patiently, I would flick and suck at her clit while stretching her hole out with two fingers, preparing her for the trials to come.

When she's sopping wet and quivering with anticipation, I would carefully guide my cock inside her, inch by inch. As she groans with the strain of taking it all her hand would grip mine, her anemic fingers pale with the effort. My balls would come to rest against her wet ass, my cock warm inside her. I hear her panting in my ear as her body quietly shakes against mine.

I retract my cock slowly, luxuriating in the feeling of her tight cunt clinging hungrily to it. I plunge sharply into her, hearing her gasp in synchronicity with the tightening of her grip. She pushes her hands against my hip. I muscle through her resistance and before long I'm ramming into her, my hip slamming hard and fast into hers. Her gasps become moans, emanating from deep inside her throat.

I tweak and flick her sensitive little tits, I grind my hip against hers. I wrap my fingers around her tiny neck and squeeze until her neotenous face turns dark red, her hands gripping my arm. I relax my hold to let her breathe when her clawing becomes particularly desperate. I kiss her hard and deep. With the patience of a teacher and a guide, I endure her nails raking my back, her ankles entangled in my thighs, her incomprehensible mutterings panting in my ear.

>> No.14284423


She comes again and again. I make her do it, adjusting to the peaks and valleys of her pleasure, pushing her over the edge as she's peaking. I take an abstract pleasure in it, knowing that every convulsion of her nubile body is in direct service of a greater good.

Eventually I feel a pressure rising deep inside me, rising up in my sac. I pull out, my cock almost painfully hard as I move up towards her face. I hold her oversized cantaloupe of a head. She looks peaceful, her half-open eyes looking into my own. I don't enjoy it, but for the good of Europe and the world I come hard, shooting rope after rope of hot semen over her goblin-like face. Then I move closer and allow her to suckle on the head, giving her the first taste of animal protein she's had in her life.

The cum sitting in her stomach and the mind-obliterating orgasms I've provided catalyze a transformation in her being. She realizes the error of her ways and the fundamental superiority of man over animal. She sees how she's been used as a pawn for rich Jews with a vested interest in "renewable" energy and fear-mongering. In a daze, she turns to thank me, but I'm already gone. My task completed, I set off to fix the existential threats faced by mankind, one fuck at a time.

>> No.14284524

Niggers. Check mate.

>> No.14284554

Have you ever been to one?

>> No.14284561
File: 480 KB, 900x582, greta6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Greta.

>> No.14284578
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gave me a boner

>> No.14284615

Yeah I'd like to see this

>> No.14284638

Vaccines must be banned. We need a super ebola.

>> No.14284639

Was gonna say this lol

>> No.14284647

>by what measure
By the measure of there existing 7.5 billion humans on the planet you fucking retard.

>> No.14284651

these are fake btw. i went through the effort last time these were posted

>> No.14284658

>my hip slamming hard and fast into hers
you only have one hip?

>> No.14284675

>But Elon Musk is gonna send us to mars bro!
>Radiation? What's that?

>> No.14284700

So completely arbitrary based on your religion. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.14284716

While I agree America and the rest of the West should try to be more environmentally conscious what is the point when China and India pollute such extremes?

>> No.14284901

they're real but deleted before her handlers delegated her twitter to a swedish zoomer

>> No.14284910

They're still pretty funny

>> No.14285065
File: 28 KB, 460x339, 30110790.324999996_1574206863629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler gets animated and emotional in his blabbering spooked speeches
>/pol/tards go wild and clap their deformed mutt hands

>greta gets emotional and animated in her speeches

>> No.14285138

good comparison, boomers are to Greta what the jews were to hittler

>> No.14285179

Do boomers get a right of return somewheres?

>> No.14285181

the dust from whence they came

>> No.14285197

Like Arizona?

>> No.14285255

My post is not spam you fuckin cocksuckas!

>> No.14285259

Not spam

Not spam

Grett is betta. Deal with it bigots! :p
No seriously I'm opposed to this whole idea of equating transcribed speeches with literature. It's a different medium. And if we treated it otherwise, suddenly there would be no end to the tiresome number of "figures" who have suddenly become magisterial writers. Half of them would shoot themselves 10 hours into it.

She's a smart, strong willed girl who has been raised not to feel ashamed for her intelligence. Why is that such a bad thing? It's because some men are pigs, and its no wonder that there's a whole sport involved in killing them.

>> No.14285296

Post my post you cowards. This isn't some advanced spam algorithm. Who are you kidding?

>> No.14285321
File: 181 KB, 672x900, 1571595964920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hopefully she gets a knife in the belly from some Eritrean when she returns home to the shit-colored ruin that used to be Stockholm.

>> No.14285327

You mean just melting with your own besides the occasional dirt worshiper thrown into the mix?

>> No.14285333
File: 186 KB, 897x1121, 1553462303559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
