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/lit/ - Literature

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14270481 No.14270481 [Reply] [Original]

Which mental disorders are most conducive to good literature?

>> No.14270532

its a tough question beacuse i could list you one or three benefits to writing good literature for a lot of mental illnesses

>> No.14270533

None are.

>> No.14270543

Schizophrenia, obviously.

>> No.14270837

The ability to write good literature is conducive to mental illness.

>> No.14271531

The Black Dog

>> No.14271585

soft autism

>> No.14271609


>> No.14271633

I can see someone with genuine ADHD who loves writing being able to go at it for weeks on end without eating.

>> No.14271759

Oversensitive empathy and sensory processing.

>> No.14272269

Temporary lapses of psychosis via massive doses of psychedelic paraphernalia.

Take the s h r o o m pill (responsibly, of course), friends.

>> No.14272273

this is not a mental illness

>> No.14272292

>leads to a loss of function and ability to live a normal life
>causes the sufferer to insist on notions contrary to humanity and reality
>not a mental illness

>> No.14272300

not on the dsm

>> No.14272305

Sweetie, they MADE the DSM

>> No.14272306

not on the dsm :o

>> No.14272346


>> No.14272352


>> No.14272388

Isn't this just autism (or at the very least aspects of autism)?

>> No.14272402

No autists suck at empathy and (taking note of) sensitivity. Some things just overload them.

>> No.14272433

>No autists suck at empathy
A very quick google search says otherwise.

>> No.14272495

autist subhuman cope. superior highly sensitive person here.

>> No.14272510
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That was uncalled for, anon. Real mean. Real rude.

>> No.14272533

no mental disorder is conducive for good literature
except maybe epilepsy
>see dostoevsky
although im not sure calling a neurological disorder a mental disorder is correct at all

>> No.14272716

Arachnophobia is definitely a good one

>A noiseless, patient spider,
I mark’d, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;
Mark’d how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,
It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
Ever unreeling them—ever tirelessly speeding them.

>And you, O my Soul, where you stand,
Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,—seeking the spheres, to connect them;
Till the bridge you will need, be form’d—till the ductile anchor hold;
Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.

>> No.14272771

Sorry bro. I didn’t mean it

>> No.14272781

It's funny to think how some pseudo scientists that add new disorders to a book every single year currently consider me normal but will almost certainly consider my inability to cope with background noise a mental illness in the next few years.

>> No.14272808

fart fetishism

>> No.14273316

Name three (3) good schizophrenic writers

>> No.14274249

You stop as the black dog following you barks.

>> No.14274288


>> No.14274295

Many great artists had inspiration fueled by depression.

>> No.14274299

Ricardo Reis, Alvaro de Campo, Alberto Caeiro

>> No.14274309

Not even all the mental illnesses of the world striking you down all at once could make a decent writer out of you, OP.

>> No.14274342

Mental disorders just fucking suck, don't romanticize them.

>> No.14274357

none. maybe early on when you've got that innate youthful spark and are in the right places at the right time. but honestly I'm twenty seven now I rode that whole thing of thinking my illness was some kind of gift I could deploy at an point to make beautiful things and now there's no real beauty left in me. it's literal brain rot after a certain point especially if you start self medicating.

>> No.14274384


>> No.14274426


>> No.14274750
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And my axe

>> No.14274772

Schizophrenia. Being literally insane is exceedingly beneficial for writing

>> No.14274785

this guy

>> No.14274794

>my mother is mentally ill
>same she has dementia, what does yours suffer from?
What the FUCK did they mean by this?

>> No.14274796

James Joyce counts for three.

>> No.14275636

Early Jimmy, middle-aged James, and late Joyce.