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14268923 No.14268923 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14268929

i didn't because it isn't

>> No.14268939

>It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits.


>> No.14268940

I love Bach, but fuck Glen "GOTTA GO FAST" Gould.

>> No.14268951

Romantic Music>Modern music~Traditional music>>>>>Classic music

>> No.14268953

After I discovered The Beatles and before I discovered Jazz, which is superior to classical in every category.

>> No.14268960

Here's something slower for you:

>> No.14268964

I've always maintained music as a whole is the highest form or more like the original form. Music came before language,

>> No.14268974

put some respect on gould's name son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv94m_S3QDo

>> No.14269147


>> No.14269550


>> No.14269819

Classical snobs are the worst

>> No.14269859

That title actually belongs to contemporary peasants.

>> No.14269863

Bach was the beginning and the end of music. He is literally God tier. I could go my entire life only listening to Bach and be perfectly satisfied.

>> No.14269924

Imagine being a slowtard.

Classically mixed jungle is peak sonic aesthetics.

>> No.14269928

I despise Bachliebers.

>> No.14269996

favorite pieces?

>> No.14270046

>Glen "GOTTA GO FAST" Gould
You obviously have no clue about what Gould's playing is like compared to others.

>> No.14270053
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Take the divinepill.

>> No.14270069


>> No.14270086

No, the classical snob is the only one which is consistent. The worst sort of snob would be someone of the lower classes.

>> No.14270096
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>> No.14270123

When I realized that classical music was the cultural expression of the concept of a divine infinite

>> No.14270132


>> No.14270138

nah bruh it's objectively a toss up between theater and child's play

>> No.14270139

Don’t mind me, just posting the best song ever written.


>> No.14270150

only after 1920 did any kind of classical music get good
and jazz overtook it

>> No.14270161

Enlighten me as to what jazz song could possibly be better than any of the contrapuncti from The art of fugue, the E minor partita and the french overture (and that barely scratches a small fraction of Bach's finest).

>> No.14270178

this, keep playing triads, classical bitch

>> No.14270184

Are you lost?

>> No.14270235

not the same guy.
Probably bwv 572 and bwv 582.

>> No.14270249

>Christcuck of aesthetics
OP is the eternal faggot

>> No.14270286

t. noisebrain

>> No.14270302

Genuinely curious - why do you think so? What makes it better than any other music genre or another form of art?

>> No.14270303

That's extremely unlikely, anon. Why the resentment?

>> No.14270307

gould was a clueless sperg, besides bach shouldnt be played by atheists

bach partitas (kirkpatrick)

handel suites (richter/gavrilov)

mozart duets (eschenbach/frantz)

schubert duets (eschenbach/frantz)

>> No.14270319


>> No.14270321

based, gould is an emotionless autist with no artistic ability

>> No.14270323

>bach shouldnt be played by atheists
Nothing should

>> No.14270329

around two years ago
one of the best things I've ever heard in my life

>> No.14270337

Classical music is not a genre. "Chamber music" e.g. is a genre. "Classical" means that it belongs to the higher classes of society, and it is thereby almost by definition superior.

>> No.14270338

>gould was a clueless sperg, besides bach shouldnt be played by atheists
gould literally said, on record, that he believes in god.

>> No.14270339
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>not grindcore

>> No.14270384
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compare gould's 2nd partita with kirkpatrick's.
gould played it so soulles, lars von trier superimposed his playing with the serial killer in "house that jack built".

>> No.14270394
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Peasants have the best music though. Fuck your machined brain muzak.

>> No.14270422

Best? Absolutely dull, something you'd use as an ambient part of a movie score.

>> No.14270525

>as an ambient part
oh yeah classical music never gets used that way, I forgot.

>> No.14270548

But what exactly is it that makes classical music superior to any kind of modern, “non-classical” music?

>> No.14270589

>compare gould's 2nd partita with kirkpatrick's.
he clearly misses the idea of the piece in my opinion. by the time he gets done with the sinfonia, the whole structure collapses because he's so eager to hold onto that initial moment, in a romantic manner.
Gould's version has incomparably more clarity and depth. Just because you can play slow and loud that doesn't mean it's more meaningful. I can take from Gould what's fair to take, namely quite a few preludes and fugues from the first book of the Well-Tempered Clavier, where his constant staccatos and either very slow or very fast tempos don't quite match up with my taste, which is why I mostly prefer S. Richter for the said work. But when it comes to other works like the keyboard Partitas, the French overture, the English and French suites and most importantly, The Art of fugue, Gould is largely unmatched.

>> No.14270600

Of course it doesn't, as classical music demands attention. While what you posted, like modern movie scores, is ideally not even meant to be noticed.

>> No.14270709

It has nothing to do with the period intrinsically. You could play Bach on a synthesiser and for all I care it would virtually be the same deal, I just prefer the 'voice' of the organ or the piano for the most part. After you get past the Moonlight sonata and Fur Elise introduction and start building your own taste in classical music, you'll realize that, incidentally or not, all non-classical music is either straight garbage or simply boring tunes that you listen a few times per year at most.

>> No.14270720

>no Vivaldi

>> No.14270752

he's not just holding on to sublime intro, but conveying the biblical content of the middle section, where a seeker is depicted as walking with difficult bass steps, hesitating, posing questions in soprano. the bass steps seem to become heavier, he's close to giving up. the final fugue is like a revelation, showing regained faith with slight echos of his previous phase. gould was not thinking about any kind of content but about tones, only technically interested in the music, the sections dont seem related, as a whole his interpretation makes no impression on me.

>> No.14270821

>but conveying the biblical content of the middle section, where a seeker is depicted as walking with difficult bass steps, hesitating, posing questions in soprano
where do you come up with such descriptions? I've listened to that piece thousands of time (not even mostly Gould) and never have I had such theatrical images of it. Not only then, but especially when a work is clearly non-referential (as opposed to cantatas and other sacred works), I take sound purely in an abstract form. I couldn't think of any better way of making Bach keyboard works boring than attaching such theatrical moments to them.

>> No.14270824
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This desu

>In music, Catholic monks developed the first forms of modern Western musical notation in order to standardize liturgy throughout the worldwide Church,[94] and an enormous body of religious music has been composed for it through the ages. This led directly to the emergence and development of European classical music, and its many derivatives.

>> No.14270825

Interesting, this is something I absolutely can’t imagine. What are some composers that made you realize this? Also, have you actually listened to a wide range of different musicians before?

>> No.14270983

>Interesting, this is something I absolutely can’t imagine
can't imagine what, specifically?
I first became interested in music during my teenage years, and my first 'taste' was that along the lines of Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, King Crimson, Led Zeppelin plus a few metal bands and I used to really like those. From time to time I would listen to classical pieces that you are likely to find in any 'Best of' compilation (Moonlight sonata, Chopin preludes, The Nutcracker, Cello suite no. 1). Over a few years, as I started to listen more and more to classical music, rock/metal fell off my radar gradually. What kept me from going full into classical straight from the start was not finding the right interpretation right away while also not having enough patience to listen or search for pieces. When I came across the likes of Andreas Scholl/Herreweghe (specifically for the Agnus dei / Kyrie eleison I from the Mass in B minor and the Erbarme dich aria from the Matthew Passion) and Sviatoslav Richter, all previous music clicked into place. The nature of Bach, especially for keyboard works in my opinion, makes it so that interpretations vary highly. Before Richter I used to listen to Schiff's versions of the Well-Tempered Clavier preludes and fugues from time to time, and the very same preludes and fugues that are my favorite if played by Richter, sound tedious/boring in the latter's renditions. It's the same with other works. Unfortunately, Richter never recorded the Art of fugue, which is currently my main interest as a listener right now, I would've really liked to see his vision, although even as much as I like his Well-Tempered Clavier, I don't think he would've surpassed Gould's playing (Gould himself only has an incomplete recording of the Art of Fugue).
If I had to recommend some of Bach's works to a newcomer, it would be some like these:

>> No.14271048

>when a work is clearly non-referential (as opposed to cantatas and other sacred works)
Bach didn't say "today i'm gonna compose secular absolute music". when the pieces have no programmatic titiles, they still contain images, and it's still a riddle for the listener to guess. baroque treatises are full of conventions about "best practice" regarding prosody or rhythm to convey certain images.

>where do you come up with such descriptions?
baroque treatises, early 20th century musicologists like Schweitzer, Pirro have shown recurring meaning of those elements in explicitely religious works. the contemporary cantata presentations by Rudolf Lutz are in same vein.

>I take sound purely in an abstract form
we now know more about bioacoustics than 100 years ago when absolute music still seemed like a plausible idea. sound is too closely related to community functions (ritual), communication (prosody), anatomy (rhythm) and survival (different sensibility for certain frequencies), to be this independent abstract medium. obviously 19/20th century theorists dreamed of their own little copernican revolution and gould was a child of this era.but it's not lindy.

>> No.14271075


>> No.14271080


>> No.14271104

Nobody cares Jeb

>> No.14271112

>sound is too closely related to community functions (ritual), communication (prosody), anatomy (rhythm) and survival (different sensibility for certain frequencies)
that's not what I was arguing against, or necessarily what I didn't mean by 'abstract' form. I obviously recognize when certain passages have general feelings of sadness, longing, prayer or joy, but these never interested me in the slightest. I don't regard Bach's music as riddles containing images that you're supposed to 'decipher' for some vague reason.
If I wanted to 'see' such images, I'd just read poetry or literature in general, because otherwise I wouldn't find much meaning in listening to a piece 1000 times, rather than 10 times.
I find the subjects of the treatises you mention completely uninteresting, it wouldn't add a single point of enjoyment to listening to music if I knew what a certain motif from the piece is 'supposed to mean'. And to be frank I don't even believe this theory, mainly because the 'human feelings' or archetypal images/riddles that you mentioned are visibly limited culturally speaking, whereas I found pieces like Contrapunctus I and the unfinished fugue from The Art of fugue, to be infinitely beautiful, emotionally inexplicable and completely self-sufficient.

>> No.14271130

my god

>> No.14271142

All of these posts were made by the same retard, with the attention span of an 8 year old child.

>> No.14271160

How is Gould a souless autist? the passion is obvious here:

>> No.14271161

>t. only child with no real culture

>> No.14271162

the other 3 probably were, my post wasn't

>> No.14271177

A two word reply, for a two brain person. Or should I say, two brain cells? Haha, well actually that would be twice the number of brain cells that you actually own. One times two equals two, not that you would have even have known that if I wouldn't have typed that at you. Here's another facton for your pea ass, a million times zero is still zero, so I could multiply the number of brain cells that you actually have by a MILLION and instead of being a genius, you would still be an incel idiot with zero brain cells and even less brain cells than anybody

>> No.14271180

What I meant is that it’s hard to imagine that most music pales in comparison to classical music if you listen to it enough. I guess it depends on what you expect to gain from listening to different artists.

Thanks for your explanation, though. I’ve always wanted to get into classical music, maybe now is the right time for it.

>> No.14271181
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>> No.14271190
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Cringed but saved.
Every Bach thread will now have your autism repeated like a fugue.

>> No.14271198

How can pianofags compete?

>> No.14271206

I was one as well. Bachfag just has autism.

>> No.14271215



>> No.14271216

fast to criticize someone's taste but embarrassed to post your own favorites?

>> No.14271227

Bachliebers are delusional and taste wars are cringe.

>> No.14271244

you can disprove the so called taste war by posting a song that you believe is worth listening to

>> No.14271264

ok boomer

>> No.14271277
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>> No.14271315


>> No.14271562


>> No.14271643

only in the last year
based gould...

>> No.14271677


>> No.14271688

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/26873445