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14268710 No.14268710 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sisyphus happy?

>> No.14268712


>> No.14268714

lol sissyphus

>> No.14268736
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>> No.14268750

I would imagine

>> No.14268759

He's strong!

>> No.14268761

>think Camus sounds like some cool Roman guy
>it's actually a coping french faggot

>> No.14268767

are you?

>> No.14268778
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>> No.14268779

then no

>> No.14268837

bitter anglo

>> No.14268857

One must imagine Hamsterus happy.

>> No.14268865

No. He's in intense physical pain from the fatigue and he's probably suffering from terminal boredom and insanity at the prospect of having to perform so simple a task forever (FOREVER).

He is categorically unhappy. Anyone saying otherwise is using a very exotic definition of the word unhappy.

>> No.14268866

Literally retarded take.
Maybe if Sisyphus was doing his thing willingly. But Sisyphus was forced to against his will. His endless task was something that was given to him for no other reason than to make him suffer, not to "struggle towards the heights"
It would be incredibly difficult, probably near impossible, to draw out any joy from that experience
That's not something that should need to be explained at all. It's literally obvious.
Maybe Camus should have said "Sisyphus *should* be happy" or that he should find happiness/meaning in his absurd and meaningless task - that's a position that perhaps could be argued. But Sisyphus wasnt working his task merely because he was acting out the absurd or meaningless, but because he was forced to, and had no choice but to continue.

>> No.14269069

He doesn't exist, why speculate?

>> No.14269165

if the mountains are different heights and different in challenge i can imagine sisyphus happy.

>> No.14269168

>only reads non-fiction

>> No.14269205

>He doesn't exist, why speculate?
you're talking about him. he exists. what are the prerequisites for existence?

>> No.14269337


>> No.14269415

As if that was not a curse enough, we have a slave to an eternally hard and meaningless task trying to cope with his cursed condition, in vain.
Modern life is an anti-human anti-life, a slavery to technology. A Sisyphian back-breaking soul-crushing labour to achive less than some primitive hunter-gatherer. He probably ate more fruit and enjoyed more sex and physical excercize by 20 years of age than a couple hundred millions of Sissyphian modernites in their entire lives of fruitless toils and meaningless hook-ups.

>> No.14269434

losing my shit laughing at this idk why

>> No.14269461

>imagine Sisyphus happy

It's right there. You all bicker but it is clear as day. He wants you to engage in a thought experiment.

>> No.14269469

>born in a fatherless household in Algeria, his father forcibly conscripted and killed on the Battle of the Marne
>eventually gets an opportunity to study in leet lyceum near Algiers city. Gets infected with tuberculosis there.
>During that time, he was only able to study part-time. To earn money, he took odd wagecuckery: as a private tutor, car parts clerk, and assistant at the Meteorological Institute.
>Camus played goalkeeper for the Racing Universitaire d'Alger junior team from 1928 to 1930.[8] The sense of team spirit, fraternity, and common purpose appealed to Camus enormously.[9] In match reports, he was often praised for playing with passion and courage. Any football ambitions disappeared when he contracted tuberculosis at the age of 17
>In 1934, aged 20, Camus was in a relationship with a drug addict named Simone Hié.[10] She was addicted to morphine, a drug she used to ease her menstrual pains. His uncle Gustave did not approve of the relationship, but Camus married Hié to help her fight her addiction. He later discovered she was in a relationship with her doctor at the same time and the couple later divorced.
Marrying to a drug abusing thot who cucked him for the trouble. Albert, what do you thing you were doing.
>Camus joined the French Communist Party (PCF) in early 1935.
>Writes in newspapers and journals for the rest of his life, of all the useless and meaningless occupations
>Dies in a car accident
Eh. A Sysiphian life indeed.

>> No.14269534

You literally don't have to take part in any of this

>> No.14269562

He is dead by 20 though. Or cucked by the alpha because he is a fucking , spending his days wandering around , trying to fit in

>> No.14269735

No, but we should all pretend he is, according yo Camoo

>> No.14269776

>we should all pretend he is
Isn't that literally what Camus said? We should imagine him happy? Cause old Sisyphus most likely isn't, but thinking so would make his existence sad

>> No.14269809
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the struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a penguin's heart.

>> No.14269911

>You literally don't have to take part in any of this
Are you by chance an American? Have you happily forgotten the Indians herded to blasted reservations in some Indian Territory at gunpoint on a certain Trail of Tears? Or the wars they Indians lost never having a chance in the first place?
I don't think most Europeans forgot the treatment of tribals in Scandinavia or Russia, and well, the whole things of farmers zerg-rushing onto "free real estate" over the eras.

>He is dead by 20 though
If only by an accident. If a small child didn't succumb to disease, he had all the chances to live to 60 years and beyond, in a much better shape than a malnourished yet always toiling farmer.
> Or cucked by the alpha
Oh for fucks sake, the modernite's Holy Grail, the Everlasting Quest, the Primal Myth. Cuck cuck cuck coom coom. Grown adults spewing duck noises seriously. Would you kindly read a bit more on tribal familial dynamics and fuckings, before quacking around.

>> No.14269950

Truly, philosophy is nice and all but we have to take into account the life and troubles of who writes it.

>> No.14269951

No but you must imagine him to be. Camus is trying to reinvent Faith, that while shitting all over Kierkegaard for talking about Faith. A typical frenchman's insolence.

>> No.14269968

Are you?

>> No.14269994

expanding on your thought, if Sisyphus wasn't able to be aware of his situation and wasn't aware he was cursed to do his bidding. If he could thought "it's like this to everyone, to all ourselves and to all before me; it was always like this, it'll always be like this. It's my human condition, i'm happy for my struggle brings me closer to my kind"

>> No.14270021

Or better yet, chained inside a dark cave watching an anime about Sisyphus on the wall, while some unseen narrator from behind tells him "It's your human condition, and now you must imagine yourself happy".

>> No.14270034
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>> No.14270035

Yes but that's because he's oblivious to the negatives of living as are most lemming humans.

>> No.14270056

You don’t get the inflections. OP is Sisyphus, his life is the rolling boulder. Is he happy?

>> No.14270115

No, I'm anon. My life is shit.

>> No.14270187

He doesn't have to push the boulder though. He pushes the boulder as he thinks he's it's his way of cheating death again. He could stop at any time but he's driven by his ambition to cheat Death. Of course he's happy because he thinks he's cheating death.

>> No.14270688

What you described is the point imo. It's not that "Sisyphus is happy" it's that "we must imagine sisyphus happy".

>> No.14271933

Happy lil fella

>> No.14271965


>> No.14272389

Obviously not. Any argument is an idealist cope.

>> No.14272498

then he exists