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14267665 No.14267665 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't Pythagoras get more love?

>> No.14267667
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>> No.14267674
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>> No.14267690

sage wisdom

>> No.14267726

Where is the upvote button on 4channel? I need to give you a thumbs up.

Did Pythagoras actually support semen retention?

>> No.14267755


>> No.14267777

because Pythagoras was a stemfag

>> No.14267815

Do we have any writings from Pythagoras himself or just his followers? The only thing I know of is the Golden Verses of Pythagoras (extremely based by the way), which the outer circle would memorize. I'd be very interested to know what was taught in the inner circle, as Pythagoras was an initiate of the Egyptian mystery schools.

>> No.14267837


>> No.14267853

>Pythagoreanism was the system of esoteric and metaphysical beliefs held by Pythagoras and his followers. Pythagorean thinking was dominated by a profoundly mystical view of the world. The Pythagorean code further restricted his members from eating meat, fish, and beans which they practised for religious, ethical and ascetic reasons, in particular the idea of metempsychosis – the transmigration of souls into the bodies of other animals.[96][97] "Pythagoras himself established a small community that set a premium on study, vegetarianism, and sexual restraint or abstinence. Later philosophers believed that celibacy would be conducive to the detachment and equilibrium required by the philosopher's calling."[

>> No.14267865

Pythagoras was a cross between /fit/, /mu/, /sci/, and /x/, but if all those boards were actually good.

>> No.14267866

>According to Pythagoras (6th century BCE) sex should be practiced in the winter, but not the summer, but was harmful to male health in every season because the loss of semen was dangerous, hard to control and both physically and spiritually exhausting, but had no effect on females.[3]

>> No.14268091

Gnosticism/Neoplatonism is probably the closest thing you will find to the hidden knowledge of Pythagoras

>> No.14268098

The Golden verses of Pythag are included in this sourcebook right?

>> No.14268831

Yes I would like to see more Pythagoras on this board. He makes coomers and materialists seethe

>> No.14268893
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>Some Medieval authors refer to a "Pythagorean diet", entailing the abstention from eating meat, beans or fish.[61] Pythagoreans believed that a vegetarian diet fostered a healthy body and enhanced the search for Arete. The purpose of vegetarianism in Pythagoreanism was not self-denial, instead it was regarded as conductive to the best in a human being. Pythagoreans advanced a grounded theory on the treatment of animals. They believed that any being that experienced pain or suffering should not have pain inflicted on it unnecessarily. Because it was not necessary to inflict pain on animals for humans to enjoy a healthy diet, they believed that animals should not be killed for the purpose of eating them. The Pythagoreans advanced the argument that unless an animal posed a threat to a human, it was not justifiable to kill an animal and that doing so would diminish the moral status of a human. By failing to show justice to the animal, humans diminish themselves.[52]


>> No.14268910

>physically and spiritually exhausting, but had no effect on females
Oh dear, poor Pythy.

>> No.14269288

>Pythagoras was a cross between /fit/, /mu/, /sci/, and /x/, when* all those boards were actually good.
FTFY. Pythagoras is an oldfag.

And Kabbalah. This is very seldom talked about, but the Kabbalah is not some ancient esoteric philosophy, like orthodox Jews and New Age-tards would have you believe. It’s medieval and has a great deal of Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean influence. This has been demonstrated with textual analysis by Gershom Sholem.

>> No.14269301

Yeah Kabbalah is pretty good, but ive been told its not worth learning unless you know Hebrew?
Is the westernised Occult Kabbalah worth looking into?

>> No.14269440

>its not worth learning unless you know Hebrew
I disagree with people who say that. You don't need to be a specialists in languages or philology in order to appreciate philosophy. We have a system in which actual specialists in the relevant fields provide peer-reviewed, critical editions of these works, with insights into the historical and cultural contexts, etc. Le original languages meme is a thing psueds say.

>Is the westernised Occult Kabbalah worth looking into?
Since Kabbalah is already a syncretic system from the get go (that was the point of my post), I think so, yes, if you're conscious that these groups have different takes on it.

>> No.14269471

>believing in conspiracies

>> No.14269472
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Because an*los don't have any translation of the Corpus Pythagoricum. Kek.

>> No.14270082

Sefer yetzirah is pre-medieval

>> No.14270110
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>Sefer yetzirah is
Not Kabbalah

>> No.14270118
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Still syncretic and platonizing though

>> No.14270280

What about merkabah mysticism? Tho I sppose I agree nothing exists in a vacuum

>> No.14270342
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Start with the Greeks

>> No.14270374

>merkabah mysticism
Important precursor

>> No.14270430

Can someone post table of contents? Not shown on the google books preview

>> No.14270435

More like /lit/

>> No.14270442
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>Ancient sources disagree on how the Greek philosopher Pythagoras died,[12][13] but one late and probably apocryphal legend reported by both Diogenes Laërtius, a third-century AD biographer of famous philosophers, and Iamblichus, a Neoplatonist philosopher, states that Pythagoras was murdered by his political enemies.[13] Supposedly, he almost managed to outrun them,[13] but he came to a bean field and refused to run through it because he had prohibited beans as ritually unclean.[14][13] Since cutting through the field would violate his own teachings, Pythagoras simply stopped running and was killed.[13]

>> No.14270496

Yo dis nigga dislike beans haha

>> No.14270590

On a technicality, he never wrote anything down.

>> No.14271443
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He was no BASEDBOY

yet still advocated vegetarianism, what an enigma

>> No.14271768

Pretty noble, but there's the problem of protein, especially if you can't eat beans.

>> No.14271792

Golden Verses of Pythagoras for reference: https://sacred-texts.com/cla/gvp/gvp03.htm

>> No.14271794

lol word filter

Pythagoras aint no S O Y B O Y