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14266278 No.14266278 [Reply] [Original]

Books on communism that refute this claim?: "Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff"

>> No.14266312

Read Economics For Dummies first

>> No.14266402
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If there's no objective basis for values why is my singular need trumped by the needs of the many?
Why is our wants wrong but yours justified?
What makes X want lesser or greater than want Y?

>> No.14266406
File: 849 KB, 1352x3404, read theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read theory incel

>> No.14266408

Have sex commiecel

>> No.14266409
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The existence of China.

>> No.14266416

i thought china isn't real communism?

>> No.14266423

Communism is the only system that values ownership of property.
Not only do you own your own personal property, but you own your own labour. The lie of private property was created to perpetuate your own exploitation.

>> No.14266425

People only want shit because of insecurity created by Capitalism. There are plenty of people who live spartan existences willingly, think of ascetics or monks from various religions. Warren Buffett could easily retire, but he continues to trade because his life lacks meaning. Break the people's addiction to capital and you have defeated Capitalism.

>> No.14266426

they aren't socialist yet but they are getting there. it's a process.

>> No.14266429

The worst things about capitalism wouldn't exist if people thought more like this. Communism is just retardation though.

>> No.14266433

Modern day China is unironically a better example of fascism working than communism. Also Chinks are extremely possessive and materialistic.

>> No.14266437

that's just liberal propaganda

>> No.14266446

>you own your own labour
No. I'd rather own my own freedom

>> No.14266448

Don't die on the hill of "you don't need to own anything"

This guy is basically right, communism is not going to take away your personal property, it only intends to socialize ownership of private property, and unless you're delusional enough to imagine yourself one day owning an entire factory and all the machinery in it, this will not affect your property directly

>> No.14266453

which means what in the concrete? that's an abstract term.

>> No.14266456

The goal of socialism is a qualitative change in freedom on both an individual and social level. If you're arguing for freedom, you're ultimately going to have to end up at socialism

>> No.14266460

>Don't die on the hill of "you don't need to own anything"

Humans need very little material wealth to enjoy life. I nice comfy living space (small one too), clean water and healthy food, access to nature and open spaces, maybe a horse or some kind of bicycle. But most important is friends and family you can rely on. Everything else is cope and you probably know it.

>> No.14266479

Sure, you can call owning a television or computer "coping" but you know that the truth is 99% of people would never voluntarily give these things up. I wouldn't, and communism surely wouldn't ask you to. The luddite position is profoundly anti-Marxist

>> No.14266499

Its either a brainlet take "communism means no private property! you aint getting my toothbrush" or a midwit "human nature dictates that we are consumerist by nature and don't just stop once we have what we need"

>> No.14266687

I've seen communists use toothbrush as an example a few times before. Is that a meme, inside joke or just a coincidence?

>> No.14266707

Pretty much sums it up

>> No.14266914
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Based National Socialist China

>> No.14267021

Tankies fell silent... I think you short-circuited their brains.

>> No.14267037
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chapo trannies go back

>> No.14267074
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>People only want shit because of insecurity created by Capitalism

>> No.14267076

>people like to own stuff
That sounds like an argument for communism

>> No.14267100

anything marx wrote

>> No.14267105

it's an inside joke cause it's so frequently the go-to for anticommunists to say 'i don't want to share my toothbrush!'
of course, the joke is that communists differentiate between private and personal property. pro-capitalists do not, and call it all private property

>> No.14267183

God I hate communism so much. Western society in the 21st century is the best-working and most peaceful civilization the world has ever seen and some take it for granted.

>> No.14267193

Capital, volumes I-III

>> No.14267198

half of this isnt theory based undergradtard spam poster

>> No.14267201

Tell me one aspect of China moving towards socialism.
It's an oligarchy like the rest of the world.

>> No.14267249

it isn't a matter of addiction it's a matter of fetishism and I would recommend uou to read Marx
>life under communism is ascetic
read Marx

>> No.14267258


>> No.14267307


>> No.14267327

Book source please

>> No.14267538
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and who exactly gets to decide what is private and what is personal?

>> No.14267552

read Marx. or read his wiki page. jesus fucking christ just read a book

>> No.14267783
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>> No.14267795

Read theory incel

>> No.14267816

Logically Communism doesn't work at all.

>> No.14267819

Why tranny

>> No.14267976

I wonder why they go through so much effort paying lipservice to a theory nobody believes in and nobody believes they believe in.
Nobody in China thinks China is Communist.

>> No.14268038

they understand it isn't "communism" as in the end state to history, but it is most certainly "communist" and China has plenty of Marxist scholars labouring that point.

>> No.14268060

Normal people don't though, and I seriously doubt politicians do either. I'm sure they've got Marxist scholars hanging around, but that's just part of the lipservice.

>> No.14268061

Lots of Marxists discuss ideology and the formation of desire. Hell, Marx even does. A change in ideology would be required.

>> No.14268072

Exactly. Modern China may have started out as a communist state, but it transitioned into state capitalism awhile ago.

>> No.14268079

Whatever Marxist scholars they have are probably just Gramscian intellectuals that uphold state hegemony. China is a communist state only because they say so.

>> No.14268094

Which is part of a transitioning point. Marxism is not the antithesis of capitalism.

>> No.14268119

>Normal people don't though, and I seriously doubt politicians do either
any stats on this because I highly doubt it. people said the same thing about the USSR and when the iron curtain came down and we poured over the records it was obvious that the communists in Russia really were communists

>> No.14268123

this, Chinese communists suggest the historical stage of capitalism hasn't worked itself to its contradictions yet and therefore capitalism is the best way to push diamat forward

>> No.14268135

So China isn't communist in order to pursue a future communism. Huh. Okay.

>> No.14268145

>Marxism is not the antithesis of capitalism
Seriously just read a book. They don't even call China socialist. That is what "Socialism by 2050" is which requires a lot of class analysis to understand.

>> No.14268147

this is why Marx advocated for free trade