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14265926 No.14265926[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>English teacher was a sassy, obese black woman
>Kept giving the entirely white class books about black people being oppressed and how hard they had it

>> No.14265970

oh gosh OP your life sounds very hard

>> No.14265979

yeah OP sorry to hear you had to put up with that stupid black bitch, hope it didn't kill your appreciation of literature?

>> No.14265985

are you feeling okay now?

>> No.14265991

guys lets start a nonprofit charity for OP

>> No.14265997

wanna guess how i know you're not a jew?

>> No.14266000

do tell

>> No.14266011

Why don’t white people realize how fortunate they are? Not referencing white privilege, either. Do you know what happens throughout the world when an ethnic minority or majority achieves power after being oppressed by another ethnic group for centuries? Slaughter homie. Lots of slaughter. Black Americans are too docile to even demand repayment for the educational and financial opportunities lost from slavery and the subsequent anti black institutions.

Christ America confuses me. The country ridicules an ethnic group that was very recently prevented from working certain jobs for insisting that such policies had lasting effects and in turn requesting external balancing. Utterly confusing.

>> No.14266035

this rap song sucks

>> No.14266040

1. I'm not American

2. I'm not ashamed or guilty about being white, I don't give a flying fuck about non-whites or their woes

3. I'm white, my race doesn't enter into my mind as something even worth thinking about, it's only non-whites insecure about being non-white who think about race

4. Yes, being white is great

>> No.14266046


>> No.14266064

Yikes this is a low iq post, ironic. Racial identity is not a natural thing, it was forced upon those same minorities you despise. It’s not a natural insecurity, these groups are made aware of their race via external means. Congrats on being white tho, suck that you didn’t get the benefits of a high iq or reading comprehension.

>> No.14266066

you'll get over it. Don't worry.
Did you ever wet the bed.
I knew a fat black women once....but I got over it

>> No.14266072

i think non-whites are insecure about their race more because they’re afraid of being killed by police. Easy to be indifferent when your life isn’t on the line

>> No.14266084

>racial identity is not a natural thing

please provide a historic civilization that has not had an ethnic identity, and did not identify ethnicity.

>> No.14266088

yea sorry fren, whites are shot more often then blacks, at least in America. Check FBI stats for verification

>> No.14266092

white nigger

>> No.14266096

>racial identity is not natural
lmaoing @ your life right now

>> No.14266108


>> No.14266116

black literature...
Nietzsche et al. is so much better

>> No.14266117

Oh man. You seem to conflate ethic identity with the broader and more recent phenomenon of racial identity, particularly the negroid/caucasoid/mongoloid trichotomy that you almost certainly subscribe to. The Romans, Gaelic and Goths did not see themselves under this umbrella of whiteness.

This racial insecurity is entirely artificial. It’s an arbitrary boundary based around melanin content with no regard for shared language, mythology or experience. The fact that this arbitrary distinction guides the experience of all non white people in this country is not their fault.

>> No.14266123

>race is a social construct
It’s a genetic phenomenon and is very real

>> No.14266126

yea anon, this video also works

>> No.14266135

>He accepts traditional racial theory
>in 2019
Unironically read more. The Nigerians and Ethiopians should not be considered the same group. You don’t have to read nonsensical anti science liberal rags. But read.

>> No.14266144

excellent post

>> No.14266155

you are claiming that racial identity is exclusively arbitrary, and simultaneously claiming that ethnic identity is not arbitrary. For this to be so, you must be think race and ethnicity are unrelated. This is a nonsense worldview, that only someone under ideological possession could hold. not very /lit of you

>> No.14266174

>"Black Americans are too docile to even demand repayment for the educational and financial opportunities lost from slavery and the subsequent anti black institutions."
i wouldnt even know how this would work.
no one in the 1960s was likely alive to have had the status as "former slave holder"
anti-black institution is also hard to define. some of them can probably easily be pinpointed
>Klu Klux Klan
but at most you would be able to draw some funds for the local black community

>"The country ridicules an ethnic group that was very recently prevented from working certain jobs for insisting that such policies had lasting effects and in turn requesting external balancing"
part of the backlash stems from this idea in America that "you dont pay for the sins of your father."
other backlash also comes from zero-sum game feeling people get, such as academic admission to select universities that only have so many open spots
>black kid bumped in over a more qualified candidate based on the color of his skin
theres a lot of other relevant questions to ask, such as "how do you even define qualified" or "is exam XYZ even a good measure for determining admission?" but i dont think anyone can just hand-waive the Juden wondering how come he didnt get into Harvard even though Tyrone did, despite the fact Tyrone had a lower SAT score.

>> No.14266180

Key distinction here. Racial identity is externally formed and then applied to a group. Ethnic identity comes from shared values and experience and should Ben formed by the ethnicity. Some ethnic groups are artificial a la the Tutsi and Hutu dynamic but those are outliers

>> No.14266183

>some bullshit

the only "identity" being forced on blacks is alienating drivel american leftists force upon them instead of treating blacks like actual people

>> No.14266198

You say this but the dehumanization of blacks I see on conservative pages like /pol/ would contradict you

>> No.14266200

Stop samefagging retard.

>> No.14266219
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>> No.14266225

Agree with this
You have interesting ideas and knowledge but you are expressing them poorly + confrontationally, anon. Expressing a unique viewpoint by claiming “This is common sense/knowledge” will not get you anywhere

>> No.14266245

I meant the other anon

>> No.14266252

>unique viewpoint
What are you talking about? I’m European, and from my point of view, his opinion – that ethnicity should be based around language and culture rather than the shade of brown one’s skin is – is the norm. You might want to consider spending time outside of American echo chambers. And no, I’m not person you’re replying to.

>> No.14266260

don't you think races are composed of ethnicity that are similar? You don't think asian ethnicities have enough similarities to be classified as the "Asian Race?" What about african ethnicities? Try to provide some evidence that someone is arbitrarily making this shit up and then all of society is accepting the construct.

>> No.14266265
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>> No.14266280

What is the Hispanic race? What do Greeks and Finns have to do with each other? What do Nigerians, Ethiopians, Zulus, and Pacific islanders have to do with each other? Why are some races defined by skin colour and some by language, while none are by culture and history?

>> No.14266285
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>conservative pages like /pol/

>> No.14266291

>i as a white english man see a white norwegian whose language and dress i do not understand
>i also see a black fellow who too grew up under the same tongue and environment as me
>i would rather hang out with the norwegian
this is not logical or natural

>> No.14266292
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Someone actually typed this out and thought it was acceptable to post.

>> No.14266295

What determines whether or not there are “enough” similarities? Those Asian peoples did not share a religion, language or cuisine. If you look at language trees there’s not as much overlap as you would think given that they are all of the same race. They don’t even look all that similar when you consider Indians and Pinoys.

>> No.14266297

>things that never happened
be more creative you fucking racist

>> No.14266301

Greeks and Finns, how about their both european, and therefore have the same currency. Both countries speak english as a second language, both countries were polytheistic until christianity. Don't you think Europe, Africa, and Asia have unifying historical trends, geographies, perhaps even governments?

>> No.14266316

all asian countries shared buddhism, Chinese language influenced Korean and Japanese Language, as well as written language. Due to shared geography, rice was a staple crop throughout asia.

>> No.14266319

this is must be satire
no one could be dumb enough to write this, and then cap it off with "too bad youre low IQ, unlike me"

>> No.14266327

ugh my super white liberal English teacher gave us a caged bird sings or whatever it is by that Maya angelu woman. it sucked, I didn't want to read about the fucking ghetto and this chick's fucked up molestation childhood. Why the fuck would I care?

>> No.14266359

My black teacher pissed me off, but she was nice at penis inspection day.

>> No.14266362
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Never understood these type of posts. Are they supposed to prove something?

>> No.14266364

Sorry if i made you mad

>> No.14266368

thats ok anon I forgive you

>> No.14266372

its okay, you didnt
>there is nothing to forgive
i appreciate the preemptive apology tho

>> No.14266377
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>> No.14266380
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>> No.14266382

>must go deeper

>> No.14266385
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>> No.14266389

is it weird that i'm racist as fuck and i don't want this to be true? i don't want there to be genetic differences, i really do want it to be all cultural etc., ultimately i want every race to be happy and equal in its own homelands

it makes me sad to think that some people are just born shittier than others

>> No.14266396

that you're a redditor and a phoneposter?

>> No.14266411 [DELETED] 
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>muh waycism

>> No.14266413
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>> No.14266507

I agree with you on that of course, since that’s the definition of ethnicity, but his more important point is that race is not definable, only ethnicity can be. Which can’t be a popular opinion, as that anon was claiming. If race is a social construct as he says, then it requires a population who still categorise people by race. The very concept of three/four races requires people to be uninformed about 20thc anthropology, and since those categories are still in use the vast majority of people aren‘t familiar with those studies.

Anyways, I have changed my mind and become a little bit more knowledgeable today, so good job that anon I guess.

>> No.14268175
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Everyone, post your favorite based black philosophers ITT

>> No.14268206

>best thing he can come up with to interpret his experiences is a bland, pandering imageboard post


>> No.14268464
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>> No.14268471

bell hooks
Franzt Fanon
Stuart Hall
Kimberle Crenshaw

>> No.14268476

imagine being so stupid that you cant comprehend the idea that more broad identities could form as Europeans explored and dominated the world and noticed that sub groups of native americans, white people, black people ect had similarities with each other that made them distinct from other broad groupings

>> No.14268491

>english teacher was a jew
>nothing but holocaust books and nig nog slavery books
>watched every holocaust movie at least 2 times

>> No.14268528

i do often think about how lucky i am to be born white, healthy, middle class in a 1st world country. i'm in like the top 5% already

>> No.14268529

Blacks will never move past their race hangup

>> No.14268536

liar, shill

>> No.14268757

I'm a non black or white immigrant to america
black people have it easier than me
they have government aid to help them because their parents smoked away their money? retarded. equality means no preferential treatment. giving black people money for being apes is bad for them and others.

>> No.14268783

black people really hate hearing no one cares about there dead ancestors huh

>> No.14268809

>Greeks and Finns, – – their both european
Their what?
> – – have the same currency.
A currency that has existed for 15 years is surely an excellent way to determine race.
>Both countries speak english as a second language.
That’s not true. The second official language of Finland is Swedish. Besides, English is the primary adminstrative in many places in Africa. Are they they also included in this race?
>both countries were polytheistic until christianity
...as were African countries. Greece concerted to christianity first naturally and the work was completed by an imperial ban on other religions. Finland and Africa were forcibly converted by invaders.
>Don't you think Europe, Africa, and Asia have unifying historical trends, geographies, perhaps even governments?
Sure, but those borders don’t follow skin colour.

>> No.14268816

This website is age-restricted. I recommend 9gag for middle schoolers.

>> No.14268823

Why do you think it can’t be a popular opinion? In my homeland, ”racial” statistics aren’t collected because that would just be... weird. Such statistics are usually organised by first language, which much better defines an ethinicity and a culture.

>> No.14268825

The now-deleted message went something like
>>muh waycism
>boo hoo, libtard

>> No.14268958

I work at a title 1 school (99% black) and Im also a non white immigrant. I’m going to assume you’ve never seriously interacted with a black community that lives in poverty, so you’re speaking without any real familiarity. From my personal experience working a community like that, I don’t think most people could live a single day as a poor black person. Even putting the ideological questions on race aside, the material condition of the average black person living in poverty is beyond miserable. You should go volunteer/work with them anon, it would benefit you.

>> No.14268968

Life as a poor black is so awful because niggers gonna nig. They're mindless animals, subhuman abominations.

>> No.14268971

How many black people fo you know in a first name basis?

>> No.14268989

15, I went to school with them

>> No.14268991

>sharing a city with non-whites
Yikes indeed.

>> No.14269014

Yikes sweaty. Try having more sex, incel. Wow, just wow.

>> No.14269025

Imagine thinking niggers have it hard lol. They’d be banging rocks together in a desert if it wasn’t for us, is grown up world is too difficult for them they can go back to monkey land

>> No.14269039

Black people are literally a different race of people from a wildly different part of the globe with entirely different behaviors and practices. It’s perfectly logical and normal you retarded nigger loving fuck

>> No.14269054

I think he means black people from the UK

>> No.14269097

Amazing that such an uncontroversial post can cause such butthurt.

>> No.14269118

This is an American website, and Americans love their pseudo-scientific 19th century racial theories.

>> No.14269431

Genuinely disappointed in this board. i get that I was confrontational but Jesus Christ. Unrironically defending racial theory? This board should be better read than all that.

>> No.14269492

Couple things on this
>They were all buddhist
The asian peoples were split among buddhism, hinduism, the shinto religion, Islam and various other indigenous religions.
>Chinese Language influenced Japan and Korea
Then group THOSE peoples into a larger race if you must. Why lump in those people who speak a language with indoeuropean roots and Austronesian roots and whatever the hell the mongols spoke.
>They all ate rice
If the overlap of staple foods, which is the only similarity these people really shared, is enough to define a race then we need new racial parameters that separate burger eaters and curry eaters.

>> No.14269517

I don't know what racial theory you think people are defending but this notion that there is no biological component to our behavior is absolutely insane. Birds aren't taught how to build nests. Its in their DNA so why should humans not exhibit some comparable behavior? You might attack this idea as some psuedoscientific 19th century gobbledygook but why aren't you equally skeptical of the prevailing 21st century psuedoscientific social science? The assumption that everything is rooted in environmental causes does not reflect empirical reality.

>> No.14269595

>biological component to our behavior
>race theory
Pick one

>> No.14269619

I don’t have a problem with that thinking. I have a problem with the broad, poorly defined and unpredictive school of thought that is racial theory. Our behaviors are probably biologically conditioned. The idea that there are further biological lines isn’t nearly as substantiated a claim.

>> No.14269637

Do I really have to tell you again that I don't know what the hell you mean by race theory? I guess you accept that there is an actual biological component to our behavior and that it isn't totally enviormental? Well there are different groups of human with their distinct groupings of DNA. These groups evolved in radically different environments. Is it wrong to believe that these people might behave differently because of these differences in biology? Is this what you mean by racial theory?

>> No.14269652

Almost makes me glad that I grew up in a commie shithole. No black teachers, no black classmates, only white "people"/Marxists.