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14265920 No.14265920 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to have a meltdown again. Last week I punched and broke my computer during a fit of rage, right after impulsively buying plane tickets to Argentina, to go on a trip that will cause me to spend all the money I'd been carefully saving. In an attempt to calm down, I opened a book by Kierkegaard, about the concept of anxiety, but it made me more nervous. I then tried Schopenhauer, but his smugness disgusted me -- not in the mood. Please, recommend me some books. I like Sartre. Nausea calms me down, but I don't want to read it again. Thank you.

>> No.14265924

I recommend copious amounts of high% alcohol

>> No.14265933

Get some help dummy. Go be with family or a therapist who can anchor you for a while. You are not well right now.

>> No.14265954

I do have Brandy and Jägermeister. Maybe I should mix those with Xanax 1mg

My family lives about 300 miles away. I have no therapist. The commercialization of psychotherapy turns me off.

>> No.14266087

Damn, that was good writing
Get sleep, fren
Focus on a good routine
What country are you from?

>> No.14266098

Why going to this shitty country?

>> No.14266105

Heidegger. Also the Bible

>> No.14266109

You are able to collect SSDI in other countries still. $1200 a month will go a long way there for me.

>> No.14266113

just kys. simple.

>> No.14266128

t.hasnt even been there

>> No.14266843

Fuck you...

>> No.14266847
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There's pills for that

>> No.14266858
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You will meet your destiny in Argentina...

>> No.14266871

>I like Sartre
No cure for that frendo

>> No.14266881



>> No.14266935

You should definitely go to Argentina. But maybe wait until the Spring (Argentina's Autumn). I am assuming you're American. At this time of year, everything is cheaper because of the weather. Buenos Aires is a dangerous place (I myself was nearly mugged) but it was still worth it. Thanks to how shitty the Argie peso is (it was 40 pesos to the dollar when I went, it is now 60), things are even cheaper than usual. Even with the modest amount you saved Argentine women will think you are rich. If you are even slightly good looking, they will fuck you if you take them out for a drink. I slept with four women in four nights. There's an area called Puerto Madero which is upscale but still relatively affordable for an American. Take them there. It might be the first time in their life a man asked them to go there. It's filled with the usual trendy nonsense and ethnic cuisine you'd find in any cosmopolitan city. It's somewhat like the non-clubbing areas of Roppongi or post-9/11 Battery Park/WTC area.

I had a great four days - stayed in a four star apartment-hotel for $40 a night. Also, got mugged on the way back from McDonalds. But I got away because he wasn't carrying weapons (most muggers in Argentina do not carry any weapons, a cabbie told me on the way back to the airport). It's a beautiful city. Like Paris.

Have fun!

>> No.14266961

If you stay outside of the US for over 30 days you won't be able to receive your NEETbux anymore.

>> No.14267411

It'll be ok

>> No.14267447



Also, they don't have access to your financial records (unless you get a job like a retard) and wouldn't have any means of finding out unless you are posting shit on social media all the time.

>> No.14267448

source for this claim? i'm not op

>> No.14267626

Argentina is comfy as shit. Last year I went on a South American tour (Brazil, U r gay, Argentina and Chile) and Buenos Aires was clearly a cool city, much better than Rio or Montevideu.

>> No.14267644

>Maybe I should mix those with Xanax 1mg
Please do. A few xanax bars and Alcohol will certainly improve your life.

>> No.14268735

Not the same anon but I have a flight going to Argentina tomorrow. Thank you anon.

>> No.14269724

I'll be waiting for you im Argentina, comely

>> No.14269942

This. OP needs to smooth himself out.

>> No.14269986

NPCs detected. Quarantine thread.