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14263752 No.14263752 [Reply] [Original]

I have a coomer brain that has been desensitized from a life of shallow entertainment and flashing lights.

I want to be better and to leave this degeneracy, but I can't seem to focus when reading and as a result, it takes me a while to get through any material.

What should I do, /lit/?

>> No.14263758

>i have le cumbrain
stop crippling yourself with self-limiting beliefs that stem from mongo-memes.

>> No.14263783

Fuck off coomer. Anon don’t listen to him

>> No.14263821

You physically feel more drained and tired and less motivated an hour after ejaculation. You're stupid to think it would be free of any physiological toll.

>> No.14263830

Unironically, consider doing a non-sectarian version of transcendental meditation like Acem or even the technique described by Benson's Relaxation Revolution. There is reasonably good scientific evidence that meditation of this kind is effective at triggering a state that is as vital to general health as sleeping is, but which we've forgotten how to do. A lot of people report huge benefits to doing 20-40 minutes a day for as little as a month.

Stopping masturbation is a good one, if only as a means of learning self-control. If your daily life mainly involves passively reacting to impulses like horniness and shitty carb cravings, you are living a pretty lousy life. Cutting processed food out of your diet and having a bit of saturated fat in the mornings to kill hunger and sugar cravings can be as helpful as cutting out masturbation. Exercising is a good idea too.

Above all, physically remove yourself from the temptation to fuck around with electronics. You need to re-train your brain to focus on activities that require prolonged, semi-relaxed focus. Most people who use computers habitually can't even watch a movie anymore, they have to be constantly switching between the movie and shitposting on 4chan, watching the movie in the background while reading or looking up something else, etc. This behavior is trained and it can be untrained.

There are endless studies demonstrating that healthy habits can be ingrained and have major positive effects on mood and health. People who do the same gentle routine every night before bed often sleep much better because their mind and body somehow "knows" it's winding up to sleep. People who keep somewhat regular schedules usually have much healthier mindsets than people whose circadian rhythm is perpetually fucked. You have to detox yourself from bad habits, but those habits are mostly skin deep.

Try mindfully cultivating your will for the first time in your life. Go read something for two hours. When you get the urge to check your electronics, actually observe the impulse and exert actual will to say "no, I won't do that, I'm going back to reading now." How often do we do this these days? All we do is follow impulses like a pinball being buffeted around in a machine. At best, some people try to set themselves up with "good" impulses so that they are mostly buffeted around to good habits (and it's much easier to do this when you have money and can surround yourself with good food, good amenities etc., which is why many rich people seem to live cleaner, more efficient lives). But this is still a fundamentally passive attitude. So try cultivating your will. Observe what it is like when an impulse tries to "steer" you, and observe what it is like to say not to an impulse. What if that "saying no" is like a muscle you can train?

>> No.14263832

This is why it's useful to physically remove yourself from the possibility of distraction. It's very interesting to note when you are physically nowhere near your phone or any computers, but your mind still goes "CHECK PHONE NOW?" And even when you say "wait, I CAN'T check my phone," your mind still goes "CHECK PHONE NOW THOUGH?" And even when you finally force yourself to accept that even if you want to check your phone, you're going to have to wait until you get home, 45 seconds later your mind will still go "CHECK PHONE NOW?" as if it never got the memo. When my internet goes out and I'm on the computer, I will constantly try to open a new tab and visit 4chan or Youtube. How fucked up is that? I know the internet is out, but it's literally muscle memory to alt+tab to my browser, ctrl+t, and type in "4."

So remove yourself from even the possibility of doing this, and you will have more mental space to observe your own muscle memories, and to observe the process of saying "no" to them and retraining them.

>> No.14263836

In terms of self-help type materials, I found Colin Wilson helpful by the way:

Lachman's book on him is pretty good

>> No.14263907

dumb memebrain, everything you know about things comes from shitty youtube videos and out of context screenshots.

>> No.14264042

I studied medicine and cognitive science. The cumbrain is real.

>> No.14264053

and i'm a space pilot phd

>> No.14264057

original cool mysterious kind or big gray bald lame kind ?

>> No.14264093

Fuck you coomer.


Rest your dopamine receptors. Start with no fap and no porn. 7 days at least.

>> No.14264121
File: 15 KB, 644x800, know-your-meme-4359h0-soijack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOO! Why do people get to take pictures on their vacations! Don't you see that other people also do it which is why you shouldn't!

>> No.14265370

Meditation and reading. If you make a habit of doing both of them your brain will find it easier to concentrate your thoughts on the task at hand.

>> No.14265393

You’re an idiot

>> No.14265446

How do I start meditating efficiently? Seriously, so I have to read one of those self-help books? Is there a manual? Do I hang around David Lynch’s house? Can I just plop down on the floor, close my eyes and start focusing on my breathing?

>> No.14265584

How do I do those kinds of meditation?

>> No.14265650

Photographs in general are cringe. The only acceptable use is to hide them and preserve them for grandchildren to pass down to their children and so forth. Social media photos are max cringe.

>> No.14265698

try the app 'headspace'

>> No.14265716

who is this sperg that keeps spamming this shit meme everywhere in /lit?
its always a similar wojack pic accompanied by an overly simplistic asinine reply that im starting to suspect is just deliberate bait

>nothing wrong with taking photos, for whatever purpose, whether it be for remembrance, celebration, or attention
but youre a retard if you cant acknowledge theres a high likelihood that these couples are taking the photos primarily for a self-gratifying attention seeking ethos that permeates into every facet of their lives
>"do it for the gram"
theres a right balance for everything. no one can deny humans are social creatures that crave attention and interaction.
but its another matter altogether when its "just another instagram thot"

>> No.14265721

I find unironically following a keto diet helps me think quicker and focus better, also try adderall or ritalin

>> No.14265726

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14265732

This will be hard for you to believe, as an actual human being with interiority, but it's probably not the same guy posting it every time despite the extreme similarity. It's probably normie tourists. Normies are actually so undifferentiated and lacking in individuation that they can reliably manifest the exact same behaviors without ever having met one another.

As a real human, your natural inclination is to think that no individual is completely generic, and that the likelier explanation is one particularly messed up person behind all these shitposts. But it is in fact more likely that the normie cloud is regularly manifesting this particular behavior recently, using individual normalfags as vessels.

>> No.14265756
File: 85 KB, 600x554, howdoishotweb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14265797

>but its another matter altogether when its "just another instagram thot"
You're assuming an awful lot about a person based on just seeing them perform one action

>> No.14265840

>three couples congregated in one small area to take photos
>all at the same time
>all of this within the context of the rise of instagram/social media and the counter outcry of "instagrammers are ruining XYZ"
>im making an oversweeping generalization and i dont give a shit about being politically correct
yeah, im assuming a lot. also gonna assume youre a soi boi

>> No.14265857

Just don't take photos yourself or you are a hypocrite

>> No.14266027

It's probably a good spot to take a photo and, if I had to guess, a good time for lighting

>>im making an oversweeping generalization and i dont give a shit about being politically correct
I think you're just insecure lol

>> No.14266078

>"I think you're just insecure lol"
or im just an asshole.
you on the other hand, with all your incessant need to find little niche scenarios to explain an altogether uncommon sighting, screams cuck boi
go back to tumblr, i think youll find it much more pleasant there

>> No.14266138

>also try adderall or ritalin

Please don't try to pass this a sound advice to anyone.

>> No.14266147

I take authentic photos unlike these sheep

>> No.14266166

Adderall + Nofap is god tier.

>> No.14266197

I'm not finding a scenario to explain it, I'm just giving people the benefit of the doubt