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14262881 No.14262881 [Reply] [Original]

Novels about being disillusioned with modern society?

>> No.14262890

Have sex nerd

>> No.14262895

literally the only people who oppose modernity are autists who cant get laid so they blame society

>> No.14262896
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Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola
But really, I would recommend the Western canon in its entirety, we have to remind ourselves that we have a culture that was forged for millennia, and we can look to the past to find answers to today's problems. In any case, it's better than imbibing in the contemporary slop that is media today

>> No.14262900

>can someone recommend a novel
>just read the entire western canon dude

>> No.14262906
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Read the first line of my post again

>> No.14262913

My Twisted World, by Elliot Rodger

>> No.14262966

He did recommend one though you sperg

>> No.14263103

Culture of Narcissism

Or they have a soul.

>> No.14263157

Oh great another esotericfag looking to an immaterial world because he cant get laid in this world. You anti modern fags are just coping

>> No.14263174

My diary desu

>> No.14263255

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14263279


>> No.14263281

Joker is commodified disillusionment

>> No.14263294
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Quiet, materialist

>> No.14263351

anything by Houellebecq
Submission is a good start

>> No.14263361

All those bugmen in this thread disgust me. The modern world was a mistake. Return to your roots as best you can.

>> No.14263364

This but I‘d recommend Whatever as a starting point

>> No.14263375

its not a novel

>> No.14263751

try E.M Forsters When The Machine Stops and the preludes to it, dealing with life in the "modern era" from ordinary factory people living in the place who aren't time travelling trillionaires come to inherit the planet, it's highly depressing though. It's so accurate.

I can't really think of anything else... nothing you wouldn't already have heard of, anyway.

>> No.14263773

>try E.M Forsters When The Machine Stops

Actually, my fault, that's not the depresing one, THIS is the one I'm thinking of,
H.G. Wells:
"Story of Days to Come" and then "The Sleeper Awakes"

When the Machine Stops is similar though, I mix them both up apparently.

>> No.14263778

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Story_of_the_Days_to_Come 1899
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sleeper_Awakes 1899/1901

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Machine_Stops 1909

>> No.14263782

These but I'd recommend Atomised/Elementary Particles as a starting point.

>> No.14263786

>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Story_of_the_Days_to_Come 1899
>A wealthy heiress falls in love with a middle-class worker of romantically quaint disposition. In part one, the woman's father hires a hypnotist to program his daughter to instead choose a more appropriate suitor selected by him. When that plot is unraveled, the couple secretly marry and flee into the abandoned countryside and attempt to live off the land. After being driven back into the city, the couple live a modest middle-class lifestyle until their money runs out. At that point, they move to the "underneath" area of London to toil in physical labour as lower-class workers. Finally, their issues are resolved through the machinations of her spurned would-be suitor, and they resume a middle-class lifestyle.

>Among other things, this novella appears to anticipate technical developments toward massive urbanisation, skyscrapers, moving sidewalks, superhighways, advertising, mass media, psychotherapy, and intercontinental aircraft traveling at jet speeds.

>Socially and economically, however, it predicts a very stratified class structure and a largely communal society where few mega-corporations control all means of production. It also predicts hypnosis as a supplement or replacement to psychology, creches where child-rearing is transferred from parents to professionals, and a megapolis served by citywide moving walkways and escalators, with enormous cities (four in England) separated by abandoned countryside.

>> No.14264593

Brave New World

>> No.14264798

Camus - The Fall

>> No.14264853

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.14264969

unironically mein diary

>> No.14264975

I've gotten laid, it doesn't help with anything. It is just hedonism. Same with masturbation. Life begins whenever you get rid of recreational sexual acitvities.

>> No.14264987
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Post Office
The Stranger
Notes from Underground
The Conspiracy Against The Human Race

>> No.14265089


>> No.14265168

Most retarded comment of the month.

>> No.14265203

Palahniuk - Fight Club
Birmingham - He Died with a Felafel in His Hand
Tokarczuk - Flights

>> No.14265375

My diary desu

>> No.14265889
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>> No.14265917

all of them

>> No.14265937
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>just enslave yourself bro

>> No.14266130

Could The Elementary Particles work as a starting point too?

>> No.14266139
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Pierre Drieu la Rochelle - Le Feu follet (the Will O' the Wisp)

one of my favorite novels, don't know if it's been translated in English tho