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/lit/ - Literature

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14262365 No.14262365 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I read this nigga?

>> No.14262372

Face to face

>> No.14262373

But don't, he's a dark wizard.

>> No.14262673


>> No.14262686


by reading one work, then all his other works, then re-reading his first work in light of all the others, and so on. on the second re-read (so the third read in total) is when you might actually begin to understand

>> No.14262689

fuck reading that stuffy academic trash. if you want real philosophy, read it from a guy who doesn't write sentences that last a paragraph so he can display his impeccable grammar

>> No.14262692

If you have a few hundred hours to spare this guy goes over the whole thing.


>> No.14262712

Probably the reincarnation of King Solomon or someshit. Crypto-Occultist who was a precursor to both Nietzscheanism and Marxism

>> No.14263318

by historically coming into being

>> No.14263332

I had a few hundred hours to spare I'd probably rather memorize the whole fucking thing.

Now, Herbert Marcuse's Reason and Revolution offers a great summary of Hegelian thought and its influence on marxist thought, which is a great start to get into Hegel's works later on.

>> No.14263827

My buddy read him, said he was full of shit...

>> No.14264136

start with the lesser logic

>> No.14264181

This but with like most authors/philosophers in general. Any less I feel is really underestimating what these people were attempting to do in constructing these works

>> No.14264228

I'm reading through the phenomenology right now and these videos are very helpful

>> No.14264400

This guy is a huge pseud. He does not understand Hegel. Why would you take an interpretation of a philosopher from a fat fuck like him? Watching his Hegel lectures will teach you nothing. Reading Hegel will. Or at least reading the secondary literature that exists on the works of Hegel. Besides, he looks like a fucking derp who will never achieve anything worthwhile in philosophy.

>> No.14264426

I don't like him either but I'd be interested to hear what you think he specifically misunderstands about Hegel.

>> No.14264470

He treats Hegel as if the were some Christian Boomer American Aristotle

>> No.14264499

Can you be more specific? Do you mean he reads Hegel as an absolute idealist similar to the British idealists? Because that's definitely out of fashion these days, but it was the dominant reading of Hegel for more than a century, not counting Marxists.

I am not trying to "gotcha" you at all, by the way, if it seems that way. It's just that I've always been curious about this guy's lectures, but I've never watched them or had time/reason to. My curiosity comes from the fact that Hegel is so complex and contentious, and anyone claiming to teach him really ought to start with an explicit declaration of what interpretative tradition(s) he falls into, and whether he thinks he's giving a genuine historical account of Hegel/Hegel's ideas or whether he's just "using" Hegel for his own purposes. Sadly almost no contemporary Hegelians do this, and while many Young Hegelians and Marxists can be forgiven for it, modern American neo-Hegelians are very bad about it.

But on the other hand, there are neo-absolute idealists who go just as badly in the other direction, acting as if a right-Hegelian reading of Hegel is self-evident, without clarifying to what extent they've engaged with the convoluted and controversial historical discourse of Hegel interpretation. There was a Reddit guy who would occasionally visit /lit/ and shill his Hegel blog extremely aggressively for a while and he was like this. He even went so far as to forbid people from reading other interpretations or intellectual historians of Hegel, instead advocating this ersatz initiatic rite of "it's all self-evident and self-contained, just read Hegel (and my blog) and you will know with 100% absolute certainty that my reading of Hegel is correct."

Tldr I always mean to figure out which one of these bad tendencies (if any) Sadler falls into, but I'm always too lazy to slog through some of the lectures and find out.

>> No.14264504

I haven't watched his videos. Im just guessing

>> No.14264517

But that's accurate. At least that's the analytic consensus. Only those on the continent support the sorcerer supreme take. Even so, there is always value to reading all approaches and approaching the texts themselves yourself as well if one is truly interested.

>> No.14264530
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>> No.14264621

Me here. Never watched them either. Guessing too.
I took two semester long courses on Hegel and our approach was to treat PoS as a phenomenological bildungsroman culminating in speculative enlightenment. Still need to get to the Logics though. Maybe it will change things.

>> No.14264687

That's Hippolyte's reading I believe, it's an influential and interesting one but not uncontroversial. These days it's either historicized to Hippolyte (meaning, no one takes it as simply and plainly true of the PoS in itself), or it's used without reference to Hippolyte as a kind of "so catchy it might as well be true" placeholder idea, similar to the space-filling model in physics. This is similar to Kojeve's reading with its famous huge emphasis on the master-slave dialectic, another very influential interpretation but now historicized AS Kojeve's interpretation and not as Hegel himself.

This is typical of the Hegel (re)naissance in France, after Kojeve's lectures among other things (like Wahl's work). That is, more interested in what can be done with Hegel, "what Hegel can be made to stand for," than with an historical account of Hegel himself. Typically French - lots of references to "Hegel" in the '60s and '70s in writers like Foucault are stated as if they self-evidently and transparently point to a "Hegel" on which everyone agrees and which is trivially manifest in Hegel's writings, while really pointing to "Hegel as the Paris salons discussed him in the '50s when I was in college and everyone wanted to seem au courant with Kojeve and Hippolyte."

Hegel had a bad reputation in Germany and the Anglo world in the 20th century, and was mostly/best read by Marxists when he was read at all. The revival in interest in him only really comes in the '60s and '70s, at first with very bad readings of him from German philosophers and then their American students, both more interested in analytic and pragmatist paradigms than Hegel himself, and then gradually individual Hegel scholars of actual quality start to emerge. Charles Taylor (1975~) is a highlight. Beiser (2000~) is another. Between them is a whole lot of pseudo-Hegelian horseshit.

>> No.14264728

Thanks for mentioning Taylor as a highlight. I picked up his book on Hegel pretty recently and it seemed interesting

>> No.14264922

Yes. I have read Kojeve. Quite interesting. Was very helpful in deciphering postmodernism. Curious to know I was exposed to Hyppolite. I have been long considering picking him up. I think I agree with Hadot that (mis[/re]-)interpretation is an essential feature of philosophy, and I have long been a fan of pragmatism in philosophy though sadly not thoroughly exposed to much of its original sources yet. My experience with the analytic approach comes mainly through Intelligence and Spirit which seems at once pragmatic and neokantian in a sense. Thinking of reading Malabou -- I listened to a lecture and it seems interesting to look at Hegel post-Deleuze. Brandom seems a meme but I might read that eventually too. Sell me on Taylor and Beiser. Why is Hegel worth recovering in a pure state and how is that possible at all for an anglo who only knows Latin like me?

>> No.14264931

Learn German

>> No.14264986

1. buy phenomenology of spirit
2. use it as a monitor stand
3. skim through his Wikipedia page
4. post here so someone who has actually read him responds to you and calls you a retard while explaining hegel to you
5. repeat step 4 until you can call yourself hegel scholar

>> No.14265008
File: 994 KB, 684x1038, hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this translation not Pinkard's (Pinkard translates literally, it's just another Miller, german syntax in english, translating the words not their meaning).

>> No.14265863
File: 686 KB, 824x1024, the forbidden one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.

>> No.14265966
File: 19 KB, 250x328, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Philosophical Propaedeutic
Lectures on the History of Philosophy
Lectures on the Philosophy of History
Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
Lectures on Aesthetics
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences
The Phenomenology of Spirit
Elements of the Philosophy of Right
Science of Logic

The Philosophical Propaedeutic is the easiest text Hegel had ever written himself, a book he wrote to teach teenagers who started with the Greeks and continued with the Romans, not university students. It also happens to be a fairly late text and the most concise introduction you can get to Hegel's system of idealism, by Hegel.

Next are the university lectures with the Encyclopedia as the textbook, so you continue to sit in class and have the most popular philosopher back in the day (in a time where students would pay the professor for the lectures directly) teach you philosophy more in depth before you can tackle the far more famous, and more difficult, major works of his.

>> No.14265989

You don't. He already read you 200 years ago.

>> No.14266111

A lot of people overlook his romanticism but it's important to understand where he was coming from

>> No.14266173

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.14266210

Can anyone confirm this is the superior translation?

>> No.14266248

Sorry. Only read Pinkard and Miller. Miller was the standard for a while so they've got that going for them which is nice...

>> No.14266253

Innwood is too expensive. What a shame.

>> No.14266254

Just learn german

>> No.14266273

Good post.

>> No.14266559

I fear that if I read Hegel I will fall into a pit I will never be able to climb out form.
Geniuinely scared of falling for this meme more than any whitehead meme or Guenon or w/e.

>> No.14266569

Start at the top of the left hand page, and draw your eyes in several horizontal lines from left to right to take in each word until you descend to the the bottom of the page. Then do the same for the righthand page. Flip the righthand page and repeat.

>> No.14266677

You need to understand that Hegel is a mystic (in the technical sense of the word). He is not a philosopher in the way we think of nowadays.

>> No.14266757

Well-founded fear. But terror is the excess of beauty beholden...
Good answer.
Bad answer.

>> No.14267492

i got to talk to the undergraduate dean of CU boulder a while ago. i told him it took me 10-15 minutes to really understand a paragraph of PdG and asked whether it would get any faster, and he said probably not
what i'm saying is that you need to fork over some serious time to really get hegel
however i would recommend a commentary not youtube videos

lastly, the bernstein tapes (https://www.bernsteintapes.com/hegellist.html)) are pretty good, i used them for 'double checking' some ideas i had about lordship and bondage for a paper last semester

>> No.14267547

Clean condition Phenomenology of the Spirit was available on sale cheap at a book store yesterday. I thought about getting it but then remembered I'm a fucking peon brain.

>> No.14267597

good suggestions itt

but you guys really, really need to read the introductory portions to his history of philosophy lectures, some of the most straightforward material he's ever written

>> No.14267698
