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14261680 No.14261680 [Reply] [Original]

Right now, humans could theoretically declare world peace – given the right mindset. We could feed every hungry man and still have a surplus of food. Instead, we have enough nuclear weapons to blow the earth up many times over.
The fact that humans don’t protest about this is incredible. It’s as if the human race is collectively suffering from the stockholm syndrome.

>> No.14261711

Imagine if another life form finds us and observes us. Surely, they would think we are imbeciles.

>> No.14261922

First, you have to recognize that there are logistical problems here, that people would have to be organized to make any of this happen. The most important question for any approach to organization is, what do you do about assholes? And since it's the assholes who get themselves into the position of deciding social ordering, the answer inevitably becomes, celebrate them.

>> No.14261946

Jews and shitskins still exists.

>> No.14261977

Exactly. We won't achieve a utopia as long as people like >>14261946 exist. I think it'll take about three to five thousand years for his kind to be naturally washed out of the human genome.

>> No.14261989

violence is the only human constant

>> No.14261991

kek, this neatly explains the Fermi paradox
>be ayy lmao from super advanced space-faring civ
>explore the universe when you stumble on this galaxy containing a planet with life that looks promising
>go over , see that the dominant lifeforms are hairless ooga booga apes that are inefficiently using up their limited resources to wage pointless wars
>move on since there is essentially no intelligent life there

>> No.14261999

2,500 years ago, his kind executed Socrates. What makes you think another 2,500 years is gonna do the trick?

>> No.14262006
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>Right now, humans could theoretically declare world peace
What are nations, ego, politics, organized religions and philosophy?
aliens are real. US gov and aliens have some beef. Drama is everywhere.

>> No.14262033

Why are there so many new people on here? This or you guys are just decreasing in IQ. I could say an overarching parable like this and reduce all the worlds nuances to a simple answer and wank off at how lowly and stupid we are as a race. It’s pure unadulterated smug self-deprication. The worst kind of cowardly self aggrandizement since it seems to protect one from reproach while ultimately saying nothing besides “hi guys, I’m humble!” In a slimy braggadocious way.

A more intellectually honest way to put this that doesn’t make you sound like a massive tool is that we all cannot seem to determine what is the best course of action due to numerous interpretations of ethics and endgoals.

>> No.14262060

>ugh why cant we just like all get along

Woah thats deep bro

>> No.14262066

I know I sound like a hippy holding a flower and asking you gloomy cunts to hold hands, but it's literally in our power. We're just stupid fucking apes.

>> No.14262077

You cannot have collectivist organisms or species, all sacrifices are proxies for organisms' own benefit

>> No.14262091

The world needs some psychopath to rise to power through persuasion and blackmail world leaders into world peace. Something like "cease all war and feed every man or I will commit earth-suicide with nuclear weapons"

>> No.14262235

It's the opposite. As long as the mainstream is possessed by the idiotic religion of equalism and the utopian lies of neoliberalism, you won't see any higher ideal than perpetual consumption. You will see more anomie, social atomization, ecological damage and dysgenic trends. Both human biodiversity and biodiversity in general will continue to be eroded.

>> No.14262323

>A higher ideal
>Clings to a concept as earthly as "bro let's protect biodiversity"

>Conflates equalism with neoliberalism
>Denounces the apathy of the common people towards any ideology, while the opposite is entirely the case.

>> No.14262495

You think all historical tirants specifically thought how to make suffering of humanity even biggerr?

>> No.14262644
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Holy fuck go back there you banal pseuds

>> No.14262669

Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOnL3gbWqEM

>> No.14264191

>human race
wanna know how i know your a dumb shit who doesnt know what he is talking about?

>> No.14264244

>implying warfare isn’t the highest form of intellect and the most demanding as well
They’d probably abandon this planet when they saw how much aid we send to Africa

>> No.14264271

>thinks a duty to nature is a base material goal


>> No.14264272

>Twilight Zone - A Small Talent For War