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/lit/ - Literature

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14261060 No.14261060 [Reply] [Original]

Essential zoomer lit only

>> No.14261079

The YouTube comment section of 6ix9ine videos

>> No.14261085

There is none

>> No.14261092

rupi kaur

>> No.14261111

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.14261132

decline of the west

>> No.14261136

It's Finnegans Wake.
The lack of an apostrophe trips me up too.

>> No.14261340


Their ADHD medication pamphlet and any fleeting text which may appear during the mandatory advertisements on their favourite Minecraft YouTuber's 10:03 long video.

>> No.14261712
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>> No.14261721

Nick Land and JoJo Light Novels

>> No.14261804
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This century will be Deleuzian
Primo zoomer lit

>> No.14261822

Nick Land, Deleuze, Spinoza, Bataille, Baudrillard, Sartre.
Get woke, the world's disintegrating and it's either gonna be techno-fascism or the ultimate liberation.

>> No.14261823

Really nerdy zoomers read Percy Jackson and harry potter

>> No.14261830

Any self-help book

>> No.14261838


>> No.14261840


>> No.14261844

Deleuze's work is so substantial upcoming theorists can't write a single word without coming into contact with his gravity

>> No.14261887
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I’m a Zoomer who reads frequently, but I will admit that I don’t know many people my age who actually read or enjoy it when they do read something. That being said, aside from professors, I don’t actually know anyone of any age who reads as a hobby or actually enjoys reading. Is it actually generational or is reading just niche? Old fucks, have you noticed a decrease in reading for fun? Increase or decrease? I’m 21 for reference so probably a little older than those who are typically thought of as Sooners, but I’m still gen Z.

>> No.14261931

I'm technically a zoomer, and many other zoomers that I know also read.
We're nerdy dudes tho, and it's a pretty eclectic mix of material that we read.
A lot of the /lit/core stuff is highly regarded by the zoomers I know, since they also happen to use this shithole. I think that might be a common thread among zoomers who actually read, they will get their recommendations from the internet, including here.
People who read in the future are going to be an increasing concentrated outcast class, and will be attracted to places and literature that reflects that. Hence weirder lit will be popular. Those who read YA will eventually drop out of reading, that sort of reading is not going to make it in the era of minecraft letsplays and so on, it provides the same stimulation but requires much more effort.
/lit/ is unironically going to have a say in what this generation considers essential.

>> No.14261956

Oh shit I guess that means my habit of writing characters heavily inspired by the internet and it’s effects on people/society could actually pay off.

>> No.14261982

Yeah, there will be a large market for that type of character, since that will be "literally me" for many people. It's a very specific type of alienation that is only now entering the public consciousness, though it has been at play for a while.
Play it right and it could easily be the Holden Caulfield of our time

>> No.14262584

All I can think of is dystopian and macabre children's books dealing with themes of alienation and abusive authority figures
>Hunger Games
>Maximum Ride
>Gregor the Overlander
>Maze Runner

>> No.14262603
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America First superchats are mandatory Zoomer literature

>> No.14262604

the cuckmunist manifesto

>> No.14262654

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.14262830

that sounds extremely zoomer
what is it

>> No.14263819

>His parents are still waiting for his first word
>This is fire, can't wait for the English version to come out

>> No.14263842
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>> No.14263847

It's when you pay to shitpost.

>> No.14263901

ninjas new book

>> No.14263921

/lit/ zoomers either worship Nick Land or Ted Kaczynski, pick one.

>> No.14263954

Millennials were brought up and primed to read and some still do in adulthood, mostly genre fiction and YA trash though. A fair number read broadly and non fiction is popular but reading is an exclusive niche for the solitary and reasonably intelligent or ancillary to a hobby or interest.

I'm with you there. It'll be millennial memoirs and weird fiction dealing with the alienation the early internet brought that captures the interest of a lot of you poor souls. You were born into it, we were forged by it when it was a secrit club for the 10 percent of the population with a computer. It wrecked my cohorts and when it went mainstream, it broke normalfags and the mentally unstable. Tumblr used to be where fujos posted Harry Potter fanart and not much else.

I expect lit to get a lot weirder once the trauma wears off a little more and someone starts the movement.

>> No.14264047

>zoomer who calls himself nerd
ok boomer

>> No.14264061

its when you pay to have your shitpost read aloud by a streamer and if you are lucky he might insult you

>> No.14264101

I'm a zoomer and I don't recognize most of that shit. I got Discord and Trump, but what are the other things?

>> No.14264108

Soundcloud hip-hop
"Art thots"

>> No.14264116

Ok, thanks. Yeah all of that shit is fucking stupid. Someone should add Instagram and Twitter

>> No.14264119
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yea but tedders is based so

>> No.14264163

>worshipping a Hispanic e-celeb
no thanks

>> No.14264171

>zoomer lit
>implying there is any

>implying there are any right-wingers among the American youth

>> No.14264199

Same as all the other literature that gets talked about here

>> No.14264200

Damn, you called me out with that one

>> No.14264250

And fortnite and dabbing

>> No.14264282

Also, Jake/Logan Paul, vloggers, "ironic" memes, and Apple

>> No.14264284

T-Twilight? Or is it too old already?

>> No.14264298

99fag, I have frens who read what this board tells you to around my age. It's not like majority of millenials read

>> No.14264343

"these are a few of my favorite things"

>> No.14264505

Green philosophy is the defining philosophy and zeitgeist for zoomers. The average zoomer is a woke socialist who thinks we need more green technology to save everyone, with the fringes consisting of ecofascists and green communists. Greta Thunberg is the Christ figure of our era.

>> No.14264537

Zoomers are mostly woke materialist eco-commie, tranny loving internationalists. A very very very small number are tradcath nationalists and the bulk of them are just LARPers who will convert to the mainstream zoomer ideology once they graduate from high school.

>> No.14265266

>A very very very small number are tradcath nationalists
thanks god at least not all of them are stupid

>> No.14265286

As I said it's just a LARP. The church is still going to die a death in the next few decades.

>> No.14265315

>The church is still going to die a death in the next few decades.

>> No.14265322

It's Finnegans' Wake

>> No.14265806

Great song (not a zoomer btw)

>> No.14265822

This is very true. The internet is the greatest information source of our age without question. It being decentralized gives it certain advantages and disadvantages but mostly advantages. Anyone here who believes 4chan is just a site for anime shitposting will be vastly disproved in the future.

>> No.14265838

All of those books are 10-12 years old at the least. Zoomers were still wearing diapers in 2009 dude. These were books that I (i.e. a millennial) read in high school.

>> No.14265877

Nation states too.

>> No.14265882

Nothing good has come from 4chan

>> No.14265915
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>> No.14265927
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at least one Chad was born from the wretched womb of 4chan
>pic related

>> No.14265930

We are two sides of the same coin. I don't relate zoomers because they're still kids but we have a lot in common.

>> No.14265947

Zoomer who also got back into literature in high school owing to /lit/ charts (and a gurl) reporting for duty

>> No.14265959

I’ve only met two, maybe two and a half, fellows of my generational cohort who could be considered /lit/, a person of color and a girl and a half, ironically

>> No.14265969

>Zoomers are mostly woke materialist eco-commie, tranny loving internationalists.

>> No.14265982

I say “ironically” because of the intense animosity some posters on various boards feel towards these types of people

>> No.14266024

/lit/ itself. Cultural osmosis has helped me understand philosophical texts better.

>> No.14266030

That’s what girls would read when I was in middle school. Idk if middle school chicks still read it

>> No.14266063

>4chan is just a site for anime shitposting
For better or worse that was already disproven back in 2008 with the chanology protests. 2016 only served to reinforce it.

>> No.14266268
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>> No.14266663

Am I supposed to know who this twink faggot is?

>> No.14266671

>actually falling for generational surveys
They're fucking clickbait memes that find whatever results the surveyor wants to find. There are as many surveys that say the opposite to that one.

>> No.14266683

>the last time 4chan was relevant was three years ago
>even then it was only /pol/tards
I would love to see a major (or even minor) cultural movement spring from this board but I'm not hopeful, everyone is too schizo and bitter

>> No.14266700

That's fair

>> No.14266725

It's bound to happen the moment something gets shut down elsewhere. Or a general springs up that no on notices.

>> No.14266882

i dont think there is a single zoomer alive who has read anything that isn't harry potter related

>> No.14267268


youd be fucking surprised

thats millenial shit

im a tranny-loving internationalistt eco-commie tradcath, so you're pretty spot-on

>christ figure for our era
blow me, boomer

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."


>> No.14267383

At my ivy league university, we literally have a /lit/ club. /lit/ is the new academy unironically. This site has had more influence on my intellectual development than any puffy, topsy-turvy professor has.

>> No.14267476

In principle, but not in practice. There's only a few sites normies go to nowadays, and there was a time when the memes you would see on here would remain consigned here. When they were seen outside of 4chan, it was usually during raids, or to signal to others that they were part of this place. Despite being anonymous and not needing any sign ins, there was a sense of exclusiveness. Now, it's not really the same. All the normalfags know about it, have known for years. 4chan's memes are everywhere. It has become diluted by the incessant mingling of the outer "culture" with its own. I've been on the 4chan almost my entire miserable life and it has not changed for the better. Same goes for the internet itself.


>> No.14268164
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>> No.14268171

This. Zoomers don't read literature, or any books.

>> No.14268197

There will be a reenact on misticims and weird metaphysics thanks to guenonfag and retroactively-anon

>> No.14268204

Taipei by Tao Lin

>> No.14268224

They're certainly not reading a book that came out, like, thirty years ago.

>> No.14268265
File: 111 KB, 690x1000, 1572217156442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAMPAIGN IN RUSSIA: THE WAFFEN-SS ON THE EASTERN FRONT, the war time memoirs of Walloonie SS General Léon Degrelle:


Excellent book written in a very descriptive and exciting style. Highly recommended. If you only read one book by Degrelle or want a good starting point, make it Campaign in Russia.

Other good books by Degrelle:
HITLER FOR A THOUSAND YEARS (rare, about Degrelle's interactions with Hitler both before the war when he supported Degrelle's Rexist Party financially and during the war while Degrelle was serving in the SS):

Excellent Belgian documentary on Degrelle featuring interviews with himself as well as other Rexists and even some of his Belgian political opponents, with English subtitles:


Lengthy interview with Degrelle about the war and Hitler, this is English dubbed instead of subbed, but still good:


A documentary made by Degrelle with him telling the history of and his experiences with the Waffen-SS, dubbed in English:


>> No.14268301


>> No.14268318

>30 years ago
it came out 7 years ago, but to be honest, that feels like 30 years

>> No.14268333

2008 called they want their tech journalism platitudes back

>> No.14268340

Maybe you would make more friends if you stopped talking like Lieutenant Commander Data if he had down syndrome

>> No.14268374

Woah I just realized that there hasn't been a bestselling teen novel in at least a couple years wtf

>> No.14268436

That's the joke.

>> No.14268589

I know
There are a subsection of rappers who rap on these n64 inspired instrumentals and growing up with mario kart and super mario 64 i like a lot of that stuff

>> No.14269473

zoomers will be infinitely more drawn towards educational videos than books. at the very least, podcasts. this is the new bread-earner for creative writers as publishing, advertising and selling a book to brokebois who gets their focus hijacked by immersive technologies every 2 seconds is not practical at all.

t. 1998 zoomer(?)

>> No.14269592

>able to watch a 90 seconds video on any school topic
Pick one and one only

>> No.14269615

cute animation that compliments the text is a great way of keeping zoomers enticed. see: Kurzgesagt

>> No.14269675

Kurzgesagt makes small articles with artificial imagination given to you in the form of video.

>> No.14269747

>MFW nation states fall
>MFW city states form
>MFW all of the world becomes third world shitholes, excluding some highly advanced metropolises

>> No.14269791

Kurzgesagt viewers are mostly older than zoomers, only around 7% of their viewers are 17 and below, the vast majority being in the 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 demographics, there are in fact more Kurzgesagt viewers in the 35+ categories, at almost 15%. This is all in fact quite hilarious, the boomers are the ones watching videos were cutesy birds are getting cucked while some german explains some popscience bullshit and not the impressionable young zoomers who might have been attracted by the bright colors and bubbly aesthetic.

>> No.14269798
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>> No.14270120

Listening to this physically hurt me.