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/lit/ - Literature

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14260045 No.14260045 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature worth reading that concerns coping with an ugly appearance?
>See some people online agreeing on a celebrity being ugly as sin
>Look up images of the celebrity
>Feel like I'm uglier than the celebrity
>tfw I realize most people would probably think I'm uglier than sin if they saw

>> No.14260082

Bukowski wrote a lot about how he's an ugly shit. I'm trying to think of other fuggos, but none come to mind.

>> No.14260129
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Honestly, I feel very disillusioned about this, because there's at least 5 women throughout me teens to early adulthood (that I can remember) that explicitly made it clear they were interested in me romantically and all of these women were between a 6 and an 8 if I were to rate them just so it's easier for anons to understand my situation. I turned them all down because I'm a depressive loner and have horrible anxiety issues and can't deal with people, don't really know why they were interested in me in the first place to be honest.

I don't have body image issues, it's not like I'm some chad who's just sad and don't know how good looking they are, I know that I'm not pretty. I have a weak chin and a weak jaw and I'm pretty skinny, these are not attractive features, and yet these girls liked me.

I do not understand why this is. Maybe it's because I'm nice and quiet. Maybe there's something mysterious about the tall dark stranger and they could look past my unattractive appearance because of this.

Help me anons.

>> No.14260694
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You seem smart. That must be it.

I am not going to lie to you and say that 'beauty does not matter', because you know better than most that is not the case.

A tip that I can give is regarding your weak jaw and chin. You can appear 'manlier' by thrusting your lower jaw forward. You can do this by making sure your upper canine teeth are always in contact with your lower archaea (your lower jaw. Sorry, I don't know dentist speak in English). Try it on a mirror and get used to this jaw posture, it's the famous 'man-look' that women talk about. Results are instant. I can't do much about the actual strength of your chin / jaw because that is more appropriate for /fit/. Yet, this better jaw posture (alongside mewing. Look up 'mewing' on Google), should make your face prettier and give you a manly charm that is fitting of the quiet tall guy.

Another tip is buying a posture corrector, which can fix your bad posture in two or three weeks to the point no one will notice. Also, lift, dress well, drink 3 liters of water, take cold showers, read good books and all that jazz.

You are going to be more popular and more handsome by doing these? A bit. You are going to be popular like "Chad"? No. Chad does all of this? Of course not. I will not blame you for feeling resentful about Chad getting all the beauties of life while blackout drunk, binging on fast food and outright running over some homeless person in his dad's car; yet you must recognize that a sad length of your life is decided in the moment of conception. It is not a matter of what is fair, but rather an acceptance that there are favorites in this world. Since you are some ugly misfit without any experience, can't be born as someone else and can't afford a miraculous surgery, you will have to accept that you must work ten times as hard to get a tiny fraction of the success that your fabled Chad gets.

Also, I recommend 'O Diplomático' from Machado de Assis. No idea if it's available in English, though. It is a great chronicle about an ugly schizo who is full of dreams and trying to get a wife.

>> No.14260706

Don't do that jaw thrusting. Do mewing instead. You will fuck your teeth and jaw up by pushing the top on the bottom, they should be as close to touching as possible without actually doing so, certainly not pushing against oneanother.

>> No.14260854
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Yes, do that. Sorry for the mistake.

I no physical therapist, just want to help.

>> No.14260864
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>> No.14260895

I'd say Frankenstein would work for you.

>> No.14261140

my diary desu.

>> No.14261278

what celebrity?

>> No.14262428
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reminder that even adam driver is considered hot by some 10/10s

>> No.14262989
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Thanks anon, the thing is, mewing only goes so far.
I already have great posture, I only drink water, I'm deeply invested in high-end avant-garde fashion design.
I do not feel resentful about chads or carry any ill will towards great looking guys.
I'll check out the book.
I'll check out these too.
>even Adam Driver is considered hot by some 10/10s
He's so dreamy isn't he?

>> No.14263013

akutagawa the nose

>> No.14263069

Socratic dialogues