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File: 129 KB, 850x508, quote-strange-a-god-who-could-make-good-children-as-easily-as-bad-yet-preferred-to-make-bad-ones-who-mark-twain-299928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14255089 No.14255089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How am I not better than God? If he were the human and I the God, I would never do to him what he does to me every day. Any book that can convince me that I am not in fact morally superior?

>> No.14255097

God can do whatever he wants

>> No.14255127

Its funny how much atheists resent themselevs and project that onto God
Like, migga, he's offering to glorify you lmao, just accept the free gift instead of being a bitter betty.

>> No.14255129

morality is contingent from god

>> No.14255175
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>If he were the human and I the God

>> No.14255195
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 39455BBE-09FD-4D0B-8F3C-86FBB68326C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in a God outside of reality that isn’t an expression of reality itself and so is not beholden to abstract morality

>> No.14255236

The new testament you fucking nigger. God became man and was treated worse than you ever have been. Also, grow up.

>> No.14255243

>assumes good and bad are properties that a person has

stopped reading there, twain is such a moron.

>> No.14255271

He chose to that. Did I chose my life? Fuck you and fuck the crucifixation. It is the metaphysical equivalence of a celebrity doing a photo op in Darfur. So brave! Fuck you.

>> No.14255277


you got it

>> No.14255342

>metaphysical equivalence of a celebrity doing a photo op

Made me kek

>> No.14255419

>If he were the human and I the God...
you would do exactly as he does

read Job

>> No.14255486

God created the situation in the first place. He set himself up for pain.

>> No.14255672

You don't think you cause yourself most of your pain?

You can always choose the buddhist nihilism and learn to deny material reality. That's a choice you have.

>> No.14255915

"If he were the ant and I was the human, I would..."

Putting yourself in any way in a comparison with God is narcissism of the highest order.

>> No.14256042

I don't understand what you mean bro. Can you define some terms.

>> No.14256046

Or maybe your religion really is that shit.

>> No.14256060

So god was just as much of an insufferable faggot as a man as He is a metaphysical being?

Color me fucking shocked.

>> No.14256066
File: 222 KB, 800x600, 1574565444463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or maybe your religion really is that shit.

>> No.14256069


don't worry there is no god

>> No.14256073

It depends on what you mean by "is"

>> No.14256074
File: 25 KB, 330x330, 1574991955565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Define "is"

>> No.14256079

as in there is such a thing as no god and it exists outside of puny definitions such as is and isn't, no god is the supreme reality

>> No.14256089

If you remove god from the equation than what does this mean? Are humans just shit by their... nature?

>> No.14256107

Parents make bad children by not teaching them the law our Lord gave to Moses and elaborated through Yeshua.
>prize bitter life
Really? Did Twain even read the book? Sounds like he's talking about some crappy Christian version of G-d. Really sad, penurious reading Mark.
>How am I not better than God?
Sounds like you can barely maintain your own mental health let alone the universe. What have you created in your life? >>14255097
Indeed. I feel like theres certain things (H)e doesn't want to do though, like contradict (H)imself. Although of course (H)e could.
True. The arrogance of the atheists is a source of both sadness and comedy to me.
Cringe. G-d didn't become man. (H)e just inspired a man to be the great teacher of the law (H)e gave to Moses that people seemed, and continue to seem to be incapable of following.
Your choosing to fall away from G-d and break the perfect guide lines (H)e gave us for a good life. Don't blame your creator if your to arrogant to take perfect advice.
I reckon the only pain (H)e feels, if any, is that people wont follow (H)is guide lines.

Lord guide you out of your arrogance OP.

>> No.14256117

Christcucks really cannot fucking meme.

>> No.14256123

Being i.e. G-d. That which creates and sustains everything, i.e. all Being and Becoming. Hence why the bush responds "I am"

>> No.14256276

Proverbs. Specifically in your case 16:18. Just a restatement of classic wisdom but you obviously haven't heeded it.

>> No.14256327

Shitty because christianity teaches that man is intrinsically corrupt, and acknowledging this truth causes atheishits to tantrum and blame God. Notice that this is never framed in such a way to disprove God and justify atheism, but express resentment towards God. Very interesting projection

>> No.14256602
File: 61 KB, 640x800, Holden_Grin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit in what way? That they rape and murder and torture? Humans are but hairless apes, and act accordingly. The plight of the organism is a droll insignificance, suffering and misery are arbitrary seasonings in the inconsequential blip that spans the formation of the first protein, to the death of the last organism.

You could be skinned alive and dumped into a pit of flesh eating maggots and it wouldn't be very important to anyone but you and the maggots. Completely indistinguishable from the thousand instances of microscopic animals dissolving from your skin oils every day.

>> No.14256632

allow me to correct you: FRENCH christcucks. Following Macron's autistic co-optation of NATO to further his little autistic crusade on Islam, it baffles me time and time again how triggered the supposedly laicist french are by contemporary Islam.

>> No.14256668

Mark Twain is absolute shit and it's an embarrassment to the United States that he's our most well-known writer.

>> No.14256747

I came to conclusion that it's moral, and even dutiful, to murder chr*stians. Hear me out:
Here we have this millions-strong cult of people who in their earnest believe in existence of Hell. Think on it. These people believe that there's a transcendent and eternal torture chamber which torments billions of anguishing human souls for 'crimes' as severe as simply not holding a chr*stian belief, sometimes from the lack of logical evidence, or simple ignorance. According to chr*stians, most people will end up in Hell, many of them their close friends and family, and not only they are fine with this organization, they worship and praise the entity behind it. How evil of a person can wake up and function normally in a day-to-day routine with such knowledge firm in their mind?
For this reason, I must conclude that the chr*stian cult and their malevolent G*d-creature and sworm enemies of mankind and must be purged at all costs.
Do your part. Massacre a chr*stian today.

>> No.14256842

>The sort of person to imply moral parity with fucking God would definitely not abuse divine power if he actually had it

Come on dude.

>> No.14257843

>God can do whatever he wants

False. He gave humanity a power which He cannot possess or express which is the power of choice, to do wrong. His infallibility expressly forbids it.

Which means that either a) we're too idiot brained to actually understand what is right or what is wrong, or b) issues of true, actual morality do not extend nearly as far as we have been told. Or, taking into account our choice, c) an infallible being will be blameless in all ways regardless of any action or inaction taken and fallible beings will always be guilty no matter if the same actions and behaviors of the divine are mimicked.

We are shit and therefore all we touch becomes smeared with feces, and there will never be anything else to it. Just as God could come down, repeat our choices verbatim and be worthy of eternal worship for it.

>> No.14257944
File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-man-does-not-strive-for-happiness-only-the-englishman-does-that-friedrich-nietzsche-141-41-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffering is uncritically bad
This kind of thinking is why society is so feminized today. Pain is the greatest thing there is, overcoming is freedom, hardship is actualization. Only women and Anglos dream of utopias, only the completely spiritually bankrupt long for eternity and despise death, your love of stagnation is the ultimate mediocrity OP.

>> No.14257961

>I would never do to him what he does to me every day.
Then you lack compassion.

>> No.14257977

>How evil of a person can wake up and function normally in a day-to-day routine with such knowledge firm in their mind?
How evil do you have to be to not acknowledge that certain people deserve eternal torment?

Any way, Christian's today, especially Protestants, totally agree with you and believe that "every body will be saved" or something ridiculous like that.

>and not only they are fine with this
This is totally false. Christians try, or at least trued their hardest to save other people, that is why Missionaries exist.

>> No.14257979

t. never read the bible
pretty much everything you said is wrong

>> No.14258034

>G-d didn't become man
Indeed, he always was man.
Jesus was God's incarnation on the physical level.
It's funny how anti-christians always turn out to be fucking insane. Anyway, you will never eliminate christianity. Seethe more.
>implying that anything matters at all if it doesn't have eternal consequences

>> No.14258509

>>implying that anything matters at all if it doesn't have eternal consequences
Only the finite has eternal consequences, you retard.

>> No.14258625

>hurr it doesn't make sense on my interpretation
>but I'm sure it can't be my interpretation that's wrong, it just doesn't make sense

>> No.14258675

You misunderstand Buddhism.

>> No.14258711

This is basically just saying
>If I was infinite goodness would I not be more good than a being that is not

Yeah, duh. But you aren't infinite goodness.

>> No.14259012

prove it faggot