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14253725 No.14253725 [Reply] [Original]

>boy1 grows up christian, becomes atheist.
>boy2 grows up atheist, becomes christian.
There's countless examples of these sort of events, now tell me who the fuck is right and who's wrong. Wait you can't because objective truth doesn't exist FUCK

>> No.14253758

A lot of it depends on how hard the parents push it. I noticed that parents who are heavy-handed with religion (or atheism) often create the opposite effect in their children: their offspring grow up to wholesale reject it.

>> No.14254044


>> No.14254063

I mean yeah but there are levels of likelihood here. Like you can be pretty sure a pound of cadmium is a pound of cadmium. Just because you can't be absolutely totally and completely sure doesn't mean, like, oh no my butt is a lie and I just shit out my mouth and my fursona is real and he is strong and will pick me up in his strong wolf arms and marry me you dumb piece of shit

>> No.14254086

Why is it obvious that he is a boy? What if he doesn't identify as a boy?

>> No.14254093

2 obviously

>> No.14254144

What about Descartes?

>> No.14254162

>objective truth doesn't exist
Can somebody explain to me why this statement holds under any logic system?

>> No.14254294

>you can't because objective truth doesn't exist FUCK
you fucking retard

>> No.14254559

boy2 of course
t. boy2

>> No.14254638

I think that the fact thay boy2 can become religious even though everything in today's world tells him othetwise is enough proof of the existence of God.
The will to take the path of religion can only come from God, since is its way harder and there is no benefit ( in this life).

>> No.14254680

>because objective truth doesn't exist
I think you've become somewhat confused.

>> No.14254949

Objective truth does not exist, all knowledge is based on sensory experience. Therefore people who believe in god have a soul and can sense his presence, people who don’t have a soul literally can’t believe this to be true or internalise it and will create some arbitrary argument accusing the religious person of being brainwashed, coping, or being literally schizo. It is literally impossible to reason with a religious or atheist person for this reason, both are operating on fundamentally different sensory data.

>> No.14254961

Okay but Boy 2 example happens at a far lesser rate then boy 1 example. Its just all the boy 2's need to write a fucking book about it. Most boy 1's just dont say anything about it.

>> No.14255135

Very well, actually. Any logical system is build on axioms, which ultimately are just educated guesses rather stuff set in stone.

>> No.14255285
File: 388 KB, 1642x1282, 1FDC96D2-6BF8-46B6-8B8C-1BD8B80F0B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>grow up
>Christian schooling
>athiestic home life
>be agnostic
>become pantheistic

>> No.14255745

because there's no difference between the two ideologies. when you brainwash your children, they will grow up to reject it.

>> No.14255757

>Objective truth does not exist, all knowledge is based on sensory experience

Is that an objective truth?

>> No.14255784

Its a relative truth, but a truth nonetheless.

>> No.14255788

It's rather tautological, eitherway.

>> No.14255800

>Is there absolute truth
>Is what your saying absolutely true?
This is the most rehashed , lightweight logical paradox that incel theists can come up with to prove God. Read a book you retards.

>> No.14255834

>axioms are educated guesses
>an axiom how axioms are guesses Proofs with Certainty how Certainty doesn't exist
And your IQ is 89

>> No.14255843

>butthurt he can't refute objective truth so ad hominem is his only cope

>> No.14255850

You're right.

>> No.14255917

>objective truth does not exist

>> No.14256010

Based but most truth is merely conventional, logic too simple to apply.

>> No.14256044
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 1573608429559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up Christian, became atheist, became agnostic, became atheist, became agnostic, became atheist, became christian, became Atheist, became christian, became atheist, became christian (now).

>> No.14256289

Theists fear death, thus embrace fairy tales in comfort. Atheists are at peace with it. It is the only real and fundamental difference.

>> No.14256315
File: 41 KB, 318x246, 1568189647730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based retard. I was considering hugging paint to lower my IQ gradually into the dunning Kruger zone like you.

>> No.14256317


>> No.14256571

Have sex

>> No.14256725

The convinced skeptic is more convincing than a disillusioned believer.

>> No.14257872

You're falsely confusing atheism (which isn't a religion) with Ultracalvinism (which is). It's denomination hopping, not a conflict between religion and secularism.

>> No.14257947


>> No.14258469

For me
>grow up atheist
>parents are just culturally Christian but don't push it on me at all
>Not baptized
>Choose to get baptized myself
>Over a long time slowly start feeling more dejected and depressed
>At age 20 start feeling genuinely interested in Christianity
>Bought a Bible
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm based.

>> No.14258474


>> No.14258495

The important thing is you found some way to feel superior.

>> No.14258496

boy1 most likely turned because he realized he could smoke weed and have premarital sex.

boy2 was probably down on his luck and realized this gave him the strength to go on.

not going into the actual validity of either position but most people never make these choices under logical analysis, its usually through emotional need or what it has to offer.

>> No.14258597
File: 109 KB, 884x1024, no they are NOT both right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14258641

Just as you did

>> No.14258830

>now tell me who the fuck is right and who's wrong
The child who grows up either atheist or christian and becomes muslim.

>> No.14258866


>> No.14258897


>What is death of the author

>> No.14258911
File: 1016 KB, 500x202, men.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum uncertainty teaches us that you can turn back time a million years, and then go forward in time to "now": you will not return to where you started.
The exact same condition, literally the same cause, won't have the same effect if repeated; not even if you can control time itself—the same past will not produce the same present.

>> No.14258913

>someone clearly painted it intentionally to be a 6 or a 9
or maybe someone just drew a line that looped at the end like a turd

>> No.14258962

reverse psychology

>> No.14259175

So you think there isn't as a matter of fact an answer to the question as to whether God exists or not? That's a pretty weird position to take. You either get judged by God after you die or you don't, no?