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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 484 KB, 1078x874, Screenshot_20191127-225616_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14250343 No.14250343 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that can achieve this?

>> No.14250363

The Name of the Wind

>> No.14250364
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>> No.14250964

>SFW boards spun off into their own site for advertising purposes
>Get NSFW ads


>> No.14250974

Pornography production should be punishable by death.

>> No.14250990

ive always wondered who actually clicks these ADs on purpose
surely some people do, otherwise companies wouldnt be paying to have these ADs up

>> No.14250995


>> No.14250997

Is that the one with the high school girls that get teleported to another dimension thats like a fantasy dimension?? If so I loved that shit

>> No.14251001

You know who. Underaged newfags who can't keep their hands off themselves.

>> No.14251002

Troll or hyper religious or retardedized?

>> No.14251018

Irreversible brain damage, makes permanent hypersexuality, ruins creativity, makes carnal pleasure man's last end. Opiates and cigarettes are a joke compared to this demon. It is something that was inflicted on multiple generations and consumed to such a point that they cannot see life without this vice. In a word, it stains everyone that comes into contact with it.

>> No.14251021

Redditor or hedonist or lobotomized?

>> No.14251028

The fact that retarded christlarpers with varying degrees of irony have infested 4chan of all places is quite the joke.
Why are you even here you dumb fag?

>> No.14251032

the second someone proves that the US isn't a legitimate authority in God's eyes, i will gladly kill them all.

>> No.14251045

>durr u no conform to normality? u MUST be TROLL!!

>> No.14251052

There is no other place to discuss these topics in negative light without NPCs like >>14251002

>> No.14251059


>> No.14251078

You know it's stolen art

>> No.14251091

Hello let's meet tonight

>> No.14251100
File: 1.64 MB, 1418x1956, 72038502_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to break it to you pal but 4chan is an anime coomer fortress since the dawn of time.
The fact that you get triggered by it tells you that you should fuck off and maybe make your own subreddit or discord circlejerk where you can reee at whatever you want.

>> No.14251101

keep this game in secret from your wife

>> No.14251110
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sorry, but 4chan belongs to Christ now

>> No.14251133

/lit/ is the least anime of all boards. I never watched anime myself and most intelligent posters, especially if they are adults, do not watch anime either.

>> No.14251143

I watch porn daily. Your posts are terrible. We coomers are in the wrong here.

>> No.14251149
File: 80 KB, 437x704, 69650431_432306377494379_8607384606036983808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, man. Fuck you and fuck your kink, it shouldn't be filmed and distributed. You can do whatever depraved shit you want, but the second it's being sold it encourages sin and scandal. It creates a world where abortions are normalized . It creates a world where underage girls aspire to be pornstars all in the name of GDP. It's fucking disgusting and the internet only exacerbates this idea by exposing children to pornography. If you're ganna call me an incel or some virgin, that's some baseless bullshit. I've pissed on more girls than you've came in. And now im just disgusted by what i've done and all the depravity I see, I pity who I was and those like me.

>> No.14251151

>/lit/ is the least anime of all boards

Either bait or severe delusion

>> No.14251155
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>> No.14251159
File: 46 KB, 389x800, 76945683_959272024456536_7486339618556608512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay because it increased GPD. But God isn't okay because it doesn't, plus you can't JUST BELIEVE in God and study mysticism and thousands of years of tradition and philosophy

>> No.14251176

That image perfectly captures what pornography does to a man. It binds him, and leaves him in such narrow confines, and the only thing he can do is serve his sexual organ. The greatness of the mind wasted and reduced to serving a lower function, transitory, and wasting the best part of you. The loss of semen is comparable to the loss of blood. Such a man does not serve or obey reason but whatever distraction comes next. It profits him nothing and leaves him tighter and more bound than ever.

>> No.14251224

>be the spermposter
>haunt every vaguely sexual thread

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14251323

They hate what they are.
They are completely controlled by their vices, unable to imagine that someone else could be capable of separating media from the real world.

>> No.14251352

his terms but that is not him. He would fill up the 3000 character limit, sometimes in multiple posts. It's been about 8 months since I've seen a post that I say was definitely his.

>> No.14251461

ok boomer

>> No.14251521
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I agree with you, friend.

>> No.14251533
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Speaking of kinks...

>> No.14251542

Wait what? I would have read it years ago if my friend had mentioned it instead of just telling to read

>> No.14251543

lmao these new ads are hilarious and awesome

Finally now that m00t is dead we can live

>> No.14251562

Fuck off Varg

>> No.14251569

I'm not quite there yet, but I'm getting closer every year. Definitely anime production.

>> No.14251600

Why are you retards posting screencaps related to abortion when we're discussing pornography?

>> No.14251601



>> No.14251735

In a way it's a good thing that these people will eventually literally wipe themselves off the face of the Earth.

Just hope that it happens quicker. :(

>> No.14251777

Yeah that's a troll
I really hope so

>> No.14252282

Abortion is a consequence of recreational use of reproductive organs.

>> No.14252303

A bit of a relief that these ads are 4cham doing, I was worried I had something on my phone

>> No.14252316
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I love these ads

>> No.14252321
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>> No.14252352

Agency-actor problem. These are not "your" love hence you cannot love them. This is a reward for brainlets which makes them think "whoah fun feeling! I frickin love sex and porn, I dont like to think I just want to feel good!"

>> No.14252364

>brainlets which makes them think "whoah fun feeling! I frickin love sex and porn, I dont like to think I just want to feel good!"
Those are called cumbrains.

>> No.14252379
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>> No.14252386

based and redpilled

>> No.14252398
File: 732 KB, 691x724, aqua doggos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you overdose on /pol/ infographics

>> No.14252428

Based and quite possibly redpilled

>> No.14252451


>> No.14252453

Fapped to this post

>> No.14252461

> basic truths of life are now '/pol/ infographics'
Are you mad?

(Don't answer that.)

>> No.14252465


>> No.14252471

God I wish that were me

>> No.14252487
File: 428 KB, 448x470, happy gay sounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic truths of life
>pornography makes everyone who comes into contact with it a mindless cumbrain

i sincerely hope you are trolling, in any case:
go back to your containment board brainlet :3

>> No.14252507

>porn addict
it's like poetry,it rimes

>> No.14252694
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imagine being this predictable lmao
(hint: you're wrong)

>> No.14252701

>took 40 minutes to reply to anon
You were fapping to trap hentai the whole time.

>> No.14252706

>Opiates and cigarettes are a joke compared to this demon.
go get addicted to opiates first before you start spewing bullshit from your mouth pussy

>> No.14252734
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>> No.14252737

Speak for yourself, which clearly you are. I just use it to jerk off for 15 minutes and move on with my life. Don't understand the people who stare at it all day. That's their problem, not the medium's.

>> No.14252750

>Don't understand the people who stare at it all day
You're not a 15yo old boy. The most vulnerable population is also the one most prone to abusing it.

>> No.14252767

It ruins the rest of your day for 24 hours afterward with lower motivation and a higher propensity to again be set off again. The net result is slavery, even at "just" 15 minutes a day.

>> No.14252781

It doesn't ruin my day. Doesn't influence my motivation either, any more than sex would. Once again. Just because it does this to you does not mean it does it to normal well-adjusted people.

>> No.14252793
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I had a raging hard on for the majority of this book

>> No.14252808

>It doesn't ruin my day. Doesn't influence my motivation either, any more than sex would
>any more than sex would
All sexual losses debilitate motivation.
>Just because it does this to you does not mean it does it to normal well-adjusted people.
I didn't make the argument that it prevents you from leading a life of "normalcy". If you want to be a mediocre bugman, please continue.

>> No.14252816
File: 101 KB, 704x593, anime lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing you retarded degenerate won't have children then.

>> No.14252822

i came home for break and the half price books near me had multiple copies of literally every fuckin nabokov book but this one
not fair, despair

>> No.14252948

Red and Based-pilled

>> No.14252953

I don't get you no cooming allowed types. Am I not supposed to have sex with my girlfriend or what, because I'll be honest that's kind of a hard sell.

>> No.14252984

unironically https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Kindle-Store-Erotica/zgbs/digital-text/157057011

>> No.14252991

wow ur so smart

>> No.14253001

Then continue in your nothingness.

>> No.14253012

I got the first edition hardcover for five bucks at barnes and noble. It was in kind of rough shape and had no dust jacket but still looks very nice on my bookshelf.

>> No.14253016

laugh my fuckn ass off

just screen captured that post + yours

gonna upload it to


if you didnt already

>> No.14253056

So you aren't planning to reproduce then.

>> No.14253060


>> No.14253081

Fuck off you twat.
Foetuses with prenatal IQ-defiency should be aborted to save future generation from your ilk

>> No.14253095

Looks like you slipped in
A pleasure is not a vice
Uncontrollable echolalia is

>> No.14253101
File: 134 KB, 1276x1357, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you honestly think the only thing keeping nihilism/hedonism at bay is not fucking or masturbating?
i sincerely pity you

>> No.14253107

>I'm high IQ because I don't use my prefrontal cortex and like being a slave to pleasure instead of reason
Hate to break it to you, but you're the one who would have been aborted in this scenario.

>> No.14253112

the last line is supposed to have 5 syllables

>> No.14253219

What am I looking at?

>> No.14253221

I think a lot more people than just pornographers should be put to death but yeah, I agree.

>> No.14253273
File: 781 KB, 1436x1307, ScrewtapeParody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well recommend "Fanny Hill" since that's the only book that can get read by your average /lit/ poster

>> No.14253766

Yeah but you're asuming /lit/ posters are intelligent

>> No.14253969

looks like Graendal from WoT