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/lit/ - Literature

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14249309 No.14249309 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you aspiring to be a polymath /lit/?
it is certainly the most /lit/ lifestyle

>> No.14249319

i can shitpost online and irl

>> No.14249324

How does one even become a polymath? I think i can pull it off since im a friendless shut-in loser NEET with 24 hours of free time a day

>> No.14249327

I am aspiring to be a polymath.
I want to learn about as many subjects as possible before abandoning society to live on my own in the woods.

>> No.14249331

I am, an appreciation of philosophy is needed to fully comprehend the implications of scientific discoveries which themselves can be a basis for new philosophical approaches, and life without art wouldn’t be worth living

>> No.14249333

Most of /lit/ is bad at math, which makes things difficult for them.

>> No.14249340

philosophy is the master discipline from which all others derive, with the exception of mathematics (the other master discipline). If you master philosophy and mathematics, then you are basically a polymath by proxy.

>> No.14249341
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any /sci/ crossboarders itt?

>> No.14249350

math may as well be black magic to me. I was ok at it in highschool but I have no idea how the fuck any of it actually works and why it works so well

>> No.14249355

You're not going to become a polymath if you're an autodidact. At best you'll have a knowledge of several subjects, but you won't excel at any. Sir Thomas Browne was a polymath. An internetaddict who memes philosophers, learns a second languave, and plays guitar competently is not a polymath.

>> No.14249357

not true
there's way too much to learn other than maths and philosophy

>> No.14249361

What would a polymath today even look like? This isn't the 18th century, becoming a good specialist in two academic or scientific fields is already rare and difficult enough.

The only exception I can think of are in the arts and business.

>> No.14249363

I have a STEM PhD, and spend my free time reading literature and history.

It's all been a waste of time. Life is empty and I wish I were dead.

>> No.14249364
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>> No.14249367

Is there any other master discipline?

>> No.14249369

how to cope with this feel that ill never be a polyglot polymath handsome 6ft MMA trained sports car driving part time fashion designer part time writer full time nuclear scientist

>> No.14249374

cute larp

>> No.14249378

Math is genuinely much simpler than most people think, but the language is very precise and most people tend to get stuck when they don't understand exactly what something is expressing.

>> No.14249380

I want everyone to imagine everything about this poster. Vividly. How he looks, how he sounds, how he thinks, what he does, how he relates to you. Now compare him to the scientists, philosophers, and artists of centuries ago. Will he become like them? or will he be held back by his virus of irony?

>> No.14249384

Because no one is like that, and someone like that wouldn't necessarily be happy and satisfied.

>> No.14249388

i honestly makes me kinda sad for the guy

>> No.14249410

I don't even understand what numbers are, and anything to do with calculus or geometry is even weirder. It would be less weird to me if it was just some arcane system, but it's not, you can apply all this bizarre shit to physical reality.

>> No.14249413

There's a good chance he's a teenager though so he still has time to learn.

>> No.14249422

honestly it sounds like he’s a neet

>> No.14249433

stop talking to yourself faggot

>> No.14249445

read everything

>> No.14249473

Which has been a bigger waste of time? Was it the STEM PhD or the countless hours of literary self study?

>> No.14249474

Post your chin and jawline with a timestamp. Prove you're superior to him.

>> No.14249489


>> No.14249642
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I am inspiring to be one
I'm just not very good at it tbqh
Hopefully some day I'll have enough money that I'll be able to live as a hermit and truly pursue that goal.
this will be me in a couple years, getting my masters now, probably will go for a PhD later. I already feel dead inside tho

>> No.14249647

ee undergrad here, current plans to pursue phd
hold me, brothers

>> No.14249653

/sci/ hates philosophy

>> No.14249657

philosophy does not belong on /sci/

>> No.14249670

Just finished my undergrad in EE.
seems like there's a disproportionate amount of EE nerds on /lit/.
Kinda interesting. I wonder why that is.

>> No.14249674

big brains, most likely

>> No.14249705

Hard to say. I was going to say the degree at least helped me get a job, but my job is entirely unrelated to my degree.

Actually getting the PhD was objectively the best time of my life, even if it was pointless. I then went on to do nothing with it, and I'll probably never get to publish again.

>> No.14249719

>I then went on to do nothing with it
honestly, i wanted a phd to go into industry, not sure why, just figured i would have a really cool job, or i would make a bunch of money quickly to retire asap and live comfortably as a neet in montana, in a big house with a library

>> No.14249720

>big brained
pick one. man i thought you ee fags were supposed to be so smart

>> No.14249729
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flattering, but I don't think the other engineers are dumb, yet every time the topic of STEM comes up here there are always a bunch of EE guys, a couple math and CS guys, maybe a few physics and chemistry guys. Pretty much no other engineering disciplines though.
I guess it's the most abstract engineering field, might have something to do with it.
A PhD sounds like a good time to me, I had many internships in my undergrad and I fucking hated it tbqh. Academia is way more comfy

>> No.14249747

>i thought you ee fags were supposed to be so smart
the smartest engies, maybe, but as far as academics go there are definitely more technically difficult disciplines
sorry if /lit/ isnt big brained, i only come here once every month or so, other boards seem to have a high opinion of this place, but im p sure everyone here is a neet (not that theres exists something inherently wrong with being a neet, but the breed here is dumb neet, not cool neet)

>> No.14249750
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"Being a polymath" is a product of having insatiable curiosity. To "aspire to be a polymath" is to seek situations that inspire your curiosity and creativity.
To inspire others towards curiosity in even the smallest bit is to nourish all souls involved.

>> No.14249770

Becoming a polymath is intellectual masturbation and nothing more. Knowledge relies on justification, and justification relies on logic. Logic relies on unproved hypotheses in the form of axioms (law of non-contradiction, law of excluded middle, etc.) and on definitions that could be regarded as arbitrary. All it takes for someone to refute your "knowledge" is a simple rejection of such axioms and definitions.
Reasoning is just watered-down instinct. Make of that what you will.

>> No.14249787
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this but unironically

>> No.14249791

this. just use the "random article" button on the SEP and read the bibliography of whatever you get

>> No.14249803


The only one who can become that is someone whose whole life was a social experiement.

You would burn out and wither away like a stressed rat.

>> No.14249919

sounds incredibly stupid and pointless

>> No.14250013

read the bible

>> No.14250034

You're either a tourist or a newfriend. If you weren't, you wouldn't be using tactics relying on shame and fear of ostracisation, which even though they work on reddit, tumblr, twitter, and such trendy websites, are useless against anonymous users.

>> No.14250042

>t. dumb NEET

>> No.14250129


More like intellectual tourist. Have fun getting btfo'd by everyone that actually studies a subject in depth.

>> No.14250152


Well you could fight MMA in your teens/early twenties, then go study nuclear physics (assuming you're smart enough and didn't get punched in the head too much), be active in the field, save up a lot of money then use that money to buy a sports car and spend your golden years writing and drawing.

It's, well, ambitious, and you can't do it all at once but it's not impossible.

>> No.14250305


finished my ME in EE last year and now work in research. I wanna get into industry tho cause the work is so dreadfully boring.

i went around hating on everything non-STEM until i was about 19 or 20, at which point i realised how i retarded i was and decided to branch out into other things.

EE is a thing on /lit/ because most of us are really nerdy and actually care about abstract things. it even shows in the physique lol i.e. when you see a group of engineers you can immediately tell which ones are mech/structural and which ones are ITEE. this is a generalisation but hopefully you get what i mean.

>> No.14250310

I'm not good at math.

>> No.14250314
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TRVE spirituality.

>> No.14250322


>> No.14250380

You'll need to pick a select group of subjects of your liking and focus on them. Trying to learn everything is fruitless
I, for example, decided to study.

>Music(Piano and singing)

>> No.14250388

The most lit thing is to be able to speak the various forms of Ancient Greek impeccably, have Homer and Plato memorized, yet not even know that a man has been on the moon. Screw everything besides literature.

>> No.14250393

yes, baiting the /sci/ autists is way too easy and entertaining

>> No.14250405

>aspiring to be a polymath
Already am, no aspiration required.

>> No.14250422



>> No.14250427

>I had many internships in my undergrad and I fucking hated it tbqh. Academia is way more comfy

That was exactly my thought process.

Sadly, there are far fewer open academic positions than PhD grads, so I was eventually forced into the real world.

>Pretty much no other engineering disciplines though.
I was a chemical engineer.

>> No.14250428

how do you bait them, anon?

>> No.14250434


>> No.14250475

>To bait a /sci/cho
Earnest way:deconstruct empirical thought with philosophy. Low hanging fruit way: Just spam science denialism alongside the resident /pol/tards and /x/crements .

How to troll il/lit/erates

Earnest way. Trump loose philosophy and biased interpretations of history with social sciences.
Low hanging fruit: Create the one of the designed 5 religious battleground threads on the catalog at the moment.

>> No.14250491


>> No.14250493

I just deconstruct evolution and it sends /sci/tards into a mental breakdown.

>> No.14250507

> Becoming a polymath is intellectual masturbation
It’s only masturbation if you pursue knowledge to feed your own ego, instead of for its own sake.

Though, I can’t exactly disagree with you, because I also struggle with this myself, but to be so dismissive of the pursuit of knowledge is disheartening.

> Reasoning is just watered-down instinct.
And I wouldn’t call it instinct. People don’t exercise abstract thought automatically. It’s always used as a last resort by most people. It’s more like an neurological exploitation by the few that are able to exercise it.

>> No.14250521


Arguably sports, though, let's not kid ourselves lol.

>> No.14250529


Yeah that's how I feel about semantics and cooking.
You could, however, try to teach me math beyond a high school level and you might as well be trying to teach it to a chimp.

>> No.14250557

I've come up with a personalized plan for intelligence growth. The basic idea is this;
>Write out all subjects of interest (Whatever you want. As general or as specific, as limited or expansive as you want.)
>Decide ones to be learned first (As many at a time as desired. The more at a time, the less time for each)
>Create a desktop folder. In it, create text documents for the various subjects.
>Find applicable materials for learning the thing (For Math, Kahnacademy and books from the /sci/ wiki would work. For Latin, Duolingo Beta and the book Wheellock's Latin. Stuff like that.)
>Create arbitrary goals for completion of information intake (For Math, maybe completing all courses on a math website. Or being able to understand Newton's Principia. For Drawing, maybe the completion of Drawabox website. Stuff like that.)
>Having done this, set up either all, some, or one of the various subject resources. Get paper, pens or pencils or fucking crayons, whatever. Get coffee or weed or alcohol if desired.
>Begin studying the resources, writing down notes, switching between sources as desired.
>Do this for as long as desired
>After a studying session is done, re-write notes into previously mentioned text documents.
>Continue preforming studying sessions, imputing notes into their subjects text documents after each session. Do this until the subjects goal is complete.
>Once a goal is complete, take all notes for a subject and re-write them again into a single cohesive whole. Create a guide for yourself about the subject.

There. Do with that what you will. I haven't tried it myself but that's my self education plan.

>> No.14250605

Achieving genuine mastery of even one subject is nearly impossible today due to the specialization of knowledge. Achieving genuine mastery in a wide range of subjects, let alone all of them, has not been possible for centuries. Being good enough at a handful of things is not good enough. Deal with it.

>> No.14250644

For whom? The normies dig my skills

>> No.14250780

I spent like a week learning everything related to delayed choice quantum eraser after finding out about it, that shit is whacked

>> No.14250794

big shaq is a polymath unironically. A genius composer and mathematician.

>> No.14250801

I understand math but I always make little mistakes during calculations. I guess my problem is not with understanding it, but with executing it.

>> No.14251087
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>will some random who probably has a middle class life end up like someone that never worked, had everything funded for them, and was one of the few educated people at the time. No
Also your acting as if some like Darwin or John Lock never told a bad joke before or ever tried to have fun. In your mind do all great historical fingers spend all their time staring out the window studding the world.

>> No.14251093

sounds gay

>> No.14251747

Just study philosophy and mathematics since they're concerned with all possible worlds.

>> No.14251792

You better have a more reasonable way of doing that than schuon and guenon reeing because it hurts their feelings about being special

>> No.14251821

Because i dont have an interest in it.

>> No.14251873

This is one of the biggest pseud posts I've read in a long time. Sophomore philosophy tier. You'll get past your honeymoon period with logic soon and you'll realize that its just one approach among many, sometimes suited for the task at hand, sometimes not. I know you think you're some kind of razor-witted rationalist but without exception the only people I meet who look at the world like you do long-term are uncreative autists.

>> No.14251875

Most of them were ironic shitposters too. I thought he was just regurgitating a stale meme, but now you have opened my eyes and made me realise that he is going to make it. What a world.

>> No.14252485


>> No.14252595

Impossible to be a polymath these days. Most subjects are way too advanced. That’s why it was easier in the past.

>> No.14252613

>inb4 some larper calls this a cope

>> No.14252668


>> No.14252684


>> No.14252752

I don't go to /sci/, but I'm a physicist.

>> No.14252804

maybe i am seething

>> No.14253366
