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/lit/ - Literature

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14249257 No.14249257 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of texts related to Hermetism, Neoplatonism (in its mystic manifestations), Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Cabala, Angel Magic, Alchemy, Paracelsianism, Boehmeian Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Illuminism, Swedenborgianism, Mesmerism, as well as the more recent branches of the esoteric tree (Golden Dawn, Traditionalism, Blavatskian Theosophy, e.t.c.).

Recommend books, ask for recommendations, post nice excerpts, ask burning questions, e.t.c.

>> No.14249259

>Essential Texts (Roughly chronological)
-Corpus Hermeticum (Copenhaver) [Hermetism]
-Enneads (Gerson) [Neoplatonism]
-Zohar (Pritzker) [Kabbalah]
-Theologia Platonica de immortalitate animae / Platonic Theology (Allen) [Renaissance Neoplatonism]
-Oratio de hominis dignitate / Oration on the Dignity of Man (Gaponigri?) [Cabala]
-De Occulta Philosophia / Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Tyson?) [Occult / Magic]
-The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus (Waite) [Naturphilosophie / Alchemy]
-Aurora (Sparrow?) [Boehmeian Theosophy]
-The Rosicrucian Manifestos (???) [Rosicrucianism]
-De Caelo et Eius Mirabilibus et de inferno, ex Auditis et Visis. / Heaven and Hell (Dole?) [Illuminism]
-Mémoire sur la découverte du magnetisme animal (Meyers?) [Mesmerism]

>> No.14249312
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>Hermetism, Neoplatonism (in its mystic manifestations), Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Cabala, Angel Magic, Alchemy, Paracelsianism, Boehmeian Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Illuminism, Swedenborgianism, Mesmerism, as well as the more recent branches of the esoteric tree (Golden Dawn, Traditionalism, Blavatskian Theosophy, e.t.c.).

>> No.14249434

Brainlet here, what's the relationship between Gnosticism and nondualism?

>> No.14249886

there isnt really one

>> No.14249913

>Golden Dawn, Traditionalism...
Sly alt-right thread

>> No.14250019

Oy-vey, rightwing sympathetic mysticism!?! not on my watch!!!

>> No.14250073


>> No.14250094

I know you only read fragments of Epicurus, and I know you even think he was an atheist, but both Golden Dawn and Traditionalism are valid schools of mysticism.

>> No.14250111

this has to be a joke

>> No.14250112

Dude above you just said “oy-vey”

>> No.14250119

he/she/it is equating the Greek political party with the hermetic movement

>> No.14250123

He's right, what's your point? Someone must be paying you, you've been here posting inane bullshit and don't seem to have developed at all in the 5 years I've been lurking this board.

>> No.14250134

Different things? Fine. Forget it.

It’s insane to have never heard of this obscure thing. Hm.
And “oy-vey” isn’t out of place. Hm

>> No.14250144

Golden dawn was an engish occult order before it was nazi greeks

>> No.14250216

if groypers are any indication of the future of the right wing, everything that isnt the bible will be book burned. even harmless interest in hermeticism and mysticism will not be ok by them

>> No.14250230

I apologize.

>> No.14250368

I'd argue Gnosticism is dualist since it views the manifest as evil and theAbsolute as good, whereas most types of non-dualism views the manifest as illusory while the Absolute is the true Reality that transcends the manifest and unmanifest and is beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.14250376

can you read?

>> No.14250471

Butterfly you couldn't be more retarded if you tried

>> No.14250484

Maybe links to download these books could be added?

>> No.14251721

>Essential Texts (Roughly chronological)
-Corpus Hermeticum (Copenhaver) [Hermetism]
-Enneads (Gerson) [Neoplatonism]
-Zohar (Pritzker) [Kabbalah]
-Theologia Platonica de immortalitate animae / Platonic Theology (Allen) [Renaissance Neoplatonism]
-Oratio de hominis dignitate / Oration on the Dignity of Man (Gaponigri?) [Cabala]
-De Occulta Philosophia / Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Tyson?) [Occult / Magic]
-The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus (Waite) [Naturphilosophie / Alchemy]
-Aurora (Sparrow?) [Boehmeian Theosophy]
-The Rosicrucian Manifestos (Godwin) [Rosicrucianism]
-De Caelo et Eius Mirabilibus et de inferno, ex Auditis et Visis. / Heaven and Hell (Dole?) [Illuminism]
-Mémoire sur la découverte du magnetisme animal (Meyers?) [Mesmerism]

>> No.14251758
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Stop talking.

>> No.14253136


>> No.14254273
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Gnosticism is by excellence a dualistic model.

The only link between Gnosticism and non-dualism is via their only common denominator (relatively speaking): Neoplatonism and the tendency of forming monadistic views on Divinity. Not all gnostic groups were that deep into mythology and seeing the Demiurge as an equal force the Supreme God - I'd argue most saw the Demiurge as a limited aspect of Divinity and not all saw him as absolutely evil as firm dualistic systems do (Zoroastrism)

>> No.14254664
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If all is the Absolute and one knows that beyond distinctions, why even bother with seeking said truth to begin with since there's no distinction without any difference, no reason to reason, no difference between knowing, knower, known, no separation between heaven and earth, then there is no hell in these systems, no falsehoods, no foolishness, etc. since there is no missing of the mark (sin) but instead, some truth within every lie, why bother telling others the truth when everything is right and true at some level, both the degenerate and pious are equally in the One, they are all right in their own regard?

>> No.14254768

Because the lack of true knowledge about this makes you suffer DUH

>> No.14254955

Anyone able to red pill me on George Gurdjieff? Stumbled onto this guy recently, having never heard of him before.

>> No.14254964

Are you saying that there then is no distinction yet still have a qualitative difference? What kind of suffering you refer to, the suffering of this life, or the failure to return to the One?

>> No.14255213
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Bump for this

And can anyone tell me the benefits of studying Hermeticism?

Is this chart even good?

>> No.14255827

So are the machine dwarves good guys or no?

>> No.14255929

Those so called machine dwarves are what people unacquainted with noneucledian geometry tripping on DMT would say, conflating those psychotic visions as truth when it's just more illusions the brain makes against the mind.

>> No.14255980


>> No.14257221


It is non-Dual, Manicheans and Cathars miss the point.

>> No.14257227

>The Lord of the Universe is not rightly called 'Father' but 'Forefather'. For the Father is the beginning (or principle) of what is visible. For he (the Lord) is the beginningless Forefather. He sees himself within himself, like a mirror, having appeared in his likeness as Self-Father, that is, Self-Begetter, and as Confronter, since he confronted Unbegotten First Existent. He is indeed of equal age with the one who is before him, but he is not equal to him in power.

>> No.14257279
File: 55 KB, 332x499, 61MzcvsPn1L._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you gonna make with some Zurvanist materials or at least Zoroastrian, or just cocktease with that Zurvan image?


>> No.14257382

Is this an old translation of Plotinus or the Chaldean Oracles?

>> No.14257394


The Sophia of Jesus Christ.

>> No.14257403

Seems to just be another gnostic late 4th century plagiarism of true tradition... Damn shame.

>> No.14257419

I went to a Rosicrucianism introductory meeting once and all they did was light scented candles in a room, had some kaleidoscopic/psychedelic projections on the wall in pretty colors, and did some lame guided meditation. And they kept stressing how they weren't dogmatic and accepted people of all creeds, genders, races, blah blah blah. It was a great disappointment.

>> No.14257423

Ayy lmao

>> No.14258339

>DMT entities
Choose none.

>> No.14258409

This thread is for mentally ill LARPers. ftfy