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/lit/ - Literature

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14249252 No.14249252 [Reply] [Original]

Going to be posting some /lit/ questions from past learned league editions. No point in looking up the answers, just thought the board might enjoy some of these

LITERATURE - What two words are missing from the following title of a Walt Whitman poem, which was untitled in 1855's Leaves of Grass and later appeared as "Poem of the Body" before acquiring this present title (which is also now the poem's first line): I _______ the Body _______.

>> No.14249253

LITERATURE - What three-word Latin phrase, which first appeared in French as "je pense, donc je suis" in René Descartes Discours de la Méthode from 1637, appeared later in his 1644 book Principia Philosophiae ("Principles of Philosophy")?

>> No.14249262

LITERATURE - Of the 50 discrete words that appear in Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham, which is the only one that begins with the letter f?

LITERATURE - What is the name of the lively philosophical text, a series of dramatic dialogues, written by Plato around 380 BC on the nature of love (and from which comes the term platonic love)?

>> No.14249273

LITERATURE - Of cloudless climes and starry skies—This is the second line of a famous lyric poem from 1813. What is the first line?

>> No.14249281

LITERATURE - Five lines, usually made of amphibrachs and anapests, with two feet in each of the third and fourth lines and three feet in the others, with a strict rhyming scheme of aabba, is a verse form known by a name that is shared with what city?

>> No.14249315

>LITERATURE - What is the name of the lively philosophical text, a series of dramatic dialogues, written by Plato around 380 BC on the nature of love (and from which comes the term platonic love)?

>> No.14249320

LITERATURE - This writer's 1762 work The Social Contract contains the famous first line "Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" and also popularized the catchphrase (and later, national motto) liberté, égalité, fraternité. His earlier Julie, or the New Heloise promoted the value of family, though the author himself previously abandoned his five children to an orphanage.
LITERATURE - Jātaka is the name for any of numerous popular tales of virtue illustrating the former lives of what individual?

LITERATURE - She is Talia in the Italian fairy tale Sun, Moon, and Talia (Sole, Luna, e Talia), while the Brothers Grimm named her Briar Rose (Dornröschen), and Disney calls her Aurora. By what name is this princess best known today?

LITERATURE - The Saga of an American Family is the subtitle of what 1976 historical fiction Pulitzer Prize-winning runaway best seller?

>> No.14249548

I Sing the Body Electric
Cogito ergo sum
She walks in beauty like the night
Don’t know
Don’t know any of these I don’t think but I’m guessing the princess is Sleeping Beauty...

>> No.14249564

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose cock was so long he could suck it
He'd say with a grin
While wiping his chin
If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it.

>> No.14249578

Yeah I should’ve known that one, looked it up after and was pleasantly surprised

>> No.14249846

Will post more later, on a date with a qt

>> No.14250159

LITERATURE - The communities of Sands Point and Great Neck, NY, are the models for what famous fictional villages of 20th c. American literature?

>> No.14250166

LITERATURE - The title of the classic 8th-century Japanese poetry anthology Man'yōshū is often translated into English as the Collection of 10,000 what? The word in question is used in another, unrelated poetry collection from the 19th century. which translates to Japanese as Kusa no ha (草の葉).

>> No.14250172

LITERATURE - Thanks to his famous literary depiction, who is the best known king to have ruled the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk (outpacing Lugalbanda, Enmerkar, and Dumuzid, among others)?

>> No.14250185

Rousseau for the first one

>> No.14250201

LITERATURE - The Galactic Empire series, Foundation series, and Robot series are among the more than 300 volumes published by what science fiction author and member of the biochemistry faculty at Boston University?
LITERATURE - What word fills in the blank in this first quatrain from a famous poem by Emily Dickinson?
"Hope" is the thing with ___________ -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

>> No.14250203


>> No.14250208

Asimov, feathers

>> No.14250209

LITERATURE - Who was born in Newgate, and during a life of continu'd Variety for Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was Twelve Years a Whore, five times a Wife (whereof once to her brother) Twelve Years a Thief, Eight Years a Transported Felon in Virginia, at last grew Rich, liv'd Honest and died a Penitent—The preceding is the final 4/5 of the title of what classic novel?

>> No.14250222

Fitzgerald’s West and East Eggs

>> No.14250224

LITERATURE - In Rudyard Kipling's short story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, what type of animal is the title character?

>> No.14250233

LITERATURE - The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Waste Lands, Wolves of the Calla, and Song of Susannah are among the titles of novels in what series of books, the last volume of which was released in 2004 (and shares its name with the series itself)?

>> No.14250239

LITERATURE - What is the Arthurian equivalent of the Muslim Zulfiqar, the Japanese Kusanagi, the Persian Shamshir-e-Zomorrodnegar, the Norse Gram, and the Carolingian Durendal?

>> No.14250240


>> No.14250244

Excalibur, perhaps?
Nice Peep Show reference

>> No.14250246

An ichnuemon.

>> No.14250248

LITERATURE - This author's first published novel was published in 1984 by the Naval Institute Press (the film would follow six years later), but became a bestseller (his first of 17) after praise from President Ronald Reagan. Name the author.

>> No.14250254


The Dark Tower, bruh, are you even trying?

>> No.14250256


Tom Clancy?

>> No.14250261

LITERATURE - America's largest quick-service seafood restaurant is named after a villainous and charismatic cook from what 1883 novel?

LITERATURE - Michiko Kakutani, who has been on staff at the New York Times since 1979, and in her current role since 1983, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1998 in what category?

some are easy, some are challenging. for what it's worth, the question master who goes by the name of Thorston A Integrity aims for a 50% rate, where strong players still find questions challenging, but weaker players may reason out the answer

>> No.14250263



>> No.14250267

LITERATURE - Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Deep North), a combination of prose and haiku written in the late 17th century, is a masterpiece of Japanese literature by what poet?

>> No.14250271


Treasure Island!

>> No.14250273

LITERATURE - Of the 38 plays written by William Shakespeare, five have titles which include the name of a city/town. One is Venice (The Merchant of Venice); name any two of the other four cities.

>> No.14250290

LITERATURE - Thomas MacDermot, Louise Bennett-Coverley, Marlon James, Colin Channer, Lorna Goodison, and Roger Mais are all writers closely associated with what nation, which is also the birthplace of US writer and poet Claude McKay?

>> No.14250309

LITERATURE - Fill in the blanks, in order, in these last lines from a Shakespeare play: For never was a story of more woe / Than this of ______ and her ______.

LITERATURE - Azar Nafisi's 2003 bestseller subtitled A Memoir in Books narrates the author's teaching, forming a book club, and "Reading Lolita" in— and eventually emigrating from—what city?

>> No.14250316

LITERATURE - A messianic young man's exposure to a unique herb provides him the power to resist a violent regime on the planet Arrakis in what 1965 novel?

>> No.14250319

LITERATURE - Adventure, poverty, jazz, speed, sex, dysentery, and mysticism are all central to what formless 1957 Beat novel, which was adapted (after many attempts) into a 2012 film?

LITERATURE - Though his hometown was Rutherford, New Jersey, the epic Paterson was the crowning achievement of what American poet and physician?

>> No.14250323


Tyre and, uh.. uh... Denmark!

>> No.14250325

LITERATURE - The posthumously published 1977 autobiography American Hunger, which deals with the author's involvement with a Marxist writing club and eventual withdrawal from the communist party, was a follow-up to what 1945 book, about the author's southern upbringing and young adulthood in Chicago?

>> No.14250329



>> No.14250331

LITERATURE - A novel of religious satire by C.S. Lewis first published in 1942 takes the form of a series of letters to a "Junior Tempter" named Wormwood, with advice on how best to draw a particular Englishman into sin and, eventually, into Hell. These letters are written by Wormwood's uncle, a senior-level devil, who goes by what name?

LITERATURE - The novels The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers, and The Prairie, which are ordered here by plot chronology and all feature fictional frontiersman Natty Bumppo, are collectively known as what "Tales," after a nickname used for Bumppo in The Pioneers (the first novel published)?

>> No.14250340

last couple, might come back tomorrow:

LITERATURE - Thanks to his famous literary depiction, who is the best known king to have ruled the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk (outpacing Lugalbanda, Enmerkar, and Dumuzid, among others)?

>> No.14250345


oops, repeat.

LITERATURE - Kosoko Jackson's A Place for Wolves and Amélie Wen Zhao's Blood Heir are debut novels by their respective authors that were each abruptly withdrawn from scheduled publication in 2019. These works are categorized within what genre, which received its own New York Times bestseller list in December 2012?

LITERATURE - In 1986, this Nigerian writer and former pro-Biafran political prisoner became the first African to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

>> No.14250354

LITERATURE - When old age shall this generation waste, / Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe / Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou sayst, / 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' – that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. Who first wrote these lines?

>> No.14250362

LITERATURE - What name is shared in Greek mythology by one of the sea nymphs known as the Nereids, one of the Graces (with Aglaea and Euphrosyne), and one of the Muses (the Muse of comedy)? The name is also used (with a different pronunciation) by a popular Mexican musical artist and "Queen of Latin Pop."

>> No.14250379

Juliet, Romeo
Guessing last one is Chinua Achebe

>> No.14250389


>> No.14250398


wole basedinka for the afroid

LITERATURE - Name the novelist, writing under the pseudonyms J.D. Robb and Jill March as well as her own name, who has written over 200 romance novels, which have spent a combined 18 years on the New York Times bestsellers list, including her most recent Calculated in Death.

LITERATURE - In Gulliver's Travels, the brutish human-like beings who are caringly governed by the horse-like Houyhnhnms are known by what name, which would become a term for a crass, rude, and stupid person?
LITERATURE - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, and Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird are all considered examples of works in what literary genre, the name of which is a German term that translates to English as "novel of education")?

>> No.14250403



>> No.14250409


Danielle Steele?

I don't know the second one

Last one is Bildungsroman?

>> No.14250411

Yahoo and Bildungsroman for last two

>> No.14250414


Nora Roberts




>> No.14250423

Thanks for doing this OP, this is fun and unusually wholesome for 4chan thread

>> No.14250429


True I enjoyed it

>> No.14250480


>> No.14250486

the road, wcw

>> No.14250492

*on the road, fuck

>> No.14250495

Thanks op I’m late for it. But this thread has made my day. Sorry to sound like a reddit faggot

>> No.14250536

Kakutani must have been criticism. I don’t think she has her old NYTimes post though
Could be Richard Wright’s Black Boy

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