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14248539 No.14248539 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Young Adult books so terrible? I don't even consider them literature because of how cheesy and unoriginal they all are. I know that they're intended for 13-17 year olds but I hated them when I was those ages as well.

>> No.14248558

Don't ask dumb questions. Ugly kids in the suburbs need their trope-y, checkout line garbage like mama needs an ambien.

>> No.14248605
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Idiots who like them at 13-17, remain idiots and like them later on in life. Look at reviews for garbage like this on Goodreads and you'll see a lot of "grown" women right up there with the teens.
And is it just me but it is creepy that a grown man would write a 1st person book from the POV of a teenage girl.

>> No.14248731

mfw i unironically enjoy(ed) Looking for Alaska

>> No.14249103

the gatekeepers who decide what gets published and gets marketing budget and what doesn't are all blue-haired obese cat-mommies.

>> No.14249108

Demian is good

>> No.14249120
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Dios mio... los cereales de pene...

>> No.14249125

>And is it just me but it is creepy that a grown man would write a 1st person book from the POV of a teenage girl.
Why is it creepy

>> No.14249129

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian > Turtles All the Way Down > On the Come Up > Eleanor & Park > The Hate U Give > The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.14249138

At least 4 of those are minority-whinging sjw pandering

>> No.14249183

Does this really need explaining? John Green is a peak reddit teen author. His books unironically scream onions. Only women read or soys read his books. I have literally dumped a girl because she was obssessed with this cringy faggot. Call me petty I don't care.

>> No.14249196

I don't even understand how Young Adult books are a thing. Who the fuck cares to even read these kinds of novels?
There is only much time people have on this world. Why waste it reading a novel about some anxious teenager who is allergic to peanut butter and wants to get first place at the science fair?

>> No.14249230

Children's literature, from Dr. Seuss to Harry Potter to John Green books, are necessary to teach kids to actually enjoy reading. Adults are the ones who have to write these books, so they need to keep up on the genre and actually pay attention to developments in youth culture. Parents can pass on a love of these books to their children and bond over a common interest.

For childless single adult men and women, is it really worse of a waste of time than fantasy novels, superhero comics, slice of life anime, or video games?

>> No.14249838

>For childless single adult men and women, is it really worse of a waste of time than fantasy novels, superhero comics, slice of life anime, or video games?


>> No.14249853

Words have to mean something, anon

>> No.14251130

they are written with the assumption that the target audience is facile, thereby locking the reader inside an intellectual ghetto

>> No.14251168


>> No.14251191

>when you write teenage characters as not being able to figure out how a blowjob operates
that book was hilariously cringey

>> No.14251195

This is actually accurate as fuck. Everytime I've asked people to reccomend me books, it never fails, I get recommendations for YA from the females, and even more ironically I get recommended The Fault in our Stars and Paper Towns the most.

>> No.14251199

you will never find love, and it will be what you deserve

>> No.14251207

>spend life refining a skill to become a master
>die anyway
>spend life as a slob enjoying petty pleasures
>die anyway
we are all given time whether we want it or not, therefore it is impossible to waste it

>> No.14251228

Not going to defend that faggot Green but your post is literally buzzwords and a queer little anecdote

>> No.14251243

I had a crazy ex gf who unironically liked John Green and had this book on her bookshelf. Her mom also did ambien. I think you're onto something.

>> No.14251338

In hindsight is sorta was just to be clear it wasn't just that but it was a part of it. I was young and stupid.
Oh shut up and stay mad
So what? John Green is the embodiment of a Reddit author. He attracts the "quirky" and "I fucking love science" crowd. Just look at the guy and sincerely tell me he doesn't look like a based boy.

>> No.14251358

Reading your posts I think she dodged a bullet there

>> No.14251368

I know where you got that picture from faggot

>> No.14251377

>Harry Potter

Maybe if you want to be autistic about it

>> No.14251392

Do they actually read his books? I thought zoomers don't read at all and just pose the books for photos.

>> No.14251410

The problem isn't really YA itself: it's bullshit pap made for kids (though any teenager with half a brain can read normal books) and if it was just kids reading it, there wouldn't be an issue. The problem is adults who continue to read YA exclusively once their teenage years are over. These people now infest all areas of the book world. This leads to things like The Testaments, which won the Booker Prize this year despite being in large part a YA book in disguise.

>> No.14251415

>dodged a bullet
Yeah I did she was bipolar and mentally ill

>> No.14251604

Homri draws great twinks I’m not going to deny it

>> No.14251910

YA hasn't been actually popular since 2014, idk when the last time I saw a zoomer reading/posing with one of these books

>> No.14252454

Authors sometimes like to “self-insert” when creating the characters of their books. It’s just a theory but John Green May just be an autogynephile

>> No.14252851

There is a variety of intellectually vacuous, milquetoast females which these books cater to. Slightly introverted, no personal experiences, few interests, reads to be seen as a reader, has no interest in being challenged or offended, future VSCO girl. Sanitized, facile displays of mediocrity speak to them like the ugly bastard in a doujin speaks to anon. They cater to this lowest common denominator because it is so profitable.

>> No.14252882
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based, s()y boys SEETHING.

>> No.14253205
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>bipolar (haha dont worry I'm not crazy)
>omg and idk my doctor thinks i might have bpd
>depression (ofc)
>and ptsd because of my last boyfriend (DO NOT ask me any questions on this just agree and comfort me bc im v traumatized from the experience
>professional dog mom
>*insert birth sign here*
>pro choice

>> No.14253213
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>> No.14253487

Who the fuck is this John Green guy?

>> No.14253498

the whole point of that scene was to depict cringey teens figuring out how a BJ even works tho
you can dislike the book all you want, but you gotta at least base it on something legit
>"lulz, teen girl dont even know how to sucky the peepee, cringe book"

>> No.14254541
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>implying they aren't born with the instinct