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File: 149 KB, 1100x656, Guenons-desk-in-Cairo1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14245848 No.14245848 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Guénonian view on the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

>> No.14245854

Probably that it has a symbolic meaning not a literal one. I need to start reading more Guenon desu

>> No.14245860

Probably something like "the human nature was always principially contained within the Godhead and was merely chosen as a vessel to be united with because the human state is the principal state in the sublunar domain and is thus the perfect way to encapsulate the entirety of it; the crucifixion obviously signifying the negating of the entirety of this state (symbolised by Christ drinking and thus including within himself the cup full of the worlds sins (limitations)) by the sacrifice of God Himself as the Lamb to serve the function of Scapegoat; This world being from the start a negation (the Fall being the voluntary denial of God), the crucifixion is a negation of a negation, this being the ultimate affirmation, the death of death being the ultimate life.

>> No.14245869

I think the separation of the creator God from the Godhead is the key to understanding the meaning behind the Gnostic scriptures without falling for the Sethian psyop boogeyman, of there being 2 Gods, and one is evil

>> No.14245895

Overrated French faggot.

>> No.14245899

he had photos of himself on his desk?

>> No.14245921

Guenon was a pseudointellectial rhetoritician with a bad reading in comparative religion. He was the Jordan Peterson of his time. There is nothing of value in his work and you should probably just read theory.

>> No.14245926


How does this work? The demiurge being evil is essential to most of the gnostic texts that I've read.

>> No.14245931

Ok whiteheadposter

>> No.14245949

Its not. Read Valentinian texts. Sethianism is a huge meme. Some retarded NeoSethians adopted Gnosticism and made the Le Sad Demiurge meme, forever corrupting Gnosticism and making people think that Sethianism = All Gnosticism.

back in the day, there were huge debates & feuds between Valentian Gnostics, NeoPlatonists and Hermeticists vs the Sethian Gnostics, for that specific reason. Nobody could actually believe that God was evil

>> No.14245963


I'm somewhat aware of the debate between Gnostics and the Neoplatonists like Plotinus, but this is new to me. I'll look into it.

>> No.14245976

when I tried to read evola, I was overwhelmed by how much it takes from German Idealism, which I haven't read. Is Guénon like this? What would be essential to read prior to his works
Currently on Spinoza on my chronological philosophy journey, fyi.

>> No.14245977

Its worth reading. Plotinus was specifically criticising Sethian Gnosticism ("People who affirm that the creator God is evil"), which didnt include the Valentinians. But people assumed that it did, because the Sethian texts are the most well known Gnostic texts(like the Apocryphon of John)

Examples of Valentinian texts are the Tripartite Tractate and the Gospel of Philip. The Gospel of Thomas was also used, but that was more of a Proto-Gnostic text

>> No.14246014

No, he had pictures of Muhammad (peace be upon him), but they couldn't show them.

>> No.14246025

Nay, Guenon consistently rejects all modern philosophers including, Leibniz and Spinoza, German Idealists, etc. He takes much from medieval philosophy.

>> No.14246040

This is great.

>> No.14246044

>t. salty materialist liberal atheist cuck

>> No.14246061
File: 24 KB, 450x337, laughing-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Seethe-ianism am I rite m8? :DD

>> No.14247291
File: 63 KB, 650x990, Rene_guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
