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14245726 No.14245726 [Reply] [Original]

have you read the nick land tourist's guide to shanghai?

>> No.14245729
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>> No.14245733
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>> No.14245766

you got any more of that OP?

>> No.14245798

have the book. haven't gone through it all. besides that preface, unclear what exactly nick wrote and what he just edited. ill put up some more

>> No.14245800

That's a big A.

>> No.14245806

i was just traveling for a year, mostly in china, india and europe and so im more or less and expert at being a tourist/what a good guide book looks like (blue guides and michelin green guides are good choices if you're reading), and this one is unironically great. wish i'd had it in shanghai, though the china clue guide is also spectacular

>> No.14245814

so funny how narrow the nick land crowd's reference set is. if i have to hear mark fisher talk about william gibson or fredric jameson again i think ill mark fisher myself

>> No.14246057


>> No.14247129

Gibson is so annoying

>> No.14248426


For U

>> No.14248769
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I wonder if we live long enough to see those huge cities collapse and depopulate. Modern cities are even more fragile than the ancient ones and every city will get razed eventually. Those ruins should be kino.

>> No.14248916

i dont think theyll depopulate, but the populations will be wildly different. i dont see the population of ny falling, but would be surprised to not see a mass exodus of the upper middle class white yuppie population

>> No.14249306

whats that from

>> No.14249477





>> No.14249493

Pledge, Crest, Tide, Dove, Woolite, Palmolive, Clorox, Rolaids, Pepto-Bismol, Alka-Seltzer, Desitin, Advil, Aleve, Tylenol, Anacin, Bayer, Excedrin, Vitamin C, Kleenex, Kotex, Tampax, Altoid, Barbazol, Almay, Revlon, Cetaphil, Right Guard, Old Spice, Gillette, Q-Tip, Johnson & Johnson, Vaseline, Listerine, Head ’n’ Shoulders, Tylenol, Bayer, Anacin, Safe Owl, Eagle Brand, Jolly Green Giant, Land O’ Lakes, Lucerne, Sealtest, Clover, Blue Bonnet, Half ’n’ Half, Snyder, VanCamp, Wish-Bone, French’s, Skyline, Empress, Gerber, Nabisco, Heinz, Kraft, Quaker Oats, Sunkist, Purina, Vlasic, Oreos, Shredded Wheat, Arm & Hammer, Jell-O, Pez, Sara Lee, Chock Full o’ Nuts, Libby, Pepperidge Farm, Fleischmann’s, Morton, General Mills, King Arthur, Bell’s, Reese’s Pieces

>> No.14249755
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Anyone know what changed with the second edition?

>> No.14249898

What does he do for living?

>> No.14249915


>> No.14249922
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It's all very cryptic.

He speaks of doing "research" at times. Here's an example from 2013:

>The real (paying) job calls. For the last few days of March (and 1st April), I’m going to be ‘away’ on a research trip to Kashgar (Xinjiang). If connectivity isn’t a problem, ‘away’ might not mean much from the perspective of Cyberspace, but I’m expecting at least moderate disruption (most probably exacerbated by colorful ethnic distractions and horrible torrents of baijiu).

>If the main things you are searching for in life are alcoholic intoxication, coffee, and smooth Internet connectivity, Kashgar cannot — in all honesty — be recommended. On the positive side of the ledger, there’s far more of the Old Kashgar left than first appearance suggests (Otangboyi Road is the place to go, following it past the Idkar Mosque to the night market). The Silk Road commercial culture still thrives, reaching a truly delirious pitch in the Grand Bazaar, which oveflows with sensation-drenching commodities from thousands of kilometers around. The tea is delicious — a spiced up black tea, drunk without milk, but with a distinct hint of Indian chai. Ditto the yoghurt (as thick as cream cheese, with a razor sharp edge), and — of course — everything delectable that can be done with a dead sheep whilst remaining haram.

>It’s hard to work out the ethnic balance, but it’s at least predominantly Uyghur (I’ve seen figures between 70-85%). There’s no obvious indications of social tension, with everyone seeming to get on with their lives quite frictionlessly, and no signs that I could pick up of street-level Han paranoia. Han Chinese women navigate the streets alone except for small children, seemingly perfectly relaxed about the social environment, and untroubled by any prospect of violence. Our group (two Han, one Bulgarian, one Brit, and one Uyghur government guide — who is excellent btw) have encountered nothing but friendliness, often combined with impressive efforts to sell us stuff. It has to be said, though, that the government propaganda is shockingly crude.

>> No.14249934

I-is he helping CCP building the concentration camp and ethnic cleansing?

>> No.14250341

the website down

>> No.14250534

lewis mumford

>> No.14251408

This sounds comfy. Is this from his blog or something

>> No.14251424




You'll find a few more stray remarks from Land in the comments where he posted under the name 'Admin'.

>> No.14251441

blue guide isnt dated yet?

>> No.14251864

it is dated, but that gives it a real coziness. the author has enormous experience with china, and has all sorts of anecdotes, etc. about funny expats and whatnot in the bund. blue guides never have hotel/restaurant/nightlife stuff, so its always good to supplement anyways. but if youre going to china, i highly recommend getting their china guide: you'll enjoy it.
i dont think its that cryptic. hes going to kashgar to research for urbanatomy guidebooks. he probably doesnt want to broadcast that and have twitter people attack urbanatomy for employing him

>> No.14251879

The correct way to experience land is to pay a hobo to read it at you as fast as he can.