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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 361 KB, 1024x683, writer-michel-houellebecq-and-his-wife-qianyum-lysis-li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14245597 No.14245597 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14245602

I'm fucking dead at that costumed buffoon in the background

>> No.14245641

Damn she ugly af
I would rather volcel

>> No.14245771

Is that Yuzu the disgusting whore?

>> No.14245772

nah she's cute

she looks mischievous..

>> No.14245780

that's what I keep thinking. I'm 50 pages into Serotonin.

>> No.14245782

He's punching above his weight

>> No.14245796

Look. At. Him.

ps : you already are incel

>> No.14245801

>Look. At. Him.
He's famous, he could do better.

>> No.14245803

Haha, cope.

>> No.14245808

He's an author who writes edgey books about not being sexually successful not a football player.

>> No.14245821
File: 256 KB, 2471x1647, Michel-Houellebecq-and-his-wife-Qianyum-Lysis-Li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

houellebecq is a based and orientalpilled guy

>> No.14245829

You're obviously a retard. Houellebecq is one of the, if not the most famous author in Europe and has been for almost two decades.

>> No.14245968

Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true.

>> No.14245989

He's the edgiest of edge lords.
Also his writing is mediocre at best.

>> No.14246009

He's right, though. No other recent European writer has enjoyed as much exposure and controversy in the mainstream press over an extended period of time as Houellebecq did. So saying he's not famous is just proof of your cluelessness and imbecility.

>> No.14246047

He looks happy.

>> No.14246058

Salman Rushdie? Will Self? Zadie Smith? Christopher Hitchens??

>> No.14246063


If she opened her eyes, she'd probably look fine.

>> No.14246067

that japanese woman in serotonin was based on his wife right?

>> No.14246072

>Will Self? Zadie Smith? Christopher Hitchens??
Literal who's in comparison to Houellebecq.
>Salman Rushdie?

>> No.14246082

that ghoul hair makes him look 10 times worse, why dosen't he just cut it off?

>> No.14246085

because he's a coping incel with no sense for aesthetics.

>> No.14246089


Brainlets, it's intentional.

>> No.14246100

This. It looks good in an ironic way.

>> No.14246118
File: 717 KB, 1500x1300, 1540690191374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14246120

She looks like a real life Pixar character.

>> No.14246137

is being an asian guy in the western world the worst thing imaginable?

>> No.14246148

nope, indians are the worst
at least being a white shortcel is theorically not the worst thing ever

>> No.14246215

You're wrong, I think she's quite remarkable-looking.
I think it's admirable.

>> No.14246231

>at this point it aint a receding hairline, its just straight up balding
>comically large ears prevents him from just shaving off hair entirely
>Juden nose
>dead-eye look
>oriental infatuation
i think he hits most of the necessary checkmarks to be /our guy/

>> No.14246259
File: 1.23 MB, 945x628, 85934853852890842828429048208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14246290

controversy implies edginess, midwit

>> No.14246295
File: 1.05 MB, 944x628, 87529723749327297427427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14246300
File: 1.03 MB, 943x631, 75834755797593749279247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14246303

People on /lit/ aren't ugly. They're good looking, intellectual and can even be sociable but none the less shunned by society and are pushed into (or choose) isolation.

>> No.14246317

Reminder that this will be you if keep smoking cigarettes.

Stop today and save your health.

>> No.14246320

What if I stick to my pipe?

>> No.14246327

Smoking is epic for the win

>> No.14246344
File: 845 KB, 904x601, 74892374829743279274747492748927489748294774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never hold Houellebecq in your arms
why live bros?

>> No.14246516

I think she looks hot as fuck and would love for her to choke on my cock.

>> No.14246531

She fucks dogs

>> No.14246549

And participates in gang bangs.

>> No.14246551

Same. Isn't she like 50 years old or something? With that in mind, she looks pretty damm cute.

If Houllebecq was younger and didn't look like a ghoul he could probably get something better, but all things considered, she's quite fuckable and if my wife looks like that when I'm 70 I'd be pretty damm happy.

>> No.14246590

theyre so cute

>> No.14246731

is that weed?

>> No.14246737

I'm actually 188cm tall, with six pack, blue eyes and chad jawline, I have a tested IQ of 143 and read the whole Western canon at the age of 19, I descend from a noble family, but I've always had problems dating girls due to societal restrictions.

>> No.14246756

Underrated post

>> No.14246765

Whats with white guys and dating asian 3/10s can they just not tell the difference?

>> No.14246858

I'm sorry you're so retarded.

>> No.14246880

speak for yourself
i'm 5'6 with the the body of jean paul sartre

>> No.14246898

just look at him

>> No.14246916

>can they just not tell the difference?
I literally can't. Average and sometimes below average Asian women look attractive to me.

>> No.14246920


This. Houllebecq is overhyped but you guys attacking his marriage instead of his ideas is cringeworthy. It's even worse than ad hominem.

>> No.14246949

Do you think he picked her becasue she lets fuck her in the ass ?
Like Claude Florent in Serotonine and that Jap bitch, whatever her name was

>> No.14246953

>Do you think he picked her becasue she lets fuck her in the ass ?
Why would a man settle for anything less?

>> No.14246956

It can't be a coincidence

>> No.14247036

What restrictions? Dare I deem it to relate to a disparity in intellect?

>> No.14247705

Dogs and their owners, man.

>> No.14247715

beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence, the majority of us are decent looking midwits, with a few uglies to bocasionally bring the level of discussion up.

>> No.14247716

The West and East have a very toxic relationship that will combust one of these days. Have fun with your depressive HAPAs.

>> No.14247723

how else can i shorten my life while being too much of a fagot to kill myself?

>> No.14248116

Kek. This pic is really nice.

>> No.14248137

Ride a motorcycle

>> No.14249573
File: 264 KB, 800x960, 1573533484773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14249588

Been there, done that. She was fat and Chinese, though. I suppose there's always one that has to ruin it for the rest of us. God willing, I will find my cute Japanese gf, I suspect it is only a matter of time.

>> No.14249768

I think she's kinda hot desu

>> No.14250227

He wants to look like a ghoul. He also obviously gets a kick out of the spectacle of having a gf who looks like a racist caricature from an 1890s cartoon and everyone having to act like it's normal.

>> No.14251293

/lit/ = /cope/

>> No.14251302

Tumblr girl pose, lmao, I bet she's a MPDG

>> No.14251311

What is “love”?

>> No.14251348

looks like a tranny to me, tbqh

>> No.14251351

"Submission" is definetly worth the reading. Although it wasn't what I expected: an "alt-right manifesto", which led to the book being way better, too. Looking forward to be able to read "Serotonin" in the original version.

>> No.14251478

Any of you see that film where he gets kidnapped? Maximum comfy. He seems like an approachable guy

>> No.14251498

Baby don’t hurt me

>> No.14251500

His smile says all. He knows he was not supposed to win. God bless him.

>> No.14251503

Is that Fréderic Beigbeder on the left? great authour also

>> No.14251539
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 0 Fe6nKjvOs_B54Zfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they hire FBI monitors for /lit/. I'd totally snitch on all dumbasses. Good riddance to dumb threads! Wretched pseuds adieu!

>> No.14251648


>> No.14251659

Bitch looks like Krillin with a wig on.

>> No.14251666

the flick is jsut pampering to him

>> No.14252448

The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq

>> No.14252499

>The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq
makes sense

>> No.14252626

is it worth the time, or just some art piece he participated in?