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/lit/ - Literature

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14245389 No.14245389 [Reply] [Original]

>literature - Russia
>philosophy - Germany
>poetry - Britain

>> No.14245395

More like
>Literature - Russia
>Philosophy - Greece
>Poetry - China

>> No.14245399

>literature - America
>philosophy - Greece
>poetry - America

>> No.14245405

Other than the few constantly memed fags like Dosto, Tolstoy, and Chekhov, who else is worth it from that country? You can't claim superiority on less than ten authors.

>> No.14245407

I agree

Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Chekhov, Turgenev


Shakespeare, Donne, and Milton

>> No.14245408
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no philosophy is definitely germany

>> No.14245413

Now it's fixed.

>> No.14245415

Umm this is correct, although I might divide it up like this though:
>19th c fiction - Russia
>20th c fiction - America
>philosophy - Germany
>poetry - Britain

>> No.14245421

Literature- The americas (not USA)
Roberto Bolaño- Gabriel Garcia Marquez- Jorge Luis Borges
Philosophy- Germany i agree, i would add a couple of french maybe just because of social impact.
Poetry- Japan

>> No.14245426

This is God-tier. Unbeatable.

>> No.14245448

Asides from Greece explain yourself.

>> No.14245449

swap russia for usa

>> No.14245460

>>literature - Russia
It's overrated.
After school, by the way, I hate Russian classics. All of them

>> No.14245485

20th century anglo-american literature is better than russian and french ones.

there aren't post-WW2 German philosophers you can namedrop, but there are many Frenchmen.

It's complicated with poetry.

>> No.14245504

The French part in literature should be obvious enough, especially compared to memes like Russia or the USA.
France is the leader in the domain since the 12th century. This is why 'roman' is the word for novels in many languages. Everything from old fantastical takes to history takes from there. Then you have all of the innovations from the 16th century and the invention of most literary structures still in use. In term of high points, classical French theatre is the absolute peak of /lit/, something even Steiner came to admit.
There is scarcely a single literary genre or vogue before romanticism that didn't originate in France. And that was the exception (born in Germany) because just after Realism, naturalism, symbolism, etc (plus the beginnings of new genres like science fiction) came from that country in the second half of the 19th century. The last century was also the most impressive there. In addition literary criticism was the best among frogfags with people like Boileau or Sainte-Beuve that were mere critics, on par with what would be great writers in most countries.

The case for Italy in poetry is slightly thinner but still strong. First of all, you have the obvious grand epics, which angloids don't even know the name of outside Dante. The century of Ariosto and Tasso is enough to make Italy a strong contender in the category. It prolongs itself in a long poetic tradition ul to this day.

>> No.14245505

>there aren't post-WW2 German philosophers
Hess. Other than that you're right.

>> No.14245506

>poetry - Britain
English has to be the only language you've ever read poetry in. Both French and Russian poetry are miles better

>> No.14245509

Is this what people talk about when they say that frogs are completely delusional

>> No.14245510

Weak bait go fuck urself op

>> No.14245512

t. Pierre

>> No.14245515

I'm not French.
Slav posting from England.

Based and respectable opinion.

>> No.14245517

Others are at least debatable but
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14245519

>Frog cocksucker
Even worse

>> No.14245534

Better than glorifying some fellow slav shithole that had one decent century of literature.
Or even worse, sucking the amerimutts. How can anyone say 'usa' with a straight face when talking about a great literary tradition?
If you have some sort of particular hatred for France, Italy is another contender, Germany not that far behind, and Spain/Spanish language is underrated, I'm tempted to rank them above Russia, on par with Anglos.

>> No.14245538


Take the golden and silver age pills anon


>> No.14245544

Give me some recommendations outside of just posting Wikipedia. What other Russian authors have you read and what stood out about their books?

>> No.14245575

Everyone hates their country's classics after school. Given origins of the school system currently dominant across the world, I wouldn't be surprised if the purpose of literature classes was conceived from the start as instilling utter hate for serious reading and moreso for thinking about what they read.

>> No.14245596

We don't actually read books here, friend. I was going to recommend Lermontov's 'The Demon' for example, but that is just a book I want to read.

>> No.14245632

This seems mostly fair. I'd put 20th c poetry being America, however

>> No.14245692

100% you can't read classical chinese.

>> No.14245702

>painting: France
>sculpting: Italy
>music: Germany
>filmmaking: United States

>> No.14245713


>> No.14245722

prose: France
verse: UK
philosophy: Germany

>> No.14245813

English and Italian are poetry bros. Where are my sonnet chads at?

>> No.14245817

The first two are fine. But Poetry obviously belong(ed) to Persia

>> No.14245847

Iran has Rumi obviously, but who else? (genuine question)

>> No.14245861

>нyyyy мaaaaaaм я нe хoчy читaть cлёжныe книжки aни плaхиe нy мaaaaaaaм

>> No.14245881

There were a lot of other Sufi poets, but most aren't well known in the west. I think Zoroastrians were good at it as well

>> No.14245889
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Not so fast

>> No.14245904

>literature - Russia
>philosophy - Greece
>poetry - France

>> No.14245905

Why even bother rating non-English speaking countries? Your only exposure to their literature is through translations, unless you're a filthy ESL, in which case you need to fuck off from this board and never come back.

>> No.14245932

>could have picked any language for poetry
>picks the disgusting language that is english

>> No.14245964
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I know only my native English so my exposure is only though translation, but the translated French poetry i've read still blows most English poetry out of the water and Russian literature has literally dragged me out of severe depression and has even moved me to start studying the Russian language

>> No.14245965


>> No.14246121


simple as

>> No.14246186

>literature - romania
>philosophy - romania
>poetry - italy
>music - italy
>dance - france

>> No.14246190

t. romanian

>> No.14246200

romani di mierda

>> No.14246201


>> No.14246205


Lit - Zimbabwe
Phil - Saudi Arabia
Poetry - Quebec

>> No.14246238
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>literature - Latin
>philosophy - German
>poetry - English

>> No.14246282

All those that are saying the best poetry is english are exposing them as monoglot imbeciles

>> No.14246294

t. Blinded by envy
Say what you will about their politics or the people but America produced a huge crop of amazing writers in the 20th century

>> No.14246306

Let me guess, south america?

>> No.14246310


you disgusting angloid pig

>> No.14246314

try again
this was my post


>> No.14246315
File: 1.54 MB, 3112x2338, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literature - USA
>philosophy - USA
>poetry - USA

>> No.14246321

Based william henry fag

>> No.14246338

> All those that are saying the best poetry is english are exposing them as monoglot imbeciles
A billion times this.

>> No.14246352


>> No.14246386


give some of your "best" latin poetry you pseud

>> No.14246410

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.14246432

i'm completely serious. Please post great latin poetry.

>> No.14246433

Literature: Persia
Philosophy: Greece, specifically Presocratic to Aristotle
Poetry: Arabia

>> No.14246434

>literature - Nigeria
>philosophy - China
>poetry - Belgium

>> No.14246438

i speak fluently in french, german, and spanish and can read in latin and ancient greek. The best poetry is English. Go fuck yourself

>> No.14246442

Probably would be Vergil or Ovid

>> No.14246446


Based. 1001, Parm, Quran

>> No.14246456

>literature - AMERICAN
>philosophy - CHINESE
>poetry - DARI

>> No.14246457

hahahah if you can read french but cant understand Verlaine is worth more than every single english poet combined you have terrible taste my friend. Of course this is a sympthom of being anglo


vergilius is trash. Ovidius is quite good but not worth being called best ever

>> No.14246468


>> No.14246471

hahahaha you are so ashamed of being a monoglot you pretend to be cultured. Of course you speak german, spanish and frech! And oh you read latin and ancient greek too? Well done my child

>> No.14246475

discarded, once again

>> No.14246485

oh how the pseud monoglot recoils after having the curtains lifted upon him.

>> No.14246490

I wouldn't know anything about that because you express yourself like an absolute spaz.

>> No.14246503

I feel like I must ask this question
If he truly hates the english as much as he claims, why is he posting in english? Why not take the high ground by posting in french, thereby ridding himself of the wretched monolingual anglo? Why even bother learning the english in the first place? Isn't that by nature hypocritical, to read and converse in the language he hates so very much?

>> No.14246523

Err yes. Well it's true that i'm shaking uncontrolably finding out that i'm sharing a so called literature board with a person of monoglot and even american persuasion. Please refrain from posting in the future or do so with a "trip label" so others might recognize the absence of value in your ramblings more immediatly.

because i am better than him even in his borrowed "native" english. And where did i state that i hate the current lingua franca of the world? I merely argued that the best works of poetry were not crafted using it. This is a brutal misrespresentation of what i stated.

>> No.14246529

Novels - France, Russia
Poetry - Italy
Philosophy - Germany
Jack of all trades, master of none - Britain, USA

>> No.14246535

respectable opinion

>> No.14246536
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>OP - Faggot

>> No.14246544

the day you start taking things seriously you'll stop taking yourself so seriously anon

>> No.14246570

>because i am better than him even in his borrowed "native" english
Bro you write like a fucking sperg, even schizo poster has better prose than you

>> No.14246573


>> No.14246593

>Literature - Brazil
>Philosophy - Britain
>Poetry - France

>> No.14246598

how dare you

>> No.14246647

yes yes and yet your taste is far more telling than my proza

>> No.14246730

American literature is incredibly diverse for having existed less than 200 years. You've got all the different subsections:








Every subsection has a foundational consistency while each individual author still maintains their own unique style. For example, you can recognize the underlying similarities between the plays of Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams, but both playwrights were also unique and different in their own rights. I think the most impressive thing about the American literary canon, though, is not its diversity in terms of styles and genres (and also race, but I failed to mention a single non-white author since I have read very little from names like Hughes, Baldwin, and Morrison), but rather the sheer amount of great literature it has produced in such a short amount of time.

>> No.14246747

Wrong on literally all of them except Britain.

>> No.14246786

all but a few are 2nd rate writers

>> No.14246793

this dude seriously left out Poe, Salinger, and Capote

>> No.14246814
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>Philosophy - Britain

>> No.14246816

>leaving out gass, gaddis, and nabokov

>> No.14246854

the rest is basically anglo swill

>> No.14246896

>literature - Russia
alright i’ll take it, thread hijack inc.
i just read the first few lines of the foreword of Pale Fire and i feel like theres something i need to clear up before i continue: did Nabokov write this? did he write the poem? did he write the commentary? did he write both of them? is the guy the foreword is talking about, who evidently wrote the poem, a fictional person? is the whole book both the poem and the commentary, in a weird meta narrative? what is happening?

>> No.14246897

The fact that I left out so many greats (also McCarthy, I realized that after I posted) is just a further testament to the greatness of the canon.

>> No.14246913
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>> No.14246930

lit - 20th century Americas / 19th century Britain
philosophy - modern age Germany, ancient India
poetry - Britain
film - America
visual arts (sculptures, paintings) - Renaissance Italy
theology - Spain
classical music - Germany and Italy
modern music - USA and Britain

definitive list

>> No.14246932

>literature - America
>philosophy - America
>poetry - America

>> No.14246944

I would throw in Poe’s name as the greatest writer of the modern era, or at least one of the top 3. his influence in lettered countries was tremendous

>> No.14247040

Nabokov wrote roughly 3/4 of the endnotes and directed the composition of the poem. The rest was written by Liberace, his partner from 1964-68, and mainly ripped off from an autobiographical memoir of American poet Robert Frost that Nabokov had refused to release to the public and then had destroyed.

>> No.14247064

Honestly this.

>> No.14247259


>> No.14247365

so is “pale fire” the poem or the endnotes? or both?

>> No.14247406

you are aiming wrong.

>literature - popular classes
>philosophy - elites
>poetry - classless asocials

apply this to all societes.

>> No.14247408

Literature - English
Philosophy - German
Poetry - Persian

>> No.14247574

philosophy - fake elites
mysticism - real elites

>> No.14248431

t. Vlad

>> No.14248477

Wow ppl
Lets be honest
France-Zola, Ballsack, Hugo, etc.
France- Deleuze, Foucault, Camus
France- Rimbaud, Breton, Desnos, Baudelaire....

USA it’s a good contender in literature and poetry.
Spain/ Spanish speaking countries for Poetry.
China for poetry.
Germany philosophy.

But none come close to France.

>> No.14248498

fuck off frogoid

>> No.14248518

Let me guess, "ordinary thing happens but deep meaning"?

>> No.14248551

All shit.

>> No.14248567

>lit - russia
>philosophy - germany
>poetry - france

>> No.14248609

nah it's just lit being a board on a american website so people will forget montaigne, pascal, rousseau, voltaire, la bruyère, montesquieu (who literally influenced US constitution), hugo, rimbaud, verlaine, dumas, camus, proust, baudelaire, balzac, bergson, flaubert, stendhal, rabelais, lamartine, musset, mallarmé, moliere, zola, bataille, st exupery, malraux, diderot, apollinaire, celine, guenon, chateaubriand, racine and celine

I'm getting used to it and just say "tolstoi shakespeare and locke good" so I can post here without a shitstorm

>> No.14248638

>poetry - Britain

Not at all.

>> No.14248658

god i love montaigne

>> No.14248674

reading montaigne just feels like reading the oldest blog in existence
not very fond of it

>> No.14249010

>bragging about foucault and a guy named fucking ballsack

>> No.14249091

ah, the triggered anglos

>> No.14249123

>fiction/novels - France
>philosophy - Germany
>poetry - Italy

Both France and Italy also have great philosophy though.



>> No.14249136

All shit again.

>> No.14249177

also early Italian literature is for some reason vastly underrated
you forgot
>Torquato Tasso
>Francesco Petrarca
uneducated swine

>> No.14249184


>> No.14249192

ballsackpilled and based.

>> No.14249199

lit> russian and spainish
philosophy> Ancient greek and some german
poetry> spanish one

>> No.14249202

Why are the french and italians always so touchy when it comes to the merit of their lit
You never see germans sperging like this lol

>> No.14249233

Balkh is not in Iran

>> No.14249272


>> No.14250278

t. Assghan
Rumi was from Tajikistan.

>> No.14250745

Two questions for the people claiming America has the best literature
1) Why?
2) Do you speak any language other than english?

>> No.14250779

>literature - Britain
>philosophy - Germany-China
>poetry - America

>> No.14250790
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I unironically love this.


>> No.14250811

Of the ones known in the west, Hafez (Goethe loved him). There are many more but Persian poetry is not really translatable so they are not known in the west.

>> No.14250829

>fiction: USA
>philosophy: USA
>poetry: England
>painting: Netherlands/Italy
>sculpting: France
>music: Germany
>cinema: USA
>savory food: Italy
>sweets: France
>Spicy: India

>> No.14250831


>> No.14250835

>Literature - Europe
>Philosophy - Asia
>Poetry - me

my poetry rules

>> No.14250839

post some

>> No.14250852

Gay and retarded opinion

>> No.14250890

>Melville, James, Cather, Hawthorne, Faulkner, Hemingway, Nabokov, O'Connor, Pynchon, DeLilo, McCarthy, Carver, Gaddis, Wallace
>Emerson, Peirce, James, Dewey, (CI)Lewis, Sellars, Quine, Putnam, Chisholm, Kripke, Rorty, Plantinga, (DK) Lewis
>Dickinson, Whitman, Frost, Elliot, Pound, Carlos Williams, Stevens, Plath, Hughes, Ginsberg, Levine

absolutely barp'd. Literally who could ever compete?

>> No.14250894



>> No.14250898

not an argument

>> No.14250998

Ah yes, the country called "Asia".

>> No.14251008

Romanian philosophy is deeply underrated. So much stuff untranslated too. Mircea Eliade and Cioran are only the beginning.

>> No.14251034

share with me at evrayi@gmail.com we can take each other down a few pegs

>> No.14251116

You didn't reply. Hmm

>> No.14251129

you forget clancy, stephen king and the likes in your american "literature"

>> No.14251142

>tfw assuming a position of authority over an entire nation and culture.
>tfw you will never be as good as stephen king, or pynchon.
>tfw you need to go back to the kiddie pool and blow the other faggots there, you fucking pedophile half-wit

>> No.14251173

>tfw you will never be as good as stephen king or pynchon
you know what, I'll still take this bait, just for you

>> No.14251175

>tfw you thought it was bait

>> No.14251178

>not your own country for all 3
Cosmopolitans are cringe.

>> No.14251365

Italy, Italy, Italy

>> No.14251380


>> No.14251397

based, based, based

>> No.14251407

meant for OP my bad

>> No.14251581


>> No.14251652

t. Mario Bianchi
t. Pierre Jean-Charpentier

>> No.14251681

t. Ivan Smirnov
t. Hans Schiesskopf
t. Han Zhang
t. Georgios Christos
t. Nigel Smith
t. Ahmed Darbandi
t. Vlad Draguli
t. Julius Augustus
t. James Gutierrez-O'Hare-Rossi-Smith
t. Abayomrunkoje Adeyemi
t. Jan van de Berg

>> No.14251699

t. me

>> No.14251772

all me by the way
sorry to trick you all

>> No.14251774

>t. James Gutierrez-O'Hare-Rossi-Smith

>> No.14252119

Дocтoeвcкий, чтo ли, cлoжный, лoл?

>> No.14252992
File: 95 KB, 1280x768, mihail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.14252998

mihail sebastian

>> No.14253010

Well then translate it
You clearly know english and it would be a good way to kill time

>> No.14253277

>You never see germans sperging like this lol
Because they don't need to vouch for the superiority of their literature. They already know it's superior.

>> No.14253301

How can anyone argue against German philosophy
It literally btfo everyone and everything to the point where theorists are still in shambles to this day

>> No.14253852

>tfw want to read romanian literature
>the only one translated in french are ionesco and Cioran

>> No.14254019

I am going to send William Blake to all of your houses at night and wreck up the place.

>> No.14254047

literature USA
philosophy USA
poetry USA

>> No.14254055


>> No.14254059

More like
>Literature - Italy
>Philosophy - Germany
>Poetry - Italy

Start reading some serious shit

>> No.14254071

>literature - Greece
>philosophy - Greece

>> No.14254153

Exactly this.

>> No.14254272

BASED POSTER, an argument could be made for Italy to get Philosophy too but ok

Sorry fellow med but Italy wins.

>> No.14255108

how can someone argue over that
this is objectivly true and based