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14244983 No.14244983 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to experience sex but obviously that isn't possible for me in real life. Which book would give the closest feeling?

>> No.14244992

Definitely NOT my diary desu.

>> No.14245070

Posts like these genuinely make me feel so bad

There’s a girl out there for everyone.

>> No.14245079

None. A book does not fill the brain with dopamine, nor can it replicate the feeling of another person’s affection.
Closest you’ll get is donating to camgirls and cooming

>> No.14245082

If you lube up Gravity's Rainbow it'll feel like the real thing

>> No.14245095

Infinite Jest, with a glob of lotion inbetween the cheeks

>> No.14245101

William Gass, blessings be upon him, makes love to your brain. I have to stop and shout into the ceiling at times when I'm overwhelmed by him.

>> No.14245107

30 year old virgin here. Some of us, despite our best efforts, are too repulsive to ever find someone. I have no sympathy, however, for the average looking men who, fearing rejection, never pursue the women they're attracted to. I'd give anything to be even average looking. But instead I'm short and malformed, and the only time women give me attention it's out of pity. Nothing hurts so bad as pity. Indeed, even the self-pity I'm expressing right now is painful.

>> No.14245128

What is the course of action if I only desire to have sex but not further emotional attachment to the rostoid creature?

>> No.14245129

Just be yourself lol

>> No.14245132

Then just kill yourself already. I'm not sure why you expect me to care if you can't respect me.

>wahhhh your life is so easy unless you're a literal deformed hunchback like me

>> No.14245148

I’d start with removing autistic 4chan speak like “rostoid” from your mental lexicon. I don’t think you goofy ass guys realize how easy it is to have sex with someone if you can manage to act like a functioning, somewhat charming human being in an available girl’s presence. Jesus Christ

>> No.14245155

Explain step by step, I see a woman I find attractive and then?...

>> No.14245160

No there isn't, young men outnumber women

>> No.14245162

Kek more proof normies are sociopaths

>> No.14245163

Explain why you think you are doomed to never be able to bed a woman. Are you a paraplegic? Quadriplegic? Penis get blown off in war?

I have a 6/10 face at best and still managed to, and I’m under 6 ft tall

>> No.14245173


>> No.14245190

You turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away into the nearest gay bar, where you'll get your dick sucked whether you want it or not.

>> No.14245210

1. Approach. Attempt to approach as naturally as possible.
2. Start conversation. Attempt to make it flow as naturally as possible. You can usually tell if a girl is into you at all from the first few minutes of talking to her. If she isn’t, don’t cry yourself to sleep, you’ll find other attractive girls. If she is...
3. Get to know her a bit, give it a few days, eventually ask her out to *blank*.
4. Continue being charming and withholding autistic tendencies as best you can while out with her.
5. Sexual intercourse

>> No.14245216

Too much work I rather stay volcel

>> No.14245223

Teach me how to approach a woman

>> No.14245238

Why would I respect a man who is governed by his fear of rejection? In spite of my grievances, which are actually legitimate, I at least have the courage to try.

>> No.14245243

The Vegetarian by Han Kang

>> No.14245252

I'm in the same boat. I'll keep LARPing as an incel even though I'm mentalcel. It's a good cope.

>> No.14245261

I have never cold approached a woman on the street or a complete stranger PUA style, the closest to that has been meeting girls who were a friend of a friend at a party and eventually sleeping with them (not even the same night)

First, be fit, hygienic, and dress in decent clothes that fit you, get a clean haircut every 3-6 weeks depending on your hair texture and preferred length

Put yourself in environments where you can be around females in a casual setting. If you’re in college get an on-campus job, work in a coffeeshop, etc.

Make small talk with them, ask them about their weekend or how their classes are going, smile, tease them a bit or try to get them to laugh.

Idk really now that I think about it, you just kind of talk casually in a low stakes setting and read their attention, whether they’re peeking at you out of the corner of their eye or if you notice that they look at you more often than the other people in the group, then you just kind of find an in to do something together like checking out a new restaurant, you just say “Ahh man, you’ve never been to that place? We should check it out!” That’s what works for me.

>> No.14245264

>literally "just talk to girls haha it works for me"

>> No.14245267

tfw severely balding at 23

>> No.14245270


there is a girl out there that will have sex with you, dont give up.

>> No.14245272

What exactly do you want people to tell you, goof? There’s no magic trick to getting girls.

>> No.14245275

go full bald, trust me on this one.

>> No.14245276

Shave your head or wear hats

>> No.14245283

Also, be yourself!

>> No.14245288

This is scripted sociopathic NPC behavior. Man, that's some cringe. Selecting what you say as if it's video game dialogue is effeminate. I just say whatever I wish to say. I don't give a fuck. If you wish to live life as a jester, be my guest. That ain't me though. I listen to what people say so I say my shit too. Man up, pussy. If they don't like it, fuck 'em. Speak your mind. You're a human fucking being, not a robot.

>> No.14245293

Please enlighten everyone on what the world is keeping secret from you on how to get girls. The advice is cliche because what the fuck are people supposed to say? It’s not a complicated thing. You sound extremely bitter and it’s sad.

>> No.14245297

Autistic people like the ones that you find here wont make use of this advice, this only works if you have something going for you, i would recommend that before you talk to someone, you make sure you have at least a couple of attractive qualities in yourself, ie a nice smile, being fit, actually having knowledge in something interesting, being articulate, being clean, smell good, dress nicely, having money, that kind of stuff, THEN you go talk to a girl, and again, there is no need to having all of these qualities, but i would say that the only ones you could do without is money, smile, and fit, all others are a must have.

>> No.14245301

this is based but we are trying to get laid here anon

>> No.14245306

>decent teeth
>no cavities
>top ones good but bottom always yellowish
I brush daily but I haven't seen a dentist in 8 years due to fear of dentist what do

>> No.14245310

when i was a boy i would read ken follet only for the sex and rape scenes and would wanky my peepee with that

>> No.14245321

Its your fear too big? If yes, then eat more fruit, dont smoke cigs and buy a good toothpaste, if no, go to dentist and ask for a whitening.

>> No.14245396

I might go but is there any way to remove yellow stains on the bottom near gums? I eat healthy and brush daily but I skip sometimes when lazy and don't brush for a few days

>> No.14245398

Only dentist will be able to do that, go, they arent actually scary and its nice that someone looks at your mouth and dont find it disgusting.

>> No.14245414

I hate being operated on it fills me with existential dread

>> No.14245420

As a 24 kisless virgin who has never known the affection of the opposite sex i would also like to know. Is the closest having a waifu?

>> No.14245429

a whitening isnt an operation anon, they will literally only clean and scrub your teeth

>> No.14245456

I hate everything even when they do x-rays

>> No.14245467

>the closest to that has been meeting girls who were a friend of a friend at a party
I'm afraid I do not meet the requirements

>> No.14245493
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>> No.14246646

They will put acid on his teeth, its very different from just cleaning

>> No.14246824

Buy a fleshlight and use it with coconut oil, also warm it in COOLED boiled water (it shouldn't burn your fingers).

>> No.14246859

There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than some genetic dead end social outcast low status loser trying to “self improve” to fit into society. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them.

The average person, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider “normal” just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to “self improve” to get a girlfriend, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to play sports, and a girl was attracted to him and they gravitated towards each other. There’s no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no “self improvement” necessary. That’s what happens when you’re not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don’t have a single friend or you’ve never kissed a girl at 23 years old. You don’t devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look a girl in the eye. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with a couple girlfriends and FWBs in high school and college, then a wife, a nice job, a house, and some kids. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re complete genetic shit.

>> No.14246872



>> No.14246881

A life without love is a wasted life. You don't need to love a woman though, anon. It's overrated and fleeting. If you suffer, love those who suffer. Volunteer at a place that helps troubled youth or orphans.

>> No.14246989

>Muh love
Cringe. Love is overrated. I prefer to hate people, myself included. Eichmann had the right idea.

>Long live Germany. Long live Argentina. Long live Austria. These are the three countries with which I have been most connected and which I will not forget. I greet my wife, my family and my friends. I am ready. We'll meet again soon, as is the fate of all men. I die believing in God.

>Rafi Eitan, who accompanied Eichmann to the hanging, claimed in 2014 to have heard him later mumble "I hope that all of you will follow me", making those his final words.

>> No.14247003

This is the reality none of the incels on here want to face because it’s too much for them to accept

>> No.14247026

I accept it. I got kicked out of high school when I was 16. I had to get a god damn GED with a bunch of n*ggers. That was embarrassing as hell. College is a nightmare. I've never been able to establish myself socially since getting booted. I was always socially autistic, but going NEET for several years before heading to college really messed me up. I don't think I'll ever be able to recover.

>> No.14247034

Either you're good looking or you have no idea of the super-hypergamic conditions that the dating world is in

>> No.14247056

I am pretty far from conventionally good looking. I have nice hair and just barely qualify as tall, that’s about it - I’m a skinny, weird looking dude. I have never been presented a coherent argument as to why I can get hot girls and all the incels can’t based on looks alone. The vast majority of it has to do with personality and confidence. Do looks matter? Of course. But are you doomed to a life of celibacy and lovelessness if you’re not good looking? Absolutely fucking not, that is utterly delusional. If you’re a 25+ year old virgin or whatever the fuck, it’s not your looks, trust me.

>> No.14247058

Buy a prostitute, retard.

>> No.14247116

What if I want a woman that's actually into me? Not him btw, and I don't use terms like rostoid.

>> No.14247145

What if your mannerisms are awkward, other people make you feel creepy and psychologists are useless?

>> No.14247171

where are you from anon?
I'll let you fuck my ass for free.

>> No.14247187

Once you are a social outcast for so many years, you cross a point of no return. You can "self-improve" and try your best to fit in, but you'll always feel awkward. You'll never be a normie. The best you can do is find a shy girl willing to be your gf/wife. Although to find these girls you'll have to get some sort of arranged meeting. Despite what anyone says, no truly shy girls fall for guys in public. They're an undercover r*stoid if that's the case. Start asking families you know if they have any shy daughters for you.

>> No.14247223
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No anon, and thats okay

>> No.14247254

Not everyone gets a girlfriend in highschool
Not everyone does the same things in life at the same time as everyone else
Not everyone has to accomplish the same things

We're all gonna make it anon, have a great day

>> No.14247260


>> No.14247263

You don't have to be an incel forever, theres always room to change dude,

>> No.14247270

I'm a volcel. Your post is funny though. Most guys have SOME experience with girls in high school. Incels have absolutely none. Some of you guys really struggle to understand just how terrible incels are socially, not to mention that a good bit of them are ugly beyond repair.

>> No.14247276

In fact some people never do any of the things they're "supposed" to

>> No.14247292

incel cope

>> No.14247353

Unironically this, political struggle is a perfect cope for lack of interpersonal contact. I'm a 23 y.o. KHHV and most of my free time I spend reading political philosophy, economics and pontificating on the Internet about anarchocollectivism

>> No.14247378

/lit/ is for literature, it's not a self-help board for lonely people.

Kindly go away.

>> No.14247445

I sound bitter and sad because I'm. At least I have reasons for being this way though and your shitty "advice", if it can be called that way, is not helping.

>> No.14247513

>i have one of the most desired traits for men
>i dont know why girls like me
Stop giving advice and fuck off

>> No.14247519

>nice hair
your face is probably average at least. you have a lot going for you don't kid yourself

>> No.14247524

Sex for recreational purposes is bad.

>> No.14247597

What's the alternative to "public" in this scenario?
>Start asking families you know for their daughter's hand
What the fuck, what kind of shithole you live in, Somalia?

>> No.14247605

What the fuck is wrong with your guys? Are you deformed or something?

>> No.14247604

You only say that because you can't get any.

>> No.14247614

Somalia is great country you stop talking bad name on Somalia now

>> No.14247616

Not my looks, but my soul is deformed.
I look average, which honestly isn't enough these days.

>> No.14248256

I stopped having sex because I can't stand the meme chemical falling in love feeling that lingers for days after the coitus. Never had sex with someone I'd be willing to fall in love with.

>> No.14248271

>I look average, which honestly isn't enough these days.
This. It doesn't help that I have a lot of mental issues. Anxiety, autism, etc.

>> No.14248274

You only say that because you're very presumptuous

>> No.14248277

>I stopped having sex
you never had sex in the first place
have sex

>> No.14248295

Massive cope.
Hooking up is overrated. Not that I regret it.

>> No.14248302

you don't regret it because you've never done it

>> No.14249536

I agree that being autistical and retarded towards normies is a bad idea, but funny words like "rostoid" and this sort of culture is worth more than succumbing to normie standards. It pushes civilisation forward. The cultural developments of the past are always the treasures of our times.

>> No.14249554

yeah I guess being 5'3 was a matter of bad personality and hygiene