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14244201 No.14244201 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading this today. Thank you lit/ for making me waste my time again. Fuck you!
PS: There was some good parts on it. Like the ones where he shat on hippie culture. That was really funny. And it can be really instructive for the people here who wanna know how we got to this state of things. But it gets tiresome after a while, all these fucking descripitions. And what a fucking "doomer" book, huh?
5/10. I'm not gonna read another work of his. I bet he's the kind of guy who writes the same book over and over again.
This shit just made me feel down.
>Inb4 reddit.
My problem with that is that it's not even that kind of "sad beauty". This book is just gross materialism, ironically. It doesn't offer any valid option. Also I thought that ending with the creation of a new species was a little bit rushed.

>> No.14244218

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8

>> No.14244228

>5/10. I'm not gonna read another work of his. I bet he's the kind of guy who writes the same book over and over again.
>This shit just made me feel down.
Your problem is that you assigned an inherent meaning of literature to make you feel happy. Mine as well do heroin if that's your goal. Houllebecq crafts a sensation well even if he isn't the best academic writer. I read whatever and really was blown away from what it did and how it did it. I think you're projecting a bit much and need to sort yourself out, best of luck anon.

>> No.14244623

>Your problem is that you assigned an inherent meaning of literature to make you feel happy.
Naah, man. I read Ligotti for stance (his fiction). The thing with Houellebecq is that he's just a hollow materialistic cunt, I'm not saying that Ligotti isn't.
But in the case of the french there's no beauty in it. There's nothing really interesting stylistically. He's not even "frightening", unless you're pol/ or a politically correct retard. He's just plain, base. Nothing more to see. We're fucked, I get it. Next one!
Also, someone rec me a wholesome book. I wanna read wholesome authors. Fuck this frog.

>> No.14244686

Jane Austen is wholesome.

I really enjoyed Atomised. It was the only book I read this year that stuck in my mind for weeks after I read it. Even in translation there were so many powerful lines and scenes. Though I will say that I likely feel strongly about it because of some biographical similarities I have to the two brothers (broken home, absent mother, etc).

>> No.14244707

Your mom was a hippie also? Kek

>> No.14244757

>Even in translation there were so many powerful lines and scenes.
What lines/scenes stayed with you, anon?

>> No.14245147

no, he is a romantic. if you got "we're fucked" from atomized you must have skipped a lot

>> No.14245185

>The thing with Houellebecq is that he's just a hollow materialistic cunt

Might be hard to believe but these things he writes about are there to point out how awful European culture has gotten. He is not materialistic, in nearly all his novels the absence of Catholicism is painfully felt by his characters.

>> No.14245338

>if you got "we're fucked" from atomized you must have skipped a lot
I mean, the only solution we've got from "the death of god" and all of that stuff was the creation of a new species of immortal genderless people, godammit.

>He is not materialistic, in nearly all his novels the absence of Catholicism is painfully felt by his characters.
I think I may get what you mean, but it's not like we can go back, ain't it?

>> No.14245352


>it's not like we can go back, ain't it?

nobody wants to move forward. the proposed alternatives are old men's dreams.
personally i wonder whether a self-conscious attempt to 'go back' wouldn't leave things more different than they would be if we attempted to break with a tradition which is itself broken, or rather a new tradition of specious ruptures and reinventions.

>> No.14245379

>he's just a hollow materialistic cunt
In what way did you have to contort your mind to arrive at this position? Every one of his books is a lamentation of the spiritual void left in the wake of modernity. His biggest influence is Huysmans for God's sake.

>> No.14245672

She was not a hippie. Even worse. After the divorce she left me and my brother and moved overseas to work as an executive for a huge publishing company.

>> No.14245677

Mishima isn’t a wholesome author but The Sound of Waves is a wholesome book.

>> No.14245682

Most of the ones you’d think, like the girl shooing away Bruno’s hand during the movie, the English doctor’s monologue to Michel, Bruno’s girlfriend essentially being fucked to death, the sadness of nearly all of the sex scenes.

>> No.14245765

I don't think anyone writes modern men better or with more cruel honesty. His books are about a spiritual crisis not materialism. Read Submission if you want it more obvious