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14242677 No.14242677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about being an ugly meek charismaless beta male who missed out on all social experiences in university and is now totally purposeless?

>> No.14242690
File: 319 KB, 850x1034, augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who missed out on all social experiences
" I feel much more pity for one who delights in his wickedness than for one who counts himself unfortunate because he fails to obtain some harmful pleasure or suffers the loss of some miserable felicity. "

>> No.14242691

is this a covert londonfrog thread

>> No.14242698

>What are some books about being an ugly meek charismaless beta male
The Bible

>> No.14242706


>DUDE, you're a loser because you're a bad dude, and all chads are good dudes!

Just world rationalising

>> No.14242707

Every Houellebecq book basically

>> No.14242712

who the fuck would read that
besides (you)

>> No.14242722

That's not what it says. In fact, it counts theirs state of being as to pitied even more. You lose nothing by missing out on sinful occasions. You desire them because your will is corrupt and your only chance to remedy it is to realize its affections are wrong and to set your mind on higher things.

>> No.14242723

Was Augustine a woman in secret?

>> No.14242725

Don't inflate the importance of your pity, boomer. I could hardly hold your opinions in serious counsel.

>> No.14242727

literally thousands of literate incels all across the globe

>> No.14243028
File: 252 KB, 600x889, D6D8EB1A-AB9B-462B-B537-E37A286769ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books about being an average appearance outwardly narcissistic but well liked gamma male who got bored of most social experiences in university and is now at a crossroads in life is unsure of what to do despite happiness obtained from study and meditation?

>> No.14243076

So true

>> No.14243357

Based desu

>> No.14243395

Vasishta Yoga

>> No.14243404

So. Anti-religious literature

>> No.14243411

really makes you think.

>> No.14243431

Wasn't Augustine a chad when he was young though?

>> No.14243444

augustine was a chad who got sick of it then turned to religion as a cope he's a fucking retard

>> No.14243446


>> No.14243465

Yes, he can't relate to the incel struggle. He's a retarded normalfag.

>> No.14243470


>> No.14243508

dude weeeeeed

>> No.14243550

Set a goal for yourself. It doesn't matter how obscure. Ignore the idea that you're ugly and meek, its a scapegoat. People are decent. All the best.

>> No.14243565

Your diary desu.
Seriously though first thing I saw when I turned to proverbs (14:1)
"The truly wise woman builds up her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands". Feminism retroactively destroyed.

>> No.14243645
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>> No.14243876

what if i´m gamma but shy?

>> No.14243903

this right here

>> No.14243933

You're looking for my autobiography. Except add in social experiences in high school, graduate school, and while working as well. The short version of what happened to me is that my parents divorced and I felt rejected by my mother. I never trusted another woman again. Oddly as an adult I don't even hate my mother. I like her and still seek her approval. I'm convinced there are a few generations of us. Grown children who were the victims of divorce in one way or another.

>> No.14243954

Doesn't that just lend to his authority on the matter?

>> No.14243971
File: 187 KB, 378x500, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this astrology for retard males? None of this shit is true. I really hope nobody believes this.

>> No.14244186

Fuck that image, fuck that bitch. Let her chase 6'2'' if she wants, fuck em.

>> No.14244195


>> No.14244210
File: 148 KB, 1613x2400, F6B8C8FB-B1AE-4CA4-80F1-CFEF4CD961F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]