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14242446 No.14242446 [Reply] [Original]

Can objective morality exist without God?

>> No.14242448
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Yes, since being objectively moral is equivalent to doing what’s best for you.

>> No.14242481

You at least need a God-equivalent. If you take God to mean "the Divine," then yes.

Two problems: First, "objective" really means "irrespective of point of view," so something that depends on someone's perspective can't be objective. Second, if we could conclusively figure out the best thing to do, even on an individual basis, the world would be a hell of a lot less dysfunctional.

>> No.14242490

Fuck off christian idiot atheists can still get morals without religion. People like you are why I hate rleigion. Aren't you supposed to not judge lest you be judged?? And you're going around and assuming atheists are all rapists and killers just because skydaddy won't punish us?? Fuck off man I'm fine with you being religious even if you're wrong but stop trying to push it on our faces on this board

>> No.14242494

Er sorry, you need the Divine to have objective morality, so the answer is no. I just lost track of the question.

>> No.14242504

You’re wrong on both accounts. First, morality is determined by my experience, and not necessarily my opinion. I might not understand that killing is wrong for me, but if I pursue that path, then my future will be less preferable than had I not killed. So morality is determined by my environment and my response to it, though it’s not necessarily known to me. Second, the world is dysfunctional because people are not doing what’s best for them...

>> No.14242511

>There are 4 posters in this thread.

>both start with "First,"

>> No.14242525
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I was only mirroring his response

>> No.14242543
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>> No.14242552

Pseud ass books man explain to me how i'm a rapist and killer because sky daddy wont torture me for eternity

>> No.14242562

Incredibly low IQ post.

>> No.14242572


>> No.14242649

You're the one saying atheists dont have morals
Nice adhominem dumb ass

>> No.14242703

I am a separate poster. Low IQ people will always adhere to retard beliefs "NO BAD THING. LIVE LET LIVE DUDE" Intelligent people on the other hand, realize that in the absence of God, then obviously anything is permissible.

>> No.14242731

Funny how all the christians are the real psychos...you're saying you would rape and murder because tehre isn't a sky daddy to punish you..

>> No.14242732

>Intelligent people on the other hand, realize that in the absence of God, then obviously anything is permissible.
I’m a Christian, but that simply isn’t true. Sure, they have no good conception of an afterlife, and may see little value in this life, but they can still have a basic concept of what actions are good and bad. They might not know of Hell, but they know of prison, and shame, and isolation, even in this life.

>> No.14242819

Funny how all the atheists are the real psychos...you're saying you would rape and murder because tehre isn't a prison, and shame, and isolation to punish you..

>> No.14242823


>> No.14242837
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Is killing wrong in itself? Then it would be the case that killing animals is just as wrong as killing humans, regardless of the consequences. But how many ants have you killed?

>> No.14242838
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but the existence of a God also doesn't automatically imply objective morality

>> No.14242850

God gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

>> No.14242879

Then morality is determined by God, since your actions will have consequences based on His commandments. But unfortunately, it is often the case that people disobey some commandments because of their own earthly view of morality.

>> No.14242913

>anime poster
>is fucking retarded
every time

>> No.14242919

Not an argument

>> No.14242940

I'm being objectively moral, like (You) said in >>14242448

>> No.14242946
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>> No.14242960

You can’t determine that without first experiencing all futures of the possible decisions you could have made in that moment, though it might have been moral nonetheless.

>> No.14242965


Can the Tooth fairy exist without Magic?

>> No.14242975

There is no objective morality, but we have evolved in such a way as to prize forms of morality.

>> No.14243014

Rape and murder are meaningless without establishing the species that spawn them, viz., lust and hatred, whose manifestations are present in far more numerous insults day in and day out. In fact, these preceding two actions can be justified, insofar as the one can to childbirth thus fulfilling the natural end of procreation, and the other through accomplishing a logical purpose (elimination of a bad person such as a rapist for instance). Now, you view these as wrong not through the use of reason but rather because the the egregiousness is so apparent it becomes self-evident to even the most blind of sinners and secondly its consequence terminally affects another person. But Christ said any man that hates his brother is a murderer and every man who thinks impure thoughts in his heart is has already committed adultery.

>> No.14243108

are you 35+ be honest

>> No.14243146


If there is a metaphysical version of the world as it should be, that can be achieved through certain action, than whatever action achieves that goal is objectively moral.

>> No.14243155

Yes but i dont see how that is relevant
"Rape an murer are meaningless" heaer yourself when you speak you evil person

>> No.14243162
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>> No.14243419

Holy low IQ. Profound.

>> No.14243423
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No. We need God

>> No.14243468

Nothing can exist without God so no

>> No.14243476

t. brainlet

>> No.14243480

"Without God" isn't a coherent concept

>> No.14243594

"Object" cannot exist with G-d. (H)e created time. How can morality exist outside without time?

>> No.14243609

You can led an fool to water but he'll usually drown himself instead of drinking.

>> No.14243620


>> No.14243631

Hell is a Catholic heresy. Yeshua was just a man. Only G-d redeems sin. Your punishment is your distance from your Lord and protector. Read Proverbs.

>> No.14243651

based and sheol-pilled

>> No.14244036
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Is morality "irrespective of the point of view" of God? If it is, then why is God necessary for objective morality to exist? If it isn't, then in what way is it objective at all?

>> No.14244046

”Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire.” (Matt. xxv. 41.) Some will say: The fire, but not the punishment of the damned is everlasting. Such the language of the incredulous, but it is folly.

For what other purpose would God make this fire eternal, than to chastise the reprobate, who are immortal? But, to take away every shadow of doubt, the Scriptures, in many other places, say, that not only the fire, but the punishment, of the damned is eternal. ”And these, ”says Jesus Christ, “shall go into ever lasting punishment.” (Matt. xxv. 46.)

Again we read in St. Mark, ”Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not extinguished.” (ix. 43.) St. John says: ”And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up for ever and ever.” (Apoc. xvi. 11.) “Who,” says St. Paul, ”shall suffer eternal punishment in destruction.” (2 Thess. i. 9.)

>> No.14244059
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So many seething Christians in this thread dont realise its already been proven objectively in "The Moral Landscape"

>> No.14244072

You must be at least 18 to post on this board

>> No.14244074

please do not bait me like this

>> No.14244081


gods unnecessary for most things except justifying slavery and hatred and shit like that.

>> No.14244082

>So morality is determined by my environment and my response to it
materialists gtfo

>> No.14244089

No, obviously not. Any sort of moral axioms require a massive leap of faith. Even the "suffering" reductionists make such broadly subjective statements theyre basically worthless.

>> No.14244105
File: 38 KB, 429x600, DIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was at least one person in this thread who read the bible before they opened their STUPID FUCKING MOUTHS