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14240909 No.14240909 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about RSD books?

>> No.14240951


>> No.14240952


>> No.14240967

They're still around?

>> No.14241199

is this a male?

>> No.14242077

is that ksenia?

>> No.14242368


IDK, but she's Russian.

>> No.14242376

I want to feast on her pusy.

>> No.14242501


>> No.14242688

then it's her, thank you

>> No.14242696

mario is not russian

>> No.14243008

vk or instagram please?

>> No.14243169
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Pseud sociologists, without any of the scientific rigmarole/qualifications of genuine behavioural scientists/therapists/psychologists/etc. They, like all other PUAs, sell snake oil to virgins who don't know any better. RSD hide their PUAdom behind a facade of bro/meme culture. Friend of mine called Ciaran used to coach for them - told me the reason they have all this weird terminology is to help build an "in-group" cult among their customers.

I spent the latter part of my teens and half of my twenties following RSD and all the nonsense PUA types like Mystery and Neil Strauss. It's such dangerous, solipsistic, woman-objectfying, nonsense. Ignore all of it. It will fuck you up.

If you genuinely have no idea what to do and are feeling lost, then check out some of Mark Manson's books. Reading them, and then quitting the [cringe warning] "seduction community" was the best thing I ever did.

>> No.14243227

yeah i fucked her.

>> No.14243310

I saw one of their youtube videos once, some balding bearded redhead exhorting the audience to get over their various hangups. It seemed OK but who the fuck watches self-improvement videos on youtube. I've never looked into it.

>> No.14243323

why would you waste your time chasing mediocre pussy

>> No.14243337

I don't.

>> No.14243541

They have no value. ‘Doesn’t matter what you do, just approach and be relentless in pursuit’. That is the entire message. If you follow that line of thinking, then everything you could learn from a book comes a far second to attempting to get women irl. Following RSD too closely will probably only make you worse with women, because you’ll overthink it or try to replicate their stupid shit that doesn’t work.
They’re definitely all grifters, which isn’t a terrible thing. And they definitely all use paid women in their videos. More importantly, they’re all trying way too hard. If you follow their advice too well, you could end up being a cringey tryhard that talks way too much and says stupid shit.

Bronze Age Mindset is probably a way better alternative.

>> No.14243924

>but who the fuck watches self-improvement videos on youtube

my younger brother

>> No.14244034

It probably takes a while to figure this out but if you're in a situation where you are reading RSD-like material to get women, you are in the wrong place mentally to get women in the first place.

First of all, trying to get women if you're young and stupid is a bad idea in the first place. It's not something that should be such a high priority for anyone that they should go out of their way to waste their time on RSD or similar material. I mean by all means talk with women, flirt with them, hit on them...but if you're spending hours reading "seduction" material and making logs and shit you're wasting time that could be used on doing and learning useful shit that is going to come in handy later in life.

Secondly, having sex or having any kind of relationship with another person is a burden. This will become immediately obvious to you when you start considering women as human beings and assigning them a degree of dignity that any human being possesses. To have a relationship, whether short or long-lived, with another person is a burden. They have their own personality, emotions, needs, desires etc. It takes a lot of work, even preliminary work like judging their character and their state of life to make a decision to enter a relatoinship with them. I would never again enter a relationship with a woman I wouldn't strongly consider as a life partner, because anything less than that debases a human being and results in psychological damage when it inevitably isn't working out. I had to turn women down for their own good. They would happily engage in a relationship, but I had to be the smarter person and do what is good for them and turn them down, because they themselves lack foresight and wisdom to see the unfortunate consequences this would have in future.

It all comes back to just being yourself. Not only that but you have to add a lot of responsiblity towards yourself and others. Most of the time, the circumstances and the person you meet simply don't present a good fit. I think this process of making a good match between two people has been entirely lost. Women are not at all intimidating, but hopelessly lost in the relationship game with no appropriate role-models. Most women that appear as intimidating and confident are aimless, scared, juvenile women who are looking for validation in wrong places or completely cluess as to why things aren't working out for them. This is all there is to it. If you want to get a woman that will suit you, I would just advise you to forget about it altogether and work on your interests and hobbies. Being comfortable staying alone for the rest of your life is the single best asset for meeting the right woman for you. Despite that, don't let the feelings cloud your mind when/if you meet her, you have to assess her character and evaluate some very practical things before deciding whether you want to proceed. Everything else is built on shitty foundations and will collapse.

>> No.14244095


>> No.14244137

based. good reply

>> No.14244246

What if I have been holding myself back from asking women out because "there's no way it could last our whole lives, we're in high school... there's no way it could last our whole lives, we're in college..." etc

>> No.14244258

you could go out as friends and practice your social skills and get to know someone you are interested in. not like you need to have sex or date.

>> No.14244264

of course, you don't need to commit to anything. leave it open-ended. perhaps after a while you will become convinced that it could last your whole life, or you will simply see that it's not going to work out in principle. it's not like you have to do something concrete...if you are unsure but interested in someone, just get to know them better and evaluate at a later date.

>> No.14244302

My lack of experience with women makes me clumsy in my relations with them. How can I get to know them in a context that does not impose the feeling that I want to date them?

>> No.14244303

Transformation Mastery by Julien Blanc is literally the best thing I've ever bought with money. Cured my depression and anxiety and made me actually enjoy things again. Was literally going to kill myself before I bought that program. If you any of you are reading this and struggling: get it. You will not regret the decision. Everything else in RSD does not even compare to it

>> No.14244344

Havent read the books but Tyler has some very interesting vids (his ones on "neediness" are essential viewing IMO). Very few people make that transition from philosophy undergrad to full-on dating coach/business owner. Probably why he has a bizarre perspective on life in-general.

>> No.14244395

PUA is a scam to sell courses to virgins.

Imagine if an ugly girl tried to use PUA BS to make you think she's atractive.

Getting fit actually works much more than PUA, because it actually make you more physically atractive.

Also money and status helps.

No amount of talking softly to girls can make you taller.


nothing else matters.

>> No.14245041
File: 63 KB, 570x505, o-JULIAN-ASSANGE-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Manson's books.
IMHO it's all shit and Mark Manson is the worst. Manson is pure ideology who tries to push into you a belief that picking up women to fuck them has a moral dimension and it's best to be "honest" or whatever. The "old school" angle was to have fun and look for girls who'd have sex for fun. This is actually much more honest. Not that they weren't stupid. But there's no better way to make a fool of yourself than being serious about looking to get laid in random places. And it's even more misogynistic to say that women don't like to have sex just for pleasure and fun.

>> No.14245300

It's all about inner game. Just focus on your passions, your work, whatever it is that keeps you alive and you'll naturally find women

>> No.14245353

Eh you're probably right. Been years since I read anything of his. I just remember it sbapping me out of the nonsense PUA community so will forever be rose tinted towards it.

>> No.14245358

What exactly does it entail? It's not just more NLP pseudoscience is it?

>> No.14245365

did you actually get something out of it?

>> No.14245440

The stuff about boundary setting and being honest/up front was helpful. Helped me to be less needy. There was probably more stuff but it's been years since I read it so fuck knows.

I remember it helped me cleanse all the game/manipulation/social theory nonsense that PUA had polluted my mind with.

>> No.14245459

It's an inner work program that deals with the subconscious mind and the cause of why someone is depressed/anxious/etc in the first place. The shit WORKS. I have tried a lot of things (been fucked up for most of my life) and this the only legit resource I've ever found that has actually helped me. Permanent change.

NLP and all that that intellectual heady shit RSD and many others do is cool, I guess, but is essentially worthless in the long run. It will not change the root cause of someone's behavior. Once that is dealt with everything else falls away. Negative patterns I used to have don't even occur to me anymore as something I would do - like they were never even a part of my life in the first place. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. You become a different person who isn't weighed down by past bullshit and can just enjoy life.

Unironically a great program and investment. If you're thinking about getting it you absolutely should. Completely changed my life.

>> No.14245611

Your post sounds like a shill wrote it. Post exercises, interventions, or main concepts about the vague nonsense you claim to be "working."

>> No.14245811


>> No.14246271


>> No.14246302


I used to be into this stuff, it's all the same. You start with positive thinking and refining routines. Then you start putting in hours actually talking to girls. Then you develop actual social skills and don't need the PUA BS anymore.

You don't need jack for resources, look up some basics like openers, 'negs' (backhanded compliments) and how to not seem like an overeager fuckboy.

God I feel cringe writing about this stuff it's been years. It's all horny teenager shit but yeah it does work. Don't buy into one of these Scientology-tier programs though, they just exist to scam the super desperate out of their money.

>> No.14246316

>tfw when handsome, 6ft, financially comfortable, own business with other passions, well groomed, confident and charismatic (at least in smaller groups) but still no gf

>> No.14246323

>imagine spending hundreds of hours training yourself to appear non-needy

>> No.14246364


Kek. This is spot on.

>> No.14246365

I was sucked into their bullshit when I was younger. They're basically a cult who don't get laid nearly as much as they pretend to. And if you follow their "advice", like mass approaching girls during the day and being "radically honest" or whatever, you'll come across as a huge weirdo.
That pic is quite aesthetic tho.

Was with you until you mentioned Manson. While he gives better advice, he is as much of a snake oil salesman as before. Totally agree with >>14245041

While I agree that spending hours reading "seduction" is a waste of time, this idea that no relationship is worth it unless the other person is good enough to be your life partner is really dumb. And if you don't consider relationships as a "burden" you are somehow invalidating a women's dignity? What?? And then you go on to humble brag about rejecting women "for their own good" and because they're "not intelligent enough to see the consequences".
Relationships do take some work obviously, but seeing them as an inherent burden is a really bitter point of view for someone who, like yourself, is trying really hard to appear mature.

Julien is a psycho who happened to be good with women. I never bought any of his courses but TM looks like some Scientology shit. How exactly did it help you out?

>> No.14246389

>he is as much of a snake oil salesman as before

how come?

>> No.14246511


Like >>14245041 said, he adds this weird moral dimension to talking to women, when it should be viewed as a fun, quite meaningless activity. That was the mindset of the older PUAs like Mystery and Strauss, the problem with those guys was that they where manipulative and phony (think routines and negs and whatnot), but the general idea of viewing "pick-up" as a little game your supposed to have fun with was right in my view.

And more generally, I think his advice is quite cookie-cutter and not worthy of having an entire book written about it. This is the problem with pretty much all self-help books.
Furthermore, flirting and social skills are not something that can be taught in a book the same way riding a bicycle or playing a sport can't be taught in a book. It's something you learn by doing.

You can learn little tricks that might help you; for example, there is this PUA named JMULV, who I don't fully endorse because he is a bit of a psycho himself, but one of the things I learned from him is that, if you're hitting it off with a girl, set vague plans for a future date when you are getting her phone number. That way, the girl is more likely to comply and you'll be texting to confirm the date instead of trying to awkwardly set things up trough text message. Little things like this can improve your chances. But the moment someone tries to sell you a 300 page book or 5 different video courses on "game" or "meeting" women, they are automatically being scam-y in my eyes.

>> No.14246559

>Like >>14245041 said, he adds this weird moral dimension to talking to women, when it should be viewed as a fun, quite meaningless activity.

you´re right but aside from that, his book for better or worse really made me know that the whole thing about courting with girls isn´t too complex and it was a sign of relief because i always though that hooking up with a girl or getting gf was advance physics for me, i was always asking to myself, how come for normies is really easy this stuff meanwhile i can´t even grasp how you can go from meeting a girl to having sex with her

is a better alternative than PUA garbage imo

>> No.14246581


>is a better alternative than PUA garbage imo

Oh most def. Don't get me wrong, Manson is mostly harmless and some of his advice is good.
RSD will fuck up your life if you get too sucked into their bullshit. I've known dudes who would spend thousands of dollars on bootcamps and products and go out three times every week while getting minimal results. All because RSD preached shit like "do 1000 approaches" and "meditate in the middle of the club" and a whole bunch of other weird shit; all while acting like talking to girls was a super complicated series of steps, and if a girl didn't fuck you it's because you just didn't play it right. So guys would get caught in this rat race of perfecting their "game", whatever that meant, and just waste their entire lives.

>> No.14246650

I don't exactly understand your point. You mean PUA didn't work at all for you? You didn't get any girl?

>> No.14246683

>And if you follow their "advice", like mass approaching girls during the day and being "radically honest" or whatever, you'll come across as a huge weirdo.
And? Nobody gives a shit about you. Especially in a big city. Nobody gives a fuck. Even in the small towns. Yes you come as a weirdo, until for some girl, you don't. For whatever reason. Maybe she's bored, or really disapointed on her current boyfriend, or she just finds you pretty, tall, strong, whatever.
PUA is the only way to fuck quickly if you need to. For example after a break up, divorce, or if your girlfriend treat you like shit and doesn't have sex with you. What are the other option anyway, having social activities, and waiting until a girl likes you? That can literally take years, even months for a guy with good facial traits.
About RSD, yes most are clowns, but for what i know, todd valentine is a positive influence. Most of his advices are good.

>> No.14246719

>i always though that hooking up with a girl or getting gf was advance physics for me, i was always asking to myself, how come for normies is really easy this stuff meanwhile i can´t even grasp how you can go from meeting a girl to having sex with her
It's not advnaced physics, it's a number game. Totally different things. It's more like sales than science. The more you try, the more success you'll have. At one point,with experience, like some salesperson, you know quickly if the girl is really interested in you, midly, or not at all. Now, i can "feel", the interest of women in me.

>> No.14246888

>spend thousands of dollars on bootcamps and products
u can download it free on torrent trackers

>> No.14247669


>> No.14247818

Todd Valentine is where its at. he really know his shit, and gives super easy tips like the easy flirting video, just change the way you make a sentence and voila, you are flirting, its crazy easy.

>> No.14248043

What the fuck. You guys recommend Tyler, Julien and Todd's courses. Also many people highly recommend practical courses by Max.

So I should watch all RSD stuff? As I understand they are all good in their own way...

>> No.14248206

You're conflating "PUA" with "cold approach".
I'm not against cold approach, if you want to go to a nightclub and talk to a bunch of girls that's fine. If you're spending your afternoons roaming the malls only to get 2 phone numbers in the end, then you're an idiot and you're wasting your time.

If you are approaching people in the same mall or on campus or whatever you can quickly gain a reputation and that will harm all your future social relations.

The problem is RSD tells you you need to approach thousands of girls before you get "good at game", whatever that means. This results in a lot of guys spam approaching with minimal results and looking like weirdos.

>> No.14248219
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anon, have you read the fucking thread
boomhauer is not an idiot

>> No.14248225


>> No.14248239

Sometimes, you just want to fuck and dont give a shit as to who.

>> No.14248245

how do i neg a middle aged chinawoman into shitting on my chest after eating a bowl of fried noodles?

>> No.14248264

> Moral dimension
Morality is a spook.

Sometimes you just want sex and don’t care with who.

>> No.14248283


PUA/RSD/etc doesn't work. Any women I slept with when I was still doing all that shit was entirely by accident.

>> No.14248344

that's literally the point of this post

>> No.14248430

>Morality is a spook
No. Read some books please.

>> No.14248442

What did Kierkegaard and Camus write about pickup?

>> No.14248449



American blogger, former pickup artist, and writer connected with the alt-right and misogyny.
In March 2019, Valizadeh converted to the Armenian Orthodox Christian Church and condemned extramarital sex as sinful, also stating that he was embarrassed about the books he wrote in the past.

>> No.14248896

Tyler made me realize that having a good instagram is important, i used to think that these sites were shit and so on but they have a good use, they can help insert you in social groups, or networks as jordan peterson says, can help you connect with the social nodes.

Julien has a transformational mastery that could very likely work.

Todd Valentine i think is the best, he has the best practical tips, that you can put in practice TODAY, one tip was to "get in state" by looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling, and it fucking works, i tried it the other day. the other one is the flirting tips, they are so easy to apply.
And the how to pick up in college video is really good aswell

i would say to watch todd, and read the mark mansons book.

>> No.14248908

book of pook is an eye opener

>> No.14248920

>"get in state" by looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling, and it fucking works,
You sound like a total retard.

>> No.14248998

>If you are approaching people in the same mall or on campus or whatever you can quickly gain a reputation and that will harm all your future social relations.
That sounds like cope. If the campus or the mall is big, you can do this shit a few time a week, nobody will give a shit. Perhaps some cashier or resident will notice you, but most won't even have a clue what you are doing. It's not written on your forehead: "i'm wandering in the streets in order to talk to girls". Perhaps if you do this half the day, everyday, on the same location, people will indeed ask questions. Also, the solution is obvious: change location. I do cold approach, and most girl i got were average, but some were okay, even pretty. I can't stand online dating, and social circle game is slow, except if you have dozens of friends throwing cool parties all the time. So i don't really have choice.

>> No.14249043

It's not a miracle, but it gives key notion about how to interect with women. For example, about text game, many guys will spam the girl with text, after they got the number. Some won't calibrate their interaction, escalating too slow, or too quickly. Todd valentine gives you valuable tips about how to interact, when you are beginning with women. Many men, even those who had a few girlfriends, don't know shit about interaction with women. So they make a lot of basic mistakes.

>> No.14249061

(...) It's not about making you irresistible, but about maximazing your chances.

>> No.14249204

>the other one is the flirting tips
where can i read that?

>> No.14249375

Fuckin lol

>> No.14249419

their older stuff is actually good

>> No.14249671

Sounds like typical PUA rule-following nonsense to me. Same as everyone else from RSD.

It's not healthy to actively engage with these sorts of things. You become focused on "game" rather than "women" and it will 100% fuck your life up.

>> No.14249688

You can't hit up a shopping mall 3 times a week to chat to strangers and still have self respect. What sort of woman is going to be interested in a man who does that as a lifestyle? Why don't you have more going on in your life?

>> No.14249693

so what should incels do?

>> No.14249708

go to his youtube channel

>> No.14249771

Great advice

>> No.14249781

So what's your plan, wait till the average ugly girl picks YOU up? Because i had those kinds of girls picking me up, before even knowing what PUA is. I had literally 2 4/10 women actively picking me up when i was 23. Asking for phone number, asking for date, you name it. What am i supposed to do, wait till HB4 pick me up, and settle with them? You can also use PUA to search for love, and a beautiful women. You are not obliged to act like Julien or Tyler. Todd is pretty normal behavior stuff. Just like a normal, confident guy, talking to girls.

>> No.14249810

Isn't that just a guide about how to be a sociopath?

>> No.14249814

>Being comfortable staying alone for the rest of your life is the single best asset for meeting the right woman for you. Despite that, don't let the feelings cloud your mind when/if you meet her, you have to assess her character and evaluate some very practical things before deciding whether you want to proceed. Everything else is built on shitty foundations and will collapse.
Well you have to chat to women in order to find a good one. You unironically thing you'll find her with luck one day? Even if it's the case, when? In 15 years, 20 years? What if you die before? What if you are too old, and cannot get a pretty 25 year old women, because you just got too old? So you'll get a 35 years old roastie, is that the ideal life partner? At one point, you are not obliged to fuck the girls you pick up. You can just take the number, date them, and then decide if you want to go furhter. But for that, you'll need basic PUA skills.

>> No.14249828

what part

>> No.14249862

Yeah, I will shill it unironically. And no, fuck off. Buy it and commit to something for once in your life

>> No.14249867

Obviously you have to chat with women. You must have misread that anon, because nowhere in his post does he say or even imply to "ignore women." There are other ways to meet women besides random encounters at the bar. Also, stop unironically using the word roastie, you coombrain fuck

>> No.14249894

Lmaoing at all these people thinking they have better advice than people that have been doing it for 15+ years.

>> No.14249899

I'm 2 and a half year nofap. So no coombrain fuck. Were should i encounter girls? MOst of the girls i meet at my social activities are too ugly, slutty, bad personality, or are too old, or taken. Were is you ideal place to meet girls, work? Online dating? Friends parties, were the cuties are taken, and the non taken women are depressed damaged women? Even if i happen to find one one day, what garantees she won't change her mind, so i would have to have the skills required to meet an other one, preferably not 5 years later, but one year later maximum.I might be wrong, but only PUA gives me this possibility.

>> No.14249901

What kind of academy calls itself "real"

>> No.14249929

What do I do?
>Socialise with friends at parties/gatherings/bars/raves/events/etc. There will always be girls at those places.
>Slide into the instagram DMs of girls I think are hot.

Not exactly rocket science.

>> No.14249948

I'm trying not to pass judgment, but you sound like a damaged person yourself. You seem to be incapable of developing a genuine friendship with women, since the first thing you notice about a woman is whether she's "good enough" and "available" for dating / fucking.

What's your goal? Are you trying to fuck, or trying to get a gf?

>> No.14249959

Depends on why you're incel.

>> No.14249971


Mate this isn't an RPG. If you can make smalltalk with strangers you already have the "skills" you need lmao

>> No.14249975

Basically the idea is you improve your odds by showing up at the bar during last call when the girls are drunk and you're not.

>> No.14250135

>>Socialise with friends at parties/gatherings/bars/raves/events/etc. There will always be girls at those places.
Noisy environment with slutty girls most of the times. About friends parties, like i said, hot girls are taken, single girls are depressed, or not pretty.
>Slide into the instagram DMs of girls I think are hot.
That's online dating, and that's even more pathetic than day game.
I'm past trying to fuck. I can do this. I search a pretty and mentally normal girlfriend. As i said, at social gathering, there isn't the quality standard i search. The avantage of cold approach, you have an almost infinite number of women to approach.
Agree, but most of the guys will still have bad calibration (meaning, excalate too quickly, or not quickly enough). PUA teach this. How to escalate appropriately.

>> No.14250284

Hot girls use instagram DMs to date. Obviously you don't know this because you're a fucking PUA and have no experience with genuinely attractive women.

And yeah, finding a girlfriend isn't easy. But I guarantee panhandling for pussy in the daytime is the worst way to go about it.

>> No.14250303

>just feast on scraps bro
I would rather not dumpster dive.

>> No.14250793

They were both Chads so it was ultimately irrelevant for them. The Myth of Sisyphus is basically him saying "just b urself brah"

Not embarrassed enough though to consider pulling them from sale.

>> No.14250798

is that you, please have a penis
also Yes to what ever your question was.

>> No.14250900

>I search a pretty and mentally normal girlfriend
Newsflash buddy, and I'm trying to help you, man-to-man, no bullshit. You will never get a girlfriend through pick-up-autistry. You're not charming/good-looking enough. If you were, it would have happened long ago. Nope. Just like 99% of the rest of us, you can only get a girlfriend the traditional way. You have to become friendly with a woman, convince her you're not a psycho, charm her, and show her depth and passion that you've independently developed. Only then will she consider you romantically viable. PUA is snake oil and I guarantee you all that "escalation" bullshit will come off as creepy, and at the very least dishonest and forced.

>> No.14251283


Based and wise. Probably impossible without some strong purpose in life to fill the gap.

>> No.14251379

>Not embarrassed enough though to consider pulling them from sale.

>> No.14251845


> The measurement of sexual “performance”, the insistence that sexual satisfaction depends on proper “technique”, and the widespread belief that it can be “achieved” only after coordinated effort, practice, and study all testify to the invasion of play by the rhetoric of achievement. But those who deplore the transformation of play into performance confine their attention to the surface of play, in this case to the surface of sexual encounters. Beneath the concern for performance lies a deeper determination to manipulate the feelings of others to your own advantage. The search for competitive advantage through emotional manipulation increasingly shapes not only personal relations but relations at work as well; it is for this reason that sociability can now function as an extension of work by other means

-The Culture of Narcissism, Christopher Lasch

>> No.14251851

Lasch clearly never made a woman cum.

>> No.14251872

Mystery is completely legit. The guy changed my life back when I was an awkward acne-riddled 15 year old. The (free) RSD stuff is watered-down Mystery Method without any of the actual actionable steps, just piles and piles of mindset-bullshit that doesn't get you any tangible results. The worst offense is they completely got rid of any mention of evolutionary psychology and they hollowed out Mystery's concept of "value" which used to be anchored deeply in evopsych but is now just a term that means whatever you want it to mean.

I stole some one-liners from Mystery and David DeAngelo (the cocky & funny guy) and for the first time in my life, girls responded favorably to me. No one will ever convince me this shit doesn't work. Then I read the Book of Pook, and took the quote "the average newbie will benefit more from a gym membership than from a PUA book" to heart and got into lifting and got a head-start on building muscle cause I started at 15 and not 18-25 like most people.

>> No.14251877

I don't know, i just dated a cute 19 years old i've met with PUA in september. Could have been my girlfriend if the chemistry was better.
Perhaps in the end you're just in self deceit, because we both know you don't have the balls to do this kind of shit. It takes about the same courage as having a clash with an other man. And only a small proportion of men have the balls to do this, let's be realistic. No need to do cognitive dissonance and post rationalization.
I don't see why PUA should work with average girls, but not for hot girls. They are girls. They obey to the same mechanics, and have the same emotions. Okay, hot girls have abundance mentality, but what is to say some hot girl won't find me hot one day? Because i am (hot). I refuse to accept that it's not possible. . Even if this is partly true, i can always beat the odds.
In any case, i've cracked some important things in life, but i haven't really cracked women yet. One day i'll probably will.
In any case, my PUA style is not like Julien or Tyler, but more like Todd Valentine, which is pretty normal style.

>> No.14251896

>Being comfortable staying alone for the rest of your life is the single best asset for meeting the right woman for you.
All this text just to end up with "be comfortable not having any results". This is a stupid post. When you're young you should absolutely prioritize getting women. Why? Because most guys reading this will be in college or some other high-young-women-concentration environment. You will never have this much opportunity to practice ever again. Better to get over your approach anxiety now, dabble in some relationships (that will fail but you'll pick up useful skills and experience) and get the women-phase out of your system. Alternatively, don't do any of that shit, get frustrated by your consistent lack of sex, and jump hastily into a relationship with the first girl that shows a slight hint of interest because you've been sex-starved for so long. And since you've waited this long to start getting good with women, congrats, you're 30 now and under immense peer-pressure to get married and settle down. Enjoy marrying that first girl, secretly resenting her because you missed out on the college experience, eternally wondering if you could maybe have done better, realizing you're going to die having had sex with only one girl ever, and ultimately getting divorced because it doesn't work out.

>> No.14251900

>In any case, i've cracked some important things in life, but i haven't really cracked women yet. One day i'll probably will.
There's nothing to "crack" here.

>> No.14251907

You'll notice this is where PUA stuff comes into play.

>> No.14251926

Roosh unironically has more credibility as a LARP born-again Christian than any of the 4chan virgins who never got any pussy in the first place. Don't tell me "money doesn't buy happiness" if you've been poor all your life: tell me if you're actually rich.
>meaningless sex won't make you happy bro
t. virgin
That's how the Christian LARPers here sound.

>> No.14251950

>it will 100% fuck your life up
post notch count

>> No.14251959

>But I guarantee panhandling for pussy in the daytime is the worst way to go about it.
Yes, it's much better to be guy #1383191 sliding into her DMs or being Tinder match #2003112 than showing real confidence and approach her during the day time, which has happened to her maybe 10 times in her life because everyone is faking confidence online nowadays.

>> No.14251964

Why do PUA weirdos like you always talk like chatting to women is some herculean task requiring massive bravery? The vast majority of men approach women and talk to them. It's called being normal. You're not special.

The path you're on does not lead to meaningful connections.

>> No.14251972

Sounds like an experienced guy women get wet over, trust his judgments

>> No.14251979

If by "normal" you mean having 5 to 8 bed partners in your entire life, yes that's possible if you just let the roll of the dice determine your sex life. Enjoy mediocrity. It's "herculean" because yes, a guy having 30-50 bed partners is rare unless he's really hot or famous.

>> No.14251987

>The path you're on does not lead to meaningful connections.
The last refuge of the inexperienced. You're the guy that goes to business forums to lecture everyone on how money doesn't make you happy, while being poor yourself.

>> No.14251998

You know nothing about hot women. They're harassed on the street all the time. They tend to hate it.

Instagram DMs they don't mind. Because that's the channel they're used to talking in with the guys they like.

Fish in the right waters, etc.

>> No.14252007

>You know nothing about hot women.
This is just a fancy version of the no true Scotsman fallacy. Disregard my argument because you're talking about some elusive kind of hot woman I could never fathom to interact with. But I'm sure the guy on /lit/ fucks supermodels all the time.

You tell me how being the trillionth guy in line in the Instagram DMs is better odds than talking to her while she's grocery shopping. Of course women get harrassed on the street by uncalibrated creepy fucks. But guess what, that applies 1000x to Instagram. Online you don't even need the minimum of balls it takes to catcall someone irl. Look at any girls DMs, even "mediocre" ones, and you'll see desperate, thirsty guys in there.

>> No.14252020

Initiating through DM is a terrible foundation for any meaningful connection with someone. Not saying you have to have some romantic encounter or be childhood friends but cmon, will an insta message be what initiates the potentially lifelong relationship you want? Pretty gay desu

>> No.14252021

Actually I was where you are ten years ago. So I'm speaking from experience when I say you need to ditch this shit.

You will get laid more, have actual relationships, and generally live a happier life once you ditch all the toxic PUA crap.

It's not good for you to think this way. I can't remember the last time I wondered about my "ability level" with women. I used to think about that shit all the time. It's such a pathetic concern for an adult man to have.

>> No.14252028

You don't live in the real world m8

>> No.14252038

I'm saying you know nothing about women because everything you write just reads like a young kid repeating stuff he read on a forum and not something he learned for himself through real life experience.

>> No.14252043


>> No.14252046

I have sex with about two new women per month on average. Adding to this I have about 3 girls I tend to see (bi-)weekly. I feel like I really have a meaningful relationship with each of these three girls, because I know what I want from a woman (not that easy to figure out because you'll change your opinion with experience) and I know (and they know) they will get dumped and replaced if they're not up to par. Let me tell you right now I'm much more happy than a few years ago when I was stuck in a monogamous relationship in which the sex ultimately dried up and was unsatisfactory, but I was too scared to finish things off because I was locked in the "better a little sex than no sex at all" cage. Now, I see how every guy on 4chan suddenly is a born again Christian advocating for exactly the type of monogamy that I wanted to get out of, and it frustrates me a lot.

>> No.14252055

I met my girlfriend of 1.5 years through cold approach. She's getting a PhD in medicine and doesn't have time for Instagram. She did have to time to stroll on the street and give me her phone number, though.

>> No.14252064

The point of lying on the internet is to make it sound believable, anon.

>> No.14252069

t. fucks supermodels by messaging them on Instagram

>> No.14252104

Glad you're happier. That's what matters ultimately. But I don't see why you need PUA to do all of that.

And yeah no idea why /lit/ is so obsessed with christianity these days. I guess atheism isn't anti-establishment enough for this place anymore.

>> No.14252110
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still would like an answer for this

>> No.14252129

>But I don't see why you need PUA to do all of that.
Because I started to see a change in how women responded to me after I implemented things I read in the Mystery Method, David DeAngelo, and Book of Pook.

>> No.14252131
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>I have sex with about two new women per month on average


>> No.14252138

i use me peepee

>> No.14252140

Mostly Tinder these days and cold approach here and there. I'd say 80% comes from Tinder though. Get them to meet for a short (<1hr) coffee date, then a few days later for "wine and a movie at my place".

>> No.14252143

What country are you from?

>> No.14252145

So why do you still need it?

>> No.14252146

Also, do you exchange phone numbers or do you communicate through Tinder app exclusively?

>> No.14252157

What do you mean? I still use the things I learned from those books. I don't really consume any new content because PUA stuff today is 99% "mindset" woo-woo that isn't actual advice, just sales copy. Go to the gym, read Mystery Method, and steal some lines from David DeAngelo. Worked for me.

The Netherlands, but not even in a tier-1 city like Amsterdam. I'm in a college town though.
I go for the phone number very quickly. If they respond favorably to "Coffee this week?" I'll send them "Okay but text me: [#], it's easier". It gets them into the frame of doing what I tell them to, gets them to invest, and it's a good gauge of interest. I find that when you ask for THEIR phone number, they're much more hesitant or they'll say stuff like "I want to text on Tinder some more" (aka waste your time)

>> No.14252167

Lol i've had more than that. I'm not hot, famous, or a PUA.

>> No.14252197

>The path you're on does not lead to meaningful connections.
And why on earth out of, let's say, 1000 women i've approached, the 1001 women wouldn't be a great one, physically and mentally, and we will instantly fall in love? Why is that not possible? People have fallen in love during war, during adversity, against all odds. Yes, even talking to random strangers in the streets. The only real hindrance to falling in love, for me, is online dating. How can you fall in love with a women if you can't even properly see her ass, her legs, her face, her posture, the sound of her voice?
The real alienated shit is not PUA, but online dating.

>> No.14252207

>You know nothing about hot women. They're harassed on the street all the time. They tend to hate it.
Strange, because i've just approached a pretty girl on the streets this week, it didn't work out, but she said to me that she wasn't used to getting approached.
Promoting seduction through internet. I'm pretty sure you are the one in the wrong here. For the simple reason that human managed to do without online dating for hundreds of thousands of years. The random encounter of a female, on the other hand, was always a thing, even 50000 years ago.

>> No.14252211
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>The random encounter of a female, on the other hand, was always a thing, even 50000 years ago.

no way lois

>> No.14252230

they haven't written any books though

>> No.14252231

>Promotes online dating
>Say: "You don't live in the real world m8"
So this is the effect of being born into the digital world for zoomers.

>> No.14252251

The hottest girls are on instagram.

>> No.14252255

150 posts

This is what /lit/ has become.

How is "real social dynamics" even considered literature?

>> No.14252257

*You don't understand the dynamics of modern courtship in the age of social media.


>> No.14252263

Can I drop the wine or is getting her drunk essential to comply?

>> No.14252274

"Wine and a movie at my place" sounds a lot sexier than "tap water and a movie".

>> No.14252278

The point of Mark Manson's book has completely gone over your head, brainlet.

>> No.14252290

go on, i want you to refute him >>14245041

>> No.14252299

Holy shit. You really are a desperate case.
All i know about online dating, is that the success rate is even way worse than with daygame. Online, the hot ones will use you as attention provider indefinitely, The one who will accept to date you are most of the time the less pretty, or damaged goods.
You honestly think that a women will favor someone who "court" here with an instagram message, instead of a slightly muscular, slighlty crazy guy who have the fucking balls to talk to her at a bus stop?
You damn well know the answer. The vast majority of the time, you don't stand any chance against the guy who takes action IRL. If a girl favors an instagram looser texting her through instagram instead of me, crazy MMA fighter PUA, it's her loss, and i don't even want her. You can keep her, and have an online romance with her.
Internet is wonderful, but there are 2 things that are pathetics if done throught the internet: sports (like VR sports), and women interaction. Those thing, you do IRL, and it probably still be an IRL thing 50 years from now. Even if most people will have degenerated into online dating, IRL meeting will still be a thing, for me the only real thing.

>> No.14252310

Dude, if it wasn't for internet dating I'd still be a virgin, to me it's a god send.

>> No.14252324

Manson's book is actually the opposite of "picking up women to fuck them", in fact he dedicates many paragraphs about how you should not pursue quantity of relationships but quality of relationships.

As far as I remember, the whole point of "honesty" as defined by Manson is that it is only by being truly honest (being yourself fully and unabashedly) will you attract women who are a good fit for you, because the more you put on a "mask" to please women, the more you are tricking them into believing you're someone you're not, and the more you're setting up yourself for a dysfunctional relationship in the long term. Also, being honest is an attractive trait in a man because it communicates high confidence and high self-esteem.

Then the other part of the book was about how to maximize the chances of women find the "true you" attractive, which is done by cultivating a more attractive lifestyle, as well as targeting the right demographics (trying to meet women in events where women who are "your style" are likely to attend).

And it's an undeniable fact that male and female sexuality differ, and that women are much more protective of their sexuality than men. Only braindead feminists would claim the contrary.

>> No.14252331

Maybe you would actually have developed some balls without it. That's the thing, most zoomers are emasculated, and many women tend to gravitate towards migrants, because they are archaic, but have more virility which comes with this archaism. The mentality of the strong father, the physical strength, the possibility of violence to defend what's yours or should be yours, it's a powerful pussy magnet. Certainly better than online dating for sure. Like i said, women for favor some internet chump instead of me, you can keep them. I don't even want them. It's her loss anyway.

>> No.14252340

Online dating is hit or miss. It's true that the vast majority of girls who use online dating platforms regularly are not that pretty girls with self esteem issues, if not downright weirdos.

However, I met a couple of girlfriends through Bumble (never Tinder), but you have to be lucky and hit the "sweet spot", which is usually the girl coming out of a long relationship, being recommended online dating by her friends, and you being the first date she has. It's a lottery, basically.

>> No.14252346

>As far as I remember, the whole point of "honesty" as defined by Manson is that it is only by being truly honest (being yourself fully and unabashedly) will you attract women who are a good fit for you, because the more you put on a "mask" to please women, the more you are tricking them into believing you're someone you're not, and the more you're setting up yourself for a dysfunctional relationship in the long term. Also, being honest is an attractive trait in a man because it communicates high confidence and high self-esteem.
Todd valentine never advocated to lying.
>Then the other part of the book was about how to maximize the chances of women find the "true you" attractive, which is done by cultivating a more attractive lifestyle, as well as targeting the right demographics (trying to meet women in events where women who are "your style" are likely to attend).
I'm doing this, but even with this, it's hard to find a pretty women, mentally stable, who is not taken. I your plan is to wait until you meet naturally some girl like this, it can take a long time. Years sometime.

>> No.14252376

I really like the idea of Bumble in theory (woman has to send first message) but it's absolutely hilarious how all they do is send you a generic "hi" -- a message that if a man had sent it to them on Tinder or something, would get ignored to oblivion. Some girls try and put at least SOME effort into it, and they'll send you a question they got off the internet like "What's the most overrated movie?" Only a tiny percentage will send you something that indicates they actually read your profile.

When girls send me a generic "hi" on Bumble I respond just as generically, just to see how they'd carry the conversation if I act just like them. Obviously shit falls flat after two messages back and forth, but it never ceases to amuse me.

>> No.14252378

>"hi" -- a message that if a man had sent it to them on Tinder or something
I used to do that...what should I send instead?

>> No.14252387

Its always bemusing to see people arguing about the 'morality' of pua like it's some dark art that puts spells on women. Bemusing, I say, because its total fucking nonsense. The industry was started by pyramid scheme scammers and rsd is just the most successful scammers yet. Pua is a fairy tale for average men, and apparently it works - not on women, but on parting dorks from their money. Someone on here once said to me that pua is "sales tactics applied". It sure is.. but dorks dont seem to get the sales tactics are being used on THEM.

Listen theres only oh some 6 decades of scientific investigation into sexuality and human attraction and guess what? Women select partners based on physical qualities almost exclusively. They are in fact, bigger sticklers for the physical than men, contrary to popular belief. "Personality" in dating is a spook. By extension pretending you be more attractive by emulating the behaviour of very attractive men is a total farce.

You get what you get, and pretending otherwise leads to neuroticism.

>> No.14252400

Something original at any rate. I've had success with "wanna join my street gang?" which was shamelessly ripped from somewhere online. You need something that shocks their system a bit because girls have thousands of matches, and they all send something generic or boring. You need to stand out by necessity. "You look like trouble" is another time-tested opener. Or something low-effort that nonetheless invites a response, something like "X or Y?" "cats or dogs?" "beer or wine?" "hugs or kisses?"

>> No.14252407

i tried high effort openers but they always yielded me a "can't you say "hi" like a normal person", so i figured just saying "hi" is the way to go.

>> No.14252408

>Listen theres only oh some 6 decades of scientific investigation into sexuality and human attraction and guess what? Women select partners based on physical qualities almost exclusively.
If you had actually read any of the research you mention you'd know that "preselection", aka being liked by other women, is the most attractive quality for men. That's why even ugly famous people get laid like supermodel rockstars.

>> No.14252411

P.s Tyler is still married to a fat Mexican imp. Rsd has been exposed for scripted interactions with actresses in "infields", even having the audacity to reuse the same actress multiple times. You still believe in this shit, lol.

>> No.14252421

Tyler is a multimillionaire with a house in the Hollywood Hills. He can get laid based off that alone.

>> No.14252422

I agree with you but when someone who has spent his life basically putting zero effort into meeting women and then suddenly starts doing SOMETHING (especially if they're going by script), they will get a minimum of results eventually. Once that happens it's easy to ascribe this to "the system" instead of to the fact that they actually started to take any initiative at all.

>> No.14252425

>P.s Tyler is still married to a fat Mexican imp.

can i see picture of her?

>> No.14252433

The point of your opener is to get a reaction and not get lost in the thousands of matches, that's all. Sounds like your "high effort openers" worked just fine in that case.

>> No.14252437


I've got literal textbooks on the subject. You have blogs and an imaginary education. I didnt mention pre selection because that's part and parcel of that pseudoscience you're peddling.

Ugly famous people get laid because they either pay for it or leverage their status or power. Pre selection is total nonsense. Otherwise women would speak about Zuckerberg and Jason momoa in the exact same way. In reality, vaginas turn into the Sahara when looking at someone like Zuckerberg, in spite of his status.

>> No.14252440

I don't know who Todd Valentine is so I can't say anything about him, but Manson doesn't talk about lying either, he talks about the general predisposition that (desperate) men have to pretend to be someone they're not just to please the woman they're courting. He calls this "neediness", and a big part of the book is dedicated to the importance of not being needy.

> I your plan is to wait until you meet naturally some girl like this, it can take a long time.
But targeting your demographic is the opposite of waiting! It's about being smart about where you meet women. Most guys go to bars or clubs and stand in a corner sipping on their overpriced drink. Now that's a waste a time. Manson's advice would be more along the lines "you like literature? Hit up book clubs in your city and try to meet girls there, because it's likely you'll have a lot in common and a lot to talk about".

> the reason I'm a virgin is because my jawline is off by a few milimeters!

>> No.14252442

Almost every woman on the planet will fuck Zuckerberg. Doesn't matter if it's because of his money or status or his looks. We're discussing what attracts women, not "which look do women like".

>> No.14252452


If that were actually true he wouldnt be ball and chained to fucking Priscilla chan. Get real.

>> No.14252457

Zuckerberg is not an immature 16 year old. He prefers the idea of founding a family with the woman who loved him for who he is, before he ever got rich, rather than pursuing botox'd bimbos who are with him to fleece him of his money.

>> No.14252466

Not the guy you're replying to but Mystery Method literally advocates this, they call it building your avatar and targeting your niche. They just advocate night clubs for practice because it's the most girl-dense environment available to most guys. You practice in night clubs so you know what to do at the book store. Really, most new PUA material is just Mystery Method rephrased or watered down.

>> No.14252467
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>Almost every woman on the planet will fuck Zuckerberg


>> No.14252468


Oh for sure, ja ja. That's definitely an accurate appraisal of Zuckerberg, and I definitely believe you believe that.

>> No.14252473




>> No.14252478

Almost human

>> No.14252481

Even notorious womanizers like Gene Simmons and George Clooney eventually choose to get married. Even so, I totally understand ol' Zucc for staying with a woman who fell for him before he got rich and famous. It would probably kill him inside to realize that every woman since would be in it only for the money, which would probably be true. Doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to fuck. I'm sure you would have sex with an old billionaire lady if it meant even a tiny shot at getting some of her cash.

Besides, I personally believe that all high-value males (yes, this includes Zuck) have non-monogamous marriages anyway, with the women either silently tolerating it or being okay with it. They just keep up appearances for the public.

>> No.14252489


> notorious womaniser
> clooney


Pay attention champ.

>> No.14252492

Interesting, maybe I should check out his book. I know he's the godfather of the movement.

seething incels

>> No.14252497

> seething incels

I'm a married man with a baby on the way , you're a dork trying to magic trick and "if I pretend I'm james bond, I AM James bond" his way into losing his virginity. Grow up.

>> No.14252504

>there is no middle ground between magic tricks and believing that the angle of your jaw will entirely determine your sexual success.

>> No.14252508

>I'm a married man with a baby on the way
Ah, you're one of those. Are we supposed to be envious of married guys? Congrats, you got a woman to commit to you (conditionally) with a 50% failure rate (but I'm sure your marriage is different). And also you signed off your freedom and your balls.

>> No.14252509

I went through a PUA phase, and don't let anyone tell you it doesn't "work." All the basic concepts make perfect sense. The only change is that I have now reoriented my values to looking for a higher quality long term GF. Please take note though, that the technique there only changes slightly. Kino, push-pull, conversation, location changing all are great things to at least get a girl interested and excited even if your goal isn't to pump and dump. Sluts and decent women have 95% the same brain, and being able to pull sluts will set you up for getting your foot in the door with better girls.

>> No.14252521

>Kino, push-pull, conversation, location changing
If you're already physically attractive, yes. I got called out on that shit immediately.

>> No.14252527


There isnt. This is feeling like having to explain to an adult that the Easter bunny isnt real.

The only thing pua is capable of doing is getting neurotic, poorly socialized dorks to go out and take chances like everyone else. That's it. It is pure stone flipping, and you can pretend otherwise but I promise you one day you're going to look back on this dorky period of your life and all the dumb shit you are doing with a great deal of embarrassment. Dont take my word for it go get into contact with OGs like sinn.

>> No.14252529

Exactly. If you personally experienced it works, you just believe in it. There's lots of strawmanning on the subject. For example, I'm also not chasing a notch count and one night stands. I was always after having a "rotation" of 4 to 5 girls I see on a consistent basis so I can have sex with multiple women consistently and also have some kind of emotional and sexual connection with each of them. Then you read online you're an objectifying asshole who wants to use women and how it will make my soul corrupt or something, lmao.

>> No.14252543

Pre-reqs: Learn mindfulness (via 'The Mind Illuminated'), read Models by Mark Manson, and read quality newspapers or books to have something to talk about.
Then: join a club if you're in university, or work/volunteer with them (assuming you're at a low-stakes job, vs. a white-collar corporate environment). You're not expected to date in this context, so you can build your social skills.

>> No.14252545

I already went through my "pua phase" and it honestly changed my life for the better. How do you explain that I went from being a very socially awkward virgin to a person whom people think is pretty good at talking to girls, despite my physical appearance staying exactly the same (I don't work out and wear very basic clothes).

>> No.14252548

Even the most often lampooned PUA tropes likes peacocking have some basis in fact. I wear a large Christian cross necklace and occasionally girls will comment on it and then I can tease them that I'm becoming a priest and they shouldn't talk to me because I'm chaste. Then in the media this helpful little piece of advice gets morphed into "dress up like a complete clown". This is one piece of advice that has helped me get laid. And now you're telling me to my face it doesn't work, contradicting my own experience.

>> No.14252569


You went from a poorly socialized dork to a normal dork and you want me to explain what? Show us your Instagram with attractive women hanging off you, oh right! You dont have any! Isnt it curious how all the self proclaimed puas on the internet are either using blatantly obvious escorts (jmulv lol) or seem to have a complete deficit of women in their social lives? I know I know, it all happens in secret, that well known phenomena of women not wanting to be seen with the men theyre sleeping with.

>> No.14252597

> This is one piece of advice that has helped me get laid. And now you're telling me to my face it doesn't work, contradicting my own experience.

Are you seriously this stupid? Did it ever occur to you that the same chick you got laid with wouldve fucked you all the same without the goofy necklace or do you actually believe that was a game changer.

No wonder the industry is still going strong despite year after year of fraud exposure, pua wannabes are dumb dumb dumb.

>> No.14252616

>if PUA doesn't work it means it's bullshit
>if PUA does work, it means it's bullshit
She wouldn't have started talking to me without the necklace, which is the entire point of peacocking - giving them a reason to start talking to you because women will never open you by just saying "hi" or something. Lots of girls initiated a conversation with me by touching my necklace and asking a question or making a comment about it, but I'm sure all those girls would've spontaneously started sucking my dick just the same without the necklace.

>> No.14252639

So for you, if PUA doesn't turn you into Dan Bilzerian, this means PUA is fake?

I think you might have a misunderstanding of the goals of studying PUA.

>> No.14252644

>gives specific example of PUA advice that worked
>"she would've fucked you anyway bro"
Do you realize how stupid you sound? Your little theory of "PUA doesn't work" is literally unfalsifiable because you'll just say that if something worked, it means the girl would've fucked you regardless. That means you can't be convinced even in theory, which means you're arguing in bad faith

>> No.14252647
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People, PUA is just a way to have fun with girls in clubs or whatnot. It's ok as long as you don't take it seriously.

>> No.14252653

>She wouldn't have started talking to me without the necklace

Is that a fact. After you got done mechanically humping her snatch, was she idly playing with your chest hair and remarking "you know if it wasnt for that goofy oversized cross you wear, I would have NEVER talked to you"

Just shut up shit for brains. Go write some fake lay reports on reddit seduction or wherever the dorks congregate these days with the latest gen of suckers.

>> No.14252660

Right, now we're arguing about some hypothetical timeline instead of my real life experience. Just face it, I read some shit, I applied it, I got results. What more do you want? I'm sure women randomly say hi to you all the time, so go fuck your harem instead of arguing with real results.

>> No.14252691

It's almost as if you could quantitatively measure how many women open you when you're peacocking versus when you're not, and draw some conclusion based off that.

>> No.14252707

dude why are you so angry? an anon is telling you that one idea marginally helped him in a way he was pleased about and you have flown into some narcissistic rage. are you mad about your own lack of success with women or what is this about?

>> No.14252708

Assangeposter here
>Manson's book is actually the opposite of "picking up women to fuck them", in fact he dedicates many paragraphs about how you should not pursue quantity of relationships but quality of relationships.
This is exactly what I meant. Once it's not about picking up women to fuck them then it really starts being scary. What you describe is ideology in althusserian sense, it's someone telling you how to perceive the world and yourself in it. This is way more degenerate than picking up women for fun, which is what it's meant to be. Serious relationships you form with someone you know and trust, with whom you went through shit, don't lure yourself into thinking that something like that can be abstracted and described by some random asshole with a blog and a book. Your life and who you want to be serious with is more valuable anon.

>> No.14252745

>to make a point about morality, he quotes a guy who murdered his wife

>> No.14252807

To answer your post more seriously though, I really fail to see how ascribing to an "ideology" (in truth it's really more a set of practical rules of behavior to follow) is in any way dangerous. Nobody's asking you to take everything Manson says with 100% commitment: here's a guy who tells you his view of how you should act with women, now of course you're free to make up your mind about what he says and selectively choose to implement parts of what he says by making adjustments in your own personal life.

Why can't personal interactions be abstracted? That's like saying animal behaviors can't be abstracted, which is absurd. There's nothing "sacred" about human interactions which makes them too "pure" to be studied analytically. Anyway, there are entire academic fields devoted to the study of human behavior, such as behavioral psychology, etc. so you're just plain wrong here.

You make it sound like cult brainwashing, but there's nothing cultish about reading a self-help book and decide to implement its advice. In truth I find it very ironic that you go on to quote a marxist philosopher, given that marxism is way way more ideological and cultish that whatever PUAs or Mark Manson have written.

>> No.14252825

If you desire meaningful relationships with women, you need to learn how to fuck a lot of them until you find the ones worth keeping around. For men, there is no virtue in chastity.

>> No.14252835

>I really fail to see how ascribing to an "ideology"
You would have to know who Althusser was, but it's a lit forum, nobody reads here.
> there are entire academic fields devoted to the study of human behavior, such as behavioral psychology
None of which Mansons has any serious knowledge of.
>cult brainwashing
Read about the other Manson. He also was all about honesty and love. But he ruled the underworld, so who gives.
>marxism is way way more ideological and cultish
Read a wikipedia page on what marxism is. I know that you;re probably just a kid so you can't get me angry.

>> No.14252873

>You would have to know who Althusser was, but it's a lit forum, nobody reads here.
I know you think you're superior to the plebians for reading obscure marxist philosophers, but in truth there's no inherent value to being highly educated in the intellectual circle jerk which marxism has become, and which I am sure, in the coming centuries, will be viewed as pure sophistry.

Anyway, the reason I know about Althusser is because I've read about his colorful life. A virgin until he was 30, and was so traumatized by his first sexual experience, he was confined to a mental institution and vowed to never have sex again. Then he goes on to marry the woman he had sex with, only to murder her later on. Without wanting to devolve into ad hominems, he doesn't seem like the best guy to take life advice from.

>None of which Mansons has any serious knowledge of.
How do you know that?

>Read about the other Manson. He also was all about honesty and love. But he ruled the underworld, so who gives.
I'm not talking about the other Manson.

>Read a wikipedia page on what marxism is. I know that you;re probably just a kid so you can't get me angry.
I've read my fair share of Marxist literature. To be honest I bet I'm older than you are, going through an angsty marxist phase is typical of undergraduate students. You'll eventually outgrow it when you step into the real world.

>> No.14252904

>obscure marxist philosophers
I'm not even kidding, stopped reading here. If Althusser is obscure to you you just take what you've been given and carry on with your day. I haven't read the rest of your post, good luck.

>> No.14252920

>hey /lit/ does this dating advice work?
>200 posts later
>you don't know shit about Marx boy

>> No.14252926

>I haven't read the rest of your post, good luck.
You sound buttblasted.

>> No.14252934


>> No.14253163

Bronze Age Mindset by BAP? Wow, never thought I’d find someone who knew of BAP on the chans

>> No.14253185


>> No.14253211

Only a true virgin would say women care exclusively about physical attributes. Seriously, you must be a virgin, because you clearly have never successfully seduced a woman.

>> No.14253308

PUA shit is so fuckin gay lmao

>> No.14253416

How have MODS and JANITORS not cleaned up this cesspool yet?

>> No.14253634

Spoken like a true virgin. I should know, i look pretty chadly, but i have an awkward personality which decrease my success rate. Doesn't mean i don't try and have success here and there.

>> No.14253765

I was this (and know a dude who still does this - toxic relationships and all but still fucks gf on the daily)
I used to parrot Manson's talking points but now I think the root cause is just overvaluing sex. After a 6month relationship I think sex is now more of a chore than anything else. (I prefer social contact over "deep relationship conversations") Overall I think Manson is great for incels/RSD fags but you should dump him and do something better with your life rather than being "honest" all the god damn time

>> No.14253780

And that's why again, online date is shit. Just talking to a random girl IRL is already something original. Even talking about weather IRL is more ballsy and original than engaging with some supposedly creative opening online. I don't understand how you guys can bear online dating. I must have too much ego for it.
That's true, but PUA also gives advices about what to do and what not to do.
> In reality, vaginas turn into the Sahara when looking at someone like Zuckerberg,
Again, spoken like a true virgin. I don't like Zuckerberg. I think he is a piece of shit. But it's obvious that he must often get women approaching him, sometimes even sexually explicit approaches.
If you are not physically attractive for her, she won't even go to a date with you retard.
>and all the dumb shit you are doing with a great deal of embarrassment.
Okay it didn't work for you we get it. It worked for me.
True. PUA is about enhancing your success rate. Not radically changing your sexual value.
This is also true. Often when you only got 1 or 2 girlfriend, you accept shit from them that you would never accept if you fucked 20 girls. Because you have experience, and know that some behave nicely.

>> No.14253814

I'm not horrific looking or an absolute manlet. There are some things that cannot he overcome except without a massive amount of money.

>> No.14253823

this thread is unironically one of the best discussions on RSD and Counter-RSD (Manson)
totally agree and fucking based. you basically started with Manson's point about RSD (if you're trying to do X pickup strat, you're basically being too tryhard/inauthentic to have an actual relationship/conversation) Manson usually follows with drivel about why honesty is the best thing since sliced bread and why relationships and travelling are so satisfying but I've grown out of that bullshit.

I think you're being too economical with relationships (you might be an unironic chad- are you rejecting alot of women or are you just deciding to reject if (any) sub-tier opportunity arises?)

Again agree with the egoist conclusion. Beyond the good parts of a relationship (cuddles,sex,deep conversations,etc.) there's alot of shit - boring conversations, quarrels, breakups, expenses, etc. Love really is a deeply marketed ideal that doesn't really exist (recommend Alain de Botton if you're lefty and idk Mad Men/American Psycho if you're righty)

in the end, most incels/whatever feel really fucking lonely and idolise some pussy, when they really should just join some offline groups (i.e. develop a social life blabakbalbala)

fucking based post desu

>> No.14253862

I mean, one reason I shifted direction is that I do think casual sex is bad for the soul and society. That doesn't change the rules of what women are attracted to and how they need to be treated. People of my grandfather's generation and before just got this intuitively, but now it needs to be re-taught to the cowardly children of boomers and Gen Xers.

>> No.14253962

Fuck off ha

>> No.14253990

PUA crap doesn't really work but it is sometimes predicated on the fundamental and real insight that you should never, ever, ever see women as anything other than a low-grade, phoned-in version of a man. unfortunately, PUA shit is missing the next logical step, which is that you should therefore stop caring about fucking these pathetic D-grade humans and embrace being a good and fulfilled person without pussy in your life

most normies live in a benign version of the mental illness called woman-veneration, and they project that benignity onto people who have the malignant form of woman-veneration (namely virgins and incels). both groups worship pussy as the most important commodity in life, but the difference is that most normies can eventually bumble their way into sex, relationships, and the concomitant validation and mood-elevation. even more to the point, most of these normies won't notice that this bumbling process, though eventually successful in most cases, involved swallowing one humiliation after another, and constantly making concessions that they really shouldn't have made for the sake of their own dignity. perfect example: it is now alarmingly common for half-decent-but-never-gonna-be-chad (aka "close but no cigar" unfuckables who will have to struggle for pussy forever despite being effetely manicured hipsters) normie men to be in "poly" relationships, aka they are literal cucks

that's what i mean when i say they live with a benign version of the woman-veneration disease. the fact that so many sub-chad, normie men, the kind who use reddit and go to college and force themselves to be positive milquetoast homos their whole lives, will EVENTUALLY get some pussy, the fact that they will have no problem (though they should) with the fact that the pussy will be battered and used-up and shared with other men, their fundamental contentment with this sad and disgusting fate, is projected onto incels and virgins, who are then told "lol just be a gay hipster who doesn't mind being a cuck like me :) uh i have a girlfriend buddy, do you? lmao didn't think so" by a literal fucking cuck.

>> No.14253994

virgins/incels are superficially more destitute (they can't get laid), but often they are much better people, because either as a result or as a cause of their inceldom, they actually have dignity. that's why they don't like to swallow the cuck pill. when the virgin/incel is told by the forced positivity socially acceptable reddit hipster guy (who despite all this self-fashioning is still pathetically on the bottom rung of the normie pecking order) that he ought to stop judging women for being stupid, shallow, idiot whores, that he ought to give his brain the old Room 101 treatment and force himself to see stupid, narcissistic, entitled whores as good people, that he ought not to mind dating a ruptured fleshlight that occasionally cries for no reason and has cutting scars all over its thighs, the virgin/incel's natural reaction is incredulity. that's a good thing.

PUA ideology is a weird middle point between the two worlds. it rightly sees women as disgusting, worthless, sub-human versions of men, permanently stunted at age 14 mentally and emotionally, permanently interested in childish hedonism, permanently stuck as entitled brats who think society exists to entertain them, too stupid to even realize how short-lived their free ride is (since they hit the wall at 25-30), etc. PUA shit knows all this, it's predicated on it, it can in a sense give you permission to think about such things, in a world otherwise dominated by forced positivity hipster cucks who will go "Ummm who hurt you? :S I'm a cool hipster guy. Um I've got a girlfriend buddy, try getting laid? ;)" whose "girlfriends" are like roommates who leech off them financially and use them as emotional tampons while getting railed by linebackers. normally, any sane and independent thought about how awful women have become is immediately quashed by an avalanche of normie hipster FAGGOTS tripping over themselves to demonstrate what good little boys they are and how well they tow the party line re: women, how they'd never think of questioning a woman's RIGHT to be in an "open relationship" with one meek submissive breadwinner with effeminate body language while sleeping with freakishly tall supermen with perfect facial symmetry and forearm-sized cocks. PUA videos are like a nice retreat from the hipster echo chamber and its chorus of useful idiots

but it can't get you to the next point, namely, realizing that sex is worthless, that having sex with an "adult" woman in the west is effectively spiritual pedophilia since her body ages (rapidly) but her spirit has not matured since age 13, and that normie men are worthless unindividuated chaff. that can only come when you learn to love yourself, and to love humanity's potential so much that you feel completely certain in rejecting what humanity has unfortunately become. i am modestly thankful that PUA videos were part of that journey for me.

>> No.14254017


>> No.14254104

wi seh bout bux yu zimmi?

>> No.14254585


>> No.14254589

Why the fuck would you bump this fucking abomination of a thread you stupid fuck?

>> No.14254654


>> No.14254693

>What do you think about RSD books?

The term "be yourself" is one I dislike because of its black and white morality. Rollo sees change as a way of attraction and scoffs at such a notion. The reality is changing for the better: being yourself as in keeping your interests yet changing yourself health wise not for girls but for yourself.

>> No.14254920

Just embrace the garbage or hide it. You really shouldn't be on this awful site any longer than 30 minutes a day anyways

>> No.14254960

How do men who hate how disgusting women have become ignore the fact that this is all men's fault. Fix the average video game playing, horror movie loving, overly sentimental cuck and women will naturally fall into their place

>> No.14256287

>You really shouldn't be on this awful site any longer than 30 minutes a day anyways
You first.

>> No.14256901
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, 1562797668278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSD really worked for me. It's a difficult skil set to build. I used to go out with these wall street nerds and they were hardcore, approaching 50 girls a night. They got super slick and were fucking models left and right. If you don't live in a big city it's a dumb scene to get into. This was in NYC. You gotta see it to believe it.

>> No.14257186

>feminists tell men to "man up"
>4chan loses their shit
>tradcon tells men to "man up"
>gets called based and redpilled

>> No.14257593

what wrong with that ?

>> No.14257685 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 914x1091, 1575031324912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It all comes back to just being yourself
fuck off normie

>> No.14257702

Since this thread is still alive, here's a good advice from the PUA community. Tood Valentine and also Robert Green (48 laws of power). Never told a women how much you like her, especially in the beginning. That's some counter-intuitive shit, and most people who aren't into PUA will make that mistake. If you tell a girl that you really like her, it takes away all the mistery for her. All the flirting.

>> No.14258058

I want to believe this but wouldn't viewing sex as worthless be the same kind of mistake Hyppolitus made, for which he was punished by Aphrodites?

>> No.14258248

based and redpilled

>> No.14258261

Can we let the thread die already?

>> No.14258364

What virgins fail to understand is that sex itself isn't some mystical act and the barrier they create by conflating it with what they really want and placing it on a pedestal beyond their reach is antiethical to their cause. They don't want bad pussy, they want mythical pussy with a love story attached. Break down the lies you tell yourself, kick down the pedestal you built for them, and go from there. Virgins can't self actualize like that.

>> No.14258430


he did pull them tho. you can't buy Bang or any of the Bang Guides anymore, he pulled all that shit. Game by Roosh V is legit. I've been following Roosh for ages and he's by far the best "thinker" in the entire redpill scene, plus he's just a relateable dude. The Roosh V Forum changed my life, Roosh is legit, much better than Manson. Check out his Christian vlog series where he just spent 5 months driving by car across the entire USA and talking about spiritual/cultural issues.

>> No.14258490

"PUA" is not a "lifestyle". It's a skill set. Do you want to be successful with women in 2019? Are you not pretty damn attractive or don't want to just "wait" to be yourself and get lucky? Then guess what: you need to know the basics of game and how to be attractive. Period. Full stop. "PUA" is not a lifestyle, it's not a "mindset", it's a set of behavioral attributes that increases the likelihood of having sex with women and additionally changing your personality and lifestyle in the process.

Here's why game is necessary: the fundamental building blocks of successful male-female interaction in the West have collapsed. Read the Misandry Bubble. Game is merely an evolutionary adaptation by men to do what they have an inherent urge to do: have sexual relations with the highest quality women (re-productively speaking) that they can. You can spew bullshit about "analyzing" game but here's the fucking truth: if you don't improve yourself, if you're not putting in the work, if you're not trying to succeed, you WILL get passed up. You WILL have to settle for a low quality woman. Here's your choices: be a monk, swear off women; "be yourself" and hope the 5 girls that aren't obese in your class or workplace or wine tasting faggot club are "naturally" into you; or take your life into your own hands, learn game, self-improve, challenge yourself.

But /lit/ has a victim mentality. I have seen giant personal change from learning game. My entire life has fundamentally shifted. Read literature all you want, become interesting all you want, appreciate art all you want (I do these things as well); but don't expect them to help with women unless you learn game.

>> No.14258500


>> No.14258506


the only reason Manson preaches honesty I think is because it allows you to get a woman you can at least somewhat reveal your power level around and tolerate without playing clown 100% of the time

>> No.14258516
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>> No.14258532


>sex is just casual bro haha don't worry about it lol

sex is not about "having fun". it's about self-actualizing

>> No.14259601



>> No.14259607


>> No.14259710


>> No.14259746

Is it bad if I want to lick her p*ssy? I've never been with a girl, and I'm a legitimate asexual, but I really kind of want to pleasure a girl as her little helper and have her praise me as her "good boy" for doing so. I'm not sure if any girls out there will actually support this fantasy. But yeah, I kind of just want to be wrapped in her arms and to receive her love and praise for making her feel good, followed by her reading me bedtime stories while gently caressing my hair in her fingers.

>> No.14260359

>? Women select partners based on physical qualities almost exclusively.

That is not true.

Anyone with experience with women, or has observed women, will know that is not true.

A man's social skills and social status can increase or decrease your attractiveness to women.

If you are a male model, than you can act like a goof and women will still want you. But Male Models are not the general male population.

>> No.14260971


>> No.14261703


grow up

>> No.14261934

Excellent turn-of-phrase, which should bw permanently used from now on.

>> No.14262085

cold approaching and escalation will get you closes. after that it's a stats-maxxing and numbers game. unfortunately some issues need to be worked out with real life women, a therapist won't suffice. expect the first couple times to be real challenging and you'll probably overwhelm her with your personal issues/insecurities that inevitably come out. keep putting in the work and you'll see results, however. pussy is a path to enlightenment, so I'm told.

>> No.14262116

Women always select for physical attributes. Women will also "settle" for less if they don't have better options within arms reach.

>> No.14262743

Why read about picking up women when you can just quit being a pussy?

>> No.14262818

I can sort of appreciate that when this PUA shit first started, there were genuinely people around who wanted to help newbies get girls but overtime it got infiltrated by snake oil peddlers who saw an easy way to get money. It's no accident that if you check the backgrounds of almost all major PUAs, they were almost all salesmen at some point (many of them failed ones, which is why they got into PUA in the first place).

Actually getting girls usually involves talking to and hit on as many girls as possible. Girls that are not that attractive to you work best, because you will feel more comfortable around them and automatically go into Chad mode, which is basically innate knowledge to most men who are not basedified beyond all hope. This works even with some conventionally hot girls, provided you don't really find them your speed or when you've got a really bad crush on one particular girl to the extent that your brain will automatically filter out any other girl in your vicinity as a potential prospect.

Oh yeah and get /fit/, groom yourself and fix your social skills to maximize your conventional appeal. Even then, this is hit-and-miss because as many men have learned throughout the ages, what is attractive to women is not as straightforward as basic physical appeal is in the case of dudes. So really, just hit on girls. RSD complicates this shit to ridiculous lengths, when the most honest answer is that every man needs to work out their own style that plays to their strengths. How do you do this? Hit on girls.

>> No.14262826

I find most PUA advice insanely daunting to even get started on because they seem to assume a baseline of normality that you can at least leverage when starting, such as having friends and going to social gatherings, which automatically rules out any awkward shut-ins who can barely talk to strangers.

>> No.14263404

same rules goes for women
you have to fuck a lot of guys until you find the one worth keeping

>> No.14263431


>> No.14263504

Yeah, a trap: the hips and legs are always the give away. Trannies cannot make their hips look like girls' hips. Skinny hips are a turn off anyway, who (besides a homosexual) wants a chick who looks like a man?

>> No.14263507

RSD literally works tho. But keep staying mad.

>> No.14263512
File: 70 KB, 498x471, 1567792757084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but by then no guy worth having will want them pic related LOL.

>> No.14263522
File: 281 KB, 2374x604, slut1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not, it is different with girls.
t. pic-related.png

>> No.14263618

This is the correct answer.

Ugly dyels only get women because they tried. When the 6'5 chad appears who deadlifts 700lbs will get your bitch in a light switch.

Game it's just a cope for incels and sociopaths, real just don't even try.

Go read therepill sidebar is really useful

>> No.14263641
File: 58 KB, 525x503, 1432134909779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse search shows russian sites and nothing else, no wonder why nobody can find the intagram.

>> No.14263683
File: 232 KB, 900x900, BufPrIRxtno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her VK is literally on the first page of reverse search

>> No.14263733


Controlled experiments have looked at all of this stuff and every time mens 'personalities' fail to make any impact whatsoever. Being charming makes you more likeable, but likeable has nothing to do with fuckable, hence the long time phenomena of women sleeping with men they despise as people. Women select mates on physical factors, primarily height and facial symmetry, because these are pure indicators of genetic fitness, secondarily shoulder to waist ratios and muscularity. You can fake being a tough guy or a rich guy or whatever, but a 5'8 man with a bird face and a weak frame cant fake being a 6'4 stud.

But fine let's keep it strictly to anecdotes and 'everyone knows' because everyone knows how reliable peoples personal interpretation of the world is. Rain making works, dontchaknow?

Like it or not, tinder is an absolutely accurate representation of the sexual marketplace. No screaming at me wont make this any less true. Your results on tinder are an accurate representation of how attractive you are to the women in your demographic. No amount of witty lines, banter or dancing monkey routines will change how attractive you are to a woman. Time to grow up.

>> No.14263763


If rsd works, why is one of their instructors a virgin? Why do they use actresses? Why do they only do live infields with the attractive guys and not the ugly ones, you know since the entire claim behind pua is that you can MAKE women attracted to you? Why does jeffy get rejected by fat ugly hookers (literally) ?

>> No.14263807

>why is one of their instructors a virgin?


>> No.14264404

>Ugly dyels only get women because they tried. When the 6'5 chad appears who deadlifts 700lbs will get your bitch in a light switch.
Oh, an other virgin.
I know a few of those guys, they don't get bitches left and right like you say.

Real chads are celebrities. Women don't give a fuck about the unknown bodybuilder. I know a powerlifter, women seem to be completely indifferent to him. I also know a guy who looks like the original Chad thundercock, he gets rejected massively by the average roastie, with some success here and there.
Incels like you should get their facts strait. The real alpha male isn't the tall muscular guy with a large jaw. It's professional champion athletes, high level politicians, Hollywood celebrities, famous singer. Those are the alphas.

>> No.14264434

First paragraph - 3/10
Second paragraph - 2/10
Third paragraph - 0/10

All the responses you get on this basket weaving forum are the accurate and only real representation of your ability to form a coherent argument in written form.

>> No.14264439

>but a 5'8 man with a bird face and a weak frame cant fake being a 6'4 stud.
A 45 year old MP who is a 5'8 man with such a face and frame will fuck way way more than your 6'4 stud, because he is super high social status. That's the real red pill.

>> No.14264459

This, tbhq. If you've ever browsed /fit/ for a while you'd see how hilariously true this is. Although women would PREFER their lovers be in shape, it ultimately makes little difference to the vast majority of them.

Why do people even want to fuck someone they have literally just met? Fucking someone you don't care about leaves you feeling just as lonely as fucking no one at all. I only bought into this shit back when I was an insecure virgin and thought having sex with someone, ANYONE would provide me with all the internal validation I desperately craved. Lo and behold, it didn't-- not even close. It just made me feel even more confused.

>> No.14264492

Dilate +post bodies.

You are both full of shit, you are comparing Celebrities to the average bro who wants to get laid.

Status aside, if a man of the same level on dominance hierarchy has more masculine traits than the other guy, the masculine guys will ofcourse get laid. Neglecting looks is like believing this RSD guys.

Looks>everything for getting thots
Money>Status for being a beta buck.

Don't forget to post bodies

>> No.14264515

I'm 5'8" and skinnyfat. I don't have a body worth posting. Actually, back when I used to work out and I looked pretty fit the women I associated with were all over me and I was far more aggressive about hooking up with them. Laziness, aging, and realizing that hooking up does very little for me unless its with someone I've developed an emotional attachment towards is mostly to be blamed for this.

>> No.14264562

>hooking up does very little for me unless its with someone I've developed an emotional attachment towards is mostly to be blamed for this.

Well this is my, but i'm really /fit/ to the point of being called a chad at random times. But i have emotions for only one girl, and that's why i will never be a true 20% man. I have women all over me but the manipulation my gf does to me is on another level and i blame that she is 130iq while im only 110. She is just smarter.

>> No.14264592

Women are dumb and work on emotions, they don't view physical stats unless it's all they can see(tinder). It's easy to trick them into fucking you.

>> No.14264619
File: 114 KB, 600x776, mini_magick20190316-13829-17fi193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bible. Mystery method books are good if you want to fuck insecure chicks. It always assumes the position that women are vapid and shallow, so it works that angle. Models by mark manson is good if your main issue is low self esteem.

Magic bullets is the mechanics of the "sell", at the end of the day you're just a cock salesman

>> No.14264620

I don't know if i have a better body than you, but what i'm almost sure, is that i would crush your face, since i unironically do MMA 5 times a week. That's also why i stopped pure weight lifting, since it's useless to be a 250 pounds jacked dude, if a 180 pound MMA fighter crush your face in less than one minute.
>Status aside, if a man of the same level on dominance hierarchy has more masculine traits than the other guy, the masculine guys will ofcourse get laid. Neglecting looks is like believing this RSD guys.
This i agree.
>Looks>everything for getting thots
>Money>Status for being a beta buck.
Okay about money, but about status it's not true. Status>everything, provided you are not a disgusting old fat man. Do you honestly think that David Laid would fuck more girls than Elon Musk, Donal Trump or Elvis Presley? They don't even have to try, thousand of women are already throwing themselves at them. These guys just show up somewhere, women just go greet them with big smiles. Hell even the Zuck. I've seen it with some 40 years old MPs. They don't even have to try.
I don't even like the effect of status on women, since i despise status, but being red pill is accepting the world for what it is, no what you want it to be.

>> No.14264719

Thanks i'll give it a read. Can't hurt. Had a lot of failure with my game recently. Caught a cutie in September, a fat MILF and a cougar last summer, but i had a lot of failure with younger, prettier girls. Perhaps this will help.

>> No.14264724

you don't get it brainlet, try reading again

>> No.14265451

Is PUA a thing anywhere else except for 'Murrica?
t. had to google what "real social dynamics" is

>> No.14266230

who hurt you

>> No.14266293

fuck off redditor fag

>> No.14267703

>Do you honestly think that David Laid would fuck more girls than Elon Musk, Donal Trump or Elvis Presley?

yes, yes, no

Elon Musk might be able to BUY more girls, whether by quite literal exchange of money or by implication of leveraging his clout for them, this is NOT the same as having girls WANT to fuck you. ditto for trump. Harvey Weinstein was once upon a time one of the most powerful men in hollywood, and yet he needed to resort to underhanded tactics or promise favorable career outcomes to fuck hot no namers.

elvis presley in his prime, was not only exceptionally famous and popular, but was also an exceptionally handsome man.

> but being red pill is accepting the world for what it is, no what you want it to be.

I absolutely agree, which is why it is time for you to grow up and accept that there isn't a set of "skills" nor routines nor magic tricks nor pseduopsychology that can make women attracted to you. This is a complete fantasy, one that was started by men who were all involved prior in pyramind scheme and MLM scamming.


the science roundly disagrees. Women are not only just as physically orientated as men, they are in fact, more selective when it comes to physical attractiveness than men are, largely because they can afford to be.

>> No.14267844

what the fuck does that mean

>> No.14268013

this guy thinks game doesn't exist lol

>> No.14268041

posting in this retarded shit thread to get it closer to the bump limit.

p.s. w*men are fucking gay

>> No.14268108


It doesn't. Santa Claus and the Easter bunny aren't real either, in case you were still confused about that too.

"game" is a numbers game. And the more physically attractive you are, the better your success ratio will be.

Between the well documented scammer origins of PUA, the massive amounts of scandals over the years involving fraud, hired actresses/models and scripted "infields", the failure of supposedly master PUAs to get even bottom of the barrel women in non scripted situations (jeffy and the fat hooker episode comes to mind immediately), and so on, you would have to be incredibly dumb or extremely naive to still believe in PUA in 2019.

>> No.14268498

>the science roundly disagrees. Women are not only just as physically orientated as men, they are in fact, more selective when it comes to physical attractiveness than men are, largely because they can afford to be.

Whatever you say, I just know and have known so many ugly men that get laid often. Like objectively ugly. Women are not logical, if you can tap into their emotions you can easily get laid. I was a dirty skater kid in high school and i fucked a ton of cute emo chicks. I was fortunate to go to one of the largest high schools in the US, so there were a million different social circles to interact with.

>> No.14268520

I can only find a bunch of links to russian websites, I ain't clicking on that shit so good luck.

>> No.14268532

>I just know and have known so many ugly men that get laid often. Like objectively ugly

no you dont. Curious how literally EVERYONE on the internet claims to know this yet no one can ever provide a single example of an objectively ugly guy who has hot women in his life. Its not the 90s and bbs boards anymore, you all have social media accounts, it would be trivial to prove this, if it existed on any consistent basis. Point of fact, it doesn't. Objectively ugly men struggle massively to get partners, this is obvious even to normies. A large percentage of them will not reproduce.

> Women are not logical, if you can tap into their emotions you can easily get laid.

attraction isnt a logical process. It is not conscious. It is about as subject to concious control as the fight or flight response is. E.g not at all, which is why your heart reat and perspiration increases even when you try your absolute hardest to convince yourself and others that you're not scared.

> I was a dirty skater kid in high school and i fucked a ton of cute emo chicks.

no you didn't. You're a dork with stunted social development lying to anonymous strangers on a chinese imageboard, not even to convince them, but to convince yourself! Guys who were good with women from an early age don't seek out PUA, its kind of obvious.

>> No.14269594

>t is time for you to grow up and accept that there isn't a set of "skills" nor routines nor magic tricks nor pseduopsychology that can make women attracted to you
Yeah, well, PUA stuff worked for me and continues to work. Your anonymous theorizing doesn't mean shit to me. It's equally naive to assume that it literally doesn't matter at all which words come out of your mouth. Consider the difference in these openings:
>hey, I want to ask you guys something, but I only have a minute before I have to get back to my friends....
>hey, can I please ask you guys something? I'll only be a minute, then I'll stop bothering you
All other things being equal, which of these lines would have a higher success rate?
By the way, every single PUA book on the planet will tell guys to hit the gym, groom themselves and get good clothes, even if those things are not the primary focus of the book. It blows my mind how guys like you will argue with actual results I have experienced for myself, as if whatever you post on 4chan will make me doubt my own lived experiences.

>> No.14269784

This thread is really cringe. Now I can't take this board seriously anymore

>> No.14270183


>> No.14270253



>> No.14270567

This guy literally think that David laid would have more success with girls than Donald Trump. Do you know that guys who are not celebrities still have to game women quite a lot in order to sleep with them?

>> No.14270616

>Between the well documented scammer origins of PUA, the massive amounts of scandals over the years involving fraud, hired actresses/models and scripted "infields", the failure of supposedly master PUAs to get even bottom of the barrel women in non scripted situations (jeffy and the fat hooker episode comes to mind immediately), and so on, you would have to be incredibly dumb or extremely naive to still believe in PUA in 2019.
This sounds like denial. If you have an exceptional physique, but talk like an autist, you won't get much results. It seems you don't have a nice physique, nor are you a smooth talker.
>Objectively ugly men struggle massively to get partners, this is obvious even to normies. A large percentage of them will not reproduce.
I know a guy in he wheelchair who he married to a pretty women. He is a good musician and is very charismatic. What's your excuse? Oh yeah, you look like shit, and you talk like shit. You post shit also. Is there anything good you can do in life? Or do you just whine all the time that things are unfair?
>Guys who were good with women from an early age don't seek out PUA, its kind of obvious.
What's wrong with more quality women?
Oh like you did before?