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14239312 No.14239312 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck I just realized, in the kybalion, in the passage that talks about the folley of attempting to show a race of barbarians the order of the truth only capable of understood only by the elect who can advance along the path. In the mids of persecution lead by hearts of pure love and honesty, the misguided souls thinking that they could teach the words of wisdom to the masses.attempting to publicly enforce laws to the heathen hence bringing backlash in the form of murder, crucifiction, hanging ect….

who does that sound like to you? was moses and the prophets in the old/new testament misguided souls attempting to rebel? can someone link to a unedited version of the old testament. hope I just caused your mind to unfold. thanks,

>> No.14239532
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Origin of Christianity – The Piso Flavian Dynasty

What Is Reality? The Holofractal Universe

>> No.14239537

What does Osho say about Guenon?

>> No.14239557

>can someone link to a unedited version of the old testament

>> No.14239573

>I read some heretical occult mumbo jumbo and it tricked me into thinking the bible is evil

>> No.14239581
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>B-b-b-but muh Nicea council
>m-muh trinity
>G-g-gnostics had satanic child sex orgies

>> No.14239584

Hermes was a doomer and Jesus was a bloomer.

>> No.14239589
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>Jesus is the God of the Old Testament

>> No.14239590


jesus also told us not to cast pearls before swine, but good realization nevertheless

>> No.14239596

bible is not evil, I definitely should not have worded it like that,

the prophets being the messengers they are, ( jesus, moses, abraham ) probably are delivering words from Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος himself you stoopid fucking MUSLIM

jesus tried delivering words of truth, gets crucified by his own people omm >>14239573
at least try understanding what it is neanderthal or be subject to hell I don't care mhm

>> No.14239604

hey leave Islam alone, Sufis are the most based Occultists there are

>> No.14239606

Lol, gnosticism, the actual living tradition of gnosticism, has been wiped off the face of the planet and no longer exists. You're just playing archeologist trying to put together what you think they believed (often from Christian sources), which you can't know to begin with given that various aspects were secret and only transmitted within the living chain when it existed. There is no such thing as gnosticism anymore.

>> No.14239610

>jesus tried delivering words of truth, gets crucified by his own people omm
Is this supposed to be a criticism of Jesus? You have no comprehension at all of Christian theology.

>> No.14239615


yikes, one step forward, two steps back

>> No.14239616

>Thinking I use any Orthodox christian sources like Irenaeus to get knowledge of Gnosticism

bruh. Gnosticism is alive and well. But we dont cast pearls before swine

>> No.14239620

what other things from oprah's book club have you read?

>> No.14239626

Kybalion is garbage compared to the Corpus Hermetica. have you even read it?

>> No.14239628

look the words arn't supposed to be taken literally. your not supposed to say " hey if you dont touch this silver lining here your not going to heaven"


im not criticizing lord and savior jesus christ ok you monkey. the point of hermeticism isn't to get you to believe a certain way.

I think I understand why you think i'm criticizing him though?

>> No.14239629

It doesn't matter what sources you use. Please identify any living tradition of gnosticism that traces back to the ancient world. The only one is the Mandaeans, but their theology was reconstructed in the 19th century after all of their priests died in a cholera outbreak. The Kybalion you referenced earlier was written 100 years ago in Chicago by people who don't have access to anything different than what you do. You and everything you believe is a fucking joke.

>> No.14239653


the only thing i'm criticizing is your repugnant tone, i'm not even the same person who mocked you. you just sound very childish

>> No.14239654

dude can you stop this is not funny ok your being offensive

>> No.14239661

Dont need an organization to confirm my beliefs. Its like saying you need to be part of an organization to believe in a specific school of philosophy

>> No.14239662

Christian mingle dot com still a thing ?

>> No.14239664

I was insulting you, not making a joke.

>> No.14239668

And I'm telling you that the only "school of philosophy" you possess is something reconstructed from fragmentary and hostile evidence by people who have no access to it in any living form and have no access to any secret doctrine.

>> No.14239670

>What are the Nag Hammadi Scriptures
>What is Pistis Sophia

>> No.14239681

>what are the dead sea scrolls
>what is apocryphal wisdom literature

>> No.14239693

It's like I'm talking to a brick wall. Not all gnostic teaching is written down. It is transmitted in secret from priests or elders to those who are initiated. You do not possess this and never will.

>> No.14239697

damn you redpilled me daddy

>> No.14239710

link link

>> No.14239731

Not that its worth Arguing with a subhuman Hylic, but , being a universal teaching, the core teachings of Gnosis (and masters of it) still exist in Other religions. Such as Advaita Vedanta Hinduism and Sufi Islam.
And the written scriptures like the Corpus Hermetica and the Tao Te Ching also contain similar knowledge

>> No.14239745


>Duude Gnostic texts dont exist anymore lmao