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/lit/ - Literature

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14238413 No.14238413 [Reply] [Original]

>Despite all the sexual problems that Martial diagnosed, he nevertheless believed that celibacy makes you unhappy. In XI, 56, he criticises a Stoic whose austere claims to virtue make him grumpy and, therefore, inclined to praise death and despise life. Martial ridicules the philosopher's acts of self-deprivation (no fire in the hearth, no straw on the bed) as mere vanity, delusions of high-mindedness. With a pitiless thrust of tempting logic, Martial proposes that if the Stoic were to go to bed (and not just to a strawless pallet) with a rosy-lipped serving boy, he would not only begin to take new pleasure in life but would even pray for greater longevity than Nestor's. Martial's clinching contribution to Stoical debate is that it is all too easy to be dismissive about life when things are working out badly for you ('Rebus in angustis facile est contemnere vitam').

Have sex.
t. Martial

>> No.14238428

He sounds like he really could have benefited from Hubbard's work.
Start with Dianetics and then take it from there.

>> No.14238976

> self deprivation
This shit makes you strong and disciplined. It builds character and virtue. It’s the difference between a boy and a Man.

Seethe, you queer.

>> No.14239009

Where to find rosey lipped serving boy bf

>> No.14239015
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>This shit makes you strong and disciplined. It builds character and virtue. It’s the difference between a boy and a Man.

>Seethe, you queer.

>> No.14239047

The real message is to fuck twinks

>> No.14239095
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> copies my post
> still misses the point

>> No.14239225

Does this mean it's okay for me to lose my virginity to a prostitute?