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14238332 No.14238332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you talk philosophy with family members?


>> No.14238340

No, but we shitpost during supper

>> No.14238347

>leftists still say they aren't a religious movement

>> No.14238349

All the time, my father studied at a monestary, dropping out in his final term before entering the priesthood, likes to talk about metaphysics primarily, particularly when he has had a few to drink

>> No.14238350

God, no, my family thinks I’m enough of a failure as it is

>> No.14238360

I don't even talk about my school or life with my parents. I love them but they really don't understand anything. I have to say things like "well, we read the textbook and then the professor asks us questions about it in class." This is the only thing of substance I can get across. Of course this is probably due to my own inability to explain things clearly but it's a challenge.

>> No.14238366

>not using packing cubes
it was all over before it even began

>> No.14238367

The joke being she's not packing something nice for thanksgiving im assuming.
So this twitter thot is acknowledging shes a pain in the ass? Is this self reflection?
How close is she to realizing shes the problem?

>> No.14238379

Yeah, my dad is proud I like theology and he enjoys hearing me explain what i learn. I mostly talk about fiction with my mom though

>> No.14238397


Your father's feelings are wrong, and your presumptive happiness in this aspect of your relationship with your father is also misplaced. *tips*

>> No.14238404

>Pro science
>Decolonize your bookshelf ?????????????????

>> No.14238414

Isn't it weird how people that hold no basis for an objetive morality still act as if they did? What do they hold to be absolute good? feeling good, being nice? Do they not see how they are walking on arbitrary principles under their own ideology?

>> No.14238430
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Why are women like this

>> No.14238436
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They're wicked, manipulative snakes.
*glomps you* :3

>> No.14238451


>> No.14238452

It's almost as if modern morality is a complex concept built of what works over thousands years of history, philosophy and scientific development and can't be resumed to magic santa Claus said it so.

>> No.14238455

Please, for the love of god, can we ask Hiroshimoot to make twitter posting an automatic permaban?

>> No.14238457
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>pro science

>> No.14238475

Modern morality is about as stable as 3 legged horse. The moral zietgeist has flipped dozens of times since the last world war.

>> No.14238477

what would decolonizing your bookshelf look like? In my case (canadian) getting rid of all literature written here by non indigenous authors dating to the 15th century. Or do I go back farther all the way to early french and british literature?

>> No.14238493

Literally agreeing to what I said.

>> No.14238506


So you are basically saying that if it works then it's good? Sit man, maybe /pol/ is right and we should've killed every minority by now.

>> No.14238517

I sometimes teach my mom fascist philosophy, but she's a dumb cunt.

>> No.14238521

Whats the test?

>> No.14238531

My dad tries to out-do me every time we talk philosophy or he undermines everything he says, he's an executive at a large company and thinks he knows everything because of this. And every time I tell my mom what I'm reading she complains about me reading only books by dead white men, so I told her I read Memoirs from Hadrian by a woman and she said she meant something more modern. She only reads self-help and YA fiction.

>> No.14238534

no icky white men

>> No.14238539

>everything he say
Everything I say I meant.

>> No.14238549

Society is a reactionary beast. We had to get many things wrong like absolutism, slavery, genocide to realize it was bad. That's literally what shaped modern society today. Humans are complex and will never get anything right by shutting their mouths and be complacent.

>> No.14238563

If you dont castrate yourself you fail

>> No.14238587

You have set a bar for what modernity considers to be morally good: whatever works. Therefore it follows that the end justifies the means, you could easily justify just about anything under that logic. There would be nothing too abhorrent or sick. How is this a morality at all?

>> No.14238608

Why didnt your hotshot father beat your whore mother when she defamed her own heritage

>> No.14238613
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no because no one listen to me, I'm too quiet and everybody is talking out loud with vapid conclusions about
>muh trump muh crazy usa

>> No.14238629

You're implying morality wasn't fluid since the beginning of time. I'm talking about reality and you're talking about ideals not even you can achieve. There's no true moral just self-imposed one.

>> No.14238638

Because my dad is Jewish.

>> No.14238640

The real crime is those shoes.

>> No.14238645
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This is why jews must he destroyed. They view themselves outside the western tradition are its perpetual fifth columnists

>> No.14238647

You appear to be suggesting modern morality was built over 1000s of years. Im suggesting that modern morals only care about as far back as one generation

>> No.14238655

i want to fuck her

>> No.14238657

Post your moms insta

>> No.14238661

Implying any of what we're living would be happening without the Greeks developing critical thinking, it's all cumulative from there on.

>> No.14238670

So its the greeks fault we have tranny story time at my local library

>> No.14238678

You should make the effort to convey this with your family so they don't think you're growing apart from them or they're doing something wrong :)

>> No.14238703

Anon, if you can't link the changes happening since the ancient world to the enlightement and french revolution, to the world wars and then modernity, I'm afraid there's no worth considering your opinion at all. You don't even know why the world is how it is. That's sad

>> No.14238739

The greeks have as much effect on transgenderism as the 4th domino has on the 400th. The effect is not cumulative. To argue about what the butterfly effect of if the nazi's won or if kennedy wasnt asssasinated doesnt change the fact that most zoomers' morals are a product of their time.

>> No.14238894

Do people really do this shit or was it just a photo-op for twitter likes?

>> No.14239013


Yes. I have thought about this a lot and my conclusion is unironically that most people just never question it. They take the views of their own society, make some own judgements but never ask why or seek any kind of basis for their views.

For example people who say that it would be right for humans to go extinct for the sake of the environment. It would seem like this kind of view would have some deep and heavy considerations and systems of thought behind it but no, they just say it as lightly as it was nothing. The idea of a foundation for your thoughts is foreign to most people. This is why I find the "X thing BAD" meme so funny, it is so accurate.

>> No.14239042

Explain why slavery is wrong, without appealing to Christian or crypto-Christian teaching.

>> No.14239081

>Pro Trans
>Pro Science

Does not compute

>> No.14239115


You again just state that some things are bad, but what does it even mean that something is bad, and what determines it?

>> No.14239117

>We had to get many things wrong like absolutism, slavery, genocide to realize it was bad
It's hilarious how unaware of your own moral language you are. The other anons are right.

>> No.14239126

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.14239128

Most people grow out of this stage of edginess around age 18-19. It seems that for contemporary Western people though this stage stretches well into the late 30s.

>> No.14239129

One should simply ensure that your own people's labor is fulfilled completely. If a single member of your people is unemployed and yet you are mass employing slaves then this is a direct attack against your people in favor of open borders globalism.

>> No.14239133

I am sure, somewhere, some unfortunate parents have to deal with their single unmarried feminist 30-something year old daughter who behaves worse than the children sitting around the table. I can't imagine this individual is even remotely sane, let alone competent enough to actually carry a conversation.

>> No.14239149


>> No.14239163

>All the time, my father studied at a monestary, dropping out in his final term before entering the priesthood, likes to talk about metaphysics primarily, particularly when he has had a few to drink
I am eastern european, but you reminded me of the time my father in law got drunk on christmas and started telling people the bible says blacks are actual animals. He s a sailor so he interacted quite a lot with them

>> No.14239336

Behold, the most correct post in an outrage bait thread.

>> No.14239419

Kind of want that Decolonize Your Bookshelf shirt...

>> No.14239429
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>> No.14239440

because we allowed them to do so

>> No.14239453

You have autism. Next!

>> No.14239458

>introversion equals autism

>> No.14239468

decolonize ur anus

>> No.14239477

I wonder how many merely indifferent family members she flips to Trump with this stuff.

>> No.14239491

Yes, with one of my brothers. He’s quite intelligent, though not as formally educated. I’ll admit he’s far more technically and mechanically inclined than I though.

>> No.14239502

>decolonize your bookshelf
Is the idea that you’re a literal racist if you only own eastern lit

>> No.14239510

>pro hoe

>> No.14239514

Yes, I win every time
Last Christmas I got my parents liberal friends to admit they have no strong argument against me being able to say nigga

>> No.14239521

Not to mention that evolutionary biology can be used to argue for ethnonationalism much more easily than any other system because tribalism is an integral part of zoological processes

>> No.14239526

People really make it a goal to LE DUNK on their unwoke parents and family members? I see this kind of shit every thanksgiving. Sounds annoying having one of these things in your family. Arguing at gatherings i doubt changes any minds

>> No.14239533
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Seems like a very small vibrator. Lying attention whore

>> No.14239536

based anon fighting the good fight

>> No.14239667

see >>14239128

>> No.14239910
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You know you are doing the exact inverse of what the person in the OP is doing, idiot.

>> No.14239915

The pro hoe movement makes little sense to me. They are proud of being pumped and dumped then get mad men dont care about their feelings or whatever?

>> No.14239942

have sex, ink well

>> No.14239947

> Pro hoe
Good, I needed someone to do something with those weeds.

>> No.14239983

My father is of working class background and my mother is a woman.
What do you think?

>> No.14239995

That doesn't work, though
Any society that attempted such a thing would collapse into dust

>> No.14240078

>absolutism bad
epic reddit moment

>> No.14240142

>Isn't it weird how people that hold no basis for an objetive morality still act as if they did? What do they hold to be absolute good? feeling good, being nice? Do they not see how they are walking on arbitrary principles under their own ideology?

I think about this a lot.
They say that "there is no objective morality" but they don't really belive it. They do believe in a form of morality and they are very absolute about it. I think the "there is no objective morality" is mostly rhetorics to deny the opinion of those that disagree with them.
They say "there is no objective morality" if they are arguing with a Christian who says adultery is bad. But they will certainly change their "opinion" on objective morality if someone says "I will not call a MTF transgender a woman".

And I wonder what is the "good" for them. In their view, pleasure is certainly the highest one (and again, if someone defends temperance, you will see how far their "there is no objective morality" goes), but there are others.

>> No.14240153

Science says race is obsolete actually

>> No.14240169

>reading the oppressors of the east
Familiarise yourself with african-american and other oppressed people my brother.

>> No.14240196

Because you are an ideologue

>> No.14240204

Not true. Racist studies like this ignore all the factors that lead to low IQs. Change these factors and IQ would rise/decrease.

>> No.14240206

Yeah I go down the list of Hitchenisms I've listened from my years of debates and lectures to btfo my dad whenever he decides to bring up God and he just goes back to his room head down with a disappointed look on his face

>> No.14240225

It really doesn't. We run into problems with race all the time in medicine, we're just not allowed to call it that for political reasons.

Here's a good example, it's illegal to take racial statistics in France, but you can guess what France's minority population is just by looking at the rate of sickle cell anemia is in the youth population, because it overwhelmingly occurs in black people.

(Hint: At least 20% of France's under-30s are African)

>> No.14240364

My mother is a crypto-jungian while my father lacks any and all interest in the divine/esoteric.
There are some interesting Sunday brunches with that combination.

>> No.14240583


>> No.14240609

t. braindead ideologue. you only look to pseudoscience to justify your braindead ideology. when actual science btfos your world view you cry like a baby.

>> No.14240631


>> No.14240654

>you need to be religious to be a moral realist
Based illiterate retard

>> No.14240688

Yes I'm glad they divorced so the bomb making for amateur anarchists and the running the numbers on how many government institutions need to fail before total anarchy conversations were not the same Thanksgiving. Here's to hearing mom's plan to obstruct voting for this year over turkey. I get to spend Christmas at dad's hearing about how the Christians can't even agree on their own calendar for four hours then. I told them I was a mereological nihilist and therefore always with them and everyone else at fifteen and it's probably saved me from going to court as often as my siblings have

>> No.14240780
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>> No.14240824

ah yes, the old
>without God, morals would devolve into murder and rape!

>> No.14240832

the person you're responding to is correct, which makes your "cope" the cope
>inb4 reply

>> No.14240843

I think "Decolonize your bookshelf" really just means stop reading shitty men like Junot Diaz, Ezra Pound, and Rudyard Kipling (white man's burden).

>> No.14240851

is this what false-flagging looks like?

>> No.14240865

>then get mad
both of these are virgin resentment turned-projection

>> No.14240884

>we run into problems with race all the time in medicine
I'm not sure where the problem is. You ran out of sickle cell treatments? Maybe you should update your country.

>> No.14240889

It's because we don't have tribal adulthood rituals anymore. Normally a boy or a girl has a solid set initiation to become a man/woman. Now we have a prolonged adolescence because different cultures have arbitrary ages set as "adult" instead of some sort of qualifying feat

>> No.14240893

the biggest problem we run into is treating the black population as a whole as if they are adults/mentally capable of becoming adults
this has had disastrous results across the globe

>> No.14240944

What was your argument?

>> No.14240984

Why would absolutism be good? An oligarchy seems better than that shit.

>> No.14240991

I dont talk with family at all

>> No.14241006

There are not races, there is only clines.

>> No.14241084


>> No.14241093


>> No.14241219

We are currently slipping towards sexualizing children, rape and murder are not too far fetched. the slippery slope is very real and we will all suffer its concequences

>> No.14241241

Get out of your own ass no we aren't.

>> No.14241273

Have you heard of a little kid known as lactatia? Tell me if publishing a kid like that just a decade ago wouldn't have caused major outrage. What modern Leftists have been calling "progress" has been nothing but the embodiment of what they mocked as slippery slope fallacy.

>> No.14241304

What is wrong with white women.

>> No.14241319

>even caring about IQ in Anno Domini 2019
You are right that IFLS people are cringe though

>> No.14241339

this here

>> No.14241406

Which is good

>> No.14241419

Yes but then complain there are no good men and that birth control makes them depressed or whatever

>> No.14241451

shut the fuck up nigger/roastie

>> No.14241517

>his mother is a woman
Your dad gay or something?

>> No.14241614


>> No.14241660

>Thinks that scishow is equivalent to decades of statistics and studies

Huh, I thought /lit/ was an intelligent board. I guess not

>> No.14241663

Everything he said is agreed upon. Your views are outdated and you cling to them because you are an ideologue.

>> No.14241693

>Thinking science, especially anything related to categorization, isn't inherently ideological

You're both ideologues.

>> No.14241697

>Everything he said is agreed upon. Your views are outdated and you cling to them because you are an ideologue.
By you and by other ideologues like yourself. People walked around believing in God for thousands of years. This is nothing more than another mass cultural delusion that our children will look back upon in shame.

Children trans lap dancers really? How the fuck do you sleep after defending them.

>> No.14241715

Sex is on a spectrum. It is agreed upon in the scientific community. You are obviously a resentful person get some help.

>> No.14241750

>Sex is on a spectrum. It is agreed upon in the scientific community
And apparently that spectrum includes pedophilia for you. You are the one who needs to get help clearly. Stop just believing everything you read. Think critically about it because if you are seriously fine with castrating children because of their parents beliefs then you are one sick individual.

Sex is a spectrum of who you are sexually attracted to and some people are fucking mentally ill and are attracted to children. I just hope you never have children who grow to resent you for the mistakes you will make due to your sick ideology.

>> No.14241759

>decolonize your bookshelf

How do these types reconcile 4chan-types liking Mishima, Kawabata, or hell, even Murasaki Shikibu? She's neither white nor a man. Why don't we get a cookie for that? How about the Pillow Book lady?

>> No.14241760

Stop indulging in ideology and get help to get rid of your resentment. Bye.

>> No.14241766

No it doesn’t, in fact even discounting any possible superior racial characteristics, behavioural biology still makes the case for racism and ethnonationalism
t. Biologist

>> No.14241805
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You literally cannot counter that forcing children on hormones and castrating them is wrong because it is wrong.

No one gives a fuck about adult trannies because they are adults, you can do what you want to your own body, that's your business. You want to believe in Santa or God, go for it, but when you start trying to literally induct children into a mentally ill cycle of internal hate and homophobia that makes up the trans movement, you have gone too far.

>> No.14242105

behavioural biology makes the case for me to hit you with a stone and fuck your holes because i am larger than you

>> No.14242151

Yes It does. Behavioral biology makes the case that all racists, ethnonationalists, and anyone that posts on /pol/ should be euthanized.
t. real biologist

>> No.14242161

Not really, no. Behavioural biology would inform you why a largely cooperative species has come to develop certain normative standards that would lead to the ostracization of anyone who behaved like that.

>> No.14242172

No one is putting children on hormones. The most that they are put on is hormone blockers which are harmless and can back to where you were before when you get off them. You are misinformed, indulge in ideology, and are full of resentment. Get help.

>> No.14242175

lol hand in your degree

>> No.14242179

thanks so you admit im right>>14242151

>> No.14242180

Japs dont count for them usually

>> No.14242204

>The most that they are put on is hormone blockers which are harmless and can back to where you were before when you get off them.
Yes, which is why it is everything but harmless to put pubescent or prepubescent children on them.

The statement that no one is putting children on hormones but merely on hormone blockers is just fan fiction, by the way.

>> No.14242206
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>> No.14242220

It requires a modicum of self-awareness that most people do not possess.

>> No.14242230

Are they not nonwhites? Why don't they count?

>> No.14242232

I'm not that guy you were arguing with, and I don't care to get involved in your retarded race and politics nonsense. I responded only to the tired old "behavioral biology = might makes right" talking point, because I'm very, very sick of it.

>> No.14242239

>Get help
Classic psychoanalytic slide to try and make your opposition out to appear to possess a kind of neurosis. It's overdone and inefficient.

>No one is putting children on hormones.
There are cases. A quick Google search brings you a bunch of articles on the subject for example. The reality is of course this is all just an extension of the sick parents who probably should have never reproduced to begin with, or who were brainwashed by Frankfurt School tier psychology (which is 100% politically based and dismissed by scientists, but Critical Theorists don't care because they are against empirical data outright).

>> No.14242321

You're both fucking gay.
t. Bill Nye the science guy

>> No.14242341

My granddad once bought a Serbian translation of Freud's collected works at the markets in Novi Sad which he studied each night after working the fields, so yeah we talk Freud

>> No.14242404

>pro science
Yet they'll shit on physics for being 90% male, white and Asian

>> No.14242426
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>My dad tries to out-do me every time we talk philosophy or he undermines everything he says, he's an executive at a large company and thinks he knows everything because of this.

>> No.14242472

you are well aware that this is an understatement bordering on total misrepresentation of what 'decolonization' refers to

>> No.14242480

>introversion is poor social skills

>> No.14242498
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But, we already had thanksgiving?

>> No.14242597

My sister's been reading Kierkegaard for one of her classes this semester, so we've been talking about that a bit. She's pretty open when it comes to that stuff, I'm proud of her.

I'd like to be able to talk with my Dad about philosophy, but he's one of those people who can't really form cohesive thoughts or arguments beyond what Maddow tells him on MSNBC.

>> No.14242670

this is a horrible feeling. try not to reduce your father to his politics too much--although I understand the difficulty of doing this when he himself makes this his foremost interest. When you speak to him about philosophy, try to refer back to the abstract. When he brings up politics, consider playing dumb and say that your interest is ideas. You can even throw him a bone this way if you remain general enough, by saying you don't identify with 'the extremes'. say this even or especially if that is not exactly true, since he is a maddow viewer he may identify with this and you can go from there after you've neutralized the part of him that wants to relate everything to what is topical

>> No.14242689

I try to insert it in conversation sometimes, but no one really cares desu.

>> No.14242733

No, I did when I was in high school and they had me see a psychiatrist.

>> No.14242747

Thanks, anon, that's good advice. I've done it a bit before, but maybe I can put it into practice. He's a good guy, I love him, obviously, he's my Dad. But it gets exhausting trying to comb through all the normie-tier bullshit most people swallow up and then try to vomit out and pass off as conversation. If they're fine doing that, that's great, but it gets tiring after a while. I think that's why my sister and I have actually gotten closer, because we enjoy talking about ideas and philosophy and books and stuff, and our conversations aren't solely limited to pop media/news.

>> No.14242753

Based but do you really believe that the exception is noteworthy?

>> No.14243281

Yes it does, minus the fucking part and add that you would take my resources, I’m not a woman so you don’t really gain anything from fucking me
The fact that it is a zoological principle for an animal to care more for those animals it is most closely related to (ie children, immediate family) at the expense of those it is less related to (other ‘tribes’, race for the sake of our argument) is clearly expressed in humans, as can be seen with things ranging from parental care to nepotism, and it is almost certainly the underlying biological cause of racism.
This doesn’t mean we should do these things, I still think genocide is wrong but my morality has non-scientific underpinnings; my point was that a true scientism run society would espouse these principles based on there naturalistic basis and so would be extremely tribalistic and probably ethnonationalistic.

How would you argue for destruction of ethnobationalists from a BIOLOGICAL point of view?

>> No.14243294

No one cares, shut up.

>> No.14243318
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>n-no one cares, heh what a great argument

>> No.14244268

>Talked philosophy and politics with my younger brother.
>Father sometimes joined in.
>Discussions went on for a long time and often went off the rails.
>Mother always got exasperated.
Good times.