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14236547 No.14236547 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read the meme trilogy yet?

>> No.14236573
File: 275 KB, 1862x902, philosophy meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have.
Also Zarathustra is his worst book.

>> No.14236574
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just need to finish up D&R
it's good, but anti-oedipus was more fun

>> No.14236629
File: 155 KB, 991x499, 1AB2577D-3F0E-4477-B4FB-55B587B48C58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay list. Whitehead is as much a meme as Guenon and actually reading Marx is only for tankies.

>> No.14236649

No I didn't read Stirner but I will eventually because it will make the German Ideology a better read
that meme triggers me because all those quotes are from ATP

>> No.14236652

>Posts Badiou and Zizek
Opinion disregarded. Whitehesd and Marx are great.

>> No.14236654
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Logic of Sense is the best of both worlds!

>> No.14236655

You have my attention

>> No.14236667

True meme trilogy is Tractatus, Being and Time, and Philosophical Investigations.

>> No.14236668
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>> No.14236677

Do it! It's pretty dope for a meme.

>> No.14236694

Whitehead and Marx are food. But IJ and Ulysses and GR have a certain meme quality which they comparatively lack. These books are more memey.
Memes must be working then.

>> No.14236710

*are good.

>> No.14236741
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>> No.14236752


>> No.14236758
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>> No.14236781
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What about contemporary philosophy?

>> No.14236789

Cringe and bluepilled
Based and redpilled

>> No.14236796
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I saved that one

>> No.14236813

replace the Tractatus with The Sickness Unto Death and you'd be right

>> No.14236824
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the modernist philisophical novel trilogy

>> No.14236835

Calasso is great, aesthetics of other two are lacking, though I certainly love Lucretius, how attached are we to the secondary work? 6/10. Could be reworked.

>> No.14237225
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>> No.14237240
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Yeah, I have

>> No.14237347 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, BD396894-F8C6-4125-921F-F4A02CF10648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secondary? The essays that delve i to De Rerum Natura? There’s so many translations, I think the thoroughness of it would clarify any one of the various translators idiosyncrasies. I read a similar book on the hymn to Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries
But who outdoes Winckelmann on this subject? I know it’s rather old, but the perspective alone I’ve gathered (Pater and Goethe) sounds intriguing

>> No.14237361
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, FA8C0C2C-308A-4D27-8181-B41EBA6186D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secondary? The essays that delve into De Rerum Natura? There’s so many translations, I think the thoroughness of it would clarify any one of the various translators idiosyncrasies. I read a similar book on the hymn to Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries

But who outdoes Winckelmann on this subject? I know it’s rather old, but the perspective alone I’ve gathered (Pater and Goethe) sounds intriguing.
I think they compliment each other well. All Greek through Western eyes as it is

>> No.14237369

>Marx is for tankies
>posts Badiou

>> No.14237904

pretty sure all three would beat you to death for that take
what a dreadful irony

>> No.14238011

What the fuck is it with you guys posting Nietzsche's inferior works when Geneology is obviously his magnum opus?

>> No.14238016

It’s not the meme trilogy unless it’s the spook translation, sorry

>> No.14238086

It’s all in the Portable anyway.

>> No.14239196

I want to put my finger in your pooper while you eat my gf's pucci

>> No.14239840

How about I take your gf away from you instead