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14236286 No.14236286 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a Christian. I can't take Yeshua as a saviour. Only G-d can forgive sins imo. BUT i do think Yesh was (H)is greatest prophet and feel a strong connection with him. Books for this feel?

Bonus questions: how do you pray? What words and physical positions do you put yourself in? When? How often?

I honestly just feel like disregarding all forms of orthodoxy and creating my own belief system. There are things i feel are necessary, such as daily prayer (at fixed times- maybe), charity, fasting, neighbourliness, respecting the personal contract of marriage and refraining from wasting seed (not a serious issue but I think (H)e wanted the sons of Abraham to undergo circumcision for a reason), rememberance (somewhat like mantra recitation), doing good works in G-d's name. I also like the idea of holy days and would like to included them in my life somehow but I dont really know how or why? (For instance something interesting I thought would be doing a fasting period like Ramadan but as a tribute to Yeshua's period in the wilderness- when to do this though? The date doesn't really matter though I guess).

Extra credit question: share some of your favourite verses from bible? Share your thoughts on messianism?

Thanks anons. May our Lord guide and bless us.

>> No.14236330
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My favourite verse is probably psalm 23 which leads into my thoughts on messianism. It says (23:5) "You anoit my head with oil", it seems the implication, at least to me, is that we should all think of ourselves as anoited ones. We should all strive to do the Lord's work and make a place for (H)im on earth and try to make (H)im proud. I.e. we should use the gifts (H)e has given us to be virtuous. This is as simple as "the only thing that is good in itself is a good will".

>> No.14236384

Extra extra questions. Have you heard of the "prophetic position" of meditation? Could anyone elaborate on it? What are your thoughts about the significance of physical positions during prayer? I've found that islamic style prostration is personally good, i.e. i feel like it helps me humble myself before G-d. Am i just letting materiality get in the way? I feel like physical positions help ground our awareness of our position within and as creation.

>> No.14236422

>I'm not a Christian. I can't take Yeshua as a saviour. Only G-d can forgive sins imo.
>May our Lord guide and bless us.
So what do you pray? How do you say a Glory Be or Hail Mary without praising the Son like the Father? So far it seems you are simply Jewish.

>Books for this feel?
The New Testament. You may also enjoy Popular Patristics' St. Athanasius On The Incarnation. Or Harnack's Marcion if you want to examine some of the early controversy about the person of Jesus. Or as another anon has serendipitously brought up, Wilken's Christians as the Romans Saw Them. Any of these will undoubtedly give you a perspective on Christ.

>Bonus questions: how do you pray? What words and physical positions do you put yourself in? When? How often?
Most days, but not every day. When I don't pray I honestly later recognize that I've been feeling terrible, I get caught up in the world and forget my purpose and foundation. I'll say evening prayers in bed before falling asleep. Several Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be, etc. A full rosary sometimes. During the day, I'll stop into the chapel and say a few prayers when I remember. Honestly the stress has been getting to me lately and I've neglected it.

>Am i just letting materiality get in the way?
A little.

>I feel like physical positions help ground our awareness of our position within and as creation.
You're not wrong. Kneeling is for lack of a better term a somatic component, a sign of penitence, to God and as a reminder to our own self. It can't be bad to quietly and privately express your contrition as best as or however you can.

Ultimately I'd say read what you want. Be good. I would say God will find you whether you reach for him or not, but you already revere God. In which case I would say Jesus will find you whether you reach for him or not. But that sounds presumptive. I can't help identifying with your position a little, I used to be somewhat the same way. I think it was a lack of humility on my part. A belief that I was wise. I was not.

>> No.14236428


>> No.14236525

I recite psalms and even al-fatiha. I like Nachman of Breslov's idea of hitdodedut, speaking directly and extemporaneously to G-d. I think jewish thought is probably where I'm closest to but it feels like it needs more structure. Idk. Obviously I cant be Jewish and I don't want to be. What are your thoughts on the beni noah idea?
I know this feel. I feel like i shed a whole lot of arrogance when I found faith- or (H)e returned me to the fold I should say. Dont get me wrong I don't consider myself wise either. Hence all the questions. So your a Catholic?

>> No.14236544

I'm a Muslim converted from Anglicanism, just on the fasting I think Jesus was fasting Ramadan and that it was called Lent and that the month became at a fixed time of the season if it already wasn't. Somebody told me that Lent became 40 days rather than the 29 or 30 of Ramadan because it became fixed, something like that.
I don't think you should consider starting your own system, you are not a prophet you should follow a prophet, I suppose if you're a Christian you could essentially do what you're thinking by founding a church but would it be different from the other churches and would that be necessary.
The vibe I'm getting is that you're a Jew that believes Jesus was a prophet, the messiah, but more in concordance with what Islam says about him but you're not Muslim either or yet or perhaps you are but don't accept it, I don't know but I hope that you don't take the temptation which Jesus did not take on the mountain after the fasting.

>> No.14236591

>So your a Catholic?
A bad one yeah. I was raised into it then left around adolescence like the majority of people my age. I only came back to the church a few years ago, and to God a few years before that. What is your religious background? What tradition were you raised in, if any?

>What are your thoughts on the beni noah idea?
Not familiar with it. If you mean keeping the laws of Noah, that's fine. Can't hurt someone who would have no faith otherwise. I believe the church is right about a universal call to holiness. God is calling us, always. We just forget to listen most of the time. And for some, gradually we hear the call more strongly and become oriented towards him as best we can. This can mean beginning thinking about spirituality at all, changes in ways faith is practiced, changing the nuances of our belief, or answering the call of the Lord truly and enthusiastically; a transformation of the heart, being born again as scripture says.

>> No.14236791

What is a prophet? A messanger of G-d is how I would answer. In so far as we take the message of one god (the god of Adam, Eve, Noah etc) to people who don't believe in (H)im, i think there will continue to be prophets until monotheism is in a global harmonious form. But, in so far as a prophet has to have a following, no we aren't prophets. Following a prophet doesn't necessarily mean joining a church, synagogue of mosque though imo, it means following their moral example imo.
You severely misunderstand Judaism if you think someone can be a jew based on what they believe. Its a matter of being born as one or following a strict conversion process. Besides i dont want to be a jew. 316 commandments is too much for me, as is 5 prayers a day starting at 4am. This is why i do incline towards beni noah but there doesn't seem to be room for appreciation of yeshua's teaching in that system of thought/worship.
I don't think yeshua is a messiah. I think, if a messiah does come, and its not just a concept we are meant to approximate our own behaviour towards, he will end war, rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (probably) and unify monotheism.
I'm a muslim in the sense I sumbit to G-d. I dont think mohammed is necessarily the last prophet though- i dont think he was as directly (or purely) a prophet as Jesus was.
Not raised anything. Pretty long "ideological journey" if you could call it that. I stated out as a lefty.
>beni noah
Yes. The covenant of the rainbow. Re read Genesis 9:8-19. It just doesn't have much elaboration. I dont think we need a church to relate to G-d. We just need to drop our arrogance- spit out the fruit that is poisoning us (i.e. the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil) - and remember (H)is omnipresence- hence the thing about rememberance (mantra) I said in the OP. How can you call yourself a monotheist and believe in the trinity?

>> No.14236906

>Not raised anything.
>I stated out as a lefty.
And now?

>We just need to drop our arrogance

>spit out the fruit that is poisoning us (i.e. the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil
Can you elaborate, how does a person abandon knowledge of good and evil? Seems to me like an attempt at henosis by submission to God, except you're not sure which doctrine (and therefore which practice) correctly represents God. You're mostly leaning towards Judaism but aren't of them. And correct me if I'm wrong but I detect a bit of gnostic belief here as well (the fruit of the tree), which is at odds with praising God at all. Is there any philosophical or moral ideal you can identify in your belief?

>How can you call yourself a monotheist and believe in the trinity?
Rudely put but I'll answer anyway because you seem like an honest seeker. Consubstantiality and the Council of Nicea. The Romans before this held their religious beliefs to be true because they were ancient; this is part of it, and probably most of the authority man can claim with regard to traditions. Catholicism is not only ancient and reveals the truth but also the good and beautiful. Divine origin is good enough for me.

>I'm a muslim in the sense I sumbit to G-d.
But that is not the whole of Islam. Catholics submit to God as well, don't you think? Or Jews, especially? Even Protestants and Baptists make a point of putting their lives and faith in God.

Anyway. I recommend you find a branch to settle on. You probably will in time as you read and understand more. Check out those books I mentioned. Don't let intellectual vanity and pride keep you away from sharing in the love of God with a community.

>> No.14237202
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page 8 bump

>> No.14237233
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hmm it's been a few minutes and it didn't bump and i didn't sage. fascinating.

>> No.14237624

Cringe as fuck thread. Neck yourself OP.
