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/lit/ - Literature

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14236225 No.14236225 [Reply] [Original]

>Sees my grandpa mentioned in a thread
He died a few years ago but people still care for his work. Feels good man.

>> No.14236230
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He'll never truly be dead, anon.

>> No.14236239

:^( That is not my grandpa.

>> No.14236242

Who is he?
If you can't say his name, at least give some hints as to the types of stories he wrote

>> No.14236254
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He is one of these. But mommy always told me not to give out personal info on the internet.

>> No.14236283

Waste of a thread. Yockey's grandson was here a while back and at least he said some stuff worth shit

>> No.14236650

>tfw thought no one probably would ever remember my great-great-great-great grandfather Florian Bochwic
>later learn he is considered the greatest Belarusian philosopher who's ever lived

>> No.14236700

>greatest Belarusian philosopher
How much competition does he have

>> No.14236754

>tfw come from serf stock so literally no one notable ever
Feels shit man

>> No.14236763

My old boss was Aldous Huxley’s granddaughter. There was a picture of them together in her office but she didn’t have a lot of memories of him.

>> No.14236778

Your grandfather is Thomas Pynchon and he is not dead.

>> No.14236803

My bf is Derrida's grandson AMA

>> No.14236809

Why are you gay?

>> No.14236812

How big is his dick?

>> No.14236820

you need to deconstruct it

>> No.14236938


>> No.14237088

My paternal grandpa was an amateur violin composer in the 1930s. I wish he would have stayed with it so I could be related to someone moderately famous.

>> No.14237099

Then be something your grandchildren can brag about and look up to on shitty forums like this one.

>> No.14237470

Kings and kingdoms will all pass away only GOD remains

>> No.14237483


>> No.14237493

Tell us whether he's in the top, middle, or bottom part

>> No.14237533

That's because I'm back again.

>> No.14237546

That's a good thing. Serfs are based

t. serf stock

>> No.14237556


>> No.14237559

Was this because I wrote BELLOWED in the said thread? That was not in reference to him.

>> No.14237617

Stephen Dixon

>> No.14237631

is he a /lit/ approved author or a redditor's idol?

>> No.14237670


>> No.14237769

*strikes Bellow from the list*

>> No.14237826

I am Nietzsche’s grandson


>> No.14237832

I am Jordan B Peterson’s daughter


>> No.14237834

My ancestry reads like a Dostoevsky novel and I think that’s even better. Bank robbers, murderers, gamblers, alcoholics, suicides, all in my blood. My great grandfather literally killed himself because he bet the farm and lost. He killed himself so he didn’t have to commit to the deal.

>> No.14237860

The only thing I've seen of him on Reddit is someone shitting on one of his books.

>> No.14238140

lmao based grandpa.

my ancestry was lost in the move to new world but my last name is pretty high class and has connections to very wealthy and powerful people. my american family are mostly fuckups: coal miners, welfare recipients, truckers and construction workers, christian extremists (not in the cool way), various white trash, more than a few scandals and lawbreakers, a couple who black sheep'd and became respectably wealthy.

>> No.14238185

>my last name is pretty high class and has connections to very wealthy and powerful people
Not to burst your bubble but there's a lot of this. If there's no proof don't get hung up on it, there's a possibility that your people were chased out or otherwise fucked off during some revolution or war or other.
The other thing is that to actually survive all the shit that went down in Europe for the 500 years or so is impressive on its own.

>> No.14238200
File: 3.54 MB, 4272x2848, c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see my book in the 21st century lit chart
>also think I'm of the few black authors that ever get mentioned around here

>> No.14238207

Did you clean your room today bucko?

>> No.14238213

Gonna take a wild guess and say Amiri Baraka.

>> No.14238267

The diamond league is only discussed for the meme

>> No.14238411

Don't say hurtful things anon, I've never heard of this book but I'm sure it has value or is pretty good otherwise it wouldn't even be mentioned here because worthless things are mentioned but once or not at all.

>> No.14238749

>tfw don't write or read anything but shitposts and reddit unironically
>still come here every day to call others plebs

>> No.14238971

Wait what? Yockey’s grandson? Archive link?

>> No.14238989

what if he's a boomer and his grandpa is like dickens or something

>> No.14238997

this is bait

>> No.14239411

how's your mustache growing?

>> No.14239422

Hello, Mr. Mathews